Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
She was darting away as fast as her legs would carry her.
Head down, sniffling through her haggard breaths and darting eyes glancing behind her back at me storming after her.
Her heart thundered at the sight. She burned brighter than the lights themselves. She even swallowed up the thudding lights of those I barged past as I tried and catch her.
Snatching for her arm again, my nails nicked her skin and scraped down it to finally make her pause, grasping the dribbling cut.
"What do you want?" she whimpered, more concerned with the cut now.
Tears sparkled in her eyes that accused me so harshly. She didn't need to say anything for me to see how deeply I had hurt her.
I checked the area and pulled her over to the nearest wall so we were out of the way.
"It's not what you think" I muttered.
"Oh yeah?" she snorted, swiping up the blood with a finger "what is it then? Sounded exactly like what I thought it was."
What did she hear? Why was she listening like some sort of perverted creeper? Fuck, why did it have to be her?
"It's embarrassing" I dropped my voice lower.
"Try me" Lorrie glared back, sniffling "you've been avoiding me for weeks, only to be drinking it up and fucking Elgress in your room! Did I get it right? Am I not good enough for your company? Don't I play or sing or look as pretty as her? Do I need to stand off to the side for eight years before you'll have a drink with me too? Or aren't you feeling up to that?"
"It's... not like that" I tried to shush her rising voice scoffing back once again, waiting for an explanation.
"'You're mine, all mine?'" Loreen quoted, huffing in frustration as her tears spilled over "I'm not stupid, Tawn! I wish you'd stop thinking I am!"
"You're not stupid, Lorrie" I reached out to cup her shoulder before she roughly shrugged me off "I never said you were. We were drinking in my room. I didn't want to get my scales everywhere."
"I'm shedding" I stated bluntly and peeled a scale from her shoulder to show her "I wanted to go somewhere I knew I wouldn't get in trouble for messing up. At the moment it's like cat hair, it's everywhere. Bruce will lose it if he sees I've messed up under the VIP's again."
I know she saw Elgress over towards the bathroom, scattered in scales. It wasn't a lie they were spread everywhere, it just wasn't the whole truth.
"I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea, so I asked her to use my bathroom and clean up" I muttered back, keeping my voice low and checking for eavesdroppers "honestly."
Rumours would spread like wildfire. I had to kill them before they even started.
"I heard more than that" she whispered, still sniffling through her pained voice. She couldn't look at me.
"I...got out of hand...."
Lorrie glanced, but dropped her focus back to the floor.
"I had a bit too much and started...." I hesitated, sighing "...well, I started going over the old times."
That wasn't a lie either. I wanted more than anything for us to be how we were years ago. I desperately wanted to show off Elgress as my partner as she lifted the performances we would do together. She always got praise of how well she had be wrapped around her finger; like I was some dangerous exhibit she alone had tamed.
She took it as lighthearted jokes and laughed along. We both did when we worked together.
The same couldn't be said about Lorrie. She was far too small and timid to be someone the others spoke in awe about. A human taming a snake... I had to swallow my scoff at the absurd thought.
There was no pride there. She only accompanied me on stage. We did our piece and moved on, like we should.
In a way, it was shameful. I felt like a pet when she took the place Elgress once had.
"I was hers one time" I confessed, almost begging Lorrie when I picked up her hands to wrap mine around them "you have to understand that eight years is a long time to be with someone, doing the same show night in and night out. She was mine and I was hers. I wanted her to know that."
"The way you said it..." her brow frowned.
"I got carried away" I looked elsewhere "things escalated but.... I didn't sleep with her, ok? She's a human, i'd kill her if she got pregnant."
Lorrie pulled her hands from mine and I tried to look into her eyes.
"Four years is a long time too" she mumbled to me, turning her body so she was no longer facing forward "you make it sound like I'm nothing."
"That's not what I mean" I tried to grab her hands again but she held them from me "Lorrie, I do care about you, but just not...."
"Like that?"
Her eyes glistened. She forced a smile and nodded.
The poor girl was delusional. When had she developed any sort of feelings for me? The pain and tears weren't from someone who was in shock at what they heard. It was deeper than that with her.
"How would you kill her?"
Lorrie turned towards me now. Burning in embarrassment, she smeared the tears across her face when she tried to swipe them away.
"Our types don't mix" I moved a finger between us "if I had kids with a human, they'd dig their ways out of her womb. Snakes are made for cracking out of eggs or having live births. They aren't going to sit happily for nine months. They'll find a way out. I can't be doing that with her."
She looked like she wanted to say more but she was far too upset and embarrassed to do so.
"Did you want to sleep with me?" I joked and chuckled at how odd that sounded.
Lorrie mumbled and I saw the quick glimmer in her eyes before she snorted out too.
"No. That would be insane" she scoffed.
Still, there was truth there. She saw that I noticed and whimpered.
"Hey, it's fine" I smiled back through a short laugh "it's nothing to be ashamed of."
"Well, it is" she shrugged "it's embarrassing."
"Hey, I'm flattered" I gently tipped her head up to look at me "really. You're too beautiful to be with someone like me."
