Chapter 17: Departure
Morning came too quickly and the maids were busy as always to ensure everything was clean and looking nice. Alura didn’t wake until eleven in the morning, enjoying sleeping in. After she woke, washed up, and changed she began to get out clothing she planned to take with her. She had beside the outfits a black bag like that of a travel or duffle bag. Eyeing over what she had out once more, she began to pack the bag neatly. She went to her vanity and fixed her hair before grabbing her three swords.1057Please respect copyright.PENANA2AfzOFJ6d3
The normal weighted ones she strapped to her waist while the one from Ginsu went onto her back. Sighing gently she looked once more around the room before grabbing her bag, placing it over one shoulder and headed out quietly with a twisting fear in her stomach that she may never return to the God Lands. This has to be done or they’ll die…because of me. Alura thought sadly, the last part with the worry over her mother’s wellbeing. She closed the door and made her way down the hallway.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAy14tHR5lkE
Quietly she entered the kitchen, set her bag on the countertop and opened it to pull out a handkerchief. She laid it out then grabbed herself some bread, dried meat, and cheese before wrapping them together well so they’d be okay during her trip in case she couldn’t find a place to eat on her journey. Putting the secured food away in her bag she zipped it shut and left the kitchen to go find Ginsu.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAGi1q4bfQAE
She learned from a maid Ginsu was waiting in his room for her. During her trip to the younger Gods quarters, she looked for Talon to say her goodbyes but couldn’t locate him. Releasing a breath she continued the original destination of the Water Gods chambers. Finding his solid wooden door she paused with her hand up ready to knock as her heart started to feel unsure but she knocked anyways. “Come in,” Ginsu called through the door. Slowly she opened the door and entered looking around before spotting him. She watched the back of the youngest God brother as he stood motionless, watching out a large double window that reminded her of French doors.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAzFosns9Ben
As Alura neared she saw his reflection in the clean glass to see his sad eyes. She bit her lower lip and adjusted her bag on her shoulder before starting to rub her right arm with her left hand. “I’m…about to leave. I thought I’d come say goodbye.” Her voice was soft in the quiet room where only the ticking clock could be heard. She turned her head down to look at the floor, feeling nervous and uneasy about the undecided future.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAGFNpTsi2ig
Glancing up she noticed his eyes remain staring out into the summer day of the land the palace resided on. She felt nervous leaving but at the same time she had to because she didn’t want to lose her mother or anyone else in Flora to die because of Amoxious being there. Father protected Flora before being sealed away. The least I can do is try to follow his footsteps or at least find and free him, and return to Flora to save mother before we go after Amoxious. Alura thought to herself, her head giving a small nod in self confirmation. It also felt strange to leave on her Birthday but there wasn’t much option.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAgmLckkdhMK
Moments passed as Alura began to turn her gaze down again, shifting her weight from one foot to the other in the silence. Ginsu noticed her reflection in his window and her fallen expression. “Come here. I want you to see something.” He said gently, finally speaking which startled her as she looked up. Hesitating at first she finally stepped closer to stand beside him, her blue brown orbs looking up to his face which still was set to look out over the landscape. “Look out there and tell me what you see.”1057Please respect copyright.PENANABnKAwjlAzS
“Huh?” she looked out into the fields and shook her head. “All I see is green and some birds here and there.” Alura answered confused.1057Please respect copyright.PENANARLgZJda8mR
“What are they doing?” Ginsu’s question brought Alura to shift her orbs to look at him before returning her gaze to the scene of the feathered fowl.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAs91BGHksOI
“I don’t know.” Alura shrugged, “they’re hopping around as some are flying off leaving the rest behind.”1057Please respect copyright.PENANAPQkKDfCiNA
Ginsu chuckled at her response being so blunt. “That is because the babies are leaving the nests and are ready to start a life for themselves.” He explained as he turned his blue orbs to look down at her. “You are young, like a bird and I believe are ready.” The Water God moved a hand to pat her head softly, causing her to blush. “Happy Birthday, Alura. I am pleased that you have grown to be such a beautiful woman.”1057Please respect copyright.PENANA0uIgxMqrV8
Alura shook off his hand and fixed her hair, glaring at him before turning her eyes down with the light blush still heating her cheeks adorably. “I’m only fifteen. I’m not a woman yet.” She pointed out while trying to get the blush to leave her face.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAZ2sPH3UcsK
