"Have you ever thought of...not returning after this?"
I slumped over Silera's scales twisted around me, baking in the sunlight and enjoying the cold blood pumping beneath me.
There wasn't anything else I could do. The thrashing that Balae had told me about was a lie. Silera just pinned me strategically within her coiled body so she could milk me for all my worth.
I felt so useless just sitting here, dick out under it all. She refused to let me move, and insisted that this stagnant act would get the job done. She controlled when I would cum, and battled through the aftermath of snapping fire and pleasurable pain that dulled into the next wave of release.
I definitely could feel her tightness tugging on me, but it really wasn't the satisfying ritual I thought I was in for.
All I could do was hang my upper body over hers and lay there. Even playing on my phone felt insulting while having her squeezing around me.
Still, that's the way she wanted it done. No-one would know of how shameful this was.
"I have my love back there" Silera smiled, readjusting around me "and I wouldn't leave her for the world."
"Not even for a fresh start?" I frowned back at her, clenching when she clamped down again and I felt the tightness flexing along me "how long do you have before you need to be back there after we finish here anyway?"
"I have a few minutes" she tried to gloss over it "there have been a few times I haven't made it back."
What would happen then? Would she abandon the lot or try again back at Paragon and hope for the best?
"Why rush?" I scanned the baking land and river of dumb toads already returning upstream after their murderous ordeal "you could have them out here. Dig out a proper pit and have Balae live wild with you."
It was really tempting. For the first time in forever, my stomach was full and my scales were hot. I could just lay here and do nothing while still contributing to my future. Shameful, but necessary. Silera had to adapt so she didn't kill me if she tried to mate me the same way as Ezra.
One day I would be able to match her fierceness. Today, I just obliged and did as she told me to do.
"The wild is unpredictable. I wanted to escape it all with Paragon. It's dark and warm, and I barely have any disturbances."
"But, there are better ways" I insisted "you could do the exact same things out here. You wouldn't have to worry about everyone else, and you could live how you should be. You should have land like this to call your home."
Her tongue flicked, sensing my rising temperature on the matter.
"Like your family, Tawn?" she squeezed.
I gasped and nodded back, gripping onto her.
I remembered a similar setting to this when I was young. We were nestled in an overgrown wheat field. The owner had far too much property to realize a snake family setup somewhere in the middle of it. It remained overgrown, and we were undisturbed for many generations before I set tracks for my own future and mate to bring back to familiar lands.
It could be Silera. But, she wouldn't make it that far after our mating now. It would have to be somewhere in the future.
Or, perhaps, there was someone else out there for me that wasn't linked to Paragon at all? Someone just like me who had the same mindset of leaving it all behind for something better, as far away from that place as possible?
"I don't want to go back" I admitted, tensing.
Silera kept up her momentum as she peered down at me, confused.
"What about your young friends? What about our agreement?" she reeled up, hurt "we are mates now, Tawn. I need you as much as you need me."
Sighing, she pushed through my legs squeezing around her in a ripple of pleasure.
"It doesn't feel earned" I admitted in defeat "Luke and Levi will continue without me. I'm not keeping them there. I just dance with a cage and do some flashy tricks. I don't even know why you want me."
Silera was quiet as she kept up her purpose. Leaning over me, her tongue tasted my burning cheeks lowered to her body.
"I think you earned me by showing me how passionate you are to this" she marvelled "there may be others, but we are better matched, don't you think so?"
Than an actual Naga who could keep up with her? I think she was just trying to spin sweet lies so she could get what she wanted from me before I did decide to bail.
Freedom was out here. I was wrapped up in it, away from the slimy hands and sweaty cock of Bruce.
And she has seen my struggles all this time. Shame pulled me down again to run a finger along her rippling side.
Working through my dampened mood, Silera forced me to snap through a climax and hiss as she frantically choked every last drop from me, moving to slowly coax me towards another.
Thought the brief change in demeanour, we both settled again so we could work for more of my precious DNA.