She blushed and I felt her cheeks lift in my hand.
"You are pretty too, you know" she replied while staring up at me "when you're out there and the light hits your scales, it looks like you glow."
"Well, I'm glad I'm not a torn up mess just yet" I burned in appreciation and lifted my hand from her face so I could promptly pick off the scales that stuck there "see? They're everywhere."
Lorrie giggled when I flicked them aside. Running my finger across her eyes, I also flicked away her tears.
"There's nothing going on, ok?" I reminded her "and I'm sorry I had you so scared when I chased you out here."
She looked confused, then realized. Promptly, she tried to brush it off.
"It was a bit scary" she admitted "I didn't know you were so fast."
"Well, I didn't want you getting the wrong idea" I grinned back.
She was a lot calmer now. Lorrie wasn't sobbing or shaking from anger anymore. She just stood there, trying to recover as I led her further into a false sense of sincere honesty.
"This is so embarrassing" she admitted.
I grinned at how fooled she was and how I had slipped out of a whole catastrophy by the skin of my teeth.
Everything was good again.
And now I knew how Lorrie really felt about me.
Did she watch me every show so closely to know my scales shone in a way even I didn't know? I wasn't exactly staring at myself when I was too focused on making the audience gasp out at my contortion.
"Should we go practice?" I offered "are you up for it?"
"Well, that is the reason why I came to get you before I heard..."
Oh. So she hadn't heard much at all. Thank fuck for that.
I'd be so dead if she heard me moaning to Elgress about wanting her back, or the way she gasped in pleasure when I constricted her.
I had to stop thinking about that. Lorrie would get the wrong idea if I got hard right in front of her.
"I'm going to have a shower" I jerked a thumb "get these scales off me. Meet you on stage in ten?"
"Don't be late" Lorie reminded sternly "or I'll come back. We don't have much time to fit another in before we have to get ready for the actual thing."
I snorted and smiled with her, nodding.
"Hey, Lorrie" I began when she started to move away, catching her by surprise "how about that drink after the show tonight?"
She smiled, nodding. I saw her body lift with happiness. Her heart thudded in response.
"I'd like that."
"Sorry again" I added sheepishly "you like the coffee Old Duck Blind, right?"
She nodded and burned again when I recognized her favourite go-to. She likes the sweetness of the cinnamon and maple syrup in it, and I had made sure to remember that. Vinnie hated making it and complained about it often enough for it to be burned in my brain, but Lorie loved every warming sip.
I paid attention. I just didn't give it when I should.
"I'll make sure there's two for us" I smiled.
Lorrie quickly turned and scurried off to the stage. Shaking my head at her, I followed her path back towards my room.
Her heart was thundering when I paused to listen to it racing so erratically.
Looking over, I saw Lorrie checking her equipment and getting hooked up to the sound system. Her heart was giddy, but it wasn't the one that pounded inside my head.
Tearing my eyes from her, I looked around to try and find the source. Dancing lights burned around me as they flitted past and moved across the roof. But, there was one that stayed still, right up where the ladder led to the upper floor the chandelier lived.
Watching it creep towards the edge, I locked eyes with Nisha who nervously stared back at me and darted out of view. I followed his hammering heartbeat and fluttering light to where the chandelier was wedged, watching it perch somewhere on top to try and steady itself.
I'd have to sort him out too. I'd been checking the ground for eavesdroppers but had completely overlooked the roof.
Bastard. He was far too rattled. Dealing with Elgress and now me would leave him as a nervous wreck. I'd have to approach it carefully while still applying enough pressure that he knew not to be opening his mouth to anyone about what he just heard or saw with Lorrie.
I'd been too intimate with her. He'd spread word I moved onto yet another partner.
It wasn't a hidden truth that I liked Elgress back when I was younger. The fact that I had taken her sexually was the only thing about us I'd take to my grave. It's only cause problems for us all if they knew she was selling the children I was giving her for a chance at a normal life.
I'd be known as the person who fucked whoever sang beside them, whether it be true or not.
Grumbling, I shoved my way back into my room and stopped by the door.
I had ten minutes to get everything together.
Sighing at the inconvenience, I screwed the top off the vodka to take a swig of it, grimacing at the sweetness that burned my throat.
Rushing for the bed, I yanked up the twisted sheets to bat them out and smooth them down. My scales peppered across the top were a lost cause, so I ignored them.
Picking up the fallen items on the bench, they were carefully replaced and aligned along the edge.
Crossing to the cupboard, I snatched down my glittering outfit and accompanying chains to toss over my shoulder.
I could hear the shower running and feel the burn of the water even before opening the searing door.
Steam billowed out when I stepped in, eyeing the box sitting on top of the toilet that held the dirty rats I had been delivered.
Peering over inside, some of them were using the condensation from the steam to rub through their fur. Others desperately looked for an exit. Two were busy fucking off to the side.
If I could breed my own rats, I wouldn't have this problem with Bruce to begin with. But, that took time I didn't have.
I could feel him fucking my throat when I swallowed down the lump forming and drew across the curtains to have Elgress turn towards me.
