Chapter 13: Dream Fragment
Just wait. You’ll be fine. You’ll see Alura. You and Talon shall both be fine if you just wait. Nate’s voice spoke to Alura in the darkness of her sleeping mind.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAYjjtpnwlyR
But…dad…I can’t. I can’t wait. I must go and find Amoxious to stop him! He’s the reason you…the reason you…died. He’s the cause of it all! I can’t let him kill mom too! She thought back shouting in her mind while standing in complete darkness she was unseeing of anyone near her. A soft light began shinning upon her lone form as tears fell. It was like a soft spotlight from overhead, making the surrounding darkness that much thicker. A hand reached out after a moment, softly touching the side of her face.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAFatUpgMq1l
Don’t cry. You’ll be just fine. Trust me. You’ll see. Just…hang in there a little longer. Don’t forget…you are the oldest so must set a good example for Talon. He looks up to you. Nate spoke softly with concern and a hopeful tone to his daughter in her empty dream world.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAi7qPZSaCI4
But dad…I…I can’t do this. I don’t want to do this. Why can’t you come back? When no answer came, panic started to rise into her throat. Dad! Her call received no reply as the hand faded slowly and then it was gone. She was once more left alone in the darkness. Slowly she hugged herself in the blackness, feeling cold all of a sudden her dream body began shivering. She looked at her hands after pulling them away from her body and gasped, trembling more but from fear not the cold and shook her head in disbelief. No…no……no…this can’t be right. Why…why is there…blood? She thought, staring at her dark red hands as blood dripped from her palms. A hiss of laughter echoing from the thick black curtain caused her to jump, turning around and to scream as a fast moving blurred form flew right at her with something sharp.1112Please respect copyright.PENANA87cixtVW1z
Alura screamed jolting up in bed, eyes wide with fear and cold sweat pouring off of her. Panting she stared ahead with the image of the face of a monster lingering in her mind, even though she was now awake. Slowly with a shaking hand she touched her damp forehead, her eyes closing as she tried to ease her breathing. It had been two years now that she’d spent living at the God’s palace. Alura had continued to have strange dreams, terrifying dreams that sent chills down her spine each time she had one or tried to tell Ginsu about them. “….just a dream….nothing more….” She muttered to herself, looking outside at the bright sunny day with birds chirping away their songs.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAPOJLPPDmCo
It was going into fall now and she was eight years old as her brother was now four, and still didn’t speak which made her think all the more that he was mute. Sighing she stared out the window longer as colored leaves fell off the trees. Her skill with the wooden sword was slowly improving but not as fast as she wanted. It was nothing compared to Ginsu and she was determined to beat him with it no matter what. He had told her that once she could best him she could advance to a real blade. The scenery outside her second floor window was relaxing, helping her once heavy breathing to ease into a normal rhythm. She would sit in bed for a couple of minutes before slowly turning and getting out of bed, feeling the cool wood to her bare feet and stood, walking to the closet to pick out what to wear for the day.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAWAxgmlDuqY
Once finished, Alura looked herself over in the mirror wearing a simple blue shirt, jeans, and her favorite black shoes. Sighing she brushed her hair, pulled it back and went to the door grabbing her wooden sword, and ran out to get to the gardens and train. The palace was busy with talk and commotion as the servants and maids were busy working to prepare food, and rooms for guests that were coming. Alura didn’t notice as the men had finished their training and were preparing to leave, hence why the rush was beginning throughout the palace, inside and out. A ball was to be held for the men before they departed to fulfill their duty in protecting the lands, they would be sent to. The ballroom was decorated with fine wears and items to bring out its beauty. The long dining table was set up perfectly for over one hundred guests.1112Please respect copyright.PENANA18vcb1PwZx
Once making her way outside, namely into the large greenhouse gardens, she went straight into training under the Water Gods close gaze. Ginsu smirked through the glass door to the gardens, keeping the delicate looking structure cracked open while watching Alura train as the maids rushed here and there to get things done, and ready for the big night. “Well now, it seems you are really determined to beat me, right?” Ginsu asked while walking into the gardens smirking at her. Alura paused to watch him and nodded silently then went back to fighting her invisible opponent. Ginsu chuckled, picking up his wooden blade and took his stance. “Show me what you got.”1112Please respect copyright.PENANAknWedh5p1W
Alura stopped with little expression on her face then smirked as she took her low stance. “Your funeral,” she said sweetly, bringing him snicker with doubt she would beat him, keeping his eyes on her he kept a relaxed stance.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAwMktRksZPC
“Thank you.” He grinned widely. This action threw her off as he charged forwards swinging to hit her head. Quickly she brought up her blade blocking it and smirked.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAopdUigstoD
“Cheap move,” Alura commented with an outgoing breath, almost seeming amused he would do such a tactic to get a surprise attack in.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAvEQxwyRRoj
“All’s fair in love and war you know.” Ginsu stated as he applied more pressure to his weapon against hers, using only one hand to wield his sword, watching as her arms began to tremble under the added pressure of his body leaning in.1112Please respect copyright.PENANA7SuyNtaYp9
Alura tried to shrug while feeling her muscles tense and return in equaling force to keep his blade back. “So?” she pushed him back grunt, charging forwards with a jab as he stumbled back while hoping he wouldn’t be able to recover quickly enough. She was mistaken as she saw him easily dodge the strike, sliding to the side smoothly with his blade brought up to slam her in the back. Smoothly she recovered from the forward momentum of her jab that missed and turned, rising her weapon to block the blade upon twisting around on her frontal foot, and nearly fell but swiftly placed her other foot behind her she managed to stay standing. She pushed against his blade once she had her footing secure, yet even with using both hands to hold the hilt she was still shaky, struggling to hold him back.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAYfg9lQskTH
Ginsu yawned as he temporarily brought his unused hand out from behind his back to hover in front of his mouth, returning it closefisted behind his back and continued using only one hand with his weapon. “Is this all you got? Man two years have done nothing for you except increased your beauty.” He soothed as he gave a charming smile. Alura blushed brightly as she couldn’t take her eyes off his face or that sweet expression in his eyes and for an instant, dropped her guard. Ginsu took notice of this and flicked his wrist twisting his blade just so, resulting in knocking her blade out of her hand and placed his to her throat. “Slice, you’re dead.” He said calmly with his charming face and voice which only worsened her blush, this though was now from the embarrassment of being tricked again by that move and look.1112Please respect copyright.PENANA2wQVWsX0in
Alura blinked trying to snap herself out of her stunned shock at the fact she continued to fall for that move each time he used it. He would complement her looks while giving a charming and sweet smile, and she would drop her guard thrown off by that. She couldn’t believe she was still letting her heart get in the way of her training. He removed the wooden blade from her neck finally watching her pouting face. “You are doing excellent. Just…” Ginsu paused sighing, “you have to watch it when you drop your guard. If I were your enemy I would have just killed you. Amoxious is charming and sly like a fox and as slimy like snake in one. You can’t trust him. He is cunning so you’ll always have to have your guard up.” He instructed, hoping she would take this to heart for once. He would hate to see her get slaughtered just because Amoxious used a similar or different trick to play with Alura’s emotions to end her life.1112Please respect copyright.PENANA9A4TwgBDaK
“I understand.” Alura said quietly with a nod, walking over and kneeled down, picking up her blade. She paused feeling the blushing return, feeling like a fool but at the same time was enjoying how Ginsu and her relationship was developing. Slowly she stood once she got the redness off her cheeks and smiled, turning to begin walking up to him and placed a finger to his lips. She got a devious idea to show two could play this game. This threw him as she hadn’t done this before. Blinking he wanted to ask her what she was doing but didn’t speak against her finger the pressed a little more firm, confusing him further looking down at her hand then to her eyes. “Maybe…I should return the favor…” she said in a seductive voice watching him and slowly neared closer causing his face to go bright red, and she placed her wooden sword to his neck when she saw his flustered expression. “Slice, you’re dead.” She repeated softly against his cheek near his ear smiling and removed her finger from his lips.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAKgBtrs7esY
Ginsu exhaled feeling bothered so tried to calm him-self down with a deep breath. “Man, touché. You are quite good at that.” He responded breathlessly as he was getting himself calmed down, trying to get rid of his blushing from having fallen for his own trick but hers…hers he saw as a dirty move. At least his way wasn’t so emotionally confusing.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAqsZA7RsDAa
Alura smiled and giggled as she lost her seductive air, her sword held now behind her back with the point down. “Hehe gotcha! You said to never let your guard down but you did.” She taunted then stepping back a bit from him before leaning forwards, grinning and stuck her tongue out at him with a giggle behind her closed lips, giving a wink then drawing her tongue back into the confines of her mouth. She didn’t want to draw or catch flies like a frog by leaving it out too long.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAry1TQd1L1k
