Chapter 19: Welcome to Zento
Unknown to Sophia, Alura was on her way to Zento with plans to free her father so she could have help taking back Flora and freeing Sophia. Just hang in there mother. I’ll be there soon with father. Alura thought, pushing some blowing brown locks back as she stood on the deck of the ship in the early morning light. Then…we’ll reclaim Flora from Amoxious and return the rightful royal family to the throne. She thought as her eyes scanned the softly colored cloud line, one hand resting up by her ear to hold back the loose hair as the other hand held securely onto the railing.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAxZPwkGYVWU
It had been roughly five or so hours since she had left the God’s palace and she was missing them terribly. Twenty minutes later the captain of the ship while on his way back to the controls to take over for his co-pilot, looked over Alura’s shoulder as he passed by to see what she was reading. She was leaning back against the outer wall of one of the cabins. He shrugged it off after just seeing squiggles, figuring it up to some new trend the young people were into. He continued on his way, going inside the control room and leaving her alone on deck.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAUjyKeplqm0
Sighing she lowered the book while leaning her head back against the cool wall. The air was chillier above the clouds which had required her to put a jacket on and the sky being as clear as glass, to appear to be holding the sea above their heads was still fascinating. She groaned as her eyes closed before they opened to gaze at the blue sky. “Why can’t I understand this?” Alura whined with another groan. “Why did Hiatsu give it to me if I can’t even read any of it?” she complained under her breath before softly sighing.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAD0kRNL2z3Q
Before she had boarded she saw nothing on the pages but hours after boarding she had found some strange writing on the first three pages. Sadly, this odd writing, she couldn’t make heads or tails of it. A she began pondering on how easily the ship could make a U-turn, a noise caught her ears. “Huh?” her head tilted down to look and see a slip of white paper flapping in the wind, sticking out from inside the book. Slowly she pulled it out, closed the book to place it under her arm, and carefully unfolded it. Her eyes widened in shock when she realized who it was from.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAjJFg3M61b7
‘Dear Alura,
‘This note is to tell you about the spell book in case Ginsu forgot to explain. It’s a special book that allows only its owner to read its text. It’s simple to make yourself its new owner. Simply poke or cut your finger to draw a little blood then place your hand on top of the cover, making sure the blood touches the title. The book will then repair itself like new and the words will be readable by you alone. Good luck on your journey and to the best I wish you and your family.
‘Hiatsu’1146Please respect copyright.PENANABTr4SO4mA7
Her eyes slid over the paper once more to reread it then a small smile came to her face. “I guess he doesn’t hate me like I thought.” Alura mumbled before refolding the paper, pulling out the book, flipped it open and placed the note back into the book before closing it. She held the book in her right hand, looking at her empty left appendage she pondered if it mattered which finger she used. Shrugging her shoulders she decided to pick her index finger.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAEl4UVVAouw
Before biting she went back inside, returning to her cabin and once sitting on the bed she bit the extremity, effectively breaking skin. Slowly a small bubble of blood formed and she laid her hand upon the cover, making sure her pointer finger touched the faded golden letters of the title. At first nothing happened and appeared to not take hold, but slowly a golden spark came and began spreading over the book.1146Please respect copyright.PENANABk38K07GUx
This caused Alura to jump with a startled sound exiting her lips while dropping the book from her surprise. She blinked as she watched the book beginning to look like new and the title coming into a readable language. “….Zento….Arts…” she read softly as it finished up before she finally reached down and picked it back up. It looked as though nothing had happened. Amazing…I didn’t know he had any book like this. She thought before carefully opening the book. She minded her index finger to prevent placing blood on the item, not wanting to find out if another drop of blood might revert it back to how it was.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAVZfUDlMBSI
To try and get the bleeding to stop she put the tip of her bleeding finger in her mouth, licking it as her eyes scoured her open bag. Spotting a slim kit she pulled it out, opened it, and covered the bite with a small bandage. She opened the book after putting away the kit and what she saw caused her eyes to widen in awe.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAlUDK0Vx2gc