She shimmered in the water. The scales across her skin were more obvious when she was saturated like this. She was like a glittering opal I couldn't take my eyes off.
"Lorie wants me out in ten, so I've got to be quick" I grumbled as I peeled off my pants to join her "lo and behold, she wants to fuck me too."
"Woe is being a tall, dark, and handsome man-whore" Elgress quipped as she turned from me to enjoy the hot water pounding across her collarbones.
"Woe is having everyone I dance for want me" I teased back and pressed myself against her to feel her laugh.
"Woe is going to run late" she reminded me, turning to push me back with a finger so we could switch places.
The water hammered over my shoulders as I hunched under it, sighing gratefully at the stabbing digging up under the irritating loose scales.
"Nisha saw me talking to Lorie too" I muttered as Elgress reached over to scrub at the scales peeling off my back I turned towards her "I'll have to sort him out as well. What a hassle."
"You should let me" Elgress' voice grinned "he tore up my poor wrist. He already thinks I'm a snake; he's terrified of me."
"And you need to sell the fact that it's dermatitis" I turned back to stare sternly at her "we can't have him any closer to what is going on. You are a human, end of that."
Seeing how fiercely I was trying to cover for her, Elgress smiled and offered her torn wrist up for me to look over and kiss gently.
He really had gouged in. It was obvious there was something unusual going on with her skin in such an obvious place.
"You've got to be more careful" I warned "if you get hungry or horny again, you come here, ok? Don't go dragging Stars off to your little murder-den, unless its me."
She giggled at my joke and agreed with a quick kiss as I scrubbed myself down and stepped out to pass in a rat for her to wash.
"It's always something" I grumbled while sawing the towel across my shoulder blades begging to be scratched mercilessly "and now it's Lorrie..."
"Are you going to fuck her?" Elgress' hand appeared with the shivering, drenched rat frozen in fear.
Shoving it into my mouth, I felt it's bones crushing under my fangs piercing the stringy sides to have the hot blood and guts explode in the back of my throat forcing the crumpled body down.
I snatched up another to pass over, sighing. I moved over to dry off the rest of my body.
"Look, I'll do whatever I have to, but I'd rather not."
Elgress laughed as she scrubbed the complaining rat clean for me.
"She's on the pill."
Of course she knew that. Did all women openly tell each other what contraception they were using in conversations so casually?
"Beside the point" I huffed back and picked up the offered rat to crush and swallow, handing over another "people can skip those. It's too huge of a risk for someone I definitely don't want popping out any babies anytime soon."
"Well, you're lucky we don't have that problem then" she smirked around the curtain and dropped the third scrubbed rat into my hand "is that all?"
Nodding, I stuffed it into my mouth and swallowed it whole. I felt the little claws scrabbling against my tongue on its squeezing descent down my burning throat.
Pulling on my scaled shorts, I looped across the chains on my chest and hooked up the ones dangling down from just above my cock.
"Am I looking enough like a man-whore yet?" I jeered and twirled around for Elgress who watched from around the curtain.
"Needs more arseless chaps" she laughed but approved my look.
Grinning back, I watched her disappear again.
"I've got to have drinks with Lorrie after the show, so don't wait up" I explained while checking myself in the mirror and fixing my harness across my chest "and wait a little bit before you leave after me. Take what you want. There's the vodka beside the door I only took a sip from. I probably will be too full of Old Duck Blinds to have it anyway."
She chuckled at my misfortune. There'd be no way I could substitute them either. Elgress wouldn't be there to save my poor gut tonight.
"I know I've said it, but please be careful up on the chandelier tonight" I worried now, digging up another rat to hand to her when she returned "I'd rather you not going all the way up there."
"And I said I'll be fine" she pushed aside my concern to scrub up the rat who was too drowned to complain "I'll be strapped in and I won't do anything I can't handle."
Yet, that safety wasn't guaranteed. I growled at the sound of Avery's bones breaking still resonating in my mind from the danger he had been forced to perform through.
That couldn't happen to Elgress.
"You worry too much" she promptly dropped the rat into my hand and held the side of my cheek briefly to tap it "you've got to get going."
"Please be safe!" I called as I hurried out of the bathroom and to the front door.
There was a little laugh in response, which I scowled at before leaving.
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Lorrie was already on her way down towards me. When she saw me exit, her face lit up at my promise being fulfilled.
"I had to eat" I swung the rat back to gesture at my closed door "and it wasn't co-operating."
"Aww" she cooed to the dumb thing twitching in my hand, sniffling around my fingers cupping it as she reached a finger out to rub on its head "you washed it?"
"Helps avoid the taste of pet shop" I shrugged back and promptly snapped my mouth around it, to Lorrie's horror.
She watched with wide eyes as my fangs worked the body under them to pierce through its scrabbling ribs and squealing mouth. Every bone and organ snapped and split until it gurgled through the blood helping the mangled body slide down my squeezing throat.
"Excuse me" I smiled politely and wiped the back of my hand across my mouth, walking past while grinning to myself at how horrified she looked.
That was one way to keep her from pursuing her feelings. It was way too easy.
"You coming?" I turned back to her.
