Chapter 9: Training
The next morning came slowly and silently like a gentle blanket. A knock at the door woke Alura in the early hours as the sun was beginning to rise. She groaned, slowly sitting up with her legs bent back along her side as she rubbed her eyes. “Come in.” She croaked groggy and not really awake. Her door opened and in walked Ginsu carrying a smile only a morning person could have.1194Please respect copyright.PENANArA7FvGN8oS
“Good morning. Ready?” he asked, enjoying early morning workouts and training.1194Please respect copyright.PENANA4XthXbmL6x
Alura sighed, groaning, turning, and flopped back down into bed, speaking with her voice muffled by the pillow her face was buried into. “It’s too early! Let me sleep!” When she agreed to early morning she meant when the sun was more up, not when it was just barely up.1194Please respect copyright.PENANAo8MxeOtShk
He chuckled walking over and shook her softly. “Come on. It’ll be fun. If you go back to sleep now you’ll only be more tired later.” She swatted his hand away pulling up the blankets to cover her head, trying to drown him out. Ginsu sighed and reached out over her with one hand, getting a mischievous grin, and let cold water fall on top of her. Alura immediately screamed from the sudden shock and shot up out of bed like she’d been bitten. He laughed watching her panicked wide eyed look as she tried to catch her breath, and get the cold water out of her night clothes she’d found in a drawer in her room. “Now then, shall I leave you to get ready?” he asked grinning at her hateful glare. She could see past this Gods innocent act, wondering in the moment if he was a devil instead.1194Please respect copyright.PENANA6R4n1TsnCi
“Why’d you do that?! You could of given me a heart attack!” she snapped loudly only to be silenced by his finger to her lips.1194Please respect copyright.PENANAfJfuvqpPyi
“Shhh, you’ll wake Hiatsu.” Ginsu warned, whispering in a hushed voice. “He is even worse when woken up. Trust me. He can be a very horrible person when awakened this early…especially after working late.” He tried not to curse around the girl, not wanting her to pick it up and start speaking it around, afraid when she was back with her mother she’d get in trouble for swearing. Alura sighed around the warm flesh and nodded, slightly pouting with a shiver from the cold water as he removed his finger. “Good. Get dressed. I’ll be waiting outside your door for you.” With that said Ginsu straightened, turned and left her room for her to get ready.1194Please respect copyright.PENANAffV5ncDGAk
Alura glared after him then huffed, walking over and started to pick out an outfit to train in. She didn’t want to ruin a dress so found some pants and a tan tunic. Once dressed, she looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. Slipping on a pair of boots and walking over to the door, she opened it and looked up to him as she stepped out into the hall. “Ready.”1194Please respect copyright.PENANANFN1xNvDqI
“Good, follow me please.” He led the way down the corridor and another until they reached a glass door. Halting he waited a few short moments, glancing behind to Alura he felt sure she’d like what was on the other side of the snowy glass. He opened the doors and held one side for her, leading to a garden of exotic flowers and other plants with flowing water from a stream and a working fountain.1194Please respect copyright.PENANAl56qBkp3Lz
Alura stepped slowly forwards, jaw dropped in awe at the sight and smells before her. It was almost like she was back in Flora but this garden held flowers even she had never seen. “Wow, it’s beautiful.”1194Please respect copyright.PENANAbBYkkRaXk9
“Heh thanks. We try to keep it nice.” He said while stepping forwards, allowing the door to close and he stopped in a clearing like area. The only sound was the water flowing and a few birds in some of the trees, in this huge greenhouse like room. Reaching to his side he picked up a wooden sword from its stand and tossed it to her. “Catch.” Ginsu called, watching as she ran up and caught it, then he sighed a cleansing breath. “We’ll start out with wooden swords ‘til you’re ready to move up to the real thing. Then we’ll start training with real blades. Of course, I’ll place a spell on the blades to keep us from being cut.” He explained the general plan, drawing his own wooden blade from his hip ring.1194Please respect copyright.PENANAqJTkPvZaLL
