Thank you all so much. I truly enjoyed sharing my book with you. If you enjoyed the first book this is the first section of the Second book, I hope you continue the journey at Amazon:
"Dave! Beer me!" Sean's voice rang through the house. "Let's get this party started!"
Kat's hands speedily lined her eyes with a thick black eyeliner. It was going to be one of the best parties in the neighborhood. Everyone was going to be there.
The front door slammed. Familiar muffled voices floated up the stairs.
Kat stepped back giving herself a final look at her reflection in her bedroom mirror. She was ready.
Sean's Eighteenth birthday, gosh she thought, Steve was right when he told her High School would fly. Tenth grade was nearly ending, Mile's was about to graduate, and she had been going out with Billy for nearly a year. It sounded insane.
Kat heard the slamming of the front door again. Her stomach fluttered with excitement. It would be good to see all the neighborhood faces again. Except for some time with Dee, she felt disconnected with the neighborhood kids, even though she enjoyed seeing them. They were mostly her brothers' friends and most of her free time was spent with Billy.
The living room was already filling with neighborhood kids gathering to celebrate Sean's birthday. For most of them, it was an excuse to drink, especially Sean.
Satisfied, Kat rushed down the stairs to greet guests and save a seat for herself and Billy. He would be arriving any minute.
Kat weaved through the group gathered around Sean and the boys in their regular spots on the sofa with their girlfriends. Kids stood around the coffee table greeting Sean and giving him birthday wishes. She headed to the kitchen for a drink, greeting people along the way and taking inventory on who was there.
"Hi Chris." Kat bubbled. She leaned in for a hug. He welcomed her with an open arm.
"Hey" Chris returned with a smile.
"I haven't seen you around." Chris commented.
"Billy's been busy between sports and opening their summer home, so I'm either at his games or I've been home." Kat explained. She had gotten so caught up in Billy's world with his friends that she had drifted from the neighborhood friends.
"I don't care about him. Come out without him. You know all of us." He insisted.
"Thanks, but I don't want to go alone and everyone has someone to go to parties with." She explained. "It's fine. Everyone's here tonight. It's nice being all together again."
"Heard your boy got some wheels?" Chris stated with a tone of sarcasm. His mouth pursed with annoyance. She could sense the resentment against Billy's new car.
"Yes." She answered flatly. Downplaying the event. Truth was, it was an exquisite shiny new red Porsche. She loved it and it fit right in with Billy's friends, but here, it was just another mark against Billy. Another check added to the endless list of reasons they hated him.
"Can't believe we're almost finished tenth grade." Kat stated.
"Will you be in Vocational training next year?"
"Yeah. Automehanics"
"Oh! That's great! I know you love cars. You're so lucky, you get to do what you enjoy and you get half days." She frowned, "I'll be thinking about you when I'm stuck memorizing the periodic table.".
The front door slammed once again. A familiar voice filled the room.
"Hey Sean."
Kat whipped her head around.
She saw Billy shake hands with Sean.
"What's up, little brother?" Sean shouted. She bubbled seeing the two getting along.
Billy's held a tight grin, "Not much. Happy Birthday."
"Thanks man." Sean dropped back on the small sofa. She watched Billy survey the party. Her eyes locked on his pale blue eyes and bright smile. Billy's eyes met Chris' and his smile dropped. She whipped her head back to Chris.
"Looks like your boy's here." Chris said incredulously. He gave a nod in Billy's direction.