“We’re almost there!” Cuddles hissed happily.
I was pretty sure I was about to die, not being able to talk nor move on my own right now.
Slithers was pushing me to go faster, “Come on! You should join us and them.”
I wanted to ask, who were “them”? What was going on? Where were they taking me? But all that came out was nothing.
“STOP!” Screamed a voice.
Slithers and Cuddles froze. Suddenly a girl appeared, she wore a shirt that was a bit torn but was extremely dusty and her skirt barely covered up her peculiar legs. Her legs looked like shaggy hindquarters and where her feet should have been, were hooves. She had a rope swinging across her arm. She had horns but was very small. She had a long smooth silky tail.
My eyes widened. “You’re a satyress!!!”
“Yeah.” The girl said as if it was obvious. “I’m Pan's daughter.”
“Hey!!! She isn’t supposed to be talking!” Cuddles growled.
I widened my eyes. I could talk by myself again!
“Come on and follow me.” The girl said.
“But-” Slithers began to protest, walking towards us with some sort of blade but were immediately silenced by a dark stare from Cuddles.
I began to follow after the girl, my sickening feeling began to fade away as we were walking away from Medusa's kids.
“What was that about?!” I asked.
“Well… Medusa needs more allies and was hoping you would be one.” The girl admitted.
“Why?” I asked.
The girl sighed. “Because the monsters want to rule Mount Olympus.”
I was honestly confused and scared, Medusa and a bunch of monsters… wanting to take over Olympus?! That sounded bad, like expired milk.
So instead of asking more, I asked a different question, “So… what is your name?”
“Mary.” The girl simply answered. “And your K?”
“Yeah.” I walked faster, trying to keep up with Mary’s pace.
“We’re almost there.” Mary spoked.
Suddenly a familiar voice echoed through the air. “K!!!”
I turned and saw Halo flying towards me, Jaccob trailing behind with a big smile on his face.
“Guess you met Mary.” Halo landed on the ground gently, her eyes blazing with joy.
“Yeah,” I said. “But we’re almost to Mount Olympus.”
“Mary, thanks for helping but I think I can take it from here,” Halo said.
“Okay, if you need me just make a goat sound! Baa ahh!!!” Mary baaed and went into the bush shrubs, fading into the forest background not being able to be seen.
“Follow me.” Halo rolled her eyes calmly.
I followed her and Jaccob towards a ginormous temple, smooth-craved greek pillars (antas) supported the rooftop, inside it was the strange people I saw earlier, and I was shocked to see my mother and father inside, along with my friends and siblings.
My mouth gaped open. “DAD!!!” I ran over and hugged him.
“K!!!” My friends screamed and hugged me.
“So good to see you!!!” Krys smiled.
“I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!!!” Joyous tears streamed down my face.
“It’s good to see you too!!!” Velvet smiled.
“Now, shall we begin.” Bellowed a voice.
I turned around and saw my grandpa, blue eyes bald hair except white hair poofing out on the sides. The only different thing was he wore a greek robe, kinda the thing you would have seen Zeus wear. He grasped a lightning bolt and suddenly my mind clicked, he was Zeus!!!
Grandpa said, “We must go.”
“Go where?!” I asked.
“To the skies.” My grandpa was over to a corner and pushed a button on the wall.
Suddenly there was a low big rumble coming from the ground. Suddenly the building began to float into the sky. It went higher and higher.
“What’s going on?!” I murmured to myself.
“Well someone has a lot of questions.” A girl behind me murmured in the shadows.
“Who are you ?!” I asked.
“I am Naia, Circe’s daughter.” The girl introduced herself.
“So… you're gonna turn me into a pig?” I asked.
“No, I am not gonna follow in my mother’s footsteps,” Naia growled.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you…” I apologized.
“It’s not your fault.” She sighed. “Everyone does think at first that I will be like my hideous evil mother.”
“Oh, I am sorry,” I apologized.
“It’s okay, if you wanna know where we are going, we are going to the rest of Mount Olympus,” Naia explained.
“So… Do you like to write or draw?!” I asked.
“HECK YES!!!” Naia whipped out a notebook from her bag.
“That looks cool,” I exclaimed.
