I don't know why I let myself be pushed into coming up here.
Maybe I thought Tawn was in trouble? Maybe I wanted to snoop?
The silence around it all had alarms going off in my head long before I was urged to investigate.
How come he disappeared so often to the managers office? He said it was discuss food, but no discussion could go for that long, right?
I asked at the bar after I saw Tawn chatting with Elgress, but she remained tight lipped, even trying to stop me from heading down the hall to the office.
I left him plenty of time to have his discussion. People were wondering where he was for our photographs. There was only so long you could make excuses before it couldn't be covered for anymore.
After a blonde woman specifically demanded for Tawn to be present, I went off on my hunt.
I was good at that. Even with my ears cut down, I could still hear better than any human around here.
Slipping down the hall, I reached the door.
Going to knock, I heard noise instead.
I pressed my head to the door.
"I need more than last time" I heard Tawn's voice demand "not pinkies, not week olds, not frozen. I need the big ones. Fresh. As many as you can get. Around fourty."102Please respect copyright.PENANA1wOGGMaxqO
Rats. I knew he had to be eating them. Fortnightly deliveries coming through specifically demanding a signature had been odd at first. When I put the evidence together with Tawn's better mood after they were dropped off, I figured he was the one devouring them and not Avery.
Avery was a bird of prey, so I assumed he was the one killing them behind the scenes, but it made more sense with Tawn. He became vicious and predatory around when each shipment was due. It was like his senses were snapped onto all of us at once.
He was a snake after all. I just didn't think he'd be eating live animals like one. Maybe I thought he'd settle for steaks or chicken like the rest of them?
But had he been up here all this time just making demands of how many he should be fed? Was Bruce just not listening to him before now?
"Fourty?" Bruce scoffed "that's too many!"
Maybe it was? How much did a snake eat, let alone a man-sized one? Was fourty rats too many? I never kept a snake as a pet so I was clueless. I'd have to look it up when I was in my room later.
Bruce inhaled sharply. There was silence. I strained to hear footsteps coming towards me but there were none.
What was going on in there?
"I eat once a fortnight" Tawn hissed "if you can't feed me to last that long, people will start to go missing. Fourty is fair. It's less than what I need."
People would go missing. Was he really threatening our manager with murder of our patrons? Would he do it?
He was more than capable. I saw the way he could twist his body into those impossible poses on stage. He could squeeze around anywhere in this building without us seeing him.
Did he know I was at the door, listening? Is that why everything kept dropping to silence?
I should leave. My heart was already starting to race at the thought of being caught by him when he was obviously so tormented.
I'd be the first one he killed just to date his hunger.
Briskly walking away as voices started up again, I powered past the bar and deliberately ignored Elgress' sour eyes following me as she poured drinks.
"So, where is he?" the woman demanded.
"He'll be out shortly. You know how things are after such a long show. He's very happy to hear you are here."
She smiled, encouraged by her group behind her. The way they cooed and laughed make it seem like they had a thing going with Tawn.
We had a strict rule not to sleep with the customers, but they were definitely horned up for him. Sliding my eyes to the statues, i could see why.
People were so easily fooled....
Adrian was here with our group, beside Avery. He wasn't a hybrid, but being his main singer, he was still considered a star and memorable enough to be included.
Tawn's was here too. Dressed in a snakeskin unitard and shouldering a light hood to match that shrouded her slicked back black hair, Loreen was always dressed the part. She was wicked on the harmonica and sang so beautifully for the more rough song that accompanied Tawn's act.
Then there was mine.
While I was up on the chandelier, Lumi added the vocals from below while decked out in a gown that sparkled like the night sky. Of course, it tore off to reveal a unitard that was so finely cut that it barely covered her breasts and buttocks. Out of the three, she was the only one who was a hybrid.
Being a platypus, her fingers were webbed. Her hands sported a long spur at the back that had been clipped down to a stump. She also sprouted natural markings at her inner tear ducts that resembled a smudge of yellow makeup.
She had no bill or tail. If she did, Bruce would have made quick work of it to beautify her for the show.
For some reason, platypus' had an ability to glow in uv light. With her body elaborately marked in paint, it created patterns for when the lights were changed during my act. Because I didn't glow, I was marked with paint that did; the opposite of her.
In my eyes she was just as much as a star as the rest of us. In Bruce's eyes she wasn't valuable enough to keep contractually locked to this place. The lesser hybrids got to go home after the last guest had left. We stayed here forever.102Please respect copyright.PENANAyHHwtnmYQj
While processing through those who still wanted photos, Tawn appeared after a few minutes.
Obviously annoyed, he made a beeline for the bar before Elgress pointed him over our way where the woman called out and waved.
I saw his face change instantly. He smiled, fangs on show, when he greeted her and placed an arm around her shoulder to help steer her back towards us.
"Honey, you know I'm a busy man" he chucked at her "did you wait for me?"
"Well, I want a photo with all of you" she giggled back.
Tawn patted her shoulder and helped lower her into the love seat. Moving to take his place behind it with us and his singer, she turned.
"Can you sit beside me?"
"I would love to, but I'm afraid I'd go home with you if I sat myself down beside someone so beautiful" he replied sweetly, rubbing the top of the hand she extended upwards "smile for the camera and stop being so naughty."
She finally turned and grinned to the dancer. I heard Tawn sigh under his breath, perking up into his usual posture.
I assumed mine on the other side of Loreen, forcing my eyes to remain open so we didn't have to do a retake because someone blinked.
