Once inside the building, we were first met by a receptionist in the lobby. While keeping our faces as hidden as possible, we gave fake names for ourselves and said we were here to be picked up for a light cruise. Although she looks suspicious, she eventually let us through. As we left the lobby, I caught a glimpse of her still watching us, and raising a radio to her mouth as we speed walk out of there as soon as possible. As we exited, two of the guards standing outside the door started to walk towards us, and we ducked into a nearby room to knock them off our scent.
As we kept moving, alarms began blaring around the spaceport. Apparently, one of the spaceships was damaged in an explosion, and the regime was on the lookout for possible underground terror groups in the area. More guards mean more visibility, so we had to move faster, or risk getting seen, and identified. As guards walked past us, we kept our heads down almost the entire way. We were slowly approaching spaceport 8 when a sudden explosion knocked everyone off their feet. Spaceport 5, and 6 had been engulfed in a massive explosion.
Before we could move, gunfire erupted from across the hall. Guards started rushing towards the hole now blown in the wall. Before they could enter, they were all shot down by an unseen assailant from a nearby window. We ran over to see who it was but were blocked by more passing guards. As we backed into spaceport 8, we found it empty. Then we received a message from an unknown person, introducing himself as our pilot. He says that he's been stopped before he could reach the spaceport, and would be delayed for a couple of minutes, while the regime does a routine check up on his vehicle.
The door behind us flies open, as the guards charged in. We were able to avoid being caught by staying out of their field of view, and quickly slipped out when they had their backs to us. There was still gunfire ringing out around us, and we started to move towards the sound. After following the guards for a few minutes, we saw that the shooter was sitting on a second-floor window with a sniper rifle. We broke off from the guards and moved up a nearby stairwell. The sniper was sitting in an office with three bodies behind him. I slowly reached out to touch him, and he fell back.
The man collapsed to the ground with a bullet hole through his head. As we glanced out the window, we saw a guard standing there, with a rifle. Before he could do anything, another explosion happened behind him. As we left, I glanced at the sniper's body and recognized him as one of the people from the restaurant. As we went downstairs, we heard more explosions coming from around the spaceport, and gunfire came from everywhere. We returned to spaceport 8 and found that a large part of the roof blown open, in the ongoing battle. Above us, we saw a ship slowly descending down on us.
As the ship came down, we heard the pilot. "Come on!" He shouted. "One-way ticket to the free worlds." within seconds, we jumped onto the ship. One small door opens in front of us. Before we could enter, the door to the spaceport opened up again. And two people came in. One was a guard, who was pointing his gun at the second, an injured man who resembled one of the people from the restaurant. "Get in!" he shouted. "We're taking this ride out of here." He shoves us inwards and goes inside. We soon entered as well, as the door closed, and the ship begins to take off. Inside the ship, we saw multiple metal benches, with a door to where the pilot is sitting.
We flew through what was once the roof and flew over the bombed-out remains of the spaceport. The guard pointed his gun at us. "Where is this thing going?" We all sat in silence. He points the gun towards us. "Answer me!" Within seconds, the man he was with grabbed his arm and twisted it. As he screamed out. The man then grabbed him and slamming his head against the wall multiple times until he falls over, unconscious. The man collapses back onto the seat, exhausted. Through some of the windows, we saw the ship leave the Ovnorak atmosphere.
Soon, we left the man on the bench and entered the pilot's cabin. He clocked a few buttons and pulled a lever. Around us, space is warped into an unknown surrounding. the stars warped away, turning into a simple white tunnel. The pilot leaned back in his chair. "its always fun to see people first reaction to lightspeed travel." He joked. "Don't you have to pilot this thing?" ZN asked quietly. "Nope! The joys of autopilot." He motions to a nearby screen on the console in front of him. "Just pick where you want to go, and boom!" He chuckles. As we sat back and watch, there was a scream in the seating area behind us. I reached for my gun but realized that we had left them in the seating area. The pilot fell over, a gunshot through his head. As we turned around, the guard was standing behind us, with one of our guns in his hand.