I was sitting on a different bed now. Slithers and Cuddles had shown me around this island they called “The Island Of The Lost Monsters”. Then showed me where I was gonna sleep. The plan was that I was to spy on Mount Olympus and give information back to Medusa.
That made me nervous and afraid.
I lay awake for a while when finally there was a knock on the door.
“Who’s there?!” I called.
“It’s me!” Hissed a voice.
“What do you want?!” I asked.
“We need your help!” Slithers voiced hissed.
“With what?!” I asked.
“To get out of here!” Hissed Cuddles.
I didn’t know that she was here.
“To go where?!” I groaned sleepily.
“We have to get out of here to see our father!” Slithers whispered-shouted.
I sighed, “Fine.”
I stumbled out of bed and grabbed a robe that Medusa had given me and put it on.
I opened the door and saw Slithers and Cuddles neatly dressed.
“Why do you need to see your father?” I yawned.
I was so tired, it was probably three a.m at night!
“Because we need to see if he is alright, mom has been torturing him for a while,” Cuddles explained sadly.
I looked at her sympathetically, I sensed she was telling the truth so I nodded.
“What do you need help with?” I asked, then I yawned again.
“Well, we need to get to the tower.” Slithers pointed to a tower not far away.
“And we need some flying shoes,” Cuddles added.
I sighed, I could understand that they wanted to see their father.
“Sure, here’s some shoes.” I went back inside and grabbed my flying shoes and gave them to them. “Now please return them after you're done.”
“Okay.” Slithers nodded.
“Come on!” Cuddles then left.
“See you later!” Slithers smiled.
I shut the door and lay down on my bed and pulled the sheets up, finally falling asleep.
That night I had a dream, a really weird dream. Slithers was fighting his mom and Cuddles was fighting alongside him, suddenly I came torpedoing in different-looking flying shoes, golden glowing ones, and I wack Medusa’s head clean off with a sword. And what came out of her neck were bubbles, weird green glowing bubbles full of candy.
I immediately woke up and found out it was daylight.
There was a knock at the door. “Hey, K, you here?!”
I recognize that voice.
“Hold on Slithers, be there just in a sec.” I quickly got dressed and got over to the door and opened it.
“Here’s your shoes.” He gave me my shoes, they seemed to look shinier than usual.
“I might have shone them a bit.” He blushed in embarrassment.
I smiled. “Thanks, they look great.”
It was sweet that he did that, I’m kinda starting to like him but I still really dislike his sister.
“Anyway,” He heaved a sigh. “You're gonna have to go to Mount Olympus and I think you are gonna need this.” He brought out the blade that got me here and tossed it into my hands.
“Whoah!” I said, fiddling with it.
“Be careful. The way you use that is to think about where to go and the mist comes out of it and you make a circle which creates a portal.” Slithers explained.
“Oh, thanks for the explanation!” I smiled and went inside and packed up. I didn’t have to pack much.
Slithers walked into my room.
“Bye, I’ll see you later!” I winked at him and made a portal with a blade that opened to Mount Olympus.
“Bye!” Slithers smiled and waved.
I jumped into the portal and it closed behind me.
The green swirls and the smells of evil filled the air but I ignored it. There was a cool breeze flowing through the air and I jumped into Mount Olympus. The portal closed behind me.
“DAD!!!” I called.
No response.
“DAD!!!” I called again, but this time there was a response.
“K!? Is that you?!” My father’s voice echoed through the air.
“Yeah!!! Where are you?!”
“OVER HERE!” The voice echoed.
I followed the voice’s echo and found my father in one of the Greek temples.
“Where were you?!” He asked.
“You’re gonna have to lie!” Warned the mysterious voice. “Say that you were exploring.”
“I was exploring.” I lied calmly.
STUPID!!! Out exploring?! My father wouldn’t believe that!
My father raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
Oh no… oh no… he must know I am lying… I thought.
“Okay.” My father said, “Halo and Jaccob are looking for you, they want to help train you.”
“Okay.” The thought of being trained to be a goddess is thrilling!
“Halo! Jaccob! K is here!!!” My father called.
“Oh thank goodness!” Halo scurried along the smooth floor.
“We thought you were gone for good!” Jaccob trailed behind Halo.
“Of course, I wouldn’t be gone for long!” I fake smiled, lying is harder than I thought.
“Did your shoes get shined?!” Halo asked, her head on the ground to look at it.
“Yeah, by a friend I met.” I blushed.
Halo raised an eyebrow and smiled.
“Come on, we should get to training.” Jaccob led us out of the temple and into a field.
“This is the field of training,” Halo explained.
I looked around and saw all the grass. Long green grass.
“Let’s begin.” Jaccob pulled out a long staff from his pocket. “Here!”
He tossed the staff and I caught it.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” I asked.
“Use it for self-defense and training, doy.” Halo teased and smiled.
