“K, slowly open up the monster’s mouth,” Slithers warned.
“Too late,” I said as I hung onto one of the monster’s teeth.
It was the second day in the Greek mythical world and I was already helping a monster with a toothache.
“Now pull hard!” Slithers ordered.
“Well, I can’t just pull hard, I need to have solid ground!” Suddenly my mind clicked, “Slithers! Grab my staff!”
“WHY?! It has nothing to do with this situation!” Slithers began to protest.
“Wait and see, now grab it before I fall!” I yelled.
“Okay!” Slithers rummaged through my bag and found the staff.
“Now toss it up!” I called.
He threw it up.
I hope this works… I thought to myself.
I let myself go and I grabbed the staff, I focused my mind on it and muttered the incantation to make me fly, “flur bush flur!”
I began to levitate.
“Uh…” Slithers was in awe at the impression I made.
I rolled my eyes playfully and I levitated up and tugged on the tooth until, POP!!! The monster roared in pain but stopped. When I looked at the ground I saw that Slithers muttered an incantation to heal the monster’s pain.
“Should’ve started with the levitation thing instead.” I scolded myself.
“K! Get down here!!!” Slithers called down.
“Okay!” I began to float down to the ground. After a few moments of floating down, I landed safely on the ground.
“That was some quick thinking!” Slithers complemented.
“Thanks!” I smiled. “We’re done, right?!” I questioned.
“Yeah, we are done with chores.” Slithers smiled, clearly happy to take a break from pain-staking chores.
“Now I gotta go! See you later!” I winked at him and I opened my backpack and quickly made a portal to Olympus.
“Bye!” Slithers waved as I disappeared into the portal and it closed up.
I floated down through the tunnel, still an old evil smell and mist but I was getting used to it.
I jumped out of the portal gently, trying to be quiet so nobody would hear me or notice.
“K!!!” Called out a familiar voice. “WE NEED TO TALK!!!”
My blood turned cold and I saw Joe.
She must have seen… I thought.
“Uh… umm… what did you see?!” I asked.
“I saw you jump out of that nasty green portal!” Joe yelled angrily.
“Umm…” I began.
“Don’t tell her the truth just yet…” The mysterious voice warned me. “Just tell her that you can teleport but using your magic staff.”
I can’t lie… She is one of my best friends, we made a promise…
“Very well… just be vague, they can watch…” The mysterious voice warned.
“Joe… I… I have to explain something to you. But you cannot tell anyone, pinky promise?” I held out my pinky and Joe shook my pinky with her pinky.
“Okay… so… I have been an undercover agent… for a while…” I began.
“And you are being tortured by Medusa and the great charming Slithers whom you fell in love with and the mysterious yet vicious Cuddles?” Joe finished.
“No! I am not in love with Slithers…” My cheeks turned bright pink., I gritted my teeth, trying to stop anyone else from finding out.
“Mm-hmm.” Joe rolled her eyes.
“And you are being a double agent like me?” Joe asked.
“Kinda…” I admitted. “Wait! You’re a double agent?!”
“Yeah,” Joe put on some sunglasses. “I work for Poseidon but also Athena.”
Suddenly, we heard heavy, angry breathing.
Then Joe and I spotted Halo and Jaccob coming toward us!
“Why did you guys, out of all the people, not tell us?!” Jaccob asked.
“Umm…” I stammered.
“That doesn’t matter!” Halo growled. “What matters is that you are okay?”
“Yeah, Medusa and her children are nice and kind to me,” I admitted, trying to stand in their defense.
“Well, they weren’t nice to me,” Joe growled.
“MOM! NO! Rumbled a voice.
I immediately recognize the voice as Slithers.
“Slithers, you dumb little hooligan!” Yelled the voice which must have been Cuddles. There stood Slithers, a sheathed blade in his hand, his eyes glowing green.
“CUDDLES!!! SLITHERS!!! GET BACK HERE!!!” Hissed a dark voice.
Cold shivers went through my spine.
There in front of us was her, Medusa.
“Guess someone likes my boy,” Medusa smiled evilly.
“NO, I DON’T!” I protested, my cheeks flushing a bright pink now.
“MOM!!!” Slithers looked a tiny bit embarrassed but mostly angry. Slithers unsheathed his blade showing that it was glowing green.
“Mom, I am tired of you hating others and killing them. You want to kill us and we know it.”
“YEAH!!!” Cuddles agreed, unsheathing her blade too. “You have controlled us long enough!”
“But I don’t want to kill you, dear, your my children, and I love you,” Medusa’s snake hair hissed in agreement.
“NO, YOU DON’T!!!” Slithers lunged at his mother and was able to scratch her arm.
Medusa screeched in anger. “SO WE ARE DOING IT THAT WAY!!! FINE!!!”
Medusa gave Slithers a good bite on the shoulder with one of her snakes but it didn’t seem to affect him.
I began to float, even without saying the words, my winged shoes turning into gold, my shoes looked like it was from my dream.
“DAD!” I yelled. “PASS ME, MY STAFF!” I was getting the dumbest life-threatening idea in the world.
People should have named me the craziest kid of the year in the world records.
“Okay!” My father yelled and tossed up my staff and I grabbed it. Suddenly, my shoes went out of control, making me fly all around clumsily through the air.
“TIME TO FINISH THIS!” Medusa spat, after many cuts and bites she had gotten, she was about to take off her shades.
“NO!!!” I screamed and I came barreling towards Medusa, my staff turning into a blade and it immediately chopped off Medusa’s head.
“OFF WITH MEDUSA’S HEAD!!!” Lea yelled triumphantly.
Suddenly bubbles came out, pouring out of Medusa’s neck. But not just any bubbles, weird green bubbles with candy in them.
Just like in my dream!!!
“Gross!!!” Cuddles groaned. “Mom always does this to make death more fun…”
What?! What did she mean by that?! I did not want to know.
Suddenly my shoes turned into normal flying shoes and I began to fall.
“AHHHH!!!” I screamed. Suddenly I was caught by something, it was Slithers!
“Hey!” Slithers smiled.
“Hey…” I blushed.
“Too heavy, too heavy.” He began to groan and he fell to the ground.
“You need to work out more.” Cuddles teased Slithers.
“You okay?” I got off the ground and pulled Slithers up.
“Yeah… I’m okay.” He blushed in embarrassment.