The woman was quick off the couch to take her phone and scrutinise the shot. Happy everyone looked the way she had hoped, she giggled and led her group of to the stairs for the exit.
Tawn waved her off, smiling and giggling. As soon as she was out of sight, he turned his back and faced the wall behind us, sour.
"Are we done?" he snapped to me, turning to Loreen in irritation "can I go get a drink now?"
"Well...." she looked over to the three others waiting for their shot "you've got a few more."
"Fuck me" he hissed and shook his head "neverending."
"Will you be ok?" Avery leant towards him "are you in pain?"
Tawn focused on Avery for a little too long. I saw his eyes stare straight at his arm he held awkwardly by his side.
Adrian saw it too, glaring back to catch Tawn's attention.
"Yeah. Jaw ache, that's all" he rubbed it "all the unhinging tonight, you know."
It was part of his act. He made it look like he broke the damn thing as his forked tongue flopped about and fangs drooled with venom. His jaw was bound to hurt after several times letting it remain popped out of place for a scare.
Tawn faced the expectant visitors with a smile and took up his pose again. I did mine, looking to him in concern once the phone was gone.
"Will you drink with me before I head home tonight, Tawny?" Loreen asked hopefully "or am I sitting with Rosie again?"
One of the dancers. Loreen and Rosie often sat together since Tawn never seemed to have the time. She complained about the matter often, usually through tears.
She thought he hated her. He wasn't proving a point otherwise by avoiding her. It would only bring down their act of left too long.
We posed for another photo.
"Look, it's been a long night..." he started.
Loreen's face dropped and she looked away from him in frustration.
She only brightened when we posed again.
"You can join me and Lumi" I offered "Elgress makes a really good Snowy Yeti."
"Thanks but I think I'm just going to head home" she muttered back.
Now we had no more waiting for us, we were free to leave the space behind the couch to idle. Everyone was now downstairs and blocked off from re-entering. We could relax without them watching us.
"Lorrie" Tawn groaned when she ignored him to walk off for the dressers backstage.
"I'll see you tomorrow night" she replied shortly "hope your jaw gets better."
He watched her leave, deciding not to follow. Instead, he shuffled to the bar to be given a bottle of vodka he carried off towards his room. Elgress' eyes flicked to me when she muttered something to him.
It was a wonder why he never got drunk of something so large. Maybe he just had a higher tolerance than us?
Lumi glanced to me, unsure of what to do.
We went to the bar to have Elgress slide over into position before anyone else could.
"You're needed" she pointed a finger to her right without even looking at me.
I nervously looked over to see Tawn leaning against the wall, right by the entrance leading up to the VIP dining areas. It was easier to cross them to get to the hall leading to our rooms on the other side.
His eyes glared, never leaving me.
I didn't want to go over there.
"Can't I get a drink first?" I chuckled nervously.
Her eyes flicked up, in the same way Tawn's did when he was pissed.
Spraying water into a cup, it was slapped down before me, sloshing most of it.
She turned to Lumi sweetly to draw her attention from me.
"I'll, uh, see you tomorrow then" I forced a smile to Lumi "you were amazing."
"And you too" she lowered her head with a little smile, trying not to look at Tawn "talk tomorrow?"
If I lasted that long.
Nodding, I faced the anger radiating towards me. When Tawn saw me finally moving, he started to walk.
I glanced back to see the others watching me leave. Tawn watched them too, locking onto each one while he stood at the top of the stairs.
"You wanted to see me, Buddy?"
I took a sip of the water, trying not to dribble it down my front. We moved, away from curious eyes and into the dining arena.
There was a clear view of the stage below and the roof above. A place like this was only reserved for the higher paying patrons.
"Don't 'Buddy' me" Tawn muttered, his dark eye sliding back to narrow at me "you're a snoop."
Oh, that. Elgress obviously told him I had been down there for longer than I should have.
Right place, wrong time.
He turned to face me abruptly, causing the drink I held to dampen my unitard. The paint ran over it, dribbling rainbow down my body.
"What did you hear?" his voice hissed as he leant in close, looking me over.
I leant back, not daring to take a step.
I felt like backing up would make him strike me.
Swallowing nervously, my chest tightened when I bought my unsteady hand up to take a sip of water.
"W-well..." I swallowed, unable to focus "can you just back up a little?"
Pressing a finger to his chest and lightly pressing, his eyes were instantly on it instead of me.
Still, I was allowed just a slither of space.
"You asked for fourty rats" I drew myself up and met his eyes "and Bruce wasn't listening. Are you really going to kill someone?"
"Depends" he smirked at me "do you want to die?"
"Well, obviously not" I breathed back, trying to smile at his joke "so, is that all you wanted to talk to me about?"
Tawn checked behind me before leaning close again and dropping his voice to a whisper.
"What else did you hear?"
It came out like a leaking hose. Hissing and raspy, he was warning me that he was deadly serious.
His hood wasn't flared. I wasn't dancing with death yet.
"Nothing" I met his eyes and drank again.
His lip curled at the action and he let me lower the glass.
"Nishaaaa" he dragged out my name and curled his lip again "I know you hear everything."
He wrapped a cold arm around me. His nails were thick like fangs themselves, running down my shivering bare arm as we walked further from the others.
We were right in the middle of the walkway now. There was nowhere I could run to and he knew it.
"Don't lie to me, Nisha."
