It was the next day of my journey. As we were walking down, strange-looking people looked at me. There was this one man with a bucket hat, Hawaiian T-shirt, and brown old leather sandals. He had very dark tan skin, his hair brown, and his eyes were blue. Then there was a woman keeping her distance. She looked very tall, and very slim, her strawberry blonde hair up in a ponytail with a scrunchie holding it up, wearing ripped jeans and a white t-shirt. Then there was a man with black hair and beard, had cedar color skin, ashy dark black eyes, and if you saw him at the right time, he would be laughing like a psychotic maniac that should be put in the insane asylum. Then there was a crippled man in a wheelchair, his beard was curly and hair curly, and his eyes were cedar brown. Then there was a woman with fair skin, wearing a type of hat you would see in a fancy rich hat store, she wore heart-shaped glasses and wore a heart-shaped pattern dress. There were more peculiar people. A lot more. Every single one of them, though, was staring at me.
“Smile,” Halo said while smiling. “This is tradition.”
“Okay?” I said then smiled, I was totally confused, then as for effect, then I waved a bit.
There was this boy in the crowd who waved back, he looked rather familiar. He had blonde shiny hair with brown tips, blue eyes, and tan skin. Suddenly he ran out of the crowd and hugged me.
“Umm…” I said, very confused.
“SHE’S HERE!!!” He screamed.
“Who are you?!” I asked.
“K, don’t you recognize me? It’s Jacob!” He tilted his head in confusion.
“Umm…” I began but Halo took Jacob away and whispered something in his ear.
He looked at me with confused eyes and a huge frown. “There’s gotta be a way for her to remember us.”
“Maybe…” Halo murmured. “But later…”
“Okay…” He nodded.
“But anyway,” Halo tried to lighten the mood. “we should get going.”
“Okay… I’m coming too!” Jacob told us.
“He is the son of Poseidon, once he tells he’s coming, he’s coming!” Halo rolled her eyes as she whispered in my ear.
“Okay?...” I said.
I didn’t see the big deal why she would say that.
“Follow me!” Jaccob snapped us out of our conversation.
I began to follow Jaccob, whatever we were going, we were walking down a pathway towards the woods.
“Is this really where we are going?” I questioned.
“Of course!!! That is where Mount Olympus is!!!” Halo whisper-shouted.
“Why are you whispering?” I asked.
“BECAUSE!!!” Halo yelled then whispered. “Hades can hear and the freaking fates can hear!!! They mustn’t know where Mount Olympus is!!!”
I frowned. “That sounds terrible.” Then I looked around the woods, “But what about the Winter Solstice, when it is the only time Hades is allowed in Olympus?!”
“Well,” Halo began, “even then, Hades has to have a blindfold on his eyes and his hands chained behind his back until he is at Olympus, so he doesn’t find the location of the place.”
“Guys, why are you just standing there?!” Jaccob asked, popping out of the bushes in the middle of nowhere.
Halo and I screamed how startling he appeared.
“Why are you guys screaming?!” Jaccob tilted his head.
“CUZ YOU SCARED US!!!” My surprise turned into anger, what was wrong with this dumb boy?!
“Oh, never mind that, we gotta get going.” Jaccob turned for the bushes.
“We can’t just get going, you impolite rude boy,” Halo growled.
“What did you just call me?” Jaccob asked in a dark icy bone-chilling voice.
“You heard me!” Halo yelled. “YOU ARE ALWAYS AHEAD OF THE GROUP!!! Thinking you are smarter than anyone else, that is why I broke up with you!”
I stood still, staring at them arguing back and forth.
“YOU SAY THAT I AM RUDE, YOU ARE RUDE!!!” Jaccob talked back.
Suddenly, an icy cold hand crept on my shoulder and pulled me back into the bushes causing me to fall to the ground.
“Oof.” I groaned.
I looked up and saw a pair of pale kids, both their hairs were black and their eyes gray. They wore matching spiked collars, two sizes too big black leather jackets, and ripped torn black jeans.
“Follow us.” They hissed in unison in ice-piercing voices.
“Who are you guys?” I was now standing on the ground, still hearing Halo and Jaccob arguing.
“We’re Medusa’s kids.” They hissed, fork tongues sticking out of their mouths.
“I’m Cuddles.” Hissed the girl.
“And I am Slithers.” Hissed the boy.
“Why do you guys want me to follow you?” I asked.
These kids didn’t feel right, they felt downright suspicious. I mean Medusa?! As in the snake lady who turns people to stone with her eyes Medusa?! Who would trust her?!
“Because.” Slithers put his hand on my shoulder. “We must take you to Mount Olympus.”
His hand held a tight grip on my shoulder, it was icy like his voice.
“Okay?” I said. I began to have this sickening feeling tightening around my stomach. Halo and Jacob were the ones to take me to Mount Olympus, not them!
“Follow us.” Cuddles hissed.
“Um… I think I would be better off not going with you guys…” I backed away from them. This wasn’t right, they were up to something.
“I don’t think you’re going anywhere.” Cuddles hissed viciously.
“I think I am!” I said and I began to dash towards the bushes but Slithers blocked the exit.
Oh no… oh no no no… I thought. I had no weapons at all except…. except…. my winged shoes!!!
“DON’T YOU EVEN TRY!!!” Slithers threatened, snakes taking off my shoes.
“We know you are Hermes kid!!!” Cuddles growled. Then she slugged me into a tree, somehow I could still stand, even with the impact.
I stood, frozen still.
“Follow us.” Cuddles sang.
I began to follow them, not able to open my mouth nor able to stop following them. I was hypnotized by them.