Was this what I had to look forward to? Being used like some sort of prized stud bull to impregnate someone else on the mere hopes we might produce something worth while?
What if none of them made it? What if Silera decided they weren't what she wanted after she spent all the time incubating and protecting them?
Things were easier before Elgress climbed the stairs. Before she....
I felt my gut clench and bit back the sadness ripping up my throat.
I thought she was the one. She would have changed her mind eventually on a family. I think I scared her a little too much into raising one when I was already inside her and ready to blow it all away so she could live.
It was all over now. She had killed what I had given her so that Ezra could fill her instead. All those lives, wasted. If she hated them so much, I would have taken them. I'd raise them in my room if I had to. I'd step up and guard those babies with my life.
Fuck. I was going to cum again.
How many was Silera going to squeeze out of me? I could already feel my soft dick being massaged and teased back towards a harder state for another round.
Her head nudge mine when it lifted up to grit through it. She smiled against me, pleased with everything she was getting.
Was it because of her sheer size that she was going multiple times? Trying to increase her chances with someone she dwarfed so easily?
"You are going to cut all the blood flow to my legs if you keep going much longer" I chuckled around her movements "I do need to use them tonight."
"So, you are returning?" she questioned.
As much as I wanted to just keep walking along the water until I got lost in more open land, I couldn't abandon Silera. Technically, we were bound as mates now. She was going to have my one shot of a family wrapped securely within her scales, and I wouldn't walk out on that; at least until I saw them hatch.
Freedom could come another day, as soon as she decided to let me go.
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The dash back to Paragon was a frantic one. I could tell Silera was panicked about laying her new brood somewhere unsuitable, as she tore across the fields, through the mud, and into the water.
Dirt flung everywhere. I was drowned just trying to stay on when she weaved across the river in the shortest way she thought possible, cutting off most of the park.
Ignoring dogs and tears to her underside, Silera thundered across the road on the stretch back to Paragon.
I could see her body clenching and fighting the natural urge to nest. She threw herself across the road, whining when the gates of Paragon bobbed into view.
Tearing over them, Silera was already carving up the brickwork so she could shove herself inside the hole in the roof.
Scraping me off, I tumbled from her when she body dropped to the walkway leading over to her corner that was cleaned and ready for her by Balae.
Picking myself up, I glanced to Ezra, who was interested in the mad dash for the nest. Lifting himself up, I ignored him and rushed across to Silera already pushing out her new brood against her loosely circled body.
Each slimy egg peeled from her, rolling into the previous one beside it. They were the same shade of white as Ezra's, some speckled with blood.
Was that normal? Did she cut herself there when charging back here?
I couldn't see any slices, just a dribble of blood as the new egg was added to the pile.
"Are you ok?" I worried up at her "is there anything I can do?"
Balae smiled to me and shook her head as it pressed to the side of her mates lovingly.
Silera returned the gesture, nuzzling the large beak that clacked gently.
"You've done all you can for now" Silera beamed down at me "we just have to keep them warm and safe."
Her head turned to Ezra's direction. He was at the end of the walkway, watching. Usually it was his job to be by her side, but he remained there, hopelessly unable to cross over.
I had to step up and do what he did.
What did he do besides watch her and make threats?
I guess that's all I did already, but there were higher stakes at risk now.
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Balae didn't touch the eggs being laid. I stood beside her to watch in fascination and pain from each one being pushed out.
When Silera's tail stopped quaking, and the slime smeared onto the boards, she used it to anchor herself at one egg and wrap her body around the entire brood, coiling up and bringing them together.
I couldn't see them when she was done. I didn't even count them. I was too dumbfounded to even speak.
It all happened so quickly. It was a little too quick.
But, they were here. They couldn't be taken anywhere now. I was a father; their father.
Beaming, I approached Silera's bent head. Dipping it towards me, I pressed my forehead to hers and leant across to try and get a look.
Balae perched on top, quietly counting while my lip trembled in pride.