"I'm not" I frowned back and saw his tongue flick out "don't you trust me?"
"I don't trust anyone above me" he replied as he wrapped around to my other side "and you are always sticking your little ears where they shouldn't be."
A nail traced the butchered outline of my ear before flicking off at my neck.
"What did you hear before that?"
Why was he so focused on it? Was there something more to the rat order that he desperately wanted to keep secret?
"Honestly, nothing" I turned towards him, noticing he was watching where my heart would be "are you in trouble with the manager?"
His eyes met mine again, but the intimidation had simmered from them. They almost looked...scared.
Of me? Or of Bruce?
"If you are lying to me..."
"I'm not" I insisted "honest."
I crossed my heart. He knew I wasn't hiding anything from him.
"If I find out otherwise, I'd keep your drinks covered" he patted my shoulder, slowly walking off before pausing again, swigging his bottle "see you tomorrow, Nisha."
"Yeah" I smiled back, slightly raising my glass up towards him "you too."
I didn't dare to drink. Checking the water I had left, I couldn't see anything different with it, but I wasn't going to take chances.
Sighing, I lowered it onto the table below me and wandered off for my room.
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I was back to the stage early next morning after nervously sleeping while facing the door from my hammock.
After stripping and soaking my unitard in the sink overnight, it was now hanging outside to dry in the heat. Plenty of time to destroy the colour that Tawn had caused to run over it the night before.
In light plains shorts and a crop top, I hung upside-down from the chandelier, waiting for Lumi to arrive so we could go over our routine for tonight.
Tawn was below. Contorted into position, he read from a book, using his toes to turn the pages as he maintained the poses.
Avery hung off to the side, trying to get his busted arm to lift more than a few centimeters from his side. For the show tonight, there was no way he'd be able to perform.
Who would take his place? We had other birds, but none as proficiently trained as he was.
Adrian was always early to help his assigned star. I think it annoyed Tawn who kept glancing over from between pages.
He got up and stretched, balancing the book out on one foot while keeping it in place with the other laid on top. Upside down and twisted, I was in awe at how he was so calculated.
Seriously, it was impressive. Loreen would have the same level of awe if she was here to see it. She was late today, most likely because of last night.
Lifting myself up, I hauled back into the chandelier to slouch across the beams. I couldn't do much until Lumi arrived anyway.
I wanted to avoid the main stage until I knew Tawn had eaten. With the delivery port at the back of our rooms, I knew he hadn't. The drivers needed Bruce's signature, which they walked through the dining area for. No-one had passed there but a disgruntled waitress who told me off for leaving my half full glass on a cleaned table overnight.
It had to be soon. I couldn't slack off in the chandelier forever.
With staff and dancers starting to sprinkle through the areas, I saw Bruce finally make his appearance.
Tawn was the first to react, unfurling himself from his pose to stand up and face him. Avery did the same, staying put while Adrian took his place in front of him.
Bruce clapped to gain attention, even though it was already on him. He looked up to make sure I was focused as well.
Others stopped where they were to listen. Those who were out of sight quickly poked their heads back around to be known.
"Tonight, we want a good, clean show" Bruce started "I'm having harnesses on Avery since his little slip last night. The doctor should be around soon to check it all out and give it the all clear."
So, he was still performing regardless?
It was news for him too. He looked back in confusion. Adrian's hands balled back into fists as he shook his head in disbelief.
"Tonight, for the dancers, I'm going to have a few girls switch out and give the back ones some time in the front. You'll practice the new set today. Ebony, Lilly, Portia, Lula; you'll be switching with Piper, Talia, Ruth, and Lapis."
I heard muttering. A few girls were not happy with the sudden switches but couldn't do anything about it. Others were happy with having their five minutes of fame at last. They thought it was the start of a big break for them.
"As for the chandelier" Bruce acknowledged me leaning over it now as I listened "I'm throwing Elgress and Sasha up there as well. Get them back into practice."
"Elgress is shaky" Tawn disputed right away before I could "she works the bar."
"She works the chandelier now" Bruce snapped back to him, glaring "they'll be harnessed too. We can't have them breaking their necks. Viva will man the bar in her place."
Tawn was furious. His hood was billowed but he didn't make a noise towards Bruce who smirked at him. Instead, his nails pierced into his book.
They used to perform together before her shakes got too much. Elgress was Tawn's partner in contortion, even though she was human.
He had a soft spot for her. It would be hard not to for someone you shared a stage with for many years. I know Lumi was always at the forefront of my mind as far as her safety was concerned.
Having Sasha up here worried me. She was a dancer who was inexperienced with heights. I think I had seen her twice up on a chain, but never at anything this high. She did most of her stuff in the middle of the pack, safely below on stage.
"Your delivery came in too" Bruce jerked his head to signal for Tawn to leave.
He did immediately, grumbling as he weaved around the others to disappear. Eyes watched him leave before turning back to Bruce.
"We'll keep it fresh!" he announced cheerfully "we'll be offering exclusive drinks with the stars for the guests who want to pay extra after photos. It'll be limited. No talking about the show; no touching or fucking. Fluff them up but don't let them get carried away, got it?"
Some mumbled agreement. I grunted and rolled my eyes.
Avery looked up at me with the same disappointment I held. I flopped back and stared up at the roof instead.
The last thing I wanted after an exhausting show was to stand around for longer with annoying guests who drained too much energy and time.