Ginsu looked at her then away as one finger lightly scratching the side of his face sweating a little as he tried to think, of a good explanation or excuse to explain him-self. “Well uh…you see…uh…I was just um….”1112Please respect copyright.PENANAaJv3svg3Zz
“You were just what?” she asked with the smile not yet leaving her lips and turned it into a grin.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAIIzLhFWH3Y
“I was just….letting you win….?” Ginsu tried to have a confidence to his tone but it simply came out as unsure. “Yea, that’s it. I was just letting you win.” He lied, avoiding looking at her as he shifted his gaze up to the side, observing the horizon.1112Please respect copyright.PENANANy6syXnKf4
Alura grinned giggling to herself, finding his response cute. “Uh huh, sure you were.” She cooed then turned and started to walk around the garden, her legs almost straight like a march to start but loosened up to step normal with bending knees. “So what’s going on? Everyone is rushing around like chickens with their heads cut off.”1112Please respect copyright.PENANAHWd8JKVVnZ
“Oh tonight there is going to be a ball that Hiatsu is throwing for the men I’ve been training, since they’ve completed it and are going to be sent out to protect the people.” Ginsu answered as he stepped to the side to put his wooden blade away, catching up to her and walking at her side.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAqTGdopyRDb
“I see.” Alura said almost sounding distracted, her brown blue eyes slipping over the colorful flora. She didn’t see the Water God nod as she kept her eyes on the plants for some minutes, enjoying the sounds of nature mixing in with the soft wind that slipped through the screened windows. “Will I be able to come? I’ve never been to a ball before.”1112Please respect copyright.PENANAxr99WHSNut
“Hmm, let me see.” Ginsu started to look Alura over as he held his chin, curling his index finger over the front and thumb resting on the underside of his jaw, his body circling her some before he shook his head and coming to a stop with a scrutinizing look. “Sorry but in those clothes you would stand out like a sore thumb. You’d have to change clothes, wear a dress, and have your hair fixed right, yada, yada, yada.” He started waving his hand in the air with his eyes closed and head tilted up to the side as though he were someone important, with a very high heir about them.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAeb0CBFBTM5
Alura smirked laughing a little. “Oh very well, I’ll change clothes and re-fix my hair if that makes you happy.” She fluttered her eyes to him, acting cuter than what seemed possible, bringing a smirk to his face.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAUKw6aO9A9y
Ginsu bowed forwards while sweeping his arm out and across his midsection, stepping one foot back with the smooth gesture. “Oh my dear lady! Your beauty is beyond comparison tonight. May I have the great honor of escorting you to the ball this evening?” he asked sarcastically, imitating a prince who had just seen her for the first time.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAsHZXLh50jw
Alura released a gasp, one hand pressing its fingertips to her chest before starting to fan her face, like she was about to faint. “Oh my dear sir! I am so flattered by your request that I…I just don’t know what to do?” she said dramatically acting helpless, placing the back of her hand to her forehead and looking away. Soon they both burst out laughing at each other, Ginsu catching Alura who nearly fell from her laughter. “Royals are funny.” She said wiping a tear from her eye and he nodded.1112Please respect copyright.PENANADp1ttD9vCa
“Yes but without them there would be wide chaos more than there is currently. You don’t know what all they have to do to try and make people happy. It’s hard being royalty actually. Just like it is hard being a God.” He explained, trying to control his laughter.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAKP1QwZHXIG
“You sure? It seems pretty simple to me. You just sit around all day and do nothing basically. Right?” Alura asked, looking up at him as she tilted her head back, cocking an eyebrow in disbelief of his facts.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAjjuwgM5Pic
“Well…not really. If it were that simple there’d be peace all over but there isn’t because it’s hard to make everyone happy and keep peace. It’s not easy being a royal, a God or anything that involves someone looking up to you. I’m sure it’s not easy being a big sister, is it?”1112Please respect copyright.PENANAUSSAjnnH0X
Alura was about to answer quickly but hesitated and answered in a slower tone, sounding to be thinking over her response. “Well…no. It’s not easy at all. It’s hard because he’s constantly watching and if you do something bad he will mimic it and learn it. I don’t want him learning anything bad.”1112Please respect copyright.PENANAqdyxo6BsMi
“It’s the same as being royalty. If you are royal you have hundreds or more people watching your every move. You cannot get a break. If you do one wrong thing someone will see it and tell another, soon it spreads and then chaos follows ending in only disaster.”1112Please respect copyright.PENANA2kTrb83eej
“I see. Well that makes sense.” She said softly and he nodded in agreement.1112Please respect copyright.PENANAgqjY2i9RAs
“Well now, we best get ready if we are to make it to the ball on time to have fun, right?” he asked smiling and she nodded, walking out of the gardens with him and went to her room to get ready.