Chapter 5: Trinket
Sophia silently had returned to bed, resting for the remainder of the night without trouble. Early in the foggy misty morning Alura woke, quietly creeping out of bed and out of the house. Silently as she could, she closed the door before taking off running towards the marketplace, seeing the time of day so early as the best time to get the dragon necklace she wanted so badly. The ground was moist under her brown shoes, the dirt crunching softly as some stuck to her shoes.1066Please respect copyright.PENANAxptdu1xWd3
Her body wouldn’t stop until entering the marketplace, slightly out of breath, staring through the morning mist. Once her brown blue eyes set upon the many stands, she began to search for the one the jeweler had used. Standing on her tiptoes, she scanned the surfaces of some stalls. Coming to a stop she was praising herself internally having finally found the stand after a couple minutes, give or take. Smirking she reached up feeling where she couldn’t quite see clearly and the smirk turned into a pleased grin. Her hand had found it. Pulling the necklace off the stand she stared at the stone, gazing upon its breathtaking color with her mouth open in amazement, unaware of anything that may have gone on around her.1066Please respect copyright.PENANAVUzbe4nr7F
Slowly she moved and put it on around her neck grinning and twirled, acting like to dance with a gentleman. This made her giggle with enjoyment as she acted as though to get compliments on her necklace as well, fluttering her eyes, and her fingers to gently touch the necklace in gesture of acknowledgement from another. Alura giggled and laughed, dancing and spinning alone in the empty, quiet market place.1066Please respect copyright.PENANAGk4GprE57q
The silence didn’t last long, though, as footsteps broke her enjoyment of being alone, causing her body to jump. Quickly she turned, her hair falling about her face, flying in the air slowly in her quick movements to try and find the person she heard. Without thinking her body spun and legs carried her in a random direction, swiftly racing towards an alleyway away from the stand of the merchant to hide, and stay out of trouble for stealing.1066Please respect copyright.PENANA3fmt6r0cde
The body in armor came closer then stopping in front of the alleyway. Her eyes trailed up from her hiding place behind some crates to see the tall soldier in silver armor. Gulping, her hand rose and tightened her fingers around the necklace in fear as he looked around, then continued on his way past her. Alura sighed with relief and moved out of hiding. Stepping backwards and turning, she quietly moved with brisk steps down the alleyway turning left and down another to find her way back home.1066Please respect copyright.PENANArXYmZBY4SE
By the time the girl returned home the sun was rising higher and Sophia would wake soon, that she knew. Quickly slipping back in and to her room she hid the necklace inside one of her toys and sighed, smiling. She felt glad she finally had it, knowing she’d get a man with it one day and have a happy marriage like her mother and father. Feeling confident that would be the result in the future, she went to the bathroom to get cleaned up and ready for the day. The last thing she wanted was for her mother to figure out she’d been up to anything.1066Please respect copyright.PENANAra8QoVx0UY
“Alura! Talon! Breakfast!” Sophia called from downstairs then stepped away from the base of the steps walking into the kitchen, fixing their plates with two eggs, a strip of bacon, and a slice of bread each. After setting the plates down she retrieved two glasses of water, setting them down then started to put the last two eggs, strip of bacon, and slice of bread onto her plate. Setting her plate down, she heard the pair of footsteps coming down. As she got herself a glass of water and returned to the table Talon stumbled into the dining room rubbing his eyes tiredly yawning, with Alura following behind him awake fully due to her brisk morning activity.1066Please respect copyright.PENANAzbpH5ChiPP
“Good morning to you both. Sleep well?” Sophia asked and Talon nodded taking his seat to Sophia’s left and Alura nodded taking her seat on the right of Sophia. The chair in front of Sophia stayed empty and unmoved, as that was their father’s chair. Alura looked to the empty seat then at her mother, seeing the sadness that still remained but said nothing as she began to eat as did Talon then Sophia.1066Please respect copyright.PENANAdrskAenzNd
I’ll make mom feel better…somehow. There has to be a way to make her feel better. I know she misses dad a lot…so do I. Alura thought, watching the table as she ate. Talon was the first to finish his breakfast, looking at his mother who nodded and he pushed his chair back. He got down, leaving his plate and glass on the table, walking off to play in his room. Alura finished second, picking up hers and Talon’s dishes she walked to the kitchen and ran water, starting to wash them to help. Sophia smirked a little sadly, as she stared at the empty chair she began remembering when Nate was still around, and this made her heart ache. Shaking her head gently with a breath, she finished her breakfast and stood, trying to keep her mind on the present instead of the past. She pushed in her chair then Alura’s, picking up her dishes, and headed to the kitchen where she smiled down to Alura who had finished hers and Talon’s dishes.1066Please respect copyright.PENANAU6kpBGqp6v
“Go and play Alura. I’ll finish up here. Just stay out of trouble.”1066Please respect copyright.PENANAfOVTuvGyKl
“Oh mom,” Alura complained rolling her eyes with a sigh making Sophia laugh and ruffle up her hair after setting the glassware into the sink.1066Please respect copyright.PENANAQ3DwS9t7UD
“You know what I mean. You have a habit of getting into trouble.”1066Please respect copyright.PENANAPlkOkL5YcH
“No I don’t!”1066Please respect copyright.PENANAzkxQUW1Dc7
“Yes you do.” Sophia chuckled lightly, stepping in front of the sink as the girl stepped aside with the water turning on, and began cleaning her plate, silverware and glass. Alura moved out of the kitchen then out of the house to walk around outside and, began to look for any of the other kids to be out and about to play with.1066Please respect copyright.PENANA99I2Nrgmjl
In the marketplace the jeweler was speaking to a couple guards, reporting one of his necklaces stolen. The guards sighed and nodded, taking down the information. Amoxious watched from the shadows of some nearby buildings with an interested smirk then an evil grin, getting a nasty idea to have Sophia pay for how she treated him and possibly gain her love that she’d given to Nate.1066Please respect copyright.PENANAHfSojy7shW
“Oh officer,” He called, gently smiling as he stepped out of the shadows. “You are looking for a thief? I believe I know who it could have been.”1066Please respect copyright.PENANAQ68amxDYAz
“Hmm? Who?” One of the two asked, looking over to Amoxious, eyeing him over.1066Please respect copyright.PENANACfjYHdlv8F
“A woman named Sophia. She lives alone, a widow and has two children. I heard her daughter asking for the necklace described but she held not the money. But I warn you, she is deadly.” He lied with the ending as Sophia truly wasn’t deadly to anyone or anything. The two guards looked to each other and nodded. His voice was smooth as silk, about as flawless as his charm.1066Please respect copyright.PENANAHrKQpnnAnj
“You know where this woman lives?” the second guard asked.1066Please respect copyright.PENANAF1DPd0eYyi
“I do. We are old friends.” He chuckled and bowed his arm going across his waist then he stood straight, turning on his heel and led the way with the guards following behind. He knew it would take a few minutes but didn’t mind, looking forward to seeing Sophia again.