The waitresses would be held back to clean up after the extra guests. The bar staff wouldn't be able to stop pouring drinks after photographs.
Most of us were going to suffer because of this new opportunity. It'd cut into precious time we had to sleep between shows. While the others might be able to get away with it, us stars couldn't be running tired while trying to perform dangerous stunts. Mistakes would be made. Someone else would break an arm, or worse.
"Let's put on a good show!" Bruce concluded with another clap before he briskly walked off. Instantly, some of the others chased after him, wanting to try and persuade him out of his sudden choices.
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Idling, I decided not to mingle with the others who were discussing the new changes.
I heard the doctor's truck roll into the carpark out the front and see Avery be summoned for it by an assistant. Adrian followed, careful to make sure Avery didn't further damage his arm.
The same doctor had worked out of his portable practice for years. He was the same one who cut off Avery's wings, removed Tawn's fangs, and chopped down my ears and tail. Countless others worked here. Who knew if any of them found their way into the back of his van as well.
Peeling around them, Lumi squeezed her way through and waved up at me.
Lighting up instantly, I smiled back and snatched up the cord dangling from the roof so I could wheel the chandelier back to the nook.
Lumi rushed to meet me up there, glancing back down the ladder she had climbed to reach me.
"Whose getting the chop this time?" she leant over the edge to try and see that way "the van was out the front."
It was a wonder Bruce hadn't had Lumi's spurs ripped out yet. Having her as a musician, maybe it hadn't crossed his mind yet.
"We've got some changes happening" I sighed back "again."
She huffed. We knew change wasn't a good thing with only a few hours of set runs before people started to turn up.
"Sit down. You'll want to hear this."
102Please respect copyright.PENANAH4Q0LY5EYX
Lumi listened carefully when I ran down what had happened since she left. The way Tawn cornered me and demanded what I had heard, how the girls were being randomly shuffled, how Sasha and Elgress were going to be sharing the chandelier with me tonight, and the fact we were being held back.
"He can't do that!" Lumi cried out, careful not to raise her voice too much.
"Right? Why change it up because Avery busted his arm? Does he think it'll distract the patrons from that fact? They know what happened. It'll be all over the internet."
"He's mad" Lumi leant closer, checking down the ladder quickly "I heard he was losing braincells from drinking so much."
I gasped and giggled.
"Who told you that?"
"You know" Lumi shrugged with a cheesy smile "Vinnie."
One of the bartenders. He poured drinks and didn't engage in anything else. He was in the prime position to hear and see everything. Never spoke; not unless it was for juicy gossip in exchange for a quick buck.
"Apparently he watered down the managers drinks. Didn't notice a difference" Lumi sniggered "and get this, he told Rosie; who told Jasmine, who told Ruby, who told Lettie, who told me that the bottle that Tawn hogs to himself is just plain water."
Just water? Why would he be doing that? He could hold his drink better than most of us, and he didn't even throw back that much.
"Is he worried about messing up the show?"
A nasty hangover could throw anyone off, most of all someone baking in the spotlight.
"Who knows? That's what they told me. Don't know if it's true but Vinnie said he was moving the bottles and found it so wanted to try some to see if it was really that good. It was just water. I'm thinking it's a fake one so he doesn't need to deal with customers during photos. It's smart actually. Make them think he's drinking so they buy more drinks themselves."
People would talk about this. Gossip spread like wildfire when word got out, no matter how small it was.
"It is smart" I just agreed.
If word got out and reached Tawn, I didn't want to be part of the mouths that spread it. He already made it clear he'd poison me over something else entirely.
"Right? I'm thinking of doing it myself" Lumi gushed "of course, that does mean we need to drink a whole bottle first so we can replace it with water."
Smiling, she started to giggle. We'd get that done with no problems between us. Maybe even tonight during the new event?
Hands on the ladder broke her carefree attitude. Sliding over, she glanced downwards before breathing a sigh of relief.
"It's Sasha" she told me, getting to her feet to move aside "must be for the new arrangements."
I got to my feet now and made myself presentable. I didn't know how much Sasha liked to talk, and I wasn't about to be in the firing line for appearing lazy.
Lumi helped her up and smiled warmly. I did the same, seeing how uneasy she was at the edge.
"Not scared of heights, are you?" I joked.
"Well, I've never been up this high" she admitted and shuffled to the edge to peer down "you perform all the way up here?"
"It's not that far" I brushed aside her awe "plus, you'll be strapped in."
Turning to the chandelier nestled behind us, Sasha instantly looked to me for support. Much larger than the decorative ones, it could easily hold three people. Seeing it looming in the darkness was daunting.
She was nervous. I'd have to gently run her through the steps before it festered into fear.
"Why don't we have a go?" I nudged her towards it "get you comfortable with the routine?"
"Well, Elgress isn't here yet. I was told she was coming up here too...."
Lumi looked down the ladder for me. Nothing.
"She'll turn up when she turns up" I shrugged "probably having a word with the manager about the changes. You know how she is."
Sasha smiled and agreed.
"Lumi, why don't you head on down and get set up? I'll run Sasha through the steps up here."
Leaving Lumi to climb back down, I turned to Sasha.
"You've never done anything aerial before?"
"Well, I've done some chainwork" she looked down shyly "but nothing this high up. It's usually on the stage and barely a few meters up."
"It'll be fun" I turned to the chandelier to reach for the middle of it where the harnesses were tucked away "it's like you are flying. I think you'll like it."