She scooted around the outside, carefully picking her way across Silera's scales.
"Ten" she announced "there's ten here."
Ten. Ten babies.
I'd never heard of numbers like that before. Just the thought of looking down on that many little faces filled my heart with joy.
I choked out a sob, nodding.
"Ten is good" I managed to get out around my fist "it's beautiful."
"Go see them" Silera nudged me.
Moving carefully, I climbed up to where Balae stood guard, grinning at her.
"You did good" she nodded.
Seeing all the stained shells had me fighting back tears. My gut wobbled and I sniffled out, trying not to lose control of my emotions.
They were beautiful. They were ours.
"They have to be almost as big as me" I laughed out at the sheer size of each one. I placed my hand on the nearest, surprised at how warm it was.
"Lots of room for growing" Silera beamed back to me.
Our heads touched again, remaining glued as we looked over them together.
"I could watch them all day" I grinned.
Balae giggled and promptly picked her way around the eggs to poke her legs through and nestle over the middle ones, spreading her wings to cover the others.
"They aren't going to do anything for a while" she spoke up "you should go and find something to do. We've got it covered here."
I frowned, dejected at being kicked aside so quickly.
"It's ok" Silera smiled to me "they'll be fine."
Glancing to Balae wriggling down into the pile, I worried she could be crushing them under her large body without knowing.
"Are you sure?"
Silera nodded, flicking her tongue out.
Already making sure it was warm enough to support them. She really was an attentive mother. She stepped into the role so quickly and smoothly.
"You could always go hunting" Balae suggested "egg-laying will take it out of her."
Looking to Silera for confirmation, she nodded again.
She had just eaten not long ago. Grumbling to myself, I hated the fact I hadn't thought to bring back any of those giant toads with me. I'd never be able to get back to that area alone.
Right. I had to find enough food for a collosal snake. Maybe I could threaten Bruce again for another raise in my amount of rats? Still, anything more than three hundred would still be more than a crumb to her.
Shuddering at the thought that I did need to get more for myself now that I was out, I pondered surrounding neighborhoods.
We had passed plenty of housing with dogs and cats....
How many would she eat anyway? There has to be another spot around here to feed her from.
Turning, I saw Ezra smugly smirking at me from behind folded arms. He returned back to his wall, waiting for me to leave.
Maybe I should stay?
"Go" Balae shooed me away, chuckling at my refusal to move "you've got your own work to do, Hunter."
Right. A new hunting ground.
"I'll be right back" I told them as I marched for the ladder, glaring to Ezra still on the other side "don't go anywhere."
Both women laughed at me. I realized my mistake and bubbled from the embarrassment as I descended.
Right. Where would I go now?
Should I just walk? See what I could find? I didn't want to rely on Ezra. Just seeing him and knowing what he did made me feel a mixture of emotions I didn't know how to handle.
And what about Elgress? What would I do when I saw her next?
She'd be due to show up anytime now. It was already sliding into the afternoon and she wasn't one to be late.
I didn't want to see her. I didn't trust myself that I wouldn't break down or flare up at the sight of her after knowing what she coordinated with Vinnie.
That fucking bartender. I didn't want to see him either. I didn't feel sadness towards him at all, only rage. He knew what he as doing. He could have stopped her instead of pouring her glass.
I'd poison the bastard if I saw him.
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Marching along the hallway down towards the alcove Luke and Levi sat in, I saw them both move and offer me a spot.
They didn't know how close I had been to leaving them behind. The way they lit up at the sight of me made the guilt bubble up.
We had been blinded and nestled together in the same bed. We trusted each other enough to do that, and I was just going to abandon them.
"How are your senses?" I spoke up to them both when I took the edge "better?"
"Much" Levi nodded "still a bit weird here and there, but it's better than beating walls."
"That felt like a fever dream" Luke agreed, frowning "did I dream the doc being there or...?"
I chuckled, shaking my head.
"I think he was there. I've got the pills still on the side table."
"And Avery joined us" Luke recounted the events to make sure they were right "that was weird."
