Sleep came easy to me while we drove to the Blackwolf pack territory. I hadn't left Terra for such a long time, I had almost forgotten what my home town looked like. Joy sobbed in her sleep and the beta female stayed in her ball the entire time, being held in such a renowned way had made me forget what life for female werewolves could be like, we were much much rarer than males, especially higher ranking women.
The women taken from the The Royal Pack of Terra would either be given a chance to find their mate or sold/given to a male of similar ranking. The higher the rank the more money would exchange hands depending on the pack. The young beta had a lot ahead of her, I feared for her honestly. I didn't want to marry Kain but it seemed that I had no choice. I was technically a prisoner of War too, if I refused Kain I'm sure he would just bring that up.
"You awake Luna?" Kain smirked watching me through the rear view mirror. "Don't call me that." I groaned, sighing into Joy's hair. "I can call you whatever I like you are going to be my wife in a few days. The deal I had offered is no longer on the table either, you will act as a wife acts, you are after all a prisoner of war." There it was...I just knew he'd bring it up. "So was this your plan all along? I'm guessing you knew I had no chance of being with my mate and took advantage of the situation..Wow you are a lot shittier than I realised."
"Isn't it funny..You so desperately wanted to escape one marriage just to be forced into a brand new one. Your dreams of becoming a female Alpha just seem pathetic now, there is no way I'd allow such a thing, you will know your place from now on." "Fuck you! I'll just find a way out of this marriage too, just you watch me." He burst out into laughter. "You do that and you will never see your mate again, I've got Eden and her husband in my back pocket, who do you think is going to be the royal family of the werewolves now that the rest have been wiped out..You and I.."
Joy stirred, she had been listening to our conversation it seems. "Kain..I've never been so ashamed of you. Don't listen to him, you know I'll always be your omega..He may be my brother but he has never been my Alpha." Kain bit his tongue, he loved his sister more than life and didn't want to argue with her. "Joy I was only kidding. Well partially, we are becoming the royal family however... How does it feel to be a princess kid?" She didn't reply, she cared little about all that.
"Go back to sleep Joy." I mumbled, stroking her auburn hair. "Actually we are here." Kain said, reversing into a huge garage outside a gated area, a mansion stood behind a rather large town. "This is your territory?" I asked intrigued by the modern design of it all, living in a castle often made me forget that we were living in modern times of cities and technology, the Queen hated all of that, preferring an old fashioned lifestyle.
"Yep, we also own a large amount of the nearby city, a lot of humans live there along with some Vampire colony's too, when you are in Valcon city you abide by its laws and that means no violence, it is a safe place for every type of person. But we do have the odd murder..You wont be visiting for a long time though, you need to get used to town life and maybe have a pup or two before I can trust you out amongst the humans."
I shuddered at the thought, god how was I going to get out of this one. Eden was telling me to do it, does that mean that I should? If I can't be with my mate can't I find someone to love me instead of this?? However if I left this pack I would be vulnerable to other males. Werewolves were obsessive and violent creatures, especially the males, if left alone a she wolf is bound to be kidnapped or forced into a mate ship, you never find rogue she wolves because they are picked up in seconds, if I tried to make it on my own the same could happen to me, however if I start a small pack before running away I could survive.
Kain opened the side door for me to climb out, my hand gripped onto Joy's as we stepped out. The sound of sobbing filled my ears as women and children poured out of the vans. "Princess!! Princess save us!" A few of them cried, I was the last of the royal family to them, I was the only person of authority that was left from that pack. "Everyone stay calm, we will figure something out. But please understand, the Royal family is gone, anyone that is not here with us now is dead, we have to make the best out of a new situation, I will guide you all along the way I promise you can rely on me."
It felt good to be a leader, they all looked up to me, even the few that felt betrayed. "Listen up." Kain yelled with a smirk. "Your princess is going to become my Luna, my bride. We are now the Royal family due to this union and you shall treat me as your Alpha and King! We are not a brutish pack, you will not be sold but every female of age will have to find their mate within our pack or be selected by an unmated male for breeding, our pack is incredibly low on females I assure you that there are at least two men for each of you to chose from, you will all be treated well and taken care of, don't think of this as an abduction think of this as a change of status, do not be afraid, if your princess the last of the royal family is going to be getting mated it can't hurt for all of you to be either can it?!"
He was full of shit and it was proven when almost ever woman broke into a fit of tears. Most of them had already had mates that were killed, nobody wanted to start all over again, and everyone non mated wanted a chance to find their own soulmates, It didn't seem cruel to Kain but it did to us. "Princess is this true!! What about his highness!!" I went to answer but Kain interrupted me. "As I said your Prince and Queen are dead! Only the adopted princess survived and will now pass the title of King to me through marriage."
Then it crossed my mind that I was the title holder, even if I was adopted I was the last and by right the royal family of the werewolves, if I chose to runaway with a few of my people and find someone else to make my partner I could keep the title to myself. I now understood why he so badly wanted to marry me, he wanted to be a King. Ohh god he would never let me go. "I am not marrying him by choice!" I barked causing Kain to grab me by the throat. "Don't start something you aren't ready to deal with. You belong to me now, you are my property by right, I won you in battle fair and square that is how werewolf law works. If you defeat a pack you are then the owner of every wolf left alive and any belongings too."
"Ohh my god, you were never going to help me were you! This was your plan all along! You bastard! I will never marry you! You will never be king!" Joy stared at her brother in shock, he was not the man she thought he was. "I can't believe you! What happened to my sweet brother!" He got up into my face his breath hot against my skin. "He died the day his mate was ripped from him!" That was the last of that conversation, he threw his hand up into the air and women were herded into the main building, the mansion. Some instantly found their mates and rushed off to be with them, others were left alone to be forced onto someone they didn't know.
I found myself locked in Kain's bedroom, left with Joy who helped me clean up.