"Yeah, of course" she pulled herself from her disbelief to hurry after me heading to the stage.
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Loreen has already wheeled out the tiny cage I stuffed myself into for the first part of my act. It lived backstage, usually piled on top with whatever crap others were putting absentmindedly on top.
Just a flimsy thing, the bars were thick and the door at the front didn't even lock, despite having the mechanism for it. It was all for show anyway. If it could lock, I would bet my scales that Bruce would want me to do some ridiculous Houdini act with it.
"I texted Levi and Luke to join us for rehearsal" Loreen pointed to the right.
I looked over to see Levi raise a hand in a short wave back at me. He held his phone in the other hand which he promptly dropped his head back to, nudging Luke and laughing over something amusing that lit up their faces.
Levi played the guitar for any of the acts that called for it. Sporting such light brown scales that they almost looked silver and edged with black outlines, he was forgettable in his little nook that was blacked-out for the duration of the show. As plain and small as he looked, he was venomous, but didn't rise up enough to be noticed and sent to have his fangs ripped out.
Luke was his best friend and fellow performer on the drums wedged in the corner. A venomous snake as well, Luke sported the light brown v across his browline most pythons did. Patched in dark scales and broken with lighter ones in a crackled pattern, he was far more noticable, even under the dark hooded singlet he wore.
Both had a door behind them that led to a tiny room where they could rest between acts or use the toilet stall inside. It probably helped with staying out of Bruces' line of sight.107Please respect copyright.PENANALFa9liYsWG
With both of them legged and human-facing, I didn't bother with their presence. Being a Naga would have bothered me much more greatly, knowing that Elgress relied on those genes to help keep herself above the poverty line.
I was the one she relied on, and I'd be damned if any other snake I had within eyesight changed that.
Bruce wanted the 'scalies' together, so we were forced to perform out of obligation of being the same species.
Opening up the cage, I lowered to my stomach so I could wrap my leg around behind my head and flip the other around backwards. My arms bent backwards, facing towards Loreen when they inched me into place.
I still had room but I puffed out to make it look like I was cramped.
"Ready?" Loreen smiled down at me.
"Go for it" I shrugged back.
The harmonica was raised to her lips and released its wailing tune. Levi and Luke accompanied on the drums and guitar.
Peeling from the cage, I pushed both arms out to bend backwards, lifting out the rest of me that flipped over to stand on top of the cage, back to the crowd.
"Tossing and turning, eyes are burning in the back of your mind" Loreen sang out, grinning over to me when I bent over backwards, twisting my whole torso around to face where the empty seats were as my feet still pointed behind me.
Holding onto the edge of the cage, I lifted my legs and bent them to hover over me, upside down. Still twisted grotesquely, nothing looked the way it should have.
Good. The grosser the better.
If I heard gasps or saw the beating of hearts intensify, I knew I was doing it right. It was hard to judge by empty rows.
"Snap your bones, you'll want to hope so, he doesn't find hear you cry."
Sliding my feet down, I rotated them the right way so I could start to twist my body around to the front. Each leg turned, followed by my twisted torso and arms.
Promptly falling into a handstand forward, I held it when my legs were in the air, splitting them and bending them so they faced down rather than upwards.
Holding the unnatural pose and turning back around the right way, I completed the flip, sliding to the floor.
"Poison in your veins, you'll feel your breath catch again, before you go blind."107Please respect copyright.PENANAYS5mWJRmyE
Crawling across it, I made my way to the edge of the stage to the left to grip at it.
Curl your claws. Really make the audience see how horrible you are.
"Death staring in your face" Loreen lowered her voice, returning to the harmonica for a short wave.
I flared, making sure my hood was fully billowed as I hissed to the invisible audience below me, making sure to drip venom and protrude my fangs out towards where the faces would be. For the actual show, I'd throw in some jaw unhinging to really terrify the patrons.
"Death breaking you down" she prompted for me to slide to the right, hooking my nails and putting on the same fierce show to whichever unfortunate soul would be below me tonight.
Her harmonica rattled out again, flexing my eardrums uncomfortably.
"Death tearing at your skin."
She broke into the harmonica solo and I moved to the middle to aggressively hiss, drip, and snap.
"Don't you feel yourself dying? Dying trying to win? Dying trying to grin? Dying over and over again?"
Crawling back, I lifted my torso upwards and bent it right at my ribs. Keeping my lower back straight and my arse popped like it was seated, my lower legs could dip down into my toes curled underneath my foot.
The audience in the sides would get a great look at it when I was lit up in the soft lights tonight. With the way the shadows usually illuminated around me, it would make the disgusting shape even better.
Throwing my legs to the side to show off the almost 'm' shaped silhouette I recovered into, the front audience would be able to get the whole horror of it as well.
"Broken and battered, there is no way I can escape this place."
Lifting my legs and twisting them around the wrong way, I held them over my already distorted body.
"Around and around, breaking me down, I can myself starting to drown."
Slipping down to the ground again, I slid towards the cage I grabbed at the bars of, hissing at Loreen.
"Can't keep him caged..."
I moved towards her.
"Snapping my bones..."
I got closer.