I agreed.
He was so nosy too. He just couldn't shut up and go to sleep.
"Where were you going in such a hurry?" Levi asked now "off to find Elgress?"
He seemed hopeful. He liked Elgress and had been chatting more with her recently. I think the pregnancy he thought she was still carrying made him think they could be friends, since they were essentially the same species.
"She killed them" I breathed out to them both "I don't think I'll be seeing her after today."
Levi's jaw opened in shock. Luke leant over to make sure what he heard was right.
"Really?" Levi whimpered "on purpose?"
He was already heartbroken.
I nodded, not trusting my words. Already, I was tearing up again at the visions and smells of the room still caught in mind.
"You can still see her if you want...."
"Fuck that" Luke snapped "if she's doing that, she's no friend of ours."
He looked to Levi who lowered his head sadly at being forced to give up the new friendship.
"Yeah" he mumbled, smiling to me "we've got your back. She's no friend of ours."
"You don't have to" I insisted "I don't want to force you into this."
Luke scoffed and Levi wrung his hands.
Vinnie was his interest. Elgress was just in the way of the bar. Both those people were dead to me, but Levi still had feelings for the cunt. I couldn't change that.
"It's wrong" Levi spoke up "and my parents would kill me if I kept hanging around someone like that."
Luke laughed, agreeing.
It made me smile. Still so dependant on their parents. The authority they held had them staying in line.
They really were good kids, despite always insisting they weren't that young.
I felt better already, knowing I hadn't decided to leave.
"I'm bound to Silera now" I told them "and Ezra to Elgress. She's had ten eggs just now."
"Ten?!" Luke blew out his breath "Jesus fuck, Tawn!"
I chuckled at him, seeing him smile too.
"Should I congratulate you, or...?"
"Hey, I won't say no to celebrating something like this" I grinned.
Luke slid off his perch so he could approach me. I did the same, feeling his arms wrap around me in a tight, but brief, hug.
Levi followed suit, holding on longer and lighter.
"I'm happy for you" he smiled up at me.
I rubbed his head, making him complain about the act.
"Just make sure you stay away from Ezra" I warned them both when Levi let go "he's got other priorities now. If you want to see Silera, you use the ladder we went up, not the one up from the chandelier, ok?"
They nodded, understanding the circumstances.
Ezra would attack them if they strayed on the wrong side. We both were bound to different things now. He protected Elgress and I protected Silera and Balae.
"I've got to find hunting grounds" I jerked a thumb to the door I intended to use past the bar "the other one is too far away."
Luke's eyes lit up. Levi looked to me expectantly.
"Can we come?" Luke gasped out.
"It'll just be walking around the town, right?" Levi babbled "I'll bring the guitar and practice along the way. We can explore and buy things! I never get the opportunity to just go out and shop."
Luke grinned too, agreeing.
"Can't bring the drums, but I'm down for a bit of a wander."
These two really were the best. Already, the horrid task seemed a little easier with them so excited about it.
"Are we driving?" Luke asked "can you drive, Tawn?"
I laughed, scoffing.
"Do you see where I have a car parked around here?"
"But, you're so old!" Levi emphasized, grinning cheekily "you really don't know?"
I just shrugged since I had nothing else to say.
"I'll drive then" Luke decided "beats walking."
Levi agreed, excitedly jumping the ledge to head to the back room for his instrument.
Luke watched him leave, smiling.
I noticed the care behind his eyes. Levi still hadn't told him he had feelings for someone else.
It wasn't up to me to meddle in that. Levi would have to deal with that when it came to it.
"Got it!" he held up a worn case proudly to us "I even chuckled some lollies in there too!"
"The snakes?" Luke laughed.
Levi grinned, looking up to me now.
"Are you going out in that?"
Peering down at my shorts, I realized how underdressed i was compared to both boys in their nice shirts and pants.
I hadn't cleaned up after almost an hour spent buried in Silera. I still had the mess from the giant toads stuck to my scales. With the sun peeling up my scales, it only made it more obvious.