Naia turned the pages and showed me a drawing of an extremely realistic flower.
“WHOA!!! That looks amazing!” I complimented Naia’s artwork.
“Thanks.” Naia blushed at all the attention she was getting from me.
I smiled at her, “Do you have any more drawings?”
“Yeah… rather not show them right now though…” She stammered.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Yeah, it’s just hard when people give me any attention about my drawings or anything in general.” She admitted.
I smiled, “Don’t worry. I know it can be hard.”
Suddenly the building stopped shaking and flying.
“We’re here!!!” My father stood near the entrance/exit.
“Follow me,” Naia whispered in my ear.
“Okay,” I said and followed her out of the building into Mount Olympus.
As I walked onto a cloud I almost slipped.
“Careful, you must believe that you can walk on clouds to be able to walk on clouds,” Naia warned.
I breathed in, I took a deep breath and I began to walk on the clouds.
“Good job. Now follow me.” Naia began to run on the clouds and I began to follow her lead.
Running on the clouds kinda feels like running on a bouncy castle. You could jump 10 feet into the sky!!!
We passed by several Greek temples, all looking different in size, shape, color, and design.
“We’re almost there!” Naia called.
I nodded, we were getting near a cave that was glowing.
“What is that?!” I called.
“Just um… uh… yeah…” Naia’s voice changed to an icy voice.
“Naia, are you okay?!” I yelled.
“No, I am okay but no, I am not Naia.” The voice sounded snake-like and cold.
I backed away, getting that sickening feeling when I met up with Slithers and Cuddles.
“I am Cuddles.” Naia turned around, transforming into Cuddles.
How was Cuddles doing here?!
“Um…” I stammered. “I gotta go…” I began to run away from Cuddles.
“YOU CANNOT ESSSCAPE!!!” She hissed.
I began to run faster and called out for help from my dad, “DAD!!! HEELLLLP!!!”
I turned around and saw red-eyed glowing vultures, not just any vultures but they were almost all bone except they had feathers only on their wings but that was it.
“HELLLLLLLLLP!!!!” I screamed, my hands shaking horribly.
I tumbled down the stairs from which I just came from, stumbling about to get up on my feet.
BOOM!!! SCREECH!!! I turned around and saw one of the vultures stabbed in the wings, blood oozing out of one of its wings.
“K!!! GETAWAY!!!” My father yelled, flying in midair. He was holding a staff, two snakes slithering around it and hissing at Cuddles.
“MY OWN BRETHREN BETRAYED ME!!!” Cuddles hissed angrily
My body was shaking terribly in fear, I wouldn’t move from the chaos. It was as if the fear was keeping me still in the clouds, not dying, keeping me in place.
Hissssssssssssssssss, an icy hand grasped my arm.
My blood turned boiling cold. The type of zero degrees cold.
I turned around and saw Slithers, he put his hand on my mouth and I screamed but all that came out was a muffled one.
“K!!!” Screamed a voice but Slithers pulled me away from the fighting going on.
“LET ME GO!!!” I was muffled out.
“NO!!!” Slithers protested. “I have to get you to my mother!”
“SNAKES!” He yelled.
Snakes slithered and tied around my hands and feet together and turned into rope.
Biting me in the ankles, the venom racing through my body, I was paralyzed and couldn't move.
“Stay here.” Slithers put some cloth to cover my mouth with.
Slithers opened his satchel and took out a golden blade. Magical-looking spewing dust out of the golden blade and making a circle with the mist. The circle formed into a portal.
“Is she here?!” Whispered a familiar voice.
“Yeah!” Whispered shouted Slithers.
Cuddles slithered over to us. “We need to get going!”
“K!!!” Screamed a voice, it was Halo’s voice!!!
Thank the heavens that she was here!
But then, before Halo could get to me, Slithers eyes turned green and glowed, I started to levitate and I was thrown into the portal!!!
Inside the portal were all green swirls with disgusting smells and evil cackles.
I shivered in fear.
“WHOO HOO!!!” Screamed Slithers as he jumped into the portal and Cuddles jumped after him. The portal closed up to Mount Olympus.
My eyes were wide in fear.
“Slithers! You bumbling fool!” Cuddles yelled.