Turning back with the harness straps, Sasha was right there. Moving back, I peeled open the harness for her.
"This will go under your bust" I pointed out "and this will go between both your legs. These will go around your arms and clip at the back. When you get more comfortable, they'll strip it down to just a belt."
"Well, I won't be up here for that long, will I?" she worried again "it's only a few shows, right?"
"With Bruce, who knows?" I unhooked the harness "are you right with doing this in your clothes? Mine are still kind of drying out."
She nodded shyly, lifting up her arms so I could come close to hug her, rummaging for the clips at the back.
For a dancer, she was soft. Pressed against me, i could smell that she had spritzed a sweet peach perfume over herself. Her tied hair had been washed with some sort of banana shampoo that had that unmistakenly fake scent to it. Even her loose shirt and small shorts had the fresh and crisp scent of softener clinging to it. It was a familiar smell since I used the same powder on my clothes.
Seafoam. I loved the brand for it's fresh scents that made my gut bubble when I daydreamed of being safely tucked away in a small home. Batting out the laundry in the gentle breeze would be my hardest chore. I'd have nothing but normal clothes on the line as I smiled at how good my life was.
Sasha smelled like a daydream. I don't think I even smelled Lumi like this. She was confident enough to do everything on her own. I never needed to harness her when she was comfortably on stage the whole routine.
Strapping around her legs, she flinched. Pausing, I checked that I wasn't nicking anything delicate before continuing on.
She really was toned. Her arse stuck out a little when the straps wedged into place. Swallowing, I rushed the clipping so I could continue without my desires on show.
"You're all set" I jerked on the harness to show Sasha it was secure "if you have any worries, let me know."
She couldn't move from the chandelier now. Turning from her, I checked myself.
No boner. Thank god. I was good to go.
"Lumi!" I called, dangling over the edge to peer down at her in her corner below "we're set!"
"Elgress isn't here" she frowned up at me, adjusting her mute mic on the side of her face.
I sighed and shrugged, checking on Sasha curiously running a hand over the wood on the chandelier. We couldn't waste time on someone who wasn't here.
"Start without her."
"You're the boss" she replied unsurely.
I rushed back for the chandelier to leap up onto it. Snatching up the rope that moved it, I started to heave us forward.
"Usually I just shove it out and jump onto it" I told Sasha as I lurched us closer to the edge "but we will start small. The swinging can be a bit much at first."
"Thank you" she smiled nervously.
I got us to the edge, waiting.
Lumi looked up and smiled when she saw I was in position. Looking out, I noticed the dancers were shuffling into seats below to watch. Instead of practicing, they gawked up at me. In actual curiosity or out of jest, who knew? One of their own was about to make their shaky debut. It wouldn't be pretty, and it was about to all be on show for everyone.
I'd be hearing about this for weeks.
I noticed Avery and Adrian taking a seat further back, up in the VIP booths above with some more dancers and supports. Tawn slipped in behind them, leaning over to say something, pointing to me.
Luckily I couldn't see Bruce.
"Hold tight" I muttered to Sasha.
"Blah, blah, blah, amazing chandelier!" Lumi flourished up at me as her voice boomed out "the crowd goes wild!"
There were wild cheers and clapping from the dancers. They were wholely supporting their friend.
"Go Sasha! You can do it!" one called.
Sasha smiled behind me, gripping tightly when I reeled us out.
"Now, it is practice, so it won't be this slow on the night" Lumi explained when we dangled off the edge and carefully wheeled around into place "you got it?"
I gave Lumi a thumbs up, looking to Sasha.
"With the show, we start off on the side of the chandelier, like this" I carefully leant over, one hand holding on, the other dangling. My toes gripped the side for support as I hung there.
Being a Spider Monkey, I could do these fetes naturally. Acrobatics was what I was born to do. I was the best.
"Oh, ok."
Sasha climbed to the edge, the chandelier wobbling from the movement and her nerves. She checked me and my positioning, placing her flat shoes on the edge and leaning out with both hands. Shaking, she let one go, almost matching me.
Our audience cheered in support at the little movement.
Sasha wobbled. I could hear her panting from here.
"You good?"
"I'm great" she smiled back through clenched teeth "it feels like I'm going to fall though."
"The harness will catch you if you do" I reassured her when she had to snatch back on with both hands to steady herself "if it's easier, you can pose in the middle."
I leapt into it, causing the chandelier to swing outwards. Sasha gasped out and gripped tightly, closing her eyes until we fell back in place.
She was way too nervous to do this. Still, I couldn't leave her to experience this for the first time when the real thing happened tonight.
One leg in front of the other, I grabbed the top of the chandelier and popped a shoulder slightly forward to spice it up.
"Give that a go instead."
She gladly did, letting me heave her in off the edge and helping her into the middle. Effortlessly, she posed and simmered to her new crowd who clapped.
"See? You got this" I grinned, reassuming my position on the outside.
Lumi eyed us, worried for Sasha. Still, she was ready to do her part.
"I don't get hurt" she began in practised pitch "how can I feel when I won't learn?"
"Now, I usually do a little upside down bit for this" I gripped the edge with both hands so I was hunched, then hooked my legs around the chandelier so I could dangle down and pose "want to give it a go?"
"I don't know..."
"I've got you."
Grabbing onto the bottom of the chandelier, I let my body dangle. Lifting one arm up, I coaxed Sasha down through the middle.
She sat on the edge, shaking again.