Dirt, grass, guts, and her scent, clung to me. Now that I was made aware of it, I knew I reeked.
"Give me a few minutes" I blushed now, backing up towards the hall "meet me back here!"
"Won't be going anywhere!" Luke laughed back, waving.
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Scrubbing and peeling off more loose scales, I paid extra attention to my crotch and inner thighs.
After not being able to move them for so long, Silera's scales had chaffed them in her subtle movements and persistent pinning.
Slapping the shed into the sink, I saw how much I was losing. It was definitely a lot more than last time I had Elgress here to help peel it off.
I hadn't taken care of myself, like instructed aggressively by Francie.
I hadn't got the expensive oil, or lessened my exposure to the sun. In fact, spending all the time in it just now had only made it worse.
But it was important. I was a father now.
My gut bubbled as I smiled. They couldn't be carried off or hidden from me. These ones would always be up in the roof, warm and safe.
Ten. And they were all alive!
I really was lucky. I was going to make sure they all survived and that Silera, and Balae, were well-fed and happy.
And now I was going to leave again to enjoy the rest of my time away from this place, with my saved up cash to finally spend.
Temptation was growing.
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"Right, you all ready?" I grinned when I rejoined the sides of the boys.
Washed and dressed in a dark green singlet with grey shorts, I looked more respectable than before. I didn't want to overdo it. I wore black thongs, like what they did.
Plus, they weren't seeing me almost naked. Done to impress Silera, it only embarrassed me to have my body on show in front the two not intended to see me in a way outside of show makeup and costumes.
They happily led the way, rushing off. I followed at a more reserved pace, grinning at how lucky I was.
We rushed down the stairs to the bar; the boys peering around the corner to check the hall.
Gesturing for me to follow, I stepped out after them, only to be met with the sound of Bruce's door slamming and his thundering feet pounding down the stairs.
"Go!" I gestured to the others at the door "I'll catch up soon!"
Luke yanked it open and pushed Levi through it, just as Bruce stormed his way into view and towards me.
Casually, I wandered to the bar to lean over it, fishing for my familiar bottle.
My heart hammered at the sound of his sawing breath. I kept my back to him as I tried to keep cool.
"Where do you think you are sneaking off to?!" Bruce spat at me, still raging.
"The bar" I gestured to it as I found the bottle and reached up for two glasses "want some?"
"So, you're stealing booze now too?!" he fumed before snatching it from me "this is coming out of your pay!"
"Relax" I pushed a glass towards him, trying not to let my hand shake "it's water. I kept one of the empty bottles to still have my head straight when you want photos done, or customers want a bit more. Try it."
He eyed me and poured just enough to cover the bottom of the glass. Tossing it back like a shot, his glare didn't change.
I was surprised he actually drank it. He usually guarded his drinks and avoided drinking when I was around.
Maybe grabbing it from behind the bar made him feel safe? I could use that against him.
"It's water" I stated "I'm not stealing your alcohol."
You dumb fuck.
He sneered, showing off his unbrushed teeth and dry, tacky tongue that ran over them.
"Where's the other two?" he looked around me "what are you planning, you slippery cunt?"
He slid closer. I held my ground and raised my head out of the waft of his rancid breath.
"They left. I was seeing them off; you know, since I'm not allowed to leave."
Smiling sweetly down to him, he pointed a finger to me around the bottle he still held.
"Don't play smart with me."
"I'm not" I replied "we both know you are meant to be the smart one of us both."
Grinning down at him, he growled at the undermining.
I had to stop myself from laughing at how easy he was to rile up. He couldn't do anything either since I wasn't in his office. This was my domain and he was powerless when he was out in it.
If I had just been a few meters down the hall, I'd probably be getting beaten and mouth-fucked right now.
Today, the only thing I'd taste would be sweet lollies and the fresh air on my tongue.
I smiled at it. Bruce took it as me being smart with him.
