Chapter 16: Final Training
Through the slow moving days, Ginsu continued to train Alura, keeping an eye on her posture, her speed and her composure in different elements. One day they had gone to one of the other God Lands attached to the main land they occupied. This was so he could train her in the harshest cold imaginable, thanks to the Goddess of Ice. Another day they went to another attached land where the God and Goddess of Death resided, and kindly they aided Ginsu in his request for them to create a horrible storm for Alura’s training.1420Please respect copyright.PENANA5vv4yjJQmR
These days were slow moving over the seven years he had to train the daughter of Nate Syto. Ginsu had yet to properly tell her about her father’s bloodline or about her mother’s bloodline. It was a touchy subject and he wanted to ensure she was ready to know the deeper extent about its history. He also wasn’t sure a hundred percent Sophia’s blood from the past held any influence over, or alongside, Nate’s. Despite his uncertainty, during their training, he had kept his word and continued gradually revealing information about Nate to Alura.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAXj6zSanI40
Later into the years he took her to a third land attached to the main land, where he requested the summer warmth be increased. The God and Goddess of Light agreed and, with Ginsu’s water, created a very hot and humid environment to test Alura’s endurance. Eventually, after a year into two of this, Alura complained to Ginsu about how hard he was pushing her, wanting to know why they had been previously taking their time but recently had picked up the pace.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAFjDkuRYSZ6
This did not settle well with the Water God. He didn’t feel he could tell her that someone had threatened Hiatsu and their lives if she was not gone by the seventh year. Instead, he reminded her he wanted to ensure she would be properly ready for anything. Reminding her that when she faces Amoxious, be it solo or on the field of war, that the dictator would not be kind nor gentle. After seeing the frustration in his eyes she held her tongue, not complaining about the speed in which they were going, and did her best in resisting any urges to question him on it again.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAdyM6wQ4bxr
Through the third year he had asked the Goddess of Darkness to help with blinding Alura as they spared. Into the fourth year he requested the aid of the Goddess of Mind to help with illusions. Through all this he could see the frustration with him in her eyes. It was annoying but he wanted to also see how much she could take before her father’s blood would trigger. There had to be a good limit of tolerance before it would wake even a small bit. He didn’t want to witness that demonic blood causing the loss of the real her.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAb7zuyEbrRF
Finally the seventh year came. Alura was fourteen and had grown to be beautiful. Yes she was young and the seven years felt they had flown by but she was still was a beautiful young woman, resembling her mother in her youth. Her skill with a blade resembled the fighting ability her father had held which pleased and saddened Ginsu. He had gotten used to training her and couldn’t shake his fears for her on her own. But he didn’t have a choice or say in the matter. The last thing he wanted was for him or anyone else to be killed. Unlike mortals they were less likely to be reborn or allowed into the reincarnation cycle.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAgVzpWXQOeM
In this last year he had given her a second sword to give her a feel for using two weapons at once. He reminded her from time to time to watch her grip on the second weapon, for her to feel like it is an extension of herself like she has done with a single blade. She was becoming comfortable with two weapons but still seemed to have trouble. She wasn’t fully used to yet not being able to use one arm to support the other in adding force behind the blade.1420Please respect copyright.PENANATzpm4F66yF
On this day, the day before her fifteenth birthday, he had brought her into the forest the demon woman had once lived. They came to a river fed by a waterfall. The air was warm and the humid feeling was added to by the heat off the flowing water that was set in a never ending loop. The clear water flowed around medium sized flat stepping stones that dotted the liquid mirror. The trees were dense and the sun was high above their heads casting shadows and the water so clear to shimmer.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAqNWk3z12Gz
“Today will be the last day of our training. Show me what you have. We will work on your balance and control. If you cannot keep control of your movements you will land in the river. We will train here for a while then head back for a meal and a final training in the gardens for a last lesson. Sound good?” Ginsu asked watching Alura who nodded, wiping some sweat from her brow that had started to form due to the moist air.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAUMDJqIsdbp
Ginsu stepped over to a tree while removing his short sleeve green shirt. He folded it and set it down by the base of the tree before stepping closer to the river in simple and comfortable light colored pants. His flat shoes softly crushed the blades of grass before he came to a stop and looked to Alura in her tunic styled shirt, light cotton pants and her dark colored shoes. “When I do beat you then you will have to tell me more about my father. You aren’t getting out of that.” She stated strictly walking over by the river to his side.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAkLBRMPIJEv
“I wouldn’t dream of avoiding doing so.” Ginsu assured taking a step forwards then jumping over the riverbank to land on one flat stone then jumping to another, then a third where he stayed. Turning around he watched waiting for Alura, drawing his blade to place the dull side of the silver weapon on his bare shoulder. Alura took the hint and stepped towards the river, drawing both blades from their sheaths. Dislodging the hard cases from her waistband she allowed them to softly clatter into the green blades as she took another step before jumping off the bank and onto one of the rocks.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAtTMCCCyBmZ
Adjusting her hold with a swift swing of both blades through the air before resting them at her sides she watched Ginsu closely, ready to begin. “Shall we start then? Or is the mighty Water God scared of a little girl?” Alura mocked gently with a confident smirk on her face.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAjvu9V0G7bM
Ginsu chuckled shaking his head which made his pulled back hair sway gently. “So confident I see. Well that’s nothing new. I guess let us begin.” He stated and lifted his blade, shifting his footing slightly with his left foot sliding back a small bit as his blade began to lift into the air, coming to rest in line with his waist.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAEySqRaofxf
Alura turned her body so her left side was more dominate towards him, lifting the blade up in front of her so the tip was up towards her right shoulder, her right blade held back along her side. There was silence between the two who waited for the other to make the first move. After some moments of almost appearing they had gone to stone, Alura twitched before lunging at Ginsu who then responded by leaping forwards and landing on another stone, his blade meeting hers as she brought down the left blade towards his head.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAb4atNhbDbE
The weapons of steel clashed, grinding against the other as she put her weight onto the one blade. As he watched the blade trying to cut his face she swung her right arm forwards, aiming to strike his side. Glancing a blue eye over the Water God released his blade with his right hand, moving it to meet the second sword, water surrounding it to form a barrier between his flesh and the hungry weapon. Alura felt a little surprised but the focus of her mind wasn’t too shocked though, having now her weight dispersed in two blades to apply pressure, she realized her body was starting to come down and with this Ginsu pushed against both blades into two different directions, throwing the left up and the right to the side. As a last step he sent water at her to throw her back onto another flat stone, watching her land on her butt.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAEEkpkI3qxM
Ginsu snickered pushing some bangs out of his face. “Aw down already? I thought you could stay on your feet longer than just a few minutes. You seemed so intimidating.” He commented with his chuckles as she stood to her feet, blades in hand.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAL9I2V2zFMX
“Oh that was no fair. You can control water not me!” Alura snapped at the gloating God, her shirt soaked some with water where she was struck just below her chest.1420Please respect copyright.PENANALdxmThoLNr
“I can control water but Amoxious is a shadow type demon. You cannot easily beat him either. You cannot control shadows or form things from thin air. He can. As I explained a few months back Amoxious can form things from thin air by a thought from his mind. That was how he framed your mother. He formed a necklace replica because he saw the one you stole. Do you think he will stop and comply to not use his power in battle against you, his enemy?” Ginsu asked sternly, the smile fallen from his face.1420Please respect copyright.PENANABPbym4R1pM
Alura was silent, eyes cast down as she listened and shifted her feet some as she hadn’t thought about herself ever requesting Amoxious to not use magic she could not. Taking a breath she sighed not looking to Ginsu as she shifted her right foot around on the stone to hear the graining rough surface. “…no…”1420Please respect copyright.PENANACKmLxwi4ZE
“Then why complain to me for using my magic which is also a magic you cannot use?” the blue haired God Brother sighed softly. “You’ve come far in your way of the sword but you are lacking in the ability to plan. You will end up dead if you cannot better adapt to a situation. No one is going to withhold their power in a fight unless they are toying with their opponent.”1420Please respect copyright.PENANAaIfs2e9yz7
