Chapter 14: Banquette
Night came and guests began to arrive dressed in exotic clothing, regal attire and jewels. A knock came at Alura’s door and Ginsu entered after a short wait, dressed in a brown shirt, pants, and black shoes. Turning around on her bench in front of her mirror she eyed him over curiously, tilting her head slightly to the side. “You sure? I mean…I have not once seen a man going to a party dress like that. I’ve seen them wear white shirts with black jackets and black pants with black shoes.”1138Please respect copyright.PENANAWknUa0BWNS
Ginsu sighed, lightly rolling his eyes. Mortals, so stuck with a traditional look it was almost sad how they didn’t seem to think outside the box. “It’s fine. I can wear whatever I want. Don’t worry.” He assured her but saw and heard her sigh anyway with a look of being unimpressed. He thought this over wanting to show her he could easily be classier if he wished to and so he snapped his fingers, having a new vision in mind for his formal wear. His clothing changed after a blue aura that engulfed them began to fade away, revealing more appropriate attire. He stood now in a rich dark blue shirt that fit firmly being a vest of shiny silk over a soft eggshell white shirt, both resting under a black partly buttoned up jacket with dark pants and black shoes. He wore a ring on his finger now that previously hadn’t been there with a beautiful sapphire and ruby stones, each held in their own four little gold colored teeth. “Now, is this more what you were thinking?” he asked with a gentle smile, humor in his tone at the state of shock painted so clear on her face.1138Please respect copyright.PENANAeMaRMqDVm9
“Wow, fast change.” Alura muttered in awe at the sight quietly under her breath. She stood once the shock wore off and brushed her dress off some to smooth it. She wore a beautiful strapless blue gown that held soft waves of green and white around the bell. Around her neck resting on her collarbone was a necklace of gold with three chains in front housing beautiful offset jewels, giving the soft illusion of stair steps. The lengths of the chains were adjusted to fit her frame so not to droop but to rest comfortably against her soft flesh, ensuring the right distance between fabric and metal.1138Please respect copyright.PENANAEL74lpUrYv
He smiled nodding in approval as he saw how beautiful she looked for eight and it surprised him. She looked almost older than her age but that could be contributed to Nate’s blood flowing through her, though this was his theory on it. “Beautiful. You look stunning.” He complimented bringing her to smile and blush lightly as she started walking over to him. He offered his hand to her and she took it, unable to stop softly smiling as he led her gently out of her room and, down the stairs to the ballroom for a magical night.1138Please respect copyright.PENANAVgLXklWtkz
When they entered the magnificent ballroom it was lit beautifully as smooth and elegant music played with a joyful beat, the men and woman dancing looked to all be nobility. “Wow.” She whispered quietly, staring at everything in amazement.1138Please respect copyright.PENANAou4uc9Mggr
Softly Ginsu tapped her shoulder and held out his hand. “Shall we dance?” he asked smoothly. Alura nodded taking his hand and followed his lead mixing in with the other couples stepping in time as they flowed across the spotless floor, twirling at times. She laughed as it was fun for her to finally enjoy what she’d seen so many nobles do, and heard spoken about. He smiled to her as they danced within the crowd of people. Hiatsu watched the sea of bodies, only dancing with women who asked and enjoyed himself in this old art form as did they. Marizu on the other hand stayed back out of the way and in the shadows. He was not much of a dancer and hated seeing so many enjoying themselves. None would want to dance with him anyway as all feared him, so he stayed back out of the way and watched as silent as death itself.1138Please respect copyright.PENANA9COwDE0PxY
The night flowed by like magic and too quickly for Alura’s liking as she was enjoying the magical evening. Finally, when it came time everyone was directed to the banquet hall for dinner. Hiatsu who sat at the head of the table made his speech to the men, wishing them luck on their journey and mission. The meal went well until it was about halfway through when some guests took notice of the eight year old sitting at Ginsu’s side, some of the men and woman there began to question the reasons behind Alura being allowed to join them. They hadn’t enjoyed seeing a child at the ball but ignored it since it was just dancing, though now at dinner the girl was being allowed around wine. This they disapproved of and raised questions to pass through the air with whispered breaths, questioning her and the God Brother’s judgment in allowing this. A select few whispering she had swiped a glass of wine when she simply had juice to go along with the meal.1138Please respect copyright.PENANAJtw54ZHECl