Was he always this short? He looked closer to the ground today. He wasn't as scary as he usually was. Sure, my heart was racing a million miles an hour, but I actually felt like I could stand up to him and walk away better than before.
"I'll see you at the show tonight" I leant down to grab the bottle and yank it from his hand that tried to hold on, tapping a long nail on the glass "got to stay hydrated."
Taking a seat, I poured my own glass. Bruce remained there to just glare at me while I drank. Turning towards him, we stared each other down as I swallowed each refreshing gulp.
He was probably imagining it was his cum or something. The sick fuck was always looking for ways to hurt me.
I was surprised he wasn't co....
Pouring another glass, he rushed over to grab the bottle and smash it on the ground around my stool.
It sprayed everywhere, shattering into large shards. The neck of the bottle remained intact and deadly.
I got shards in my water. Picking a speck out, I abandoned the glass.
"Clean it up" Bruce smirked at me.
Looking down, I surveyed the deadly mess around me.
"Be a real shame if I were to cut myself while doing that" I said.
"I don't care if you cut your fin...."
"I'm not talking about my finger" I glared right into his eyes.
Lifting my feet out, I hovered them over the glass. I let my thongs slip off and fall down, exposing my soft undersides.
"With all this glass in my feet, what will the customers say? They'll say i'm being abused. Maybe I was forced to step on it."
Lowering them closer, I saw Bruce's eyes dart down.
"I mean, I don't need my feet to do my act, obviously" I scoffed "so, it shouldn't matter if I accidentally step on this when I clean it up for you? After all, it's not like most of my act is showing them my soles anyway."
He saw I wasn't bluffing. I'd prick myself and even slice up my scales if it meant I'd prove something to Bruce. He knew I would go the lengths to show in any way that he was a piece of shit.
Shut the place down. Throw him out. Hell, drag him off stage and break his neck; I didn't care what the audience would do if they saw the poor state I'd be in.
They'd riot. They had done it before when Avery lost his wings.
"Just..." Bruce threw out a hand to stop me "get a damn brush from behind the bar!"
I looked to it, turning to him.
"And jump the counter? That's unprofessional. You've said so yourself. "Filthy animals shouldn't be up on the benches. It'll spread germs."
This was years ago when a party was going on with the guests. The booze was flowing and music was pumping. As part of it, two humans had sat up on the bench to slosh their drinks down themselves. Calling up the nearby cat hybrids to drench them too, Bruce had flipped his shit about having them up there.
Since then, no hybrids were allowed to serve behind the bar, just in case.
I smiled to Bruce. He scowled and pointed a finger at me.
"Stay" he growled.
"Woof woof" I beamed back at his bared teeth.
He backed up, keeping his eyes on me. Down the hall he crept, even peeking back around the curve to see me still seated.
When he disappeared again, I was the one who stretched out to check.
Plucking up my thongs by the straps, I shook off the wet glass stuck to the bottom so I slide them on.
Still checking, I quickly jumped up onto the counter so I could climb over.
Now within the surveiled bar area, I rushed to the left and jumped the other side there too, feeling it strain under my weight.
Now free of the area, I saw this side actually slid out. Locked in place with latches under the counter, I now knew a way in that was less complicated.
I heard Bruce's footsteps pounding above me. Dashing for the door, I sprinted in the dark for the other side where the others waited by the gate with an old blue car.
"Get in!" I called to Levi who lingered at the boot "go!"
Bruce would see me running for the exit. He'd charge over the glass in his protective shoes.
I bolted across the grounds for them. Sure enough, I heard echoed screaming within the hall behind me. It wasn't even words; just ugly noise.
"COME ON!" Levi ushered desperately.
The door bashed open. I glanced back to see Bruce huffing like a raging bull.
"YOU GET BACK HERE!" he shook a red fist.
I had no doubt he'd use it too. Still bolting in my slapping thongs, I felt like I was running in slow motion.
I could hear his laboured breathing gasping down my ears. I felt his fingers snatching for my flapping clothing.