"Staring death in the face."
Wrapping my arms around her and resting my claws on her shaking ribs, I hovered my dripping fangs a breath above her sweating neck.
Her heart was hammering wildly. Loreen burned in terror and tried to tilt her head away from me.
She always hated that part at the end of the song.
Kissing it instead, I released her and grinned, moving from her and rotating my wrists to click them back in place.
The part afterwards involved the dancers rushing out to swarm the stage while I made my getaway under the lights backstage to change into red chains and get smothered in ash for the next part.
Since they weren't here, and we were cutting it close to when we needed to get ready for the real thing, I wasn't going to press my luck.
"Think I'm all good for tonight?"
Loreen nodded, smiling nervously back at me. She promptly shut off the mic and gestured to the others she was fine.
Levi and Luke found it quite amusing, smirking at her reaction instead of showing concern.
Levi even mimed biting Loreen, to Luke's giggles. It wasn't the first time he had done it either.
"No matter how many times you do that, it's always terrifying" she tried to play off her fear and smiled in shame at the others "I know, I should be over it by now."
Turning, I scowled to the boys who promptly stopped their fooling to suddenly become busy with checking their equipment and packing up.
Even though we were the same, I was much older and larger than those two. They knew when not to anger something that could easily make their lives a lot more painful.
"Thank you" Loreen muttered to me.
With practice over, my main objective now was to sort out Nisha before he started doing too much damage. Loreen didn't suspect me anymore now that I had done this. She was out of my mind while Elgress started to dance in it.
"I'll see you for the real thing?" I moved from her.
Loreen was caught by surprise and just nodded glumly.
Had she expected more from me? I got the others to stop mocking her, that's the furthest my help extended for now.
"Well, see you then!" I grinned and hurried away.
"See you."
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I wasn't going to blindly search for Nisha now that I saw he wasn't burning by the chandelier anymore.
Heading straight for my dresser opposite my room, I saw the little slider above the door knob was green, indicating that my assistant was in and ready to prepare me for the show.
The star with my name reflected my scowl through its glittery face. Down below it, tiny little names of everyone else involved in my part of the act were listed. Loreen was up the top, where Elgress' name used to be.
Forcing on a smile, I pushed through the door, looking around the lit dresser opposite me, towards the flowery divider where my costumes were hung behind.
I saw the brunette head poke up and narrow its blue eyes at me, gasping.
"Thank fuck!" it sighed, snapping up a walkie talkie "It''s Francie. Call off the search, he's wearing it."
"Tell him, I'll kill him when I find him next, Bastard!"
The blue eyes looked to me, making sure I heard every word.
I looked sheepishly down to the costume and walked over to the seat before the dresser mirror. Francie stormed from behind the partition, sighing angrily again.
She always had a way of making me feel like a little kid being scolded again. Even if she was a skinny little thing that was shorter than the average height, she wasn't to be messed with.
For a human, she had a lot of bite.
"You need to stop taking the clothing off the hooks" Francie pressed her hands on my shoulders, squeezing them "or I'll have to throttle you. You had Costumes in a frenzy trying to find the missing piece."
"Sorry" I grimaced back at her stern face.
"What's done is done, just don't do it again" she flicked a hand to wave her grievances away "now, I've got to get you prepped and ready. Luckily you came to me early. I'll get you sorted then deal with Loreen when she arrives."
I smiled back, still feeling my gut clenching from Francie's boiling anger.
"You're shedding" she picked up the scales on my shoulders "how long now?"
"Oh, uh, about a week" I replied while she rushed off to the other side of the partition to where the oils and lotions were stored "it's still early."
"It won't show well on stage" she tutted, oiling up my back to claw into my shoulders, squeezing "been staying out of the sun? Soaking in the shower? We need you looking good, not mangey."
"I can't exactly stay out of the sun" I scoffed, biting in a breath when Francie stabbed her elbow into my shoulder blade, rolling it there "I'm cold-blooded."
"So, no soaking either?" she tutted.
"I can't exactly soak in a shower" I grumbled back, snatching onto the edge of the dresser when Francie used her fingertips to glide up either side of my spine, stabbing and burrowing "can you be a bit more gentle?"
"Can you let me do my job?" she bit back "it's a bit hard when you are squirming like a dying worm."
Arching, she moved to roll down my lower back, tutting again when I felt the skin there immediately peel off.
"Get some good cream and use it" she spoke, poking my shoulder to make sure I was listening to her "not the cheap shit either. You've got nice scales, don't go using baby cream or perfumed crap on it. Boro-oil will do just fine."
Boro? That shit cost fourty dollars for a tiny bottle! I'd have to save up almost a whole nights pay just to get it. Would I have to get three of them to just do my back?
I groaned, realizing the debt I was getting myself into.
"Don't grumble about it, you're the one who isn't following my advice" Francie hissed back "if you took better care of yourself, I wouldn't be elbow deep in scales right now."
"Sorry" I winced out, feeling her picking up another layer under my shoulder blade.
"Just listen to me, ok?" she sighed, finishing up in my lower back and leaving to fetch a towel she roughly wiped her own arms with while shouldering another "I'm not doing it to be mean. Believe it or not, I'm trying to help you be the best you."