"Hook your legs on the beam to help keep you on place" I directed her as she did so "and don't just flop. You've got to do it slowly so you don't throw yourself off."
Sasha clawed onto the chandelier as she dipped there. I flipped back around to hook my own legs so I could support her quivering body with both my hands.
"Slowly, let go" I spoke, hearing her whimper "I've got you."
After a few moments, she unhooked her fingers and cried out before realizing I had her. Trembling, I carefully unfurled her to let her dangle.
She didn't even hear the others calling out support for her.
"I'm going to fall!" she panicked "oh God! Oh God!"
She was too scared to even try and lift herself back up. She just hung there, trembling and digging into her sides like a bat so her arms didn't flop.
"Hey, you're all good. You're doing it" I grinned back at her when I flopped down beside her "look at me, don't look at the ground."
She shook her head, refusing to open her tearful eyes.
"Why don't we try posing again?" I offered "I'll do the work around you?"
Sasha nodded frantically, legs quivering.
I pressed onto her back to curl her back up again. Directing her to grab onto her harness, I lifted myself back up and laid across the chandelier so I could lean over facing Sasha and offer her my hands.
I could hear the others holding their breath. Whispers accompanied Sasha's shamefully shaky heave back up to the chandelier where she sat, sobbing.
"I can't do this" she shook her head, whining through the fresh tears "it's too much."
"You're doing amazing" I encouraged her "if you just stand up in the middle, I..."
"No. I want to get off" she gripped the sides "please. I want to get off."
There was no convincing her otherwise. She was too scared to continue. Maybe I had pushed her too far for her first attempt up here?"
"Lumi!" I called down, cutting my hand across my throat "hold on a bit."
She stopped singing. I didn't even know she had been continuing through our failed performance.
"I'm sorry" Sasha sniffled, her shoulders heaving now "I ruined your act."
"No, you couldn't ruin it" I smiled down at her while hauling us back towards safety "you really impressed me. You gave it a go and that's all you could do."
She blinked back, wiping her eyes that still blinded her.
What else could I say? You were never going to be able to handle something I've been doing for years in a few hours? It was obvious from the start you were too scared to even hang over the edge, so how were you supposed to do that?
"I'm proud of you for giving it a go."
Burning from the praise, she lowered her head. It was kind of cute she got flustered so easily when I spoke to her.
Nearing the edge again, I saw Elgress standing there. Quietly watching us, she was ready to go in a sports bra and shorts. She had her shirt and shoes folded up and pressed to the side. Even her hair was done up and wound into a tight bun.
Leaping on, the momentum caused Sasha to shout and quiver, closing her eyes again. Elgress rolled her eyes down at her before tapping her shoulder and hoisting her up.
Letting Sasha off at the edge, Elgress remained on the chandelier to harness up while I stepped off to make sure Sasha could still climb safely down the ladder to some of the supports waiting to comfort her.
As soon as they swarmed, I turned back to Elgress waiting for me.
She wasn't wearing her usual cheetah print paint, putting her skin on display. In the lights, it shimmered, dancing all the colours of the rainbow when she turned. It was segmented too, as if she were wrapped in fishnets beneath her crossing harness straps.
It must have been the body shimmer she was using that was playing tricks with my eyes. There was no way human skin did that.
"Are you going to be ok with this?" I worried now.
My time has been wasted trying to train Sasha. I didn't want it to be a complete disaster.
Elgress scoffed at me, leaning out towards me. Her harness, along with the lack of clothing, made it look like she was wearing bondage gear. Her confidence was making my heart race.
"I did contortion with a venomous snake, I think I can handle a fancy swing" she retorted, smirking "just tell me what to do and I'll do it."
No wonder Tawn was so protective of her. Already, Elgress was turning out to be the perfect partner.
I leapt out onto the chandelier, motioning for Lumi to continue the show.
We were going to start over. See if Elgress could do better.
"I'm going to shake your swing, but I'm not nervous" she spoke sternly when she leant out over her side "I've taken my medicine so it shouldn't be too much. Don't think it's weakness, because it's not."
"Wouldn't dream of it" I replied, taking up my position "I don't think you're weak at all."
She smiled to me, waiting for us to reach our destination.
"You guys ready?" Lumi called up to us.
Flashing another thumbs up, I held my position. Elgress remained motionless, focused.
"You know the drill; amazing chandelier!"
Cheers and clapping resounded again. I saw Sasha down in the crowd, disheartened by seeing her replacement already doing better.
"Just try to keep up, ok?" Elgress teased me, smiling at my disbelief.
"I don't get hurt" Lumi began again, looking up to us switching around to hang upside down "how can I feel when I won't learn?"
I crawled down the side of the chandelier to the bottom. Elgress followed, smirking.
She was teasing me. She had nothing to prove and she knew it. This was nothing for her when she had danced with death every night of her career.
"When you pull it apart, when was it ever my turn?"
We dangled there, facing outwards.
"Fold in" I guided her "then it's a climb into the middle where we act confused."
"Easy" she almost laughed back.
"Why do you burn so bright, when you know no-one is watching?" Lumi continued, leaning into her vocals now that she was comfortable we weren't about to mess up.
"You know, this song has got to be the sappiest one out there" Elgress commented when she climbed up through the middle with me, watching me circle around the chandelier to create a tilt on it "ours was hardcore and Avery's is kind of sad, but this one is just all sorts of 'boo-hoo, nobody hugs me.'"
We circled, jumping from one side to the other to get the chandelier to spin.
