AA's body crumpled to the ground in front of me. Behind me, I heard the door swing open. I spun around and came face to face with ZN again. “What are you-“ I was cut off. “I saw them taking you, but was too far to help. Come on, there are more guards heading up here. They heard the gunshot. You might want to drop the gun, too. It’s of no use too us, and you need to use both your hands.” With that, she exited the room. Through the fire exit.
It was a few more moments before I followed. This was due to the fact that we were on the top floor, of a massive building. She was still waiting for me when I finally left. There were about 50 floors to go down, and I wanted it done as quickly as possible. Behind us, the door swung open again, and as we went down a floor, I heard them start shouting and poke their head out the fire escape. We moved quicker, as the guards started moving towards us.
No matter how quick we moved, the guards eventually caught up with us. There were eight of them. One grabbed my arm, and I instinctually grabbed it and twisted it. He screamed, and I bashed his head on the railing, causing him to flip over the railing. The guards charged forth, their stun weapons raised. ZN Grabbed on, and bashed him over the railing, grabbing his stun weapon, before throwing him over the railing, before shocking another. The other guards now began to raise their rifles and fire. I ducked to the ground, as another hit ZN and nearly pushed her over the railing, as she dropped the stunner. I grabbed it, and stunned the guard, before grabbing his gun, and gunning down the other guard, and helping her back up.
The next problem we found was a few floors down. There, I noticed multiple shapes flying up from the roofs, towards us. Drones were not new technology but til a few months ago, they were only used for surveillance. Since then, I have heard rumors about the possibility of the ministry of defense developing drones into weapons. Most of us had just assumed that it was a fear tactic, used by the regime to scare the remaining population into submission. This idea was thrown out the window, however as we spotted multiple small shapes moving towards us.
The drones were simple, circular shaped machines, with small jets propelling them around, at the bottom of their body. There was a small gun turret at the middle of their front. Before either of us could react, the drones started firing. The blasts easily ripped up the wall behind us, and we dropped to the floor again. With the rifle, I managed to shoot a few of them, but they dropped below us and destroyed part of the platform we were standing on. One, large one came up above, and fired a particularly powerful blast at the walkway, blowing away not only the walkway but part of the wall behind us.
Within a split second, I had fallen, with only a small bent piece of metal to cling on to. The rifle I had used had fallen hundreds of feet down to the ground. ZN helped me climb back up to the remnant of the walkway, and we escaped into the main building, as the drones started to follow us inside. Inside, we pushed past surprised guards, who were then knocked down by the quickly approaching drones, who fired at us again and again. We arrived at the elevators and were able to just about to escape before the drones got to us.
When we reached the ground floor, we were already surrounded by guards, presumably notified of our escape by the drones. They raised their rifles, and in a second, ZN had ducked down and stunned the closest one, grabbing his gun, and shooting two more, before getting hit in the shoulder. Quickly, I moved to cover her, grabbing another gun, and helping her fight off the others. Together, we were able to kill the rest of the guards, and managed to escape, while shooting at the guards who were still waiting outside for us, and any drones that we're still flying around looking for us.
With ZN leading us, we soon arrived at a broken down restaurant, where we would be able to rest for the night. As she showed where she had chosen to rest for the past few days, I questioned her on how she had gotten such a complicated setup, so easily. "I've gotten a contact." She responded. "From the Free Worlds." I almost jumped up from my seat. "What?!" She continued on without paying much attention to me. "we have to meet with him tomorrow, at the nearby spaceport. You coming?" Although I was still shocked, I managed to shake it off. "Of course,." I said, nodding. She smiled. "Well have to wake up earlier of course, ill be waiting for my contact's message to get on the move." She lies back. " We got a couple of hours. We should get some rest." I nodded my tired agreement as I lay back down. While she eventually fell asleep, I was still awake, wondering what was going to happen to us next. Then, for a few hours, I was able to fall asleep. Then everything exploded.