RING!!! A sound was coming from Slithers satchel, Slithers put his hand into his satchel and brought out a phone, and answered the call
“Hey, mom,” Slithers said. “Oh yeah, we have her, don’t worry, she’ll be a part of our world soon.”
I bit down on my lip as the portal turned into a dark color.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” Cuddles smiled.
“HOW WILL I BE FINE?!” I asked but all that came out were angry muffles.
“She can’t say anything,” Cuddles growled, clearly annoyed.
“You always wanna hear your victims suffering!” Slithers rolled his eyes and ripped off the cloth.
I gasped for air, “I said, HOW WILL I BE OKAY?!”
“You will be okay.” Slithers smiled.
“Because you are gonna be a part of our world forever.”
“Why would I be a part of your world?!” I asked angrily.
“Because… you already are…” Slithers growled.
The pain started swelling through my arms and legs.
I was losing all my strength and when I looked down at my legs, snakes were biting my ankles, again but this time, it was more painful.
My vision began to get blurry and dark. Venom pumping into my brain and heart. Soreness in back and neck.
Everything blacked out.
When I woke up, I found myself in a rusty old shack and walls rotting, the floors soggy green and I was laying on a water bed.
“She’s awake!!!” Whispered a spine-chilling voice.
“Go get Mother!!!” Whispered a voice.
I tried to get up but every time I did get up the water bed shifted making me fall on it again.
“You must use your trickery powers. Wait patiently until it is the right time…” Warned the mysterious voice.
“I’m here!!!” Sang a voice.
My heartbeats moved faster. If this was Medusa, then I should have my eyes closed. I immediately closed my eyes.
“Guess little daddy’s girl knows about my curse.” Hissed the voice.
A cold hand-glazed along my arm.
“Guess I should put on some sunglasses so she can see.” The voice was happy, a little too happy. Then there was some rustling and noises.
“You can look now!” The voice said.
For some reason, I could sense the voice was telling the truth.
I opened my eyes and saw a thin slim pale woman, with snakes for hair and I knew this was Medusa.
She grinned evilly, she had pearly white teeth alright but they were all sharp.
“What do you want?” A sickening feeling dropped into my stomach, I had to get out of there! But how was I supposed to do that?!
“Why, I need you to be an ally for the air. I need to know what Mount Olympus planned against me.” Medusa responded.
This sent shivers down my spine.
“What do they have against you?” I asked, trying to stall for some time for the gods’ and goddesses' sake.
“Well, they hate me all because I am leading a rebellion against the gods.” Medusa sounded bitter.
“Oh jeez, I wonder why they would hate your guts.” I rolled my eyes, but the second I said it, I knew I was gonna be turned to stone.
Medusa’s face scrunched up in disgust but softened into a cold, malicious smile. “You are already on the path of evil!”
“Leave me alone!” I growled. What did she mean by ‘the path of evil’?! I was on my dad’s side, the good side, not on Medusa’s side!
“Like I would leave you alone, either way, or another, you're gonna have to join me.” Medusa smiled evilly.
“Join her, wait for the right time to escape.” The mysterious voice said.
Well, that was the dumbest advice I heard so far, but the voice hasn’t been wrong so far and I haven’t gotten killed, so I decided to do it.
Medusa took out some winged shoes and I immediately recognized them, they were MINE!!!
How did my shoes get there?! They belonged to me and me only!!!
“You can have them if you join me.” Medusa was now waving my winged shoes in front of me.
Great, two reasons to join Medusa’s stupid rebellion, one is that I won’t die, and two is so I can get my shoes back.
“Fine…” I sighed, then snatched them from Medusa’s hands. “JUST DON’T TOUCH MY BELONGINGS!!!”
Slithers and Cuddles cackled they think I am funny in a way.
I did not like them one bit.
“SILENCE!!!” Medusa bellowed, staring at her kids like they were pieces of gum stuck on her shoe.
“I will not touch your belongings, but as for my children, I do not know.” Medusa hissed, then gave her children the side-eye.
Slithers and Cuddles shivered, their eyes were wide in fear.
“Slithers, will you go get some refreshments for our newly joined member?” Hissed Medusa.
It was official, I was gonna probably die at this rate by poison.
“Yes, mother,” Slithers nodded and he began to quickly walk away.
“Slithers, call me mom,” Medusa called out but he was gone.
“And Cuddles, go find Hugo.”
“Yes mom,” Cuddles said and quickly walked away out of the shack.
“Now, since you have your shoes back, what do you think about doing?” Medusa asked.
“Well…” I began to panic on the inside.
“Tell her that you shall spy.” The mysterious voice said.
“I-I- I shall spy.” I stammered. That was the dumbest thing I said, being a spy, betraying the gods, what was I thinking?!
“On who?” Medusa raised an eyebrow.
“On Mount Olympus,” I responded calmly. I was being dumb again!
“Good answer.” Medusa smiled slyly.
I smiled back. That was the only thing I could do, smile back.
“You seem… different…” Medusa sat down on the water bed. “Very different…”
She stared at me for a long moment.
I didn’t know how to react but I just said thank you, which made her smile.
There was a moment of silence. An eerie moment of silence. A blood-thirsty moment of silence.
“Mom, I’m back.” Slithers walked into a room with a cart full of weird-looking treats.
I was grateful he was back, being alone with his mom was creepy and freaking me out.
“Dear, those look good.” Medusa complemented.
“Thank you, mom.” Slithers smiled nervously as if something bad were about to happen.
“Mom!” Cuddles walked into a room with a huge man behind her. “I’m back with Hugo!!!”
The man had a scraggly beard, one huge eye that was green, pale gray skin, wearing a weird-looking suit that looked like a french butler, and Elvis had a baby.
“Good.” Medusa’s grin widened. “Thank you dears, now sit down and let’s talk plans!!!”
Plans?! What plans were they thinking?!
Cuddles and Slithers looked at each other uneasy like something was wrong but nodded and sat down.
Hugo sat on the ground which gave a large BOOM!!! Which caused the floor to rumble.
“So… we must begin… our plansssss” Hissed Medusa, her fork tongue showing.
She give me shivers when she said that.