"My character helps the others from the shadows and gets no recognition. I don't make the script, I just play the part."
"Still sucks" she jeered.
The chandelier had a good spin on it now. We danced on top, moving with it.
"Now, we move out to the outside, fake a slip to the edge where we hold it with our hands as it spins" I explained "after three rotations, we flip in, suspend over the gap, turn, and hook our legs; letting ourselves spin for three more. When that finishes, curl up and handstand on the inner rim before falling through again, facing."
"All while spinning?" Elgress stared in disbelief.
Finally. Something that rattled her.
"If you can handle it."
"Oh, I'm worried about you falling off" she retorted, sauntering to the edge.
Shaking my head at her, I spun over, ready to fake my slip.
"I'm going to live!" Lumi belted out; our cue to slip "always through someone else's eyes! Help me see what should be right!"
We spun, facing each other.
"Look at me! Can't you see? It's me! It's me!"
One. Two. Three.
Elgress mouthed them with me. She curved her body backwards as I did, threading back through the chandelier feet first. With our hands still gripping on, we curved back like hooks, swapped around to face the underside of the chandelier, and fed our legs through so we could hang and pose.
"I'm holding on just for you! It's you! It's you!"
One. Two. Three.
Curving back to touch the chandelier, I dragged my legs out and lifted myself up through it so I was on top.
I saw Elgress shake through this part, fatigued from multiple switches in quick succession. It was really straining her body that still shimmered through her sweat.
We were both dripping. It flung from us like rain before the chandelier started to lose momentum.
But, we made it. We had to do our headstand now and fall back through to face each other.
We could pause now and take a quick moment to breathe.
"The shadows play tricks on your eyes, I'm here in disguise. Venomous, temptress, truth teller and believer...."
"Now" I gestured to Elgress who groaned and grabbed onto the chandelier.
We both lifted ourselves up, spread legged.
"When you fall through, use one hand to hold on as you go through. You'll swing rather than straight fall."
I think she understood. She didn't let me know otherwise.
"I'm your shadow!" Lumi sang "nothing more than a stain on the wall! Your shadow! I hear and see it all!"
"Sounds like you" Elgress quipped now, smirking again.
"Shut up" I smiled back.
"Light it up, is it there? Voices speaking everywhere. It's your shadow! Coming down to snatch you up!"
"Now!" I breathed, throwing myself through the gap I held onto the edge of.
I swung from one arm effortlessly. Flinging my other one up after I did, I hung there.
Elgress fell through the hole, swinging down.
Her hand slipped on the arch, making her snatch desperately for the chandelier.
Grabbing on, she dangled somewhere off her mark, trying to snatch in a jagged breath.
"You did it" I grinned to her "you didn't fall!"
"Could you imagine?" she blew out her breath, chuckling nervously "i'd never hear the end of it."
"It's a tricky move. I wouldn't expect anyone to get it."
"Says the monkey" Elgress rolled her eyes "swinging like that is your thing, you cheat."
"Let me see it all!" Lumi finished up, dragging out her last note, smiling and bowing "aaand lights out!"
Our crowd broke into applause and whistles. Some stood and cheered while others were more reserved. They were all impressed, even through Elgress' slip up at the end.
Hoisting myself up, I reached down a hand to help Elgress as well. She took it, letting me lift her to where she could use her arms to sit in the chandelier and unhook herself while I pulled us back to the nook. We'd be under the cover of darkness when we did that next.
"Thanks for helping me back there" Elgress said as she freed the last clip and leapt off the chandelier to snatch up her gear "you aren't too bad up there."
"Thanks" I grinned at her praise as I pushed the chandelier back into it's position and rewound the harness "you were really good for your first time too."
"Well, I kind of cheated and worked at a circus with a bunch of freaks" she joked, rolling down her shirt as she spoke "you know, normal every day job things."
"Of course" I snorted back, rolling my eyes.
She pulled on her socks and shoes, coming over to me when I waited by the ladder for her.
My breath caught it my throat. I could smell the coconut of her body shimmer mixed with her sweat. She was getting really close.
"You know, there's a little hideaway we can go to and have some drinks as thanks for looking out for me" she looked me over "just us friends."
"Well, I've got..."
"You are going to refuse a small gift for helping me?" she pulled back a little in offense "if you are worried about the alcohol, I do know my way around a bar."
Chuckling at her humour, I shrugged.
What was one drink? And it would still be somewhere around here. It's not like she could do anything to me that I couldn't just wriggle myself out of.
"Just one" I warned her "I've got to think about the show."
"No, of course" she lit up "you're going to love it. It's a really beautiful place. No-one knows about it."
Smiling, I let her climb down the ladder first. She grinned back, waiting until I was beside her to lead the way down the halls.
I looked back towards the bar, frowning.
"Aren't we going to get drinks too?"
"After" she grinned "I want to show you where this is first."
My heart leapt as I followed her.
Was it really just a secret place for friends to enjoy drinks, or was she trying to lure me somewhere quiet for more?
I had only performed once with her. Was she that excited by our performance that she wanted to sleep with me after it?
I wasn't complaining. I just found it a little odd that someone like Elgress would want someone like me anywhere near her.
"In here" she waved me past my room and to the door at the end of the hall reserved for cleaning supplies.
Peering in, I watched Elgress go to the cupboard beside a steel shelf and open it, climbing inside.
This was all a little weird. My gut clenched uncomfortably.