His hand that had abandoned her head softly went down and slid his fingers under her chin, lifting her face to his. “In my eyes you are a young woman about to set out on her own. That is a big step forwards.” He released her chin while maintaining eye contact. “That’s more than most can say at your age plus you are well-read. You were taught by the best in literature, fighting, and to love many different things.” He praised which brought an embossed blush to surface as she turned her eyes down.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAvgZ5HnLb5B
“You have seen much in your young life and not all can say that. Just…” he paused to take a breath, “don’t go bragging about where you’ve spent the last seven years of your life.” This made Alura look up to Ginsu once more, confused to why he would say that. “If you do, then they may think you one of the insane fore most do not think we Gods truly exist. Nor do most think we come to interact with human kind.”1057Please respect copyright.PENANAdR8AeRk6i0
Alura silently whispered a breathless ‘oh’ as that reasoning did make sense. “I see…well that’s kind of sad that people would be so closed minded as to what and who is out there.”1057Please respect copyright.PENANAWQw9DYgtbv
“I know it seems unreal or odd depending on what your parents taught you but it is what it is.” Ginsu said with a small nod before starting to turn on his heel from the window. “The world is hard to change and protect when the people of that world do nothing when something goes wrong except complain.” He explained with an exhale of breath, closing his eyes. “If the world could be fixed on complaints then we all wouldn’t be in such a sad shape.” He went quiet as he began to step across the room towards the door with a fallen expression. “War will be coming soon again and it won’t be as gentle as the last one. This one…” he took a breath through his nose as Alura followed after behind him, “will be full of blood and death. Not a sight for any to see or experience. Many innocent lives will be lost if it comes to war.”1057Please respect copyright.PENANAFTiQ4hsRnF
Alura listened closely, hearing his tone had fallen and wondered how he knew this so soon. She glanced back over her shoulder at the birds as several white doves flew across the sky cooing their song. “It’s….going to be really hard out there….isn’t it?” Ginsu gave a grunt with a nod for yes as she turned her attention back to him. “…Are you sure you can’t come with me?”1057Please respect copyright.PENANAb2eTtP5I4F
“I’m sorry but I am needed here to mind the grounds. When Hiatsu is busy and Marizu is out on a mission then,” he paused as he opened the door stepping out, “I am in charge of the grounds such as protecting it from the beasts and creatures that lurk around this area.” Sighing as she stepped out into the hall, listening to the door click closed behind her before she looked down the hall. “You should be going soon. I’ll take you to the nearest airship.” Alura nodded before starting down the hallway with Ginsu at her side.1057Please respect copyright.PENANABKde0CPQyi
They made it outside and his steps stopped with confusion twisting his face as he watched Alura suddenly dart off to the stables. The curious wonder of what she was doing slowly faded as she returned with his and her steeds. “Is it okay…if we ride?” she asked quietly while she offered him the reins of his horse. He nodded as he lightly stepped over and took the two straps of leather, before helping her mount her horse then mounting his own. They began to ride at a leisurely pace side by side.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAh8y21OeUHq
They rode in silence as they let the sounds of nature fill the lack of conversation. Ginsu glanced at Alura to see her face fallen and her sad expression. He also did not wish to hurry her off but after he looked up to the sky to see the position of the sun, he knew she should be going. After some moments he began to hum a small tune which caught Alura’s attention, drawing her eyes then as she faced forwards she joined in with humming the tune. This continued for what felt like an hour until they came to the docking station for airships, bringing their humming to a halt.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAiBb4G2692B
Seeing this sight, something started to dawn on Alura and caused her face to twist confused. “Hey, Ginsu, why do you guys have a spot for airships when I thought no one could come here unless you or another God brought them here?” she questioned after turning her sights back on the Water God.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAr4LFaObtek
“That’s a good question now isn’t it?” he responded lightly looking over the wooden structure. “I guess you could say it was something the previous resident wanted put in.”1057Please respect copyright.PENANAHoqDjavibR
“Previous resident?” she asked curiously as he nodded.1057Please respect copyright.PENANApBaPw326ZR