Every word on the first three pages was clear as day and actually legible. Amazing! I had no idea a book could be made to work this way. Alura thought breathlessly. This would be handy with a diary or journal. Seems Hiatsu sure knows how to keep quiet having hidden spell books. She thought as she started to read the first page. It would still be two hours until she would arrive at Zento and she hoped for a smooth travel to the Crystal Caves.1146Please respect copyright.PENANABx7rqWsdZ9
The evening sun would be slowly vanishing as the airship landed ten miles outside the nearest town. “Here we are ma’am.” The old man said kindly as he opened the door to the ramp.1146Please respect copyright.PENANA4aOWZUQvPU
Alura stepped off the ship looking around the wide landscape of trees, grass, and stone. “Thank you.” She said turning some to look at the pilot. “Do you by chance know where I can find the Crystal Caves?”1146Please respect copyright.PENANASGgMsP3IfB
He blinked and stroked a sandy gray chin as he closed his eyes, tilting his head down some. “Hmmm, let’s see…” he went quiet as he thought over the landscapes layout. “I think they are due north of this point,” he opened his eyes to meet hers, “which is about four days travel on foot if you are brisk. It be longer if you take your time.” Turning his attention to the sky he calculated the time before nightfall. “Best be careful though ‘cause there’s lots of witches, wizards, and other types using magic around here.” He warned in case she didn’t know.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAdCgBiD3DHI
Alura gave a gentle smile, glad for his concern. “I will. Thank you sir,” she bowed her head before turning her back and began down the ramp with a jump in her step.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAH9ckwNnaMQ
“If you head North-West you’ll find a town about ten minutes from here. Best be you go there for the night then go to the caves.” He called after her.1146Please respect copyright.PENANA3FWSV9RECJ
“Got it!” she called back behind her with a wave of her hand into the air. He sighed with a heavy breath seeing this and shook his head. He was never going to understand how the young could be so dismissive. He hoped she wouldn’t end up getting in over her head by ignoring his suggestion and warning.1146Please respect copyright.PENANA3vTUtlkO6B
Alura moved briskly down the stone laid path, heading into the forested part of the land. It wasn’t until about five minutes of walking did she come to a halt. The path was divided into three ways. One going North-West, one going North, and the other North-East. Well…he did say to go to the town first that was to the North-West but… her eyes gazing down the way to the town trailed over to the one going North. He did say to be careful but how dangerous could it really be? Ginsu wouldn’t send me off without other protection if this land was dangerous. To her this was reasonable logic so after looking up at the reddening sky, she advanced Northward.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAd28xAgq2hU
When that tiny nagging voice of caution began to bite at her mind, Alura shook it off as she told herself she would be fine. I can’t dawdle. Plus I need to make however much Relu I have stretch. I doubt I could get a job her anyways. She thought while continuing her quiet advance towards the caves, focusing now on being reunited with her newly freed father.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAOa9o5Wv2Sq
The sun eventually finished setting and the night sky began to creep overhead, allowing the stars and moon to rise to watch over the land. Late into the night, about nine to ten o-clock, she finally came to a stop. Releasing a yawn she walked off the path to one side and removed her swords. She set her bag down, searching through until she found a blanket. It never crossed her mind under the moonlight while zipping up her bag to start a fire. Alura laid down on her bag for a pillow as she released another big yawn and closed her eyes, feeling warm under her blanket.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAuRAGa5eIjM
A dark figure watched and smirked before slowly moving out from the darkness to get closer to his target. He watched her sleeping form before spying the two swords. The one that caught his eye most was the one in a blue sheath. Bingo! He thought, thinking he had found a jackpot of an item. Carefully he reached out for the blade only to recoil quickly with a scream of pain. The sword had shocked him with sparking and loud electricity.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAdYad9sCckY