A cupboard was a weird place for someone to choose to fuck in, if that even was the case.
"Come on, Scaredy Cat!" she poked her head back out again "it's just up here!"
What was?
"Yeah, ok" I swallowed, stepping in and closing the door behind me to snap me in darkness.
I could see a faint blue light glowing from inside the cupboard. Leaving the light switch, I shuffled my way towards it blindly.
Peeking inside, the back of the cupboard had been removed to reveal a little dirt tunnel Elgress hunched at the entrance of, holding aside a panel that I guessed would normally conceal it. The blue light belonged to little flowers that speckled the way further in, glowing from the centres.
Crawling in, Elgress giggled when I slid in beside her so she could cover the hole back up.
It was kind of exciting having this secret to ourselves. It was like a fun hideaway that only little kids created. It was thrilling slipping away under the eyes of our overbearing authoritive figure.
"I come here when I need quiet" Elgress crawled ahead of me, her arse taking up the space quite nicely "and it's nice with all the flowers."
"Well, we all need an area like that" I commented.
Mine was up on the chandelier itself. No-one was acrobatic enough to reach me.
Until today.
The tunnel widened into a wide, round cavern spilling with the blue flowers. They grew all over the dirt walls and floor, illuminating and shedding a soft light into the room.
There was no other way in or out of the room. It was quite nice to have this bubble of security for ourselves to share.
I saw several empty bottles tucked against the curve of the wall to my left.
"It's nice, isn't it?" Elgress smiled at the area "told you you'd like it. If you lean against the wall over there, you get just the right angle to see more flowers in the roof."
I followed her finger to the wall behind me and did as I was told. Peering up, the dirt roof above had been peppered with little holes that the flowers grew inside. I didn't even know how far they went, but the way they speckled the area made it look like a glowing blue galaxy.
"It's amazing Elg..."
I felt her warmth sit on my lap. My words caught in my throat and I was too nervous to lower my neck.
She ran a finger up it, causing me to swallow.
"You're very nervous for someone who could break their neck each night just performing" she commented, flicking her finger off at my jaw "how come?"
"Well, I don't know where this is going..." I admitted and finally looked at her.
She was shimmering all sorts of colours again. She had the same effect she did earlier, just under the flower glow this time.
She really was gorgeous up close. I could still smell the coconut on her and see her glistening body.
I didn't want to get hard with her on me. I didn't know if this was what she wanted yet. She could just be teasing me.
"I won't tell if you don't" she grinned, kissing my neck once and smiling against it "what's that? Seafoam detergent?"
I burned in embarrassment. Why was I embarrassed? Washing clothes was a normal thing to do.
She sighed in her exhale, rolling up me again so she could press her breasts against my chest and squeeze her legs on the sides of mine.
She picked up my hands and moved them onto each side of her arse. Pressing them firmly there, I squeezed to her delight.
I was hard instantly. She felt me against her and ground against my cock, teasing. It strained against my shorts, ready to be her plaything; desperate for it.
My heart hammered in the thrill of it all. I was breathless and panting with her as she wrapped her arms around me, still grinding. It was becoming painful being still restrained so tightly, but I grimaced through it.
"Oh, this is good" she breathed against me "don't move."
"Never" I panted, grabbing onto her again.
Her arms tightened. They squeezed around my ribs while her hands clawed around my shoulders. Even her legs crushed mine, making sure I didn't leave.
"You're being a bit rough" I chuckled back, running a hand down to free my cock and gasp gratefully at the release of pressure.
"You just can't handle it" she smirked "I thought you were more resilient with the way you moved your body out there?"
"Well, that's.....different" I choked out when she squeezed harder still, hurting my ribs "Elgress.... it's too much."
I tapped her arm and tried to move. She constricted, finally making me gasp out and cry.
"Elgress" I started to panic now when my bones screamed under hers for relief, clawing at her arm "Elgress!"
She was smiling, unfazed. Her cruel eyes reminded me of the cold ones Tawn had when he was teetering on the edge of feeding times.
My nails ripped skin. Her skin peeled from itself to sprinkle like shards to the flowers beside us.
They shone rainbow when the light hit them. It wasn't natural at all. I had been tricked by trying to justify it with a normal occurrence.
She was human. Nothing else had indicated otherwise. She tended the bar and served everyone's drinks. She had a tremor.
Elgress was snatching my breath now. She was strangling it right from me without caring how much skin I was tearing from her to try to escape. Her hands smothered my gasping mouth trying to suck in any little bit of air.
"Oh, don't struggle" she cooed "it only makes it worse for you."
She was excited by this. I could feel her hard nipples against me and feel it in the heat smothered over my exposed flaccid cock.
I couldn't die like this. Not so shamefully. Nothing had happened between us, and yet I'd be laid out here with my cock on full show.
I couldn't speak. Each fight for air was pushed aside so easily by her. She was breaking my ribs, I could feel them squeezing tighter and tighter into my lungs. Each gasp dribbled from me. My throat sawed and burned as fire bubbles up my windpipe.
Her face hazed. I could still see the rainbow glittering in my blurred vision. Her face lengthened and distorted when everything grew darker, and her teeth peeled down like hundreds of fangs swimming above me.
I should have known. Dancing with a snake so happily.... Elgress moved too effortlessly. She liked basking in the spotlight and wasn't scared of anything.
She was a trickster, and I had been fooled into believing someone wanted to know me for being more than just a freak on show.