“Yup, there was a Goddess in charge of your section of land before Hiatsu took over.” He dismounted and walked around, helping her out of the saddle. “…Your father can be found in the crystal caves of Zento.” Alura nodded and began to step to the ship. “Oh,” she paused to look at Ginsu who was digging through his pocket, “here.” He pulled out a red and golden money pouch handing it to Alura. “There should be enough Relu in there to pay for you for a while if you use it wisely. And…I have something…from Hiatsu.” Ginsu reached into his other pocket, pulling out a small item that looked like a book. He removed a red strip that had been wound around it. This allowed the book to grow into a more standard size though looked to be under three hundred pages.1057Please respect copyright.PENANATDQZ9pACoM
As he handed over both the pouch and book, Alura took note of how faded the red cover was and how the title was pretty much worn away. “Here you are a gift from Hiatsu for your Birthday. He thought you might need it when you get the urge to try your hand at magic.” Ginsu explained happy that his elder brother was parting with one of his books. Alura looked at the front and back then flipped through it to see the pages were blank. She scrunched her face in annoyance as this appeared to be a prank which Ginsu picked up on when her annoyed gaze met his. “He wants you to have this spell book…for when your true power awakens. The spells will show up when you’re ready for them.” He answered sounding lightly amused.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAfuQs6OmLNG
She eyed him then decided his answer made sense. Her hands gently touched the book cover that was smooth and almost with a bit of softness to its hard surface. A small smile pulled on her lips. It felt exciting to hold a book that would produce spells though she hadn’t much used or touched into magic. “Thank you.” She whispered before pulling around her bag, opening it and put the book away.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAb8ALiZTDFK
Ginsu gave a small nod while walking closer to the ships dock. “You’re welcome.”1057Please respect copyright.PENANAzgfBoSbV3D
At the dock he paid the pilot she took a couple steps forward before turning to look back at the blue haired God. She looked nervous while clutching her bag so to try and reassure her Ginsu stepped closer to softly touch her cheek. She noticed his eyes looked more amazing in the noon sunlight, appearing to be sparkling. “You’ll do great. Trust yourself and your skill and you’ll be just fine.” He told her gently with a small chuckle at the end. “Trust it from this old warrior.” His words rang true to her ears and he gently leaned down, kissing her forehead like a parent would. “Best get going or you’ll miss your ship. The captain will take you anywhere you want.”1057Please respect copyright.PENANAD4WovzrflE
Alura nodded whispering ‘thank you’ then turned her back to him and stepped up the ramp to the huge machine. It looked like someone had taken the body of a ship and combined mechanics from blimps and planes. The body looked strongly built with metal railings. On the sides lower down were sets of propellers which were also on the back and around the bottom of the ship. Around the top were two ovals similar to blimps ready to go as the propellers started to turn.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAzpM97RrSVc
She paused as she was now having second thoughts with her stomach feeling uneasy. Having stopped one step away from boarding she turned to look back, receiving a reassuring nod from Ginsu. Slowly she nodded in return and pushed strains of her long brown hair behind her ear, then turned back around and raced onto the airship after swallowing her fear and doubt, finally boarding.1057Please respect copyright.PENANA7GHE3tawAZ
Slowly it began to raise into the air the door closing and locking into place. She moved to the railing to look down at Ginsu’s smiling face seeing him wave. She waved in return as the ship took to the skies until she couldn’t see him anymore, which caused anxiousness to settle in with the lingering fear of the future. …Can I really do this? She thought, starting to question herself again. Slowly Alura moved to set her bag down before moving into a leaning position on the railing, her arms crossed at the wrist as her head came down to rest her chin on her limbs. She watched the clouds passing by as the ship headed to Zento, her bag resting securely weighted by her feet as she started to get lost in thought.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAi813uVtcNH
At the God Lands, Ginsu watched before sighing as she faded from sight. He closed his eyes and hung his head as he enjoyed the breeze that blew through his hair. It was going to be quiet and he wished there had been another option. Lifting his head he took a deep breath before releasing it, giving one last look out into the horizon. He turned on his heel and began to walk back to the palace.1057Please respect copyright.PENANAsELxAKm3EN
At the palace standing in front of one of the windows around the top floor was Talon. He wiped away a tear seeing the ship fade into the sky. “…she didn’t even say goodbye…” he whispered quietly with some ache in his voice. The eleven year old slowly cast his gaze down, some strains of black hair falling around his closing eyes while his mind tried to make a reason for her silent leaving.