"Hurry up!" Levi squealed now, jumping up and down.
"I'm trying!" I huffed back as he bolted for the car to throw himself in the back.
I was at the gate. If Bruce caught me, it was all over. The boys wouldn't hesitate to leave without me now that they were so terrified.
I was yanked back roughly. Instinctively, I latched onto the gate to try and remain anchored.
My fingers were torn away. I was hurled onto the ground.
"GET OFF ME!" I screamed before even seeing who it was.
I already knew. I was doomed.
I shielded my face, leaving my stomach open for fists to beat into. My legs coiled and kicked out, getting Bruce in the chest.
He was back on me before I could move. He was pinning me with his body just like he did before he tried to assault me.
His groin was above mine. His legs squeezed my sides, tightening into my ribs. Fists bashed relentlessly into my chest and arms, trying to wrestle them from my face.
I bucked and kicked at the air. Leaving my face, I went to claw at his, resulting in a solid punch to my cheek.
It felt like I had been beaten with a brick. Instantly, it was too big for my face. My whole cheek just felt like a part that belonged to someone else.
"Get off me!" I whined, kicking.
He wouldn't let me roll away. He grabbed both my hands trying to gouge at him, squeezing around my wrists to keep my nails in place.
"You'll never leave here" he breathed into my face to make me gag on his stale breath "I own you. You obey me."
"Fuck you!" I spat back, trying to tear my hands free "let me go! I'll be back before the show!"
"Oh, no" he laughed and shook his head "I can't trust you. You'll take your little friends and disappear forever. There's nothing keeping you here but me."
I locked tearful eyes with his, keeping my legs up and guarded.
"Then why don't we get rid of you?"
His smile faded. I snorted in and spat at him, making him yell out and throw himself from me in panic.
He really thought my spit was poisonous. Now that was a laugh. That made sense for the paranoia surrounding his drinks.
Of course, I joked about it, but nothing would happen if he swallowed my spit. Venom on the other hand....
Clawing my way to my hands and knees, I stumbled to my feet, kicking out and flaring when Bruce rushed for me again.
He scrambled back before I could make contact. He growled like an animal, searching me wildly with his bulging eyes.
I was ready this time. He wasn't going to catch me by surprise.
"You can't keep me trapped here!" I jabbed a finger to the ground "you can't just....use me whenever you want! I keep telling you over and over, but you just....don't listen!"
I was shaking through my tears. Everything refused to stand up to this man. I had the upper hand earlier, but now that I had been under him again, my nerves had me reduced back to a scared and shivering fragment of what I was.
"I fucking hate you!"
"The feeling is mutual" Bruce chuckled.
I had freedom. But, I didn't move. I wanted to show him that I could stand up to him. I wanted to prove it to myself that I wasn't going to cry any time this piece of shit came near me.
It was just us. The others were in the car behind me. I didn't dare check and risk taking my eyes off the monster waiting to pounce again.
"You made me.....do things" I choked out through gritted teeth "if it were up to me, I wouldn't return tonight! You'd be screwed!"
He advanced in anger and I backed up, placing a hand on the car to steady myself.
"No-one here likes to work for you! You lock us up!" I snapped, leaving the car to close the distance between us "you expect us to do whatever you want, even if it means someone breaks their arm, falls off the chandelier, or gets their fangs ripped out!"
"It makes you docile, doesn't it?" he laughed back "you are much better without them."
"Better at what?!" I cried out in surprise "sucking your cock when you force me to? Drinking down scotch to wash out the taste? You ripped them out because you tried to rape me the first time! Being like this was never better!"
Tears blinded me. I openly sobbed now when I faced him drinking in my agony.
I didn't care who heard. Luke and Levi already knew about my abuse. Avery had guessed it. Silera had seen it through the walls and relayed it to Balae. Everyone who might be within earshot already knew. It wasn't a secret to them. I could cry about it.
"I don't want to work for you anymore" I decided, shaking my head "I refuse."