"For the show" I replied blankly.
That's all that mattered. I didn't have a life outside of it.
"Of course" she nodded and started to run the other towel down my shoulders "and to keep the Big Boss off my back. He's riding me hard, Tawners, because you look like shit, and apparently that's my fault."
I snorted at her choice of words and let her buff me over.
"I don't think he's realized I'm a snake yet."
"No way!" Francie gasped dramatically, spinning me around so she could spill oil down my chest "but you hide it so well!"
"Shut up" I laughed back.
She dumped the towel in my lap to add as a barrier between my stomach and crotch. Holding it there, I grimaced through her pointed fingers digging in beside my collarbones.
"Sorry" she looked up to me now sympathetically before hardening again "but tough it up. You've dealt with worse."
"Like Bruce?"
"Exactly" she agreed, grinning "and living just above the poverty line, and being paid less than minimum wage, and...."
"Alright, I get it" I smirked while she stabbed into my chest "my life is shit."
"You're life is literally this" she ran her thumbs down my stomach, circling harshly and making me tense up "it's pathetic and depressing. Speaking of, how's your mental health?"
Francie wasn't convinced. Neither was I.
There was so much weighing on my shoulders.
I had to keep Nisha from spilling Elgress' secrets, make sure Elgress got pregnant and kept her job, be there when she gave birth again, have drinks with Loreen so she didn't suspect I was fucking my old partner, push aside any feelings she had for me, keep Vinnie from telling anyone anything, look like I was drinking while not actually getting drunk, make sure Bruce kept up his stingy food shipments, keep everyone off the trail that I was being fucked by the manager, shed properly and quickly so it didn't affect the show, scrub fourty filthy rats, steer clear of Avery so I didn't try to throttle him, and now, make enough money to get expensive oil for my scales. Don't bask, make sure I soaked, and be intimidating, but not so much that it scares the customers away.
"It's fine."
Francie still wasn't convinced but couldn't push it further. She didn't live here; she didn't know what it was like.
Holding out her hand for the towel, I handed it over and let her do her job.
"I've just got a lot on my mind" I admitted when she squeezed my right shoulders.
"And realizing that is the first step to better mental health" she smiled, tapping the side of her head.
I smiled back, feeling it drop when the door burst open and Elgress came storming through.
She sniffled, barging through while trying to keep her composure.
Francie scowled at the intrusion but lightened up when she saw how distraught Elgress was. Leaving me, she went over to hug and soothe her.
"That motherfucker!" she bit out as she held onto Francie "he's been telling everyone I'm a snake!"
Straightening, I threw the abandoned towel onto my chair as I rushed over to her.
"I w-was getting m-makeup done a-a-and F-Fiona said that m-my scales l-looked so g-good! A-and all the o-others a-agreed. B-Benji kept s-saying I looked b-beautiful for a snake! I've c-cried off all my m-makeup because o-of him!""
She spat out the last word, wincing and sobbing again. Each one tore out of her as her hands shook terribly. Her makeup streamed down her face in a mucked rainbow river.
"I c-cant l-lose this j-job" she babbled "I'm n-not a s-snake. I'm not."
"I'll get it sorted" I growled back at her, seeing Francie turn to me as I sat back in my chair "please get my makeup on so I can deal with Nisha."
"But... is it Nisha?" Francie hesitantly followed, looking back at Elgress who nodded, sobbing.
"I'm sure there's a...."
"Francie" I scowled to her now "please."
She saw how serious I was and dragged over her kit. I wasn't about to leave and put her job in jeopardy because I was chose to perform half-done. I'd be complete, then go choke the little cunt.
"I've g-got to perform w-with him!" Elgress fretted, throwing up a shaking hand she looked at "h-how can I l-like this?"
She wouldn't be able to. She'd fall the moment she was due to perform her very first stunt.
That absolute fucking arsehole.
I should have gotten to him sooner. I would have made sure he didn't have a mouth to use.
My hands were shaking now. Grabbing onto the chair to steady myself, I saw my hood was pushing outwards, getting in Francie's way as she frantically worked around it.
"Please, don't do anything stupid" she warned me as she daubed over my eyes "the show is going to start in half an hour. They'll have people already lined up and coming in."
"Oh, he's not going to get that far" I hissed under my breath.
"Tawn" Francie glared at me "don't make me call the others."
I turned to her, staring right into her eyes. Her heart started to tighten and warble it's beats. She was burning up in nervousness, swallowing uncomfortably.
I lingered on her heart, letting her know I sensed it.
"Am I done here?"
She leant over to flick colour across my eyes, standing back.
"You really should let me set it..."
Getting up, I turned to Elgress.
"Where is he?"
"In the d-dresser."
Storming past her, I marched out the open door and snarled at the curious onlookers. Some followed as I locked eyes with Nisha's glittering star and threw his door open.
It slammed against the wall and I saw both he and Lumi were here, one stylist on each.
I could hear Francie's voice over the walkies. Demanding that anyone stop me from getting to Nisha.