Alura nodded accepting this and held the wooden hilt, feeling sure she was ready before frowning. Staring down now, she kept shifting her hands around, swapping which was on top until she found a grip that was comfortable for her. Her right hand over her left gripped the handle tightly as she waited, becoming tense as she wanted to begin.1194Please respect copyright.PENANAW8v7DdMP8D
Ginsu sighed shaking his head, holding his wooden sword to his left. “No, no. You’re too tense. Ease up. Relax. Listen to the water, wind, and sounds around you.” He tried to explain in a calm, easygoing voice. When he saw her shoulders remaining tense he repeated once more his instruction. “Just relax.” He breathed gently with his own body in a relaxed stance. She sighed, slowly easing up her grip so it was firm but not choking and, her body started to relax as she listened to the water, her eyes closing. Ginsu watched, nodding briefly. “Good, good. Very good Alura, just stay focused on the sounds around you. Don’t let yourself become tense. Just relax.” He spoke quietly and easy to her to keep her relaxed, as he watched her breathing steady and her grip with body became at ease, her grip was firm and was perfect.1194Please respect copyright.PENANA1oaK3B9sqE
He started to softly walk up to her and stealthily moved a hand towards her shoulder, as his blade moved to hit her side. He wished to see if she could counter his advance or if she wouldn’t notice the changes in the sounds around her. As he was hoping she moved the sword quickly over, blocking his sword and slowly opened her eyes, watching him closely. “Very good for your first try.” He praised. “You are very wise to notice the change. Your ears are amazing to hear the difference on the first test.”1194Please respect copyright.PENANAbshFpKSSEv
“Thank you. My father was very strong.” Alura answered quietly, her voice holding a very small change to its tone, as did her brown blue eyes.1194Please respect copyright.PENANAB79B2X49wh
“Who was your father?” Ginsu inquired, keeping eye contact with the girl. Something felt different but he couldn’t place it exactly. It was small so hoped that meant it was nothing to worry about, for now that was.1194Please respect copyright.PENANAmlqnSLa75Q
“Nate Syta.”1194Please respect copyright.PENANATnzG2AjCvS
“Hm? Syta you say?”1194Please respect copyright.PENANAB2tAFfGRcv
“Yes, did you know my father?” She asked watching Ginsu hesitate, thinking.1194Please respect copyright.PENANACho9mZIJyo
After some moments he had an answer, shaking his head sadly, lying smoothly. “No, I didn’t. Sorry.” He felt bad lying to her but he couldn’t tell her the truth that it was he, and his brothers who took her father away from her. Alura sighed at hearing this and looked down then up at him.1194Please respect copyright.PENANA2kIrMmuytp
“Can we continue?” Alura asked with the slight tone change still there but Ginsu nodded and leaped back from her, landing softly on the stones below their feet, which formed the circle in the center of the gardens. He took his stance, lowering some and watched her as she copied his stance, not sure of how hers should be. Both stayed still before he dashed forwards, running at her and brought up his sword from his side. Quickly she countered the first strike and countered each hit after but was pushed back. The repeated force causing her to skid across the ground, losing her footing and when she stopped she glared at him as he chuckled.1194Please respect copyright.PENANArmqL5gPmuW
Ginsu found her glare amusing instead of threatening, his eyes dancing with humor. “Not bad. You do have skill but I’ve seen a rock with more talent.” He taunted examining his nails. This brought more rage to Alura as she stood motionless. Deciding she would end his taunting tone she ran forwards yelling, and slashed her sword at him quickly. He easily dodged and countered the attacks with one hand holding his weapon. He kept blocking before fluidly sliding his blade against hers, he twisted and pushed the blade down to the side, trapping it with his wooden sword.1194Please respect copyright.PENANAv1IVxkekFG
He lowered his head some to meet her glaring eyes. He saw the small flicker had started to spread, bringing a displeased frown to straighten his lips and lower his tone. “Don’t let emotions get in the way of your fighting. If you were in a real battle you’d of been dead. Don’t let rage consume you and blind you from seeing what your opponent’s weakness is. Remember to watch each movement that is made by the one you face. There are rules that could save your life if learnt and placed into your battle strategy.” His tone was firm and serious, that of an instructor to his student.1194Please respect copyright.PENANANieWJDwaAx