I laughed and smiled. “Doy?! You, a phoenix and messenger of a god, says doy?!” I never heard a majestic phoenix say the word “doy”
“Lol. Very funny.” Halo rolled her eyes. “And yes, I do use other words like that, and Aphrodite says doy the most often.”
Jaccob smiled, “Let’s begin.”
He pulled out a sword and said, “To use magic, you gotta focus your energy on the staff, that way you will be able to use the magic.”
I began to focus my energy on the staff, my eyes focused on the staff, my mind focused on the staff, and my reality focused on the staff.
“Umm… K, your eyes are glowing blue, is that good?” Halo asked.
“Of course it is good!” Whispered a familiar voice.
I froze, the magic stopped and my eyes seemed to stop glowing.
What was Slithers doing here on Mount Olympus?!
“K? You okay?” Asked Halo.
“Yeah… yeah, yeah I am okay,” I said. How could they not hear Slithers?
“K! K!” Slithers voice called but I ignored it.
Instead, I focus on the staff. The staff turned blue, was this good too?! “Great! Next, try some incantations like ``un un un so.” Jaccob suggested
“Okay?” I said.
“Un un un so.” I spoke and suddenly BOOM!!! Jaccob was knocked to the ground.
“Whoah!” Jaccob got off the ground. “That’s awesome!”
“Let’s do another trick!” Jaccob smiled. “What about flur bush flur!?”
“Flur bush flur!” I spoke and then I began to levitate.
This was fun until…
I saw Slithers and Cuddles hiding behind a pole. Slithers was mouthing something to me but I couldn’t understand it.
“Umm… I gotta get something to drink.” I lied and fell to the ground.
“You okay?!” Halo asked.
“Yeah,” I answered her and then went where Slithers and Cuddles were while Jaccob and Halo were giggling and talking.
“Hey, what are you guys doing here?!” I asked hastily.
“Did you find any information?” Slithers asked.
“No, not really.” I looked at the ground, guilty as heck.
“Well, we need that information soon, or mom will…” Cuddles cut off.
“Don’t be hard on K,” Slithers growled.
“Why?” Cuddles growled. “Is it because you-”
Slithers gave Cuddles a dark look.
“Listen, I need more time,” I told them.
“But we don’t have more time,” Cuddles growled. “We are going to die at this rate if we don’t get a shred of information.”
“Listen, I’ll get more information soon,” I said.
“Okay, but here is something that might help you, but you gotta give it to Jaccob and Halo, don’t drink any of it.” Slithers took out two flasks of green soda and gave them to me.
Our hands touched for a moment, which for some reason got my heart beating fast.
“What… are these?!” I asked, staring into the flasks.
“Hypno water, they will keep people from seeing unusual things going on like spying,” Slithers explained.
“Okay, thanks.” I got a sickening feeling in my stomach, knowing that this was wrong but I didn’t have much of a choice, either I get killed by Medusa or spy.
“Bye! See you later!” Slithers winked and he and Cuddles disappeared.
He copied me, he copied me. I smiled, it was kinda cute that he copied me.
I sighed, time to do this. I walked over and gave them to Halo and Jaccob.
“Where’s your drink?” Jaccob eyed me suspiciously.
“I already drank it, I was thirsty.” I stammered as I lied.
“Oh, okay,” Halo said and drank it all right up. Jaccob eyed me suspiciously as he drank the flask which made me uneasy and queasy but I ignored it.
“I think we had enough training today,” Jaccob said suspiciously.
I walked away and went into my dad’s temple.
“Dad, you there?” I asked.
No response.
I frowned and I went outside. Jaccob was whispering something to Mary which made me even more nervous.
I gotta get out of here… they’re on to me I thought.
I dashed behind my dad’s temple, I scrambled into my backpack and found the blade that Slithers had given me. I quickly made a circle and thought of The Island Of Lost Monsters.
Suddenly my room appeared and I quickly dove in and the portal closed behind me. There was that evil smell and green mist again.
“Someone’s coming, it must be K!!!” Said a voice coming from the exit.
“MOM!!! Put on your glasses!!!” Said another voice.
Suddenly BOOM!!! I crashed to the ground. “Ow…” I groaned.
“You okay?” Slithers asked and helped me up.
“What happened?” Asked Cuddles.
“Jaccob was getting suspicious.” I then explained what happened from the Hypno water to me crashing here.
“Why hadn’t the Hypno water worked on Jaccob?” Mumurred Slithers.
I sighed. “I don’t know why.”
“Isn’t it obvious?! HELLO? He is the son of Poseidon, all waters bow down to him, including Hypno water!!!” Cuddles rolled her eyes.
Slithers and I rolled our eyes back at her in exchange.
Medusa sighed, “You children must learn.”
“Learn what mom?” Cuddles asked in a soft tone.
“That water is Posideon’s world. We must be careful of it.” Medusa walked over, her sunglasses on.
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