I was already here. The bastard was in my sights.
"Now Tawn..." Benji blocked my way, holding his arms out towards me.
So slender. I could snap them so easily from his pale body.
I shoved him aside easily, fighting the others who jumped on me to try and stop me from getting to Nisha who got up from his chair.
Swiping the chair aside, I snapped my hand around Nisha's throat and slammed his head onto the dresser with a satisfying thunk.
Using my other hand, I shoved it into his spine so he couldn't move.
People still tried to haul me from him. They jerked me out of my grip until I turned on them, hissing and flashing my hood to get them to back up.
Lumi squealed, moving from her seat to stand back with the others.
"It's very rude to call a young lady a snake" I snapped down at his struggling face grunting against the dresser.
"S-she is!" Nisha choked out "I s-saw it!"
"She has a skin condition!" I moved my hand from his throat to shove into the side of his head "you should really think before you open your fucking mouth."
"Get off of me!"
He swung his arm for my cock. I grabbed it with the hand on his back and used my new grip on his arm to throw his body to the ground, shoving his face to the carpet when he tried to crawl free.
Forcing myself to crush him, I hooked my feet around his and wound an arm around his neck to arch his back towards me. My other arm kept his glued to his sides that tried to throw me off.
"I'll kill you before she does" I rattled down his ear, baring my fangs to make him whimper and struggle again.
I tightened around the light burning below me, savouring the frantic drumming in my ears beside his sawing breaths that caught in his throat when he whimpered.
There was shouting and screaming from the others. I felt a makeup sponge hit the side of my face in a futile attempt to get me to release Nisha.
"Let him go, Tawn!" Lumi shrieked, trying to grab him before I turned on her.
"Tawn!" I heard Francie cry out at the door "what the fuck are you doing?!"
Glaring at her, I kept my hold on Nisha. He didn't move now, too afraid I'd start constricting if he resisted further.
He couldn't go anywhere. Everyone witnessed how fucked he was from his position underneath me.
"Tell them you were wrong" I whispered beside his ear, flicking my tongue out to taste his fear.
"No!" he squealed.
I squeezed, hitting that sweet spot just under his ribs where all the beautiful, warm organs were. His body started to crack under the pressure.
"I.... I was wrong!" he choked out, sobbing.
The others were confused at his confession, more afraid of me than the sudden change of heart. I loosened up just a breath.
"She's got a fucking skin condition" I hissed down his ear "she doesn't need your bullshit lies ruining her name. Nod if you understand me, Nisha."
He frantically nodded and I let him have another breath.
"If I so much as see the slightest flicker or hear the tiniest change in heartbeat because you told someone else she is a snake, I will find you in your room and make it look like your hammock strangled you. It'll be so, so slow and so, so painful. Nod if you understand, Nisha."
He nodded, whimpering, and I loosened more.
"What does she have?"
"A s-skin con-dition" he whimpered.
"Good boy" I smiled, flicking my tongue again to make him sniffle "and what is she?"
"H-human?" he squealed, tensing "but, I saw..."
I coiled, feeling his ribs trying to push back as he gasped in breath.
"You saw what?"
He stayed silent, contemplating his next words. I needed to have him co-operative before I even decided to let him go again.
Having him pinned like this was already making the others become bolder in finding things to throw at me or trying to shove me away. It wouldn't be long until they figured out to gang up and really cause some damage.
Once they were over the fear I was going to strike them or Nisha, they would make sure I wouldn't be able to try this again.
"I saw body spray" he decided.
Smiling, I agreed.
"You'll apologize to her" I continued to whisper in his ear "and you'll make sure nobody believes that stupid rumour. You got that?"
He nodded and I unhooked his throat so I could push him to the floor, holding him there.
Bending, I hovered above his head.
"Good chat, Nisha. Let's not let it come to this next time, ok? You'll be late for the show."
Tapping the side of his head, I released his legs and body so I could step on him on my way to the door.
The way was cleared for me. Smiling, I just kept walking until I stopped at my own dresser where I hung on the doorframe.
Elgress was inside with Loreen. They both looked up at me peering in.
"Elgress, your problem is sorted. Go and get yourself cleaned up. He's not going to be spreading lies anymore."
She approached, sniffling up at me.
"I had to choke it out of him, but he knows the truth."
She smiled a little at that. Giving me a quick hug, I pushed the hair out of her face before she quickly rushed off to the dresser people were starting to file out of.
Loreen looked to me blankly, seeing the affection between us.
It was obvious I didn't share the same warmth with her. Still, as long as she turned a blind eye, I didn't need to intervene with her either.
"Francie should be back soon for you. Still up for tonight?"
"Yeah" she nodded, smiling.
I returned it and left her standing there.
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Eyes lingered on me when I walked down through the hall, tracking my movement even when they passed.
Word got out fast. There'd be rumours spreading already about how vicious I was.
Good. Let Nisha be reminded of what would be coming for him if he tried that shit again.
Turning my head past Avery's room, I stopped and backed up to the glittering star.
Weird. There was no heat coming from inside. Usually he burned in the spot I assumed his bed was. His heartbeat was usually calm too, unless Adrian was sitting in there with him.