The minute he had screamed out in pain Alura awoke, quickly taking hold of her other blade and swung it outward in turn throwing the sheath away to try striking the intruder. He jumped back and just barely was missed by the steely death bringer. The man stepped back as he pulled a dagger out of his jacket before bracing himself as she charged, lifting her blade to strike. He tensed and watched closely before slipping to the side as he brought his dagger up and twisted it to trap the blade between his own steel and the hilt.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAc014fBPfp0
Giving a firm twist and jerk he liberated Alura’s sword away from her grasp. She started to move back quickly for her other sword. She grabbed its hilt and was about to draw it before freezing when a sharp edge pressed against her warm flesh of her neck and another against her stomach. “Drop it, wench.” He hissed in her ear with hot breath. Managing to swallow past the tight lump in her throat Alura released the sword, letting it clatter to the ground. “Good girl, you seem to value your life.” He chuckled in a low scratchy tone. “Now, move.” He ordered, leading her over to a tree some steps away from her bag.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAgDeXSKXCm5
He shifted his position so to be now in front of her while keeping the pressure on his weapons. This pressure caused her to step backwards until her back pressed against the rough bark. “Sit.” She sat down as he began to remove his blades from her body. “Stay put.” He ordered as he snapped his fingers to cause a quick scurrying ring to zip over her body, vanishing without a trace. Turning his back to her he stepped to her bag, crouching down and began to rummage through it for anything of value.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAzpsUGr4I1B
Alura glared at his back before looking down as she tried to move away from the tree without success. Frowning, the thief was displeased. He had found her money pouch but other than that he couldn’t find much else that was worth anything in his eyes. A book that he couldn’t read because all he saw was gibberish was the only thing possibly worth anything. He shifted his eyes to the sword that had shocked him and released a small snarl at it. Stupid blade, bet it’d be worth a fortune if it wasn’t protected. He thought with annoyance.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAyYC85OTHej
Glancing back he watched Alura trying to struggle against his holding spell. Wonder if anyone would buy a pretty little thing like her… he pondered before after some moments a smirk pulled to his lips with a devious grin. He snapped his fingers which drew her attention to see a good couple feet of rope appear out of thin air.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAo2JsTm3I8q
She narrowed her eyes as he stood, turning to her with a cloth in his hand as he started to approach. “Keep the hell away from me!” Alura snapped sharply but all he did was chuckle at her order.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAxc1WfpJE7N
“I don’t take orders from something that can make me money.” He told her calmly before he extended his index finger of the hand holding the rope, watching as her hands at her sides went behind her back as her body was turned for him. He kneeled down and after the rope cut to the length he wanted, he proceeded to restrain her. He secured her wrists behind her back, another length secured her arms to her sides by being wrapped around her waist, and as he moved around in front of her he secured her ankles together with the rest of the rope.1146Please respect copyright.PENANARaXx9AwDZz
The guy pulled the cloth apart to reveal two articles of fabric as he came to kneel in front of Alura. Immediately she closed her mouth tight with a cold glare, refusing to open it as she had zero plans to allow him to gag her. He smirked with amusement at her determined look before punching her once, twice, three, then four times in the stomach. When she released air on the fifth punch was when he quickly wadded up the one cloth, effectively silencing her as he shoved it in her mouth. Quickly he took the second cloth to tie it behind her head over her mouth, further quieting her protests to this kind of treatment as she regained her breath.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAh8ugcXQPSa
Alura let out a frustrated and muffled scream as he stood before it turned into a cry of pain from a sharp kick to her side. “Stupid wench, she better fetch high.” He muttered before returning to her bag to search it one more time for anything he probably missed that he could sell other than her.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAnoJu2YnczI
Above their heads observing with sharp blue eyes which peered through strains of silver colored bangs. “Hmmmm, what do I see from this tree?” the male voice asked curiously which caused the thief to pause in his discarding Alura’s things to the ground. “Maybe a bandit and a thief?” the young male asked from his spot in the tree.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAgvIsghDIf6