Alura looked down into her lap, slowly lowering her fork as she heard their whispers. She wasn’t stupid and could hear them, and it hurt emotionally to know the accusations they were making simply based on what was in front of their eyes in that moment. She tried to stick it out, taking another bite but it became too much. Setting down her fork Alura looked up at Ginsu silently with sad eyes, she didn’t want to ruin his reputation so, and slowly pushing back her chair she excused herself quietly with her face downturned to watch the floor. She didn’t want to meet their gaze as she hurriedly left the dining hall. Ginsu shortly after Alura had passed through the doors to reach the stairs to return to her room, stood and excused himself before following Alura into the hallway out of the dining hall.1138Please respect copyright.PENANAeFMA7FK01d
Hiatsu sighed closing his eyes annoyed at his youngest brother. The whispering speculations, though, were growing most annoying so the Fire God cleared his throat, silencing the forming rumors and gossip. “Excuse him, he has been training our special guest and thought she could use a night to relax. Return to your meals and silence your tongues, unless your words pertain to the reason this ball was held for.” He warned strictly and the men and women quickly grew quiet, returning to their plates as a few only spoke if it was to compliment the food or speak about the mission the newly trained soldiers would be doing. None wished to cross the eldest God Brother, not wishing to become black as charcoal.1138Please respect copyright.PENANAokdhJg5bYY
Ginsu looked around the hall and continued briskly down the corridor, turning a corner and saw her at the top of the first staircase where it split. He stepped up behind her and turned her around hugging her. “It’s alright. Don’t mind them. They don’t mean anything. They don’t even know you so how would they know why you are there?”1138Please respect copyright.PENANA9riNZMpMPm
Alura felt her-self be turned around and pulled into a hug before she could stop it. She struggled to push away from him as she spoke. “They were right though. I didn’t belong there. Sorry to ruin your good time.” She said softly as she was finally able to get free of his warm arms, pulling away. Once out of his arms, she walked on her way up the stairs and down the hall towards her room, still clearly upset though tried to keep it hidden.1138Please respect copyright.PENANAungQkuXQGN
Ginsu watched and sighed shaking his head then glanced behind him, listening to the quiet chatter from the dining hall. He didn’t return to the ball. He should but didn’t want to, feeling annoyed by the guests for how they spoke about Alura. If they had spoken openly about their concerns instead of whispering as if she didn’t exist there, it may have been a different story because a discussion could have taken place but that obviously didn’t happen. So releasing a breath he turned his head forwards and simply followed after the girl, arriving at his destination he turned his back to the door so to be standing outside Alura’s door and, waiting to try to comfort her when she might allow him inside. Sobs were coming through Alura’s door when he had walked up and he sighed, listening silently with arms folded in front of his chest, each sob breaking his heart.1138Please respect copyright.PENANAtMjjTSy670
“Too young?! I am not that young! I’m older than I was!” Alura snapped in a low growl while pacing around her room. “I’m not too young!” She shouted in an upset rage, throwing a book hard into the opposing wall across from her door as tears stained her face as they fell, her body shaking with each sob and sniffling. She wasn’t too young, she just wasn’t. Yes she was eight but that was older than six. She didn’t need to be talked about like that. Where did they get off doing that anyways? Her open hands closed quickly into fists, tightening with the mere thought they had spoken like that of her simply because she was mortal instead of Immortal. It wasn’t fair. Since Ginsu had invited her it should had been just fine for her to be there, right? There wasn’t any reason why an invited guest shouldn’t be allowed to attend, or to her view it didn’t make sense why those Immortals would judge her compared to Ginsu not judging her. Sure Hiatsu wasn’t the nicest or warmest of men and Marizu was just ice cold to her, so they didn’t count as examples of a proper Immortal greeting.1138Please respect copyright.PENANA0cFHcwX7nz
