Yes,this is Sara's outfit ;)
Sara's POV:
I brushed the super long locks of my hair and put the comb back on my dresser. I look in a glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror. My pink knee-length dress and white T-trap heels were my attire for the evening.
I walked downstairs to find that everyone were near the main door already. 'Oh,there she is!' My mom said unable to control her excitement. 'Since everyone's here,let's go!'
We walked to the area before our garage to find that there was white Volkswagen awaiting with doors open. Dad got into the driver's seat,mom beside him; Simon and myself in the back. It has been 6 minutes or so when Dad spoke.
'There will be music for dancing plus lots of people. I want the both of you to socialize with the high ranking people in my acquaintance.'
'Got it~' Simon said as he stared out of the window.
Mom and Dad indulged into a conversation of their own about business partners or whatever. We arrived Rose Arc Hall at 6:10 PM. The mansion was impressive,Greek style architecture with blazing luminous lights. People were still arriving and entering. We stepped out and dad handed the keys to the fellow worker who was parked the car further back.
The interior was almost completely occupied by people there were a huge set of stairs in the center. At the top was a gigantic chandeliar which lit up the whole hall quite well. Delicious aroma of food filled my nostrils. Ah~
'Follow me' Dad snapped.
Simon whispered to me' We're here for barely 5 minutes and he's already barking orders' I smiled as shook my head. We followed him towards a certain guest. A Mr.tycer-something. Mom was busy talking to him and Dad guestered us to come towards him. Dad introduced us to him. That guy was the technical department's head in dad's company. Okay. Another guest was introduced to us by Mom,another successful businessman. I'm bored already. Simon's expression said: what am I even doing here?
The music started playing and some guests went ahead with their partners and started dancing. Within 10 minutes,our parents had introduced tons of guests to us,I forgot most of their names. I doubted whether those were even names in the first place. Mom held Dad's arm,above his elbows. She said ' Oh where's Mr. Kohler? I heard he has a son nearly as old as our children. They can get along together.' Simon's look said: Did she just call us children? God,bless us.
Simon and I stood in a circle with atleast 4 or 5 people more,apart from our parents.Dad began talking to about some recent plan he had in mind,to increase his production scale.That's when it happened. Deafening silence. I wondered what in the world had happened. No one spoke,but just stared in the direction of the main entrance,the double doors though which I had entered. I turned. I almost tripped.
Levi Blackford entered the hall like a perfect gentlemen,such elegance. He was dressed in entirely black. I looked at Mom and Dad,they were looking at him too. Simon told me: The heck is he doing here? Levi stopped and started searching the crowd which was still frozen,just looking at him. I spotted a few of Levi's body gaurds surrounding the place at random areas,for the purpose of protecting him. He was a Billionaire after all. His attire looked highly expensive,including his watch and shoes. He looked very spectacular and manly,I had to admit.
That's when the unexpected happened. He looked me and spark of realization hit his face. His expression notified that he had found what he was looking for. He walked right up to where I was,without pauses. Wait- this style of walking....I've seen it somewhere. In my school? Who was it... I snapped back to reality when he approached much closer. He stopped right before me and looked at me up and down. Oh my sweet mother Mary.
'Good Evening,Miss.Kingston.' He gave a gentlemanly bow.Oh. I was supposed to perform the etiquettes. I bowed too. He raises his hand to do something and I flicker my eyes at my family. Simon was speechless,my parents are still frozen. oh....kay. I look back at Levi and his hand had reached his pocket on the left which had a rose. He took it and handed it to me. I made sure my jaw didn't drop open.
After I took the rose he said 'To the most beautiful girl I've ever beheld.'
I....I don't know how to react to this. My mind is blank and I just stare at him.
My dad seems to have unfreezed. He spoke up.
'Well, a very good evening,Mr.Blackford.' He continued.' It has occurred to me that you have met Simon and Sara before,yes?....Uh...they came for an interview?..'
He looked at Dad and said 'Ah,yes of course. Very impressive,both of them,I must say.'
Mom said 'We're would be honored if you could make a deeper acquaintance with them~'
Levi replied ' I'm looking forward to it.'
Simon spoke this time 'The newspaper headlines read that you were somewhere else,supervising the construction of your another new hotel.'
He looked at him. 'I happen to have serious business here,something I have to handle personally.'
Simon squinted his eyes. 'I see.'
I diverted the topic. 'T-The arrangement is truly gorgeous,isn't it?'
Levi said 'Of course,I had to order my men to change it earlier.'
Simon spat out 'what? This mansion is supposed to be the property of-'
Levi said 'I've purchased this mansion an hour ago.'