The bandit stopped and started to stand as he turned while looking up towards the tree confused. He frowned as he formed an orb of light to illuminate the area to see a swinging black pants leg hanging over a tree branch. Following the leg up he saw the rest of the body which belonged to a slender young man in a white shirt. He drew his two knives as the young man jumped down from the tree. “You have guts, I’ll give you that.” He adjusted his grip on both blades as the young man dusted off his pants. “But only for thinking you can actually take me on alone.”1146Please respect copyright.PENANAyJINnJhp5R
The young man looked to the bandit, pushing back his short silver hair with loose bangs. He eyed the man over thoughtfully before speaking. “Mmmm…yes I think I can take you on.” He nodded once gently, “should be simple enough.” He then crackled his knuckles, tilted his head to either side so it cracked before positioning one hand behind his back in a fist. “I will even use one hand alone with the other behind my back.” He said confidently with a smirk which brought the thief to release a hardy laugh at this sight.1146Please respect copyright.PENANA5SVfvEfp9l
“You don’t know who I am, do you?” the bandit asked with a chuckle eyeing the shorter male over. “There’s a reason I’m not in a dungeon cell and that’s because no one takes me down alone.” He stepped then charged at the young man, stabbing one blade at the youths face as the other swung lower to go for the stomach.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAdYy4NYtxdP
The young man jumped back quickly and continued to step back as he continued to keep a close eye on the strikes. He never removed his left hand from behind his back resting at the base of his spine, nor did he yet try to hit away the older man’s arms with his weapons. Suddenly just as the man thought he had landed a blow, the young man vanished. The thief came to a stop before looking around. When he heard the clicking of a tongue behind him was when he turned to see the young man shaking his head gently. “You have horrible aim and I’m sorry to say but…” he looked down at his untouched form, “I think you have missed me every time.”1146Please respect copyright.PENANAJwWWDooUdR
The young man shrugged which only brought the thief to tighten his jaw with anger at the air about the youth. “I guess I’m too fast for someone who doesn’t stand a chance.” His tone was sure of himself and cocky which only caused the bandits blood to boil.1146Please respect copyright.PENANA45pxPrUta6
“You little cocky mouthed brat! You need to show some respect to your superiors!” he snapped coldly before charging at the young man. What he was welcomed with before he could come close to landing a blow was a rope after the young man snapped his fingers. The thick rope latched around the bandits raised wrist as another went around his chest. He got pushed back by the magic controlled restraint until he slammed with a crack into a thick tree.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAlCe6BdbEYO
The young man yawned as he his right hand twirled in the air with his rings glowing, as more ropes appeared and secured the thief to the tree. The ropes wove themselves into a spider web like layering while securing themselves behind the tree trunk. The thief struggled against the ropes with curses being shouted out. The young man shook his head, “such language, and in front of a woman. Where are your manners?” he questioned as he snapped his fingers and watched the man’s lips seal shut.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAJJCOSEF9Pm
The silver haired young man brought his other arm forwards, dusting his hands off. “Thank you. I needed a good work out.” He began to adjust his rings on his right hand, “been a while since anyone has tried anything in my area of Zento.” The young man turned on his heel and walked to Alura almost like a march. Her eyes were wide as she stared at him in awe and shock. He snickered at her expression as he went and kneeled down behind her before proceeding to untie first the gag then the ropes. “So, how do you feel?” he asked as she spat the wad of cloth out.1146Please respect copyright.PENANA2eV6uwgR18
“Besides being attacked in the dark, I’m fine.” Alura answered as the ropes soon fell away, including those on her ankles.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAHQ8Y2BCe1c
“Feel better being free?” he questioned as she nodded while moving her arms around. “I’m Marenzo,” he introduced as she rubbed her wrists, “but my friends call me King Suit.” He chuckled with a grin at his own given nickname.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAmZAPi4cUE1
“Uh…I’m Alura, Alura Syto, no nickname.” She answered quietly while looking at him still in some awe. “Thank you.” She wasn’t sure about what he found so funny though she did find his smile nice.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAgMc42SL0DI