“Oh can it! I get it I messed up not dealing better with your stupid water!” Alura suddenly snapped growing frustrated with the lecture. She got it already, Amoxious was evil, she knew he was evil and she had to get Flora back from his dictator ass. Glaring at the Immortal she jumped to a smaller stone then another and charged him, slicing through the air with her left sword then the other direction with her right.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAJuqIv4XvTr
Ginsu braced himself stepping back to rest his foot on a smaller stone and countered one blade then the other with his sword to push them away. He then brought the hilt of his sword around to hit Alura in the shoulder. She grunted falling back and landed in the water, coming back up with a gasp and glared at Ginsu who stood proudly on his stone. Slowly walking almost swimming over to another stone she climbed up with weapons in hand, not wanting to lose them and began to wring out her shirt. “You want we just stop?” he asked curiously.1420Please respect copyright.PENANA5gevK3VO4B
“No I don’t want to just stop. I’m going to beat you and show you I’m ready like it not. Then you’ll need to finish telling me about my father and where I can find him. You said he was locked up so I want to go and free him so I can free mother.” Alura stated strictly, picking her blades up from the stone surface at either side. Ginsu admitted to himself he was impressed by her drive and her focus. He would miss that in their training. Facing him the teenage girl looked around and jumped to one larger stone then to smaller ones, aiming to strike Ginsu from the side.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAlljl0k9iw6
He noticed this and turned, leaping back so she would land on the stone he once was on as he made his way three leaps back. He leapt forwards as she chased after, meeting her in the middle with her crossed blades blocking his single weapon. Sparks flew as the grinding noise from the shaking steel biting against the other came to their ears. Their eyes were locked on the other before pushing off from the other, both being shoved back and coming to land on a good sized stone.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAWGlk2aKwHv
Ginsu sighed shaking his head. “Alura, really now you need to think. You can’t just charge me and expect to be victorious.” The Water God explained with a sigh, waving one hand in the air as his blue orbs closed. This she frowned at but then smirked, lowering her body before charging focusing on her steps to keep them quiet as possible, making her way quickly up to the youngest God. “So how about you regroup your thoug-gah!” his words were cut off upon opening his eyes to see a very close Alura and just barely dodging the weapons by leaning back, throwing him off balance. She took this to her advantage by helping him locate the water, giving his chest a good kick once she was sure she was secure in her footing with both blades at her sides.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAHDCDipahCh
She giggled as he yelped, splashing into the water. Bubbles came up before his head surfaced and he shook his head, throwing the wet strains out of his face as he looked up to the grinning student. “Hey now that wasn’t fair!” he complained pouting.1420Please respect copyright.PENANA3FqIs2iirT
“You’ve said before that during battle you must stay focused and talk later.” Alura reminded smugly, very proud of herself. Ginsu opened his mouth to counter but closed it and smirked.1420Please respect copyright.PENANA7D3hM4PXZx
“Touché, using my own words against me, seems you don’t have a horrible memory after all.” He chuckled swimming over to a rock by the one she stood on, grabbing the rough surface and pulled himself up soaking wet. The water slid off his bare chest bringing Alura to blush lightly in seeing how the liquid drops sparkled in the sunlight. Wringing his hair out after pulling it to the side he turned his attention to the staring female, chuckling softly as he noticed her blushing face. “You liking what you see, Miss Syna?” Ginsu asked gently with the small smile on his face.1420Please respect copyright.PENANA2FqZhTRxy7
Alura’s face brightened in its color similar to a tomato as she quickly shook her head back and forth to indicate her answer with eyes closed tightly. “No! Not at all! I mean well not like you’re ugly just I’ve um I’ve seen better!” she tried to lie which made her face blush brighter and her ears to feel like they had been set on fire with her cheeks.1420Please respect copyright.PENANALgLWsOJedR
“Oh so you think I’m ugly? Well maybe I should recover my ugliness.” Ginsu said with a pout, heaving a sigh shifting his eyes away from her before turning his head to the side, looking into the distance as though he was very hurt by her words.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAcOy4rY7emt
She opened her eyes to look at the God of Water and shook her head, moving and splashed water onto him with her blade. “Hey I didn’t say you was ugly you idiot. Now come on! I wanna train more before it gets too late.” Alura ordered watching Ginsu stand with his blade in hand.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAt0F3GCH5nf
“I would be happy to oblige my lovely student who grows so beautiful as the rare Night Roses.” Ginsu said nobly with a bow at the waist. He stood straight and the pair resumed their sparing match, both after a couple to few hours had begun sweating from the heat rising off the constant flowing water. The sparing match would last until the sun was starting to set.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAeUFSIsyzii
The pair took their time walking back to the castle as evening birds were beginning to caw out into the gentle breeze. Alura took a deep breath and sighed, releasing it as she had regained her composure after earlier being breathless when they had finished. They walked in silence for a few moments that felt longer than what they really were before Alura looked up to Ginsu, breaking the silence between them. “So come on, tell me where my father is. I want to know where he is.”1420Please respect copyright.PENANAn2LaWDDG6h
Ginsu sighed and looked down to her thinking it over before speaking. “He’s on the floating island of Zento, encased by crystal. But as it is now you won’t be able to free him. You’ll need a special key.”1420Please respect copyright.PENANAdev5Mskjgy
“A special key? What is it? Where is it?” Alura quickly asked, jumping a bit as she wanted to know immediately.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAMEHxZKx6sk
“You’ll know later. Are you so anxious to leave us that you want to go without packing?”1420Please respect copyright.PENANAHXJC7U7KU1
“Huh? No I just…I want to hurry now to go find then free my father is all. Then with him we can go get Flora back and save mom.” Excitement lined her voice when laying out this plan to Ginsu.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAa6pQAvs0bl
“Well I guess that sounds like a good plan. I want to meet later tonight in the garden for one last spar with you before tomorrow. You think you can wait until then and grant me that honor?” Ginsu asked with a kind smile on his lips but sadness behind his eyes. He was going to be sad seeing her go before he would follow after and try to keep out of sight. She nodded and looked to the clear sky, inhaling deeply before exhaling hoping her mother could stay alive until she arrived with her father.1420Please respect copyright.PENANA3isicl7a3F
They walked the several miles back, chatting about small things and laughing at small jokes to keep the mood light. She knew she would miss him and the others: Hiatsu and Marizu. Most of all, the one she would miss over the three Gods would be Talon. The thought of leaving him brought the uncomfortable feeling of worry. Something Alura bet might be constantly there. He was her baby brother, how could she not fret about him? She knew he would be in good hands but the big sister fears were there nonetheless.1420Please respect copyright.PENANA6f48r0NWh0
Ginsu saw the look in her eyes and sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder which brought her to look up as their steps paused. “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. You’re ready for this. You’ll succeed and make everyone free again.” He encouraged kindly. “Since I lost I do owe you more answers about your father, don’t I?” he asked, looking at Alura who nodded and he sighed. “He can be found inside a deep cave. He should still be resting inside the clear crystal of green we encased him in years ago. He still rests there, in the country of Zento. Only true power from the heart can release him or a power greater than our own.”1420Please respect copyright.PENANAd6F6m1Y2xN
“So….I wouldn’t be able to free him?”1420Please respect copyright.PENANA7yCnHhsrAZ
“No, you can but…not at your present state. You need to be stronger and it must come from the heart. You must truly want him free for it to work. It’s a rare power that only comes when something is sacrificed.”1420Please respect copyright.PENANAcmMewodQQL
“When…something is sacrificed? Like what?” She asked, only receiving a glance from Ginsu meaning he would rather not say. He wanted her to figure that part out on her own, for if he told her she would only become worried and avoid it, thus would never awaken her full potential.1420Please respect copyright.PENANA3uKZ67E6wP
Alura sighed as they walked in silence, arriving at the palace a time later. Going inside she went up to her room, took a shower, and after changing into relaxed clothing she laid down for a nap. She wanted to be rested for nightfall. Will I truly be ready? She thought while silently staring at the ceiling. Will I truly be ready to be on my own and fight for my survival? Her thoughts circled around those words and the worries attached to them. She forced her eyes closed after several minutes to get some rest as the hours slowly slipped by.1420Please respect copyright.PENANA8VxQVKUokg
Once the sun had vanished below the horizon to allow the moon and stars to take their place, Alura woke and got changed into one of her sparring outfits. She grabbed her two swords, attaching them to her hips and headed out the door for the courtyard.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAMP0OYVl8qq
Ginsu waited outside for Alura in the courtyard. She arrived and moved towards him giving a small nod as she stopped steps away from him. “I’m ready.” Her tone was firm and eyes set, showing determination to prove for once she was ready. He nodded and held out a large sword in a dark blue and white sheath that was smooth as glass, and hard as stone. Alura’s mouth fell open as she stared at the weapon he held out to her. It was his own blade forged with his hand. Slowly she stepped closer and reached out, putting one hand under the sheath as the other took the hilt at the same time that Ginsu released it. It was heavier than hers but it was also built to take more force. “You’re…you’re giving me your sword?” she asked in awe while staring at the weapon then turned her eyes up to look at the Water God. “Why?”1420Please respect copyright.PENANAhkAty4mZQh
