'Won't you give me a tour of your school?' He winked. I'm getting a lot of winks these days. People such as Dominic must have a problem in one of their eyes. It keeps twitching at random people.
'No. Why are you here?' I asked when we were alone.
'Senorita,you are my greatest importance right now.'
I flushed. 'I don't have time for this. Please leave. Other people are-'
'I don't give a damn about other people. Let's just hang out sometime~' He whined. Hell,he is as stubborn as Levi. Looks like he won't go away.
'Fine!' I said shoving him towards the gate. 'I'll just serve you cookies or something in the evening. Just leave,for now!'
'You cook?' He asked raising his eyebrows. Then he grinned again. 'Okay! Fine with me,Senorita.' He noted down my address and started walking towards his car. His body guards had made a way for him. He waved at all the students before getting in and driving away. The girls gave that dreamy sigh.
'What were you two talking about,wench?' I turned around. Someone had seen us talking?!
'Nothing that could spark your interest,Nina.'
She came closer. 'How come all the perfect guys are paying their entire attention to you and not me?'
'I don't intend to answer such questions,Nina. Let me be.'
Surprisingly,she grabbed my bag pack and emptied the contents on the floor.All my belongings came out of the bag. The bracelet Levi had given me fell with a graceful clink. I gasped and bent down to pick it up.
Nina was quicker. She snatched it right before me.She widened her eyes as she examined it.
'Where the fuck did you get this from?!'
'It was a gift from.....someone.'
'Don't friggin lie to me. You stole this! No way in hell someone would give such a beautiful thing to you.' She turned around.
'Please return it to me now.' I said.
'Back the fuck up before I kick the shit out of you.' Why are people rude to me like this?
'If you could please give it back-' She stopped in her tracks and pushed me towards the lockers. Ouch!
'Stay away from me.' She turned on her high heels and walked out. I rubbed my shoulder. I guess I won't be getting that back anymore. I put the belongings on the floor in my bag again and headed outside. People happened to be still excited about this.
'Hey there you are!' Aleah said and rushed towards me. 'You missed out on everything! Dominic Valerio was here!'
'He even signed my football shirt.' Nial said appeared from my left side. As a hard core football fan,he looked so happy.
'Simon called us in the morning and informed the situation. He instructed us to stick with you till he's back.' Keith came from my right. I gave a nod.We proceeded towards our class.
The presentation went really good. Mr.Williams appreciated our effort a lot. We also happened to get the top score for the presentation in class i.e 9.9/10. Nina was busy blowing gum bubbles and trimming her nails in class. We talked about a lot of stuff during lunch. Aleah and I headed to the washroom. She fixed her hair while I switched on my phone and began scrolling through for any notifications. My phone rung out of the blue.
'Hello there~' I froze. Aleah immediately knew it was him. She smiled wide.
'Had a good sunday?' Levi asked.
'Y-yes. How about you?'
'The day was very boring without you.' He said. What do I reply to this?!
'Uh...I-' I faltered. Aleah mouthed 'talk to him!' from the other side.
'I shall drop by this evening. Seeing you brings joy to my heart somehow .'
'Um,can you come in secret? The neighbors are giving us the stares.'
He chuckled. 'Sure. Evening at five PM it is. What are you doing at the moment?'
'M-my classes will start soon....'
'I see.' I could feel him smirking on the other side. 'Sorry for keeping you.Goodbye,princess.' He said and cut the call. Isn't he supposed to be working? I mean,he runs the world's most expensive business.
'So what did he say?' Aleah asked. I told her. She got too excited. 'What?! Oh that is so amazing!'
Perhaps she isn't aware about my whole encounter with Dominic. The bell rung and we headed to our classes. School was over after a few hours and I walked out with my bunch of friends. It was so exhausting really. Calum drove me home after I said goodbyes to my friends. I sighed as I stretched my back. Still have to go home and prepare the dough.
I got home by 4:30. I stepped out of the car and turned around. Dressed in Armani suit stood Levi,his back turned towards me. I nervously walked towards him. He turned around and widened his eyes.
'Good evening.' He eyed me up and down. ' Looking stunning today.' He smiled so nicely,even the toughest girl in the world cannot help but blush.
'Thank y-you.' I walked past him and he followed behind me.
'Your castle looks awesome.' He said after we got in.
'You mean my house?' I said leading him towards the kitchen. My house looks so tiny compared to his glorious and gigantic mansion.
'Every house is a castle when a princess is living in it.' Is he planning on killing me with compliments?
I pointed at the dining table. 'Please have a seat. I'll be down in a few minutes.' He smiled and nodded.
I went up to my room and put my bag beside my desk. I washed my face and tied up my hair in a high pony tail. When I reached the kitchen,I saw that Levi was checking a few files on his phone.I walked towards the kitchen cupboards. He looked up at me and dropped his phone.
'Are you alright?' I asked.
