"What're you making?" I glance back at Galangal, who is standing behind me, watching the bubbling cauldron curiously. I smile.
"I'm making something for you," I explain. "If His Majesty comes to kill you, which he will, you'll need to be unrecognizable." She frowns, watching as I pour the boiling liquid into a cup, handing it to her. She wrinkles her nose at the smell, taking it.
"Smells like death," Galangal mutters, blowing on the brew, and taking a sip, recoiling from it.
"Drink it Galangal," I said sternly. "Every drop." She glares at me and drinks the potion. She stiffens, the cup falling from her hands, shattering on the floor. I watch as Galangal's hair changes from a stark white, to a burning red, like it was when we were kids. Alongside this, she also becomes younger, shedding her years like a snake, shedding its old skin. When the transformation is complete, she looks down at her hands, and then at me.
"W-What did you do...?" She asks and I grab her hands, looking into her now-youthful face, her green eyes bright and wary.
"I've changed you," I reply, brushing Galangal's hair out of her face. It's gotten very long now, it almost touches the floor. "You'll be unrecognizable, and, now you need a new name." I frown, thinking of a name to give her. I grin.
"I got it! Your new name will be..." I hug her tightly. "Lovage!" She blinks at me and smiles hesitantly.
"Lovage," She repeats and nods. "I like it." Lovage then frowns, looking down at her clothes. "If anyone sees me in these, it'll raise suspicion." She mutters, her long hair falling into her face again.