My contact arrived within a few hours. He was no older than 40, and had no tag on his shirt, so I couldn't learn his name. We shook hands, and he led me to a bar the lay nearby, so we could work out the deal. The Bar had been bought over by this man, as to keep any of his conversations there secret from the regime's forces, and the place we sat in was in a blind spot from regime cameras. We quietly sat down, and ordered our drinks.
He reached out his hand to me. "Hi! My name's Trak." I took his hand, and shook it. "ZN-990" I responded. He nodded. " Why don't you tell me what you're asking me to do." By this time, our drinks had arrived, and I took a drink out of mine. "You haven't been told?" I questioned. "I like to be surprised." He responded. I nodded. " I've been working on the project for quite a while." I said. “I’ve been looking for a place called The Free Worlds. Where all of this.” I motion to the nearby cameras. “Isn’t a thing.” He smiles, and nods. “I see. Well, I’ll be happy to bring you there. For a small price, of course.” He said, taking a sip. “What are you talking about?” I responded. “You don’t even know where they are." He smiled warmly. "Oh, trust me I do." He responded. "How?" I responded. "Because, I come from them."
"What?!" I replied. He shushed me, and pointed to the doors. Some soldiers had entered the bar, and the barkeeper was trying to stall them. Trak quickly left payment on the bar table. Outside, we ducked through the regiments of soldier still marching around the streets. "We don't have much time, so we have to talk quickly." He continued. "In 6 days I will help you leave this place. Meet me at spaceport 8 in the north-western spaceport. "You'll meet my contact there." I nodded. "How much should I pay for your service." He thinks for a while. "It depends." He said, finally. "Are you thinking of bringing someone with you?" I paused. “I was.” I responded. “But he’s being re-educated now, so it doesn’t matter.” We turn into an alleyway as another regiment passes us by. “Well, what’s their name? I could look into helping him.” When the regiment passed, we exited the alleyway. “His name is FN-183.” I responded. He nods. “Alright, I’ll see what I can do.” We shook hands, and he gave me a communicator for which to message him with, before we went our separate ways.
For the next three days, I did what I could to prepare for the upcoming departure, while waiting for any sign, or message from Trak. I gathered up what money I could, cut any ties I had with surrounding locals. On the second day, I found out that the warehouse’s demolition date was being moved up, to the next day, so I started looking for alternative housing. However, I couldn't find anything in time, and was forced to stay in the warehouse for the time. By the third day, the military presence around the warehouse was increasing, and I had be outside more, rather than staying inside, and waiting for the day I get to leave. On the third day, I got a message from Trak that he had gotten a message through to Fn, and that I just needed to hang on a few days. As this was happening, the demolition tools were beginning to move into place, and I informed him of this recent change in schedule.
As the forth day began, so did the demolition. I quickly sneaked out, and was left on the streets yet again. I messaged Trak again, and he informed me that a restaurant towards the east of the warehouse. The restaurant was empty for most of the day, and its blind spots could bemused during the night, as a place of resting, but I still had too move around during the day. When I asked him, for an update of Fn's state, he simply responded that he had been unable to contact him for quite a while, and was still working on it. As I waited, I found myself constantly going to the nearby library for information on the free worlds's initial rumours. Although I didn't learn much, it helped past the time while I was waiting for something to happen. On the fifth day, I got a message from Trak telling me to look at the television. When I looked at the television, there was a picture of the re-education building, and a picture of FN under it, with a message saying "Massive break out at department of re-education led by former Department of justice detective>"