'Uh- Yes,sorry 'bout that.' He said not taking his eyes off me as he picked up his phone. What's wrong with him? I turned and began to gather the ingredients required. Within 20 minutes,the cookies were ready to be put in the oven. I could have finished in 10 minutes if he wasn't staring so intently.
A knock came on the door. I said excuse me to Levi and walked towards our main door. I opened it to find a grinning Dominic,dressed in a sweat shirt and casual jeans.No wonder every girl was head over heels for him.
'May I come in?' He asked. I nodded. He got in and followed me towards the kitchen.
'Nice house.' he said looking around.
'Thank you.'
We entered the kitchen and Dominic stopped dead in his tracks. Levi turned around.
Silence and intense staring for 3 minutes or so.
Finally Levi stood up walked up to us with such fury in his face. I've never seen that look on his face before. Same applies for Dominic.
'Why is he here?' Dominic asked as if the sight of Levi disgusted him.
'Because she is my beloved. How do you know her? Answer me.' He said through clenched teeth. What is going on?
'Well,I was running rate to one of my matches and I bumped into her. Senorita fell onto me,you see.' Dominic replied squinting his eyes.
Levi looked baffled. 'Fell..onto...' He turned towards me. 'Is...is this true?...'
Before I could tell him what exactly happened Dominic spoke up. ' Yes. She looked much prettier up close,I admit.' He said putting a hand around my shoulder.
Levi clenched his fist. He gulped,causing his adam's apple to make a quick up-down movement. He stared at Dominic's hand. I don't want dead bodies in my house! I have to do something.
'Please be seated,both of you.' I said plainly. They looked at me then at each other. They slowly took their seats while they continued their eye-contact-world-war.
I put the tray into the oven and set the timer. 'Would you like tea?' I asked without turning.
I made the tea within five minutes and bought the cups towards the table. Levi finally broke away and looked at me,then at the cup. He gently took it and said a thank you.
'You look good with your hair up.' Dominic complimented as he sipped on his tea. Levi almost dropped his cup. He gave a glare than could have scared the living devil out of anyone.
'T-thank you....' I turned quickly when the timer gave a ring. I took out the tray and served the cookies onto the plates. I placed them before both the men. I sat after I took off my apron.Both of them were grunting and muttering something at each other.
'Senorita,can I talk to you in private?' Dominic asked.
'No,you may not. Not even in your dreams.' Levi spat.
Okay.....I didn't expect this would happen otherwise I would have refrained from inviting both of them at the same time.
'How are the cookies and t-tea?' I asked,diverting the topic.
'The most amazing food I've ever tasted.' Levi said.
'Stop that.' Dominic said.
'Stop what?'
' Whatever you're doing. You aren't officially her boyfriend or something.'
'Are you?'
'No. But I can be.' He said smirking. Levi stood up suddenly and so did Dominic. They looked like they wanted to kill each other. That's when the main door opened.
'Sara? I'm finally home. God,that meeting sucked. Oh you're in the kitchen?' Simon's voice said.He came in holding a bottle of Coke and in the other hand,an office briefcase.
'What a tiring day-' He stopped after he took in the surroundings.
He dropped the bottle when he saw Levi. He dropped the briefcase too after he saw Dominic.
'What the hell,Sara?!' He said after 5 minutes.
'Who are you again?' Dominic asked.
'Can't you see the resemblance?' Simon said looking him dead in the eye. Dominic looked at me and Simon many times,confused.
'He's her twin brother dammit.' Levi said annoyed by Dominic. 'You use that head of yours only in the game,I imagine?'
'Shut up.'
'The hell did you just say?' Levi smirked.
Simon interrupted. 'Why are they even here?'
'They wanted to pay a visit?' I said
'Every bastard who wants to get you on the bed says that he wants to visit you.'
'I'm not the bastard. He is.' Dominic said gesturing to Levi. Levi glared at him.
'Do you want to die?' he asked.
'Shut the fuck up.' Simon said. 'I left her side for just one day and another dude pops up. No way I'm letting this go.'
'BE SILENT.' I said gravely.
'Wait let me just cook them for you,cupcake.We're in the kitchen anyway.' Simon said which earned him glares from Levi and Dominic.
'Stop!' I said. I got their complete attention. 'And don't call me Cupcake or Princess or Senorita until all three of you learn how to act properly! I'm still here,you know?!'
The three of them looked at me as if I had slapped them in the face. Silence prolonged for 5 or 6 seconds.
'She was talking to you two.' Levi scoffed.
'Oh for the love of God.....' Simon said.
'I wonder how she tolerates annoying people like you both.' Dominic started. ENOUGH.
'You and you.' I pointed towards Levi and Dominic. 'Go home.'
'You.' I pointed at my brother. 'Up.' I paused and continued 'I won't be talking to any of you until you do what I say.' I turned and went up to my room,leaving them alone.
They never looked so surprised. I was tired more than ever. My back hurt real bad today and I just fell on my bed. How will things turn out from now?!
A/N: Stay tuned for more,my lovely readers! ;) Thank you for reading this chapter.