Bruce scoffed at me and let out a sharp laugh.
"You can't. That piece of paper you signed is more powerful than you think. You do what I say, you perform when I schedule it, and you sleep, eat and shit when I allowed it! You are nothing without me commanding you!"
I shook my head, refusing his words.
The contract has to be void somehow. I signed it when my whole body was foreign to the one I had now. I didn't have a clue what was happening when he promised better things.
Things were better in other ways. I had ten more reasons to stay. Somehow, I could make Silera change her mind. She had to see that I couldn't keep letting this slide. Once the toads stuffing my stomach were gone, I'd have to go back to where I started all over again and this stand against Bruce would be all for nothing once more.
I was going to get in that car and find better grounds. Then, I'd sneak back tonight in to make sure Silera and Balae could agree to follow me. Bruce would be frantic, thinking I was already gone.
After properly packing my things, I'd actually leave. I had to get away from here before hunger growled through me again.
"I'm leaving" I decided.
Bruce snorted, not believing me for a second.
"You can't."
"I can, and I will" I snapped back "and if you try to stop me, I will kill you with one bite. Try me, Bruce, I fucking dare you."
His eyes darted. They ran over me, looking for something to break me down again.
I stood as tall as I could, sniffling and wiping my eyes with an arm.
"You were the worst thing to happen to this place. I hope you drink yourself to death in that damn office."
Turning, I walked past the gates to see that Luke was standing beside the car with his phone out.
Seeing my shock, he lowered and pocketed it.
"Evidence" he grinned and clapped my shoulder "once this gets out, Bruce is done for. You were brave."
Levi peered up at me from the back seat window, reaching out to run a hand down my arm soothingly.
"We've got him."
Fresh tears ran over my already stained cheeks. I nodded, sobbing as I turned back to Paragon to see Bruce standing there, refusing to come near the three of us.
Up on the roof, I saw Balae standing there. With the way she was always close to her phone, I had no doubts she had caught the entire thing from the best angle possible.
My tears were there for all to see now. What happened in that office was no longer a secret. Everyone would know the shame and disgust i had been forced into just to eat.
It terrified and elated me. I didn't want to face the world while it pulled apart my emotional stand against him. I just wanted to move on to better things.
First, fresh grounds. Next, seeing Balae and Silera for what could be the last time. Then, it'd be one day after the other from there.
Levi moved across to the other side for me so that I could slip into the backseat where he had been.
Strapping myself in, I felt exposed with having my back to Bruce now.
Was he still inside the gates? Did he realize the incriminating video Luke held in his pocket right now?
"Hey!" Luke called to Bruce to make sure his attention was on him "fuck you!"
He flipped his middle finger up, grinning.
"I quit, arsehole!"
Levi gasped and looked between Luke and Bruce. I did the same, seeing Bruce absolutely seething at losing his only drummer.
"You know what?" Levi muttered to himself, straightening as he pumped himself up "yeah! Fuck him! Fuck it all!"
He hung out the window to flip his fingers too, laughing.
"I quit too, mother fucker!"
Both boys laughed and returned to the car. Winding the windows up and locking the doors, they made sure there was a barrier between them and Bruce when the car rumbled to life.
Sure enough, Bruce sprinted over to pound on the driver window. With one finger up, Luke drove us down the col-de-sac while Bruce rushed to maintain speed, howling something on the other side.
"Can't hear you!" Levi jeered as Bruce started to lose speed.
Seeing him peel back and watch us leave was so satisfying. He creamed out and ripped at his own hair, kicking the road and mashing his fists around.
Laughing, i pulled out my phone to flip it in my hands.
I should probably let the others know of my plan. Bruce would take out his anger on them since I disappeared. It would be cruel not to give them a warning beforehand.
Lighting up the screen, I saw I had a missed call.
Frowning as I cradled it against my head, I heard a familiar voice smile back that spilled forth more tears and helpless anger.
"Hey, it's Elgress. It's been a while since you haven't picked up...."