“You need another sword that can handle more damage.” Ginsu began explaining, “Also…this one holds the power to free your father.” Alura’s face fell more than she thought it could hearing those words, her eyes having returned to the weapon while her legs took a few steps back. “If you can awaken its power then you can free him. Simple enough if you can understand the right principles.” He smirked while drawing a blade from the sheath strapped to his back. “Now then, let us begin.”1420Please respect copyright.PENANA9sJlM7OyrK
Alura nodded before managing to strap his sword to her back and nearly falling backwards but caught herself to remain standing. She reached back and drew the new sword from its sheath, with a bit of help from Ginsu’s magic inside the sheath until she grew stronger. It was heavy due to the size of its solid blade. She let it come to rest on the ground while holding onto the hilt with both hands to give her arms a small break. Taking a deep breath she decided to use her dominate arm. Ginsu watched her slid the blade across the ground with a scraping noise before feeling impressed as she lifted it some off the ground by one hand. He noticed the trembling and could see the way she was holding it was difficult for her.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAgrIDx9Bv1Q
“Are you ready? Or do you wish to practice with my weapon alone first?” Ginsu asked curiously, keeping his eyes on his student as she drew her second blade from her left hip. The new blade in her left hand lowered to rest on the ground as she adjusted her hold with her right hand on the normal sword. There was his answer. “Hold them both as you would normally but remember to keep your grip firm but not choking the blade.” He instructed which brought one of Alura’s eyes to twitch in annoyance at being told something she already knew. “Remember the basics.” Ginsu went quiet upon receiving a glare from Alura as she finally got the right handling on the two swords.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAV3QS8pHxKt
“Ready.” She stated firmly before lowering her body with her footing being adjusted. She also had lowered one sword down beside her with the larger blade to her other side. Ginsu took his stance, ready for it to begin. When she stood still he made the first strike. He charged and swung his single blade up from his side and swung down. Quickly she brought up one blade to counter then swung the heavier sword to counterattack, standing her ground and holding firm against his blade. In a snap he leapt backwards, avoiding the attack then charged once more. He began to swing his blade at different angles in his second attack, planning to test her skill while forcing her backwards with each time she blocked his strikes.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAOYY8rx3e67
Beads of sweat began to form and slip down Alura’s face during the seemingly endless minutes of the onslaught. Her muscles were burning and screaming for a break, mainly in the arm that was maneuvering the heavier sword. She was managing to block Ginu’s strikes but just barely since it took a second or two more in moving the larger weapon to keep up with Ginsu. She grunted and quickly leapt backwards landing a bit hard and rough with both swords out to either side as she panted glaring at him silently.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAAhvbKInYRx
“Done already?” Ginsu asked sounding curious. “You don’t last long with the new blade as your second weapon.” Ginsu stated calmly, not even out of breath as he watched her closely.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAWM6bhdEZ4N
“Easy for you to say!” she barked coldly with her body trembling from her temper. “You’re a God! You don’t get tired like we humans do!” Alura snapped in her growing frustration at his calm demeanor. He sighed shaking his head at her. “What?!” she growled while catching her breath.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAN04dcfDx3D
Ginsu released a breath while closing his eyes before speaking in a firmer tone. “Sorry but Gods do become tired as humans do.” He began before opening his eyes. “Depending on what we do will determine how quickly we tire. We are not invisible.” He shifted his weight some while moving the blade up to rest the dull back of it on his shoulder. “Believe it or not, there are weaknesses we Gods all have. Ours are the stones we were born from.” Ginsu stated, placing his free hand on his chest. “Yours is your soul, heart, brain, and lungs. If any part of your body is badly injured you will die either slowly or quickly.”1420Please respect copyright.PENANA5x9H14Qei3
Ginsu took a breath, lowering his hand to rest at his side as he kept his eyes and serious expression on Alura. “If you wish to stop we can. I don’t want to push you harder than what you can handle.” His tone held concern fitting a mentor to his student. “You can either continue or train later on your own when you feel ready.” His tone wasn’t harsh but it was bringing more irritation into Alura’s glare.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAe8Q1sWIQxO