He was a nervous little thing, but, there was nothing.
He practically lived in his room when he wasn't performing. He didn't move around much and was far too predictable.
"Hey" I called to two dancers making their way down to the dressers "what's going on with Avery?"
They looked at me, exchanging glances.
"He said he wasn't feeling it" one replied.
"He was going to be in his room tonight" the other added, hurrying off with her friend.
In his room? But there was nothing there.
Glaring at the door, I forced myself from it to continue down to the back of the stage.
Others were here, getting ready. Girls flitted across to the communal dresser on the other side.
Grabbing the arm of one, she stopped and looked me up and down.
"Sorry" I muttered when I saw her fear rising "have you seen Adrian?"
"Oh, he went home" another replied instead, passing me and giving the one I snatched up a chance to escape "he wasn't needed today."
"Avery broke his arm, didn't you hear?" another darted through, frowning at me.
I knew that. I heard the snap when he did it. It didn't make sense that the information I was getting wasn't matching up to what sensing earlier.
Avery wouldn't leave the grounds. He was contracted to remain here. Bruce would be too cluey to let Avery slip away.
But, yet.....
"You're a real fucking jerk, you know that?"
Lumi scowled up at me, poking my chest as she rounded in on me.
My eyes caught movement on the ladder that Nisha was meekly climbing. Through his clothing, his body burned in pain where I had crushed.
"No, you look at me" she snapped her fingers in front of my face to direct me down to her "what is your problem? You almost strangled him back there!"
"He could still breathe" I scoffed to her searing heat and thudding heart running on adrenaline.
"What did you tell him? That you'd kill him? You'd choke him?"
I lifted my head back to see Nisha trying to watch Lumi, hurrying off when he saw my focus on him.
"Hey! I'm talking to you!" she snapped.
"And?" I stared down at her, catching her by surprise "his lies could cost Elgress her job. If Bruce even suspects he has another hybrid around here, he'll carve pieces off her one by one, starting with her so-called scales. Nisha wouldn't know dermititis if it peeled off his own lying mouth."
Lumi pouted, huffing up at me. She doubted what she heard, but not enough to stop herself from confronting me.
"If you want to know something" I leant down close to her ear "why don't you ask him why he was trying to have sex with her?"
I lifted, seeing the shock on her face and wide eyes.
I could twist this back on him. If word was going to spread about Elgress, why not sprinkle in a bit of the truth about Nisha?
"Ask him" I jerked my head towards the ladder "if she was such a horrible thing, why would he try to have sex with her? She's got the shakes. She's got weak hands. If anything, she had to fight him off."
"Nisha isn't like that..."
"Isn't he?" I pressed "and you'll believe that Elgress is the same thing that you are staring at right now? Which is more believable?"
Lumi scowled and marched off, bumping past more dancers rushing for their designated areas.
Smiling after her, I moved onwards.
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Slipping down to the bar, I saw Viva and Vinnie preparing the bottles for thirsty guests.
Leaning on the bar, I caught the attention of Vinnie.
If Nisha wanted to spread rumours, I could match it.
"I need a drink" I sighed, grumbling "fucking Nisha...."
"Honey, what did he do?" Vinnie leant in while pulling up a glass "you look troubled."
"I heard he tried to sleep with Elgress" I eyed the ice Vinnie piled in "just water. I need to cool down."
Vinnie gasped, squirting in the liquid that pumped from the tap he held.
"No! And what did you do?"
I let him fill the cup so I could grab it and glide my nail around the edge.
"I'm a snake" I lifted my hard eyes up to him "I throttled the bastard. Right in his dresser just now. Everyone was there. I'm surprised you didn't hear it."
Blur the lines of why I was there. There were more than enough witnesses and mouths to confuse the real reason why Nisha found himself under my constricting arms. Vinnie could add to that.
Everyone knew I cared about Elgress. Why not lean into that and destroy the other truth floating around?
Vinnie was drinking it all up. Pouring himself a glass, he leant in to take a mouthful and wait for more. Even Viva listened from nearby, grabbing the tap to get herself a glass.
"She doesn't need that" I muttered, drinking.
"Of course not, Sweety" Vinnie drank with me so eagerly.
"It's just frustrating that he would do that. She's got bad hands. She came to me crying, Vinnie. She was so upset that her makeup was running."
"Poor darling" he pouted "she really deserves all the good in the world."
"She does" Viva added with a nod.
"Please don't tell her I told you guys" I turned to them "I might have messed up with the whole Nisha thing just now. I don't know if I'll have a job after tonight."
"Hey, he deserved it" Vinnie hardened, filling my glass again.
"You kind of have no other option" Viva added, scoffing "he can't just fire you."
I grinned, drinking.
"Yeah, I guess. Thanks you guys."
"Anything for you" Vinnie reached a hand out to gently squeeze my shoulder. Viva only agreed.
It was all for show, but I felt confident I had fed them enough information to spread throughout the night.
Finishing the water, I thanked the two and rushed around to the back of the stage to prepare for my part in the show, feeling the weight lifting once again from my shoulders.