Dad almost dropped his glass of wine. Take a look at the mansion,it's hugeeeee. It must cost millions and he bought it as if he were buying a little piece of candy.
Levi turned to me and said 'A new song will start in a few seconds.' I tilted my head,still puzzled.
He came closer and asked 'May I have this dance?'
I tried not to faint. I glanced at Simon.He was shaking his head sideways,telling me to decline.I glanced at my parents. Mom was nodding too fast and Dad said 'O-Of course! She would be very much delighted.' I glared my eyes at him. I turned to back to Levi. He extended his hand and gave that look which said: It would mean the world to me if you would dance with me.
I took his hand. His grip was very familiar. He led me to towards the dance floor. People who were dancing looked at us,their eyes widened after they saw Levi. Many people cleared the floor,leaving us a lot of space to dance. People were standing in a circle around us,including my family. The music started.It was slow and gentle. He placed his hand on the back of my waist. I let out a breath. With his other hand he took my hand. I placed my hand on his shoulder. He is very tall,definitely. I didn't sign up for this,I thought as I blushed.
We moved back and forth,his gaze still on my cheeks. He let go of me and I twirled. He gripped my waist harder this time. My whole face flushed so red,you could see my face from a mile away.
I looked up at him. He had a heavenly smile on his face. He was staring at my face,very intensely I might add.
'I love it when you do that.'
'Do what?'
'Blushing. You look so very beautiful.' I looked down.
I looked up and couldn't take his intense staring. Everything around us seemed to dissolve. Only the music remained. He spins me around,holding my finger. Oh,I wished this could go on and on. He didn't take his eyes off me,every second he spent looking at me. I don't know how many dances we danced. Four? or was it five? I don't know. I lost count.All this time,I had failed to notice that we were getting too close. Physically I mean. needed distraction. I cannot hide my red cheeks anymore.
I glanced at the clock. 10 PM?! I looked back at him. 'I-I'm afraid it's getting late.' He chuckled. Oh,so dreamy.
'I see. A beautiful young lady must take sufficient rest,certainly.' He said looking into my eyes. 'Allow me to escort you out.' He looked at my family,who were still staring at us.He gestured them to follow him. He took my hand and led me outside. Our car was parked outside and Dad took the keys from the worker.
Dad started ' I'm assuming you enjoyed this meeting,Mr.Blackford?'
Levi looked at me and replied 'Immensely. Very exceedingly.'
Mom said ' We're gratified to hear that,Mr.Blackford.'
Levi said ' Mr.Kingston,I have thought about investing in your enterprise. Would that be favorable to you?' He extended his right hand.
My Dad was shocked at first then a huge grin spread on his his face. 'Yes,Sir.' He held Levi's hand and they shared a brief handshake. Levi handed my father his business card.
We neared the car. My parents and my brother kept going but Levi stopped me.
'Miss....I want you to know that there's been a secret I've been hiding from you. I cannot reveal it to you yet,I have to maintain it for solving a particular matter.'
I titled my head. I was deeply perplexed. 'What sort of matter?'
'Regarding someone I have with. He is threatening someone very important to me and he will pay a heavy price.' He said glancing at me. ' That aside,when I do reveal the secret,please do me the honor by going on a date with me.'
My eyes widened 'Wha- Sir-'
'Call me Levi. And please go on a date with me.' He pleaded.
I thought about it and nodded. ' We'll see.'
He gave a relieved sigh. We were very near to the car.
'I hope our paths cross again...and again and again,Miss.Kingston.'
'Likewise.' I replied as I let go of his hand and got into the car.I glanced at the rear view mirror,he didn't take his eyes off the car until we were out of sight.
'So,does he have interest?' Mom said.
I glared my eyes at her. My parents would literally ship me with anyone wealthy. It happens all the time. Ugh.
'He did ask her on a date.' Dad said happily.
What the- 'How do you know?'
' He asked my permission before he asked you.' Dad said sparing me a glance and he turned head back towards the road as he drove. 'You are going. Definitely. Though he didn't specify the time,be ready.'
I sighed. The images of us dancing flashed rapidly in my mind. This magical night had put a big impact.
ESSENCE,by definition, means the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character. This brings us to why this book is titled so. It shows the Essence of the bond between Levi and Sara.
I turned to my left. Uh-oh. Simon hadn't spoke anything in a long time. His expression could burn huge rocks,I'm sure. He said in a voice audible only to me: We will be having a serious talk. I gulped.
A/N: So how was the chapter? Can Sara accept Levi? Stay tuned to find out!
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