“…I’m not quitting.” Alura stated a bit coldly to him while slowly taking her stance. She was exhausted but still wanted to continue in order to prove she was strong to him.1420Please respect copyright.PENANA8yHU2UyMlX
A smirk crossed Ginsu’s lips at seeing her take her stance and sighed. “Why don’t you quit? I’m sure it’d be easier.”1420Please respect copyright.PENANAhmQDR5G15b
“I won’t quit.” Alura growled.1420Please respect copyright.PENANA1FdxplQm0v
“Why? What drives you?” Ginsu questioned.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAzdx9rXtx0z
“…….” Alura didn’t answer, her eyes shifting to look down at the ground in thought.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAUk2hUnUmJu
“Well?” Ginsu asked, moving his hand to rest on his hip, waiting patiently for her reply.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAYB5fKW7HwR
“……My brother….my mother….and my father…” She answered softly, turning her gaze to look at Ginsu.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAiMriH9nTpT
“There is more. Think hard on what you fight for.” The Water God said sternly, not believing that was the extent for what drove her. “If what you fight for is strong enough then you’ll conquer much more than if you only fight halfheartedly.”1420Please respect copyright.PENANAiGFszVNAQO
“What are you talking about?” Alura questioned narrowing her slightly hazing gaze on him.1420Please respect copyright.PENANApyqqX9B7Dk
Ginsu felt the small change but continued with his words. “What draws the most skill and power from you? What puts your heart fully into your blade and soul into the attack?” he kept his tone level.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAWXKf1B3ZQk
“I don’t understand you at all but I’ll show you I don’t need any of that!” Alura snapped sharply, tensing her shoulders as her grip on the hilts increased. “All I need is to protect my brother!” she screamed quickly before racing forwards at an inhuman speed, swinging up both blades at his waist.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAwhBuVVIL3F
Quickly his legs bent and he leapt back just as the steel of both blades slid against the other, releasing a sharp grinding and shrill sound. He hissed as small sprays of blood came from both his sides and his stomach where the blades had lightly got him. Slowly he smirked and chuckled quietly in seeing his own recklessness as he looked down. In these slow moments he looked up and his body immediately jerked into an upright stance. Her two blades came flying at his face only to stop crossed at his neck and against his flesh.1420Please respect copyright.PENANA3loYG2R4ZR
Alura watched him with cold lightly darkened eyes, frowning then she smirked. Her swords were held steady on either side of his neck, ready to cut into his skin. “Checkmate. I win.” Her tone was distant that of what one might call a true killer to match the heartlessness entering her eyes.1420Please respect copyright.PENANA2S2gLUHlor
Ginsu frowned keeping his eyes locked with hers as he stood motionless aside from his rising and falling chest. He could feel Nate’s blood waking a little, feeding off hints of her emotions. “You are skilled when your mind is there but without the heart you are nothing more than a killing machine created by the Gods, like Marizu.”1420Please respect copyright.PENANArrg8tOYToz
“I am nothing like that bastard.” Alura growled, displaying tiny fangs in her mouth, “I don’t obey Hiatsu. I obey myself and who I see as fit to follow.” Alura’s tone had gained itself a darkening sound, like that of a beast.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAExqq77Ddmh
This was one thing Ginsu feared would happen if she trained too quickly without the proper balance between swordsmanship and practice with her demon blood under monitored conditions. “Understand this, Alura,” he paused to take a breath, “if you ever lose in battle, remember that person probably had someone or something to protect.” He explained in a stern tone, his blue eyes noticing the small black specks lining her arm that held his sword which did not please him in the slightest.1420Please respect copyright.PENANApT1FaylR3V
“Whatever.” Alura hissed under her breath and lowered the blades carefully before slicing the air. She turned sharply on her heel, proceeding over to the fallen sheaths where she picked them up and placed the weapons back in the solid casings.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAGoMfAcDlA0
Ginsu sighed in relief to have the blades from his neck and sheathed his weapon as well. He stretched with his arms up over his head while stepping towards the palace to rest for the remainder of the night.1420Please respect copyright.PENANAe0qvYIFUbt
Alura picked up both blades and attached the one to her hip with the other to her back. She began to head inside before pausing outside and rested her hand around one sheath, looking up to stare at the night sky. She spoke no words as she examined the beauty so high above her head for some moments before tearing her sight away, and headed inside to return to her room to rest for the remainder of the night.