We both jumped to our feet. The nearby wall had a large hole blown open in it, and police were already running in. As we grabbed our weapons, we saw several other people, covered in dirt and dust being dragged out of the previously thought to be an empty restaurant. I fired at the guards, as ZN ran over to help those who were being captured to escape, as their guards were killed. I moved towards the hole in the wall, and was nearly blinded by massive spotlights, set up by the police were just put up. ZN started bringing the people out the back exit, and I soon followed.
In order to get the pursuing police off our tail, The people from the restaurant split off from us, planning to meet back up with us when we arrived at the spaceport. I offered to go with them, but they said that they could get around on their own. Although we weren't able to talk for long, they told us that the restaurant had long been known to hold several Underground members, and convicts and thus previous police raid was not an unexpected occurrence. A few meters, away from the restaurant, we split off from each other.
The spaceport was still a few thousand meters away, but the entire city was in a manhunt for us, and the others from the restaurant, so we couldn't just walk there, and wait for ZN's contact to arrive, and pick us up. Hovercrafts were already flying overhead, searching for us. We were able to keep moving, ducking between buildings, and through crowds to avoid being picked out from the crowd. There were also more surveillance drones still flying around, searching for us. While we searched for a taxi that was willing to take us to the spaceport, we heard loud gunfire coming from where we had last seen the people from the restaurant go.
As we ran over to see what was happening, we saw 20 policemen, standing over a pile of corpses. Although we weren't able to get close enough to identify anyone, we knew who they were. at this point, we still had nowhere to go, and we didn't know whether we would be able to get all the way to the spaceport, before tomorrow morning, or if we could make it, whether we would be able to hold out long enough against the police, and drones, while we waited for our transport. At the time, we still had a few more hours to go, before morning came.
Around this time, we were able to slip into a bar to hide. Once there, she informed her contact of our current situation. While she did this, I kept my eye on the door, as policemen passed by, along with their drones. After we ordered our drinks and waited a few hours, she finally got a message back. The message said that the arrival couldn't be delayed in any way, as the pilot had just entered Regime territory, and thus any signals sent to him could be picked up by the Regime. In order to solve our current issue, he suggested that we get help from one of his contacts in a nearby taxi center, to get transport to the spaceport, along with a final confirmation that the transport will arrive at 4 in the morning, exactly 3 hours from the arrival of these messages.
After an hour of hiding out in the bar, we left to find the taxi company he had mentioned. At this time, the manhunt had started to calm down in this area, as we had not been found there. Inside the company, we reached the counter, and asked to meet with CS-12, the name given by ZN's contact. After we gave some information, we were finally allowed to meet with him. We were lead into a small room at the end of a long corridor.
His offfice was small, with light amounts of surveillance around the area. CS was around 20-30 years old. He asked if we were associates of Trak, and we confirmed. While we were in the bar, me and ZN had piled together our money, and found that we had only 37 credits between us. When we asked, he said that a ride for two in a private taxi would cost 20 credits. He then asked where we were going, and we told him, along with the timespan we had to get there by. He informed us that we could, and he would be able to accomplish it in an hour, so we had to sit tight for another hour.
During that hour, a lot happened. Police came in, and asked if they had seen any of the fugitives from the restaurant. Apparently, they had counted the bodies, we saw earlier and found that there weren't as many as they had initially found at the restaurant. After a few hours of questioning everyone in the building, they finally left. They didn't find us, as we were hiding at the time. As the hour went by, more and more of these checks happened, as law enforcement was doing a blast sweep for us, and the others from the restaurant. After at least six counts of this, they finally gave up, with a warning of what they would do if they found out they were lying or had seen us, and not reported it
After an hour had passed, we were snuck into a nearby taxi which belonged to CS. The roads were filled with chaos, due to the police blockades set up throughout the city, hoping to catch us, and this the journey took slightly longer than expected. When we arrived, ZN informed her contact about this, and he told us that the pilot would wait for us for only 10 minutes, before leaving. As we got closer to the spaceport, we found a problem. There were hundreds of policemen swarming the area and checking anyone trying to leave, or enter.