Marenzo rubbed the back of his head as his eyes closed and his body relaxed. “Aw don’t mention it. It was nothing.” He opened his blue eyes that seemed to be sparkling as they gazed at hers longingly before his faded grin returned. She took a step back confused by this which brought him to sigh and shook his head, taking his own step back from the beautiful teen. He turned his attention to her scattered items and frowned. This wouldn’t do and he refused to allow the mess to remain.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAVexSTWO9IY
Moving his left hand through the air all the items of clothing refolded and returned to the bag. The money pouch also returned as did the book and the rest of the items tossed aside by the restrained thief. “There we go. All better.” He said before flashing to her a friendly smile, hoping she wasn’t too weirded out by him.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAKBcTqc3pGT
Alura didn’t know how to fully grasp this. Magic wasn’t unknown to her or lost to her but at the same time she hadn’t seen someone display it so openly and so much at once. “Uh…thanks.” She stated softly as he lifted and held out her bag to her. Even Ginsu hadn’t really used any of his powers as this young man was nor had Hiatsu or Marizu when she was with them. A small bit of fear was twisting her stomach as she gently took the bags strap. She was quiet for some moments looking down before asking her question. “What…are you?”1146Please respect copyright.PENANAfX9PbLimOl
“Hmm?” Marenzo asked looking over to her from taking a glance at the night sky. “Oh that’s simple, I’m a Wizard. Well kind of anyway.” He began as he held out a hand to ignite a light orb to float above his palm for them. “I am but I prefer not to brag or anything. Just seems to draw eyes, ya know?” he explained with a grin and small chuckle, enjoying in some ways tooting his own horn. He moved his hand and left the orb floating while he rubbed the back of his head to appear nervous.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAChv7fVOnNP
She eyed him over and didn’t buy the nervous gesture as she put her bags on her shoulder. “Anyways, thank you again. I’ll be going now.” She stated before turning away from him and began to walk towards the Crystal Caves.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAX9Y20AXvdo
There was a short silence before she heard footsteps following behind her. “Where you going?” the wizard inquired with his hands laced and resting against the back of his head.1146Please respect copyright.PENANAkJ1wPWCWIt
“The Crystal Caves,” Alura answered pointedly. “The Airship driver said it would take a few days by foot.”1146Please respect copyright.PENANAgMjiBlGRhX
Marenzo scoffed and rolled his eyes. “That’ll be easy. Just follow and you’ll be there in no time.” He said as he darted forwards unlacing his fingers before grabbing her free hand and began to drag her with him across. She stumbled as he wove around trees until he found a clearing and proceeded to dash across the open area.1146Please respect copyright.PENANA02y7kPLFP2
“Ah!” she exclaimed as they began going down a hill and came onto a stone pathway. “Oh no, my swords!” she shouted at him trying to make him stop by pulling back. He didn’t slow down or stop. He simply snapped his fingers and in the blink of an eye she had her two regular weighted blades one on both hips, and the sword from Ginsu on her back. How does he have…oh right, she thought and shook off the amazement. Magic is nothing to Gods or the residents of Zento. The books inside cover did say it was known for its magic users.1146Please respect copyright.PENANA3tETsFrnmd
Marenzo nodded as he continued to lead her by her hand, his eyes closing as he continued walking. “Yup that’s right and not all of us are nice.” He opened his eyes and turned his head to look back at Alura. “That I’ll tell ya right now so you know.”1146Please respect copyright.PENANAhHfB2SKRCF
“Huh?” Alura blinked her speed trying to slow down, “what the? How did you do that?” she asked confused then something clicked. “Did you just read my thoughts?”1146Please respect copyright.PENANA6obqrR4y3u
“Well yea, it was pretty easy.” Marenzo gloated then made a face, changing his tone to mimic a noble air. “Should I not do such a dreadful thing?” he asked as he imitated a nobleman with a British accent.1146Please respect copyright.PENANA22IJyr8jEc
Alura puffed out her cheeks while glaring daggers at him. All he did was laugh at this and looked ahead as he moved into a run once more. She gave a small cry and sped up to keep up with the young man. “Hey! Not so fast you jerk!” she snapped which brought him to laugh as he found her order funny. He continued to pull her along at his running pace down the pathway from under the moonlight above.