Ginsu waited, listening for a minute to her short rant and the thud of a thrown object before knocking softly. “Go away! I’m tired!” she snapped harshly, not hiding the tears in her voice. He knew what she said but couldn’t make himself leave, not when she was so upset because of everyone else. Softly he turned the door handle and let himself in. Gazing around the room slowly he saw Alura sitting at her vanity and exhaled, looking away with second thoughts as he didn’t want to force his wanting to help if she would resent him for it. It took a few more slow moments before he swallowed his worry and fully entering the room, closing the door softly behind him. Stepping over quietly he softly touched her shoulder with his head tilted forwards looking down to her collapsed form, and if she would look up she would see his sad reflection in the pale colorless glass. “What do you want?” she sobbed from her arms making the words sound muffled. She felt his hand on her shoulder but didn’t bother to look up to know who it was.1138Please respect copyright.PENANAludWWbPxU2
Ginsu was silent for a second as if thinking then let his quiet voice speak. “Nothing, nothing at all except only to comfort you. They were out of line to whisper those things. Trust me. Things won’t change or become different here. You are still apart of us here at the palace.” Those words leaving his lips caused her to jump, her head jerking up and her body to turn to look at him with shocked, wide eyes as a few tears still flowed silently down her soft flesh.1138Please respect copyright.PENANAXAHtedy3Z6
“Wh…what?” she asked as she stared. She felt almost dumbfounded by those simple words from him or to her they were simple.1138Please respect copyright.PENANADp1Yt5TN41
Ginsu slowly gained a gentle smile to his sad expression. “You will always be a part of us. You will forever be part of this palace and our lives.” He spoke with an honest tongue and eyes seeming to shimmer like the calm ocean in the moonlight. She didn’t move, feeling stuck in her staring then finally she closed her eyes and collapse against him, hugging him tightly and cried on into his waist. This time it wasn’t from the sadness they below had brought to her heart with anger, no these were tears from the happiness to hear this as it felt like she had a second family for her and Talon. He softly held her close and kneeled down so she was crying into his chest, and began to rub her back gently, softly humming a tune to help calm her down. “You’ll always be welcome here no matter what any Immortal or Mortal says.” Ginsu whispered lastly into her ear as he let her release any emotions she wished so they wouldn’t be bottled up.1138Please respect copyright.PENANATHroy1jhYa
Below them over time the event had ended and guests took their leave, seen off by Hiatsu as Marizu ensured no one tried to stay behind for whatever their reasons. When all was done and servants worked to clean up the rooms, Hiatsu made his way to go rest in his chambers, dismissing Marizu to go rest or do as he pleased within the God Lands territory so long as it didn’t harm either child. Inside his extravagant room Hiatsu removed his shirt, changing into loose pants he let his body flop deadly onto the soft feather mattress. His head rest on the comfortable cotton pillow, his mind reviewing over the events at dinner, and he sighed closing his yellow eyes slowly. That hadn’t gone so well. He would need to make it right with Ginsu over how they treated Alura, sounding as if they had been seeing a lesser being. Mortals were seen as below Immortals but it was still rude to treat those creatures with any less respect than what they displayed in return upon meeting.1138Please respect copyright.PENANAjXpMCbchbb
Hiatsu drifted to sleep with an active mind making a list of duties to do in the morning. The Fire God wasn’t the only one having difficulty drifting to sleep. Awake in his bed Talon had been laying still, listening to the chatter from maids and his hand glowing with one of his ears. The four year old was motionless, eyes half open with a slight dark haze filling one eye like storm clouds rolling in. He had enhanced his hearing with his demon aura inherited from their father and had heard what took place at dinner. Listening to the maid’s gossip and rumor over what was said by the guests and a couple soldiers brought a frown to tug onto his thin lips. He couldn’t do anyone harm but it brought mixed emotions inside him to stir. He was glad his sister wasn’t pampered there but at the same time he felt anger towards those who were rude and disrespectful towards her.1138Please respect copyright.PENANARXPLzdBBCT
As the chatter quieted, giving Talon nothing else to listen to that could bring him interest, he let his aura fade away and his eyes slowly closed. The eye once clouded became its beautiful blue once more after his aura had ceased, and went back to slumber within him as his body drifted gradually into a deep sleep.