Alura growled then slowly started to calm as his words began sinking in. Slowly she sighed, closing her eyes she listened to the water that filled the room with sound when the talking had stopped. “I understand. Sorry. I’ll get the hang of it.” She looked up with eyes opening, grinning and quickly pushed his blade off hers. In a blink she had put her blade to his neck smirking. “Gotcha!”1194Please respect copyright.PENANAnpB0TtjGl4
His serious face fell to shock then inspection when he caught the slight changes to her voice, sounding as if the lower tone was retreating. The shock returned with widening eyes when he felt wood at his neck. It happened so quick he didn’t have time to respond before the wooden weapon was pressing against his flesh. Ginsu slowly smirked then chuckled, hearing her voice had returned to normal and seeing her eyes had as well. That was something he was glad for, a sincere smile taking its place on his youthful face, not one to be a sore loser. “Seems so,” Ginsu commented, agreeing with her.1194Please respect copyright.PENANA5o4fK8B9pm
He didn’t plan to mention the change to her, not yet anyway, but would keep a close eye for triggers. If she was starting to wake to Nate’s blood then he would need to get her to understand how to separate emotion from fighting. She would need to learn to keep her awareness of self in battle if this was the case. He didn’t want to see her lose herself to the same force that brought her father to be sealed. “Seems I’m the one who’s dead this round. How about another round? More you train, the better you’ll be and the quicker you’ll be to using a real sword.” He pointed out smoothly, almost a singsong wave to his words like he was teasing her. Those words brought a smile to her lips and she nodded, removing her blade and both retook their places to continue the practice session.1194Please respect copyright.PENANA1ZpJ1z3JTw
Five hours later it would end with Alura laying on her back panting and Ginsu breathing calmly, having not broken a sweat, watching the exhausted girl for a bit he walked up and offered his hand to her. “Come now, it’s been a long training session. Let’s get something to eat and I’ll go train the men outside.” Alura who was now sitting on the floor looked up and took his hand, allowing him to help her up.1194Please respect copyright.PENANAgX7CN7Pppq
“Thanks. That was fun. Even if it was freaking early,” She said out of breath and sighed as he smiled warmly, ignoring her last muttered statement.1194Please respect copyright.PENANA2Tco3H2nkC
“You aren’t half bad. I thought you’d be worse than that and quit long before now. Guess I once again miss judged you.” Ginsu bowed making Alura blush some, not used to having men bow to her.1194Please respect copyright.PENANAxVrUi46nge
“You don’t have to do that.” She shifted her eyes away from him, scratching the side of her face with her finger lightly, not looking at him and trying to hide her blushing.1194Please respect copyright.PENANA91um2MY1Ut
“Oh but I must. It is who I am after all.” He grinned and picked her up, quickly throwing her over his shoulder. She screamed and kicked him hard as she could, dropping her wooden sword to the ground where it clanked then laid in silence.1194Please respect copyright.PENANA8iXlkdtghd
“Hey! Put me down! This isn’t nice!” she snapped kicking and punching him. He simply laughed it off, walking out of the gardens and towards the kitchen with her struggling hard to get free from him.1194Please respect copyright.PENANAb9BZCdq2rX
“Calm down. Man you’re worse than a baby.”1194Please respect copyright.PENANAWUUYLXRT2d
“What?! A baby?! How dare you?! That’s insulting!”1194Please respect copyright.PENANA6SO0flZeT9
“Yes but true, right?” When they would reach the kitchen he would put her down, smiling at her glaring eyes and scowling face. “Aw come on, don’t be like that. Please? Pretty please?” he said, pouting his lips and giving her the puppy dog eyes.1194Please respect copyright.PENANA7CN6UCAOl9
She groaned and slapped her face letting her hand slide down and looked at him. “Fine, ugh, I don’t know why I’m a softy with you.” She quoted him the best she could remember and he grinned as did she. The two laughed and he prepared breakfast for them both: eggs, bacon, toast, and a glass of milk for her and water for him. “Wow, looks great. Thanks.” She said starting to eat once he handed her a knife and fork, loving his cooking. He smiled and started to join her with his own plate as the men were training by themselves outside in the front.