"Hurry up!" an impatient voice called from outside the door.
Throwing everything out of my nest, I picked up the most valuable things to me.
The necklace my mother bought us as chicks. The feathers of my siblings that fledged. The bandages after my wings being amputated. The first feather I had shed as I became more human. The colourful collectable Adrian had gifted me....
Stuffing them into the plastic bag I held, they were lost amongst the old clothing. Digging into the folds of the blankets, I ripped out the plastic notes of money buried inside.
My phone and charger was dumped on top. The excitement and fear of it all was making my heart pound relentlessly.
Pausing, I took a deep breath to steady myself. Only then, I was interrupted by the door swinging open to the massive lizard man scowling at me.
Bali, was it? I heard Nisha say his name a few times up in the office. Kind of strange to be named after an island.
"Are you done? We can't wait here all day for you."
"I think so" I scanned my room and clutched the bag tight.
"Good. Come on."
Shuffling past him, I saw the ruined remains of my nest strewn about the floor like garbage. Something inside me ached at the horrible sight of my comforting sage place being so mangled.
"Walk ahead of me" Bali huffed, checking behind him "and hurry up."
He really was nervous about this place now that we had finished destroying Bruce's office. And with Bruce either almost there or already surveying his trashed life, we were running on borrowed time.
I should have been quicker.
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Snaking along the halls to the back dock, Oliver was still there to frown at our hurried walk to the car where the others waited.
Bali hauled himself in. I paused to walk back to Oliver, making him groan out in frustration.
Freedom was right there. We were ok.
"What's going on?" Oliver chuckled a little "you look panicked. What did you find in there?"
"I can't explain everything now, but I've got to go" I told him and pulled him into a quick hug he shoved me from "give me your number. I'll text it all to you."
"So, that's it?" he scoffed as he handed over this phone "you're just ditching us?"
I nodded, trying to make sure the numbers were right.
I was running out of time.
"There won't be a show tonight, most likely" I told him "stay away from Bruce. I can't come back."
His frown deepened.
"Why not? What happened up there?"
I ignored him and just handed his phone back.
"I've got to go. Tell Balae that I'm sorry I had to go."
"Tell her yourself!" Oliver swung an arm to the dock as I turned to rush for the car "hey!"
"Sorry!" I called back with a little grimace and wave "it was nice meeting you!"
Heaving into the back seat with Nisha, safety wasn't guaranteed yet.
"Fuck you, Avery!" Oliver snapped back.
Nisha smirked at his anger. We both clutched our bags as Lumi yanked the car into gear and started for the gates.
"Thank you!" I called and waved to Oliver still standing bitterly by the back dock.
He flipped his middle finger at me before leaping up and ascending into the sky. Sailing around the side of the building, it looked like he entered a window about halfway up, hanging out of it to watch us leave.
"You really were cutting it close" Bali grumbled to me from the front passenger seat "we could have been caught because of you."
"I'm sorry" I shrunk under his forceful side eye, hugging my bag of belongings "I had things I couldn't leave behind."
His eye slid down to them to judge me immediately. With my belongings on show for everyone to see, it wasn't hard to notice I had risked everything for what they might see as junk.
Pulling it close, I tried to hide it from his glare. He rolled his eyes at me and shook his head as he turned back to the front.
I caught Nisha judging me as well. When our eyes met, he just looked out the window at the scenery passing by.
They all hated me. Already I was squirming at being trapped in the same car. I could feel how tense it was because of my actions.
Would it still be the same if I didn't insist on grabbing my things, or even coming along?
It did seem like they were going to leave me behind until Bali came back.
It must have been out of obligation. That explained a lot.
When did I become a nuisance to Nisha? I thought we were getting along when we sat together on the chandelier, but his attitude towards me after it all was so cold.
Glancing over to him still occupied with the outside world, I quickly dropped my eyes to my phone I pulled out of my bag.
I thought we were friends.
Still, I knew the one person I could turn to.
Scrolling through to Adrian's face, I pulled up our conversation thread.
Glancing to Nisha again, I turned towards the window as well with my phone.
I had to let Adrian know that I was out. I didn't want him to turn up at Paragon and wonder where I was. It would save him travelling all that way.
How would I start the conversation? Just get straight to it?
Smiling, I decided to go for it.
Hey. I got out.
I inserted a little dancing icon of a bird jumping around in a circle. It made me smile and chuckle at how stupid it was.
There was no reply. The dots of him texting back didn't even appear.
Suddenly, my phone went blank. Adrian's face and name popped up in the middle, followed by the start of my ringtone.
It was the beginning of the song used for our part. Blushing, I immediately declined the call. I saw Lumi and Bali eye me through the rear view mirror at my actions to stay quiet.
"You can pick it up if you want" she spoke up as i smiled back, shaking my head.
"If rather not. He might be busy."
Lowering my head, I returned to my phone.
I can't talk. I'm in the car with Nish and Lumi.
Another pause, longer this time.
Finally, the comforting bubbles started to dance.
I was driving. Why can't you talk? Are you in trouble?
Pausing, I felt my gut clench.
No trouble. I think they might hate me. They didn't want to bring me, but after the office, they had no choice.
The office?
I flicked through my photographs to find my contract before it was torn up to send across.
We got the lot of them. Ripped them up. Nisha has them in his bag.
Holy fuck! Let me ring you.
No. We can talk about this in person.
His bubbles popped again as he wrote. I lifted my head.
"Where are we going?"
Lumi looked to Bali.
"Pacific Beachway?" he suggested as he turned around again "you two need some good clothes before anyone else comes looking for you."
I didn't know if I even got all of my money. I had been so rushed I hadn't been able to properly check.
Still, I wrote our plans to Adrian.
It's a bit far, but I'll meet you there. Talk soon.
He sent a little smiley face too.
Smiling at the message, my insides fluttered.
He was coming to rescue me. We would finally be able to spend time together now that I was away from Paragon.
Maybe, I'd be able to dance for him when we got to know each other better? Actually show him how I felt?
Burning, I withheld my chuckle at the thought.
"Adrian is going to meet us there" I told the others "I'll go with him."
Nisha finally pulled from the window to raise a brow at me. Lumi exchanged a look to him through the mirror. It looked doubtful; maybe a bit worried?
"If that's what you want...." Lumi frowned.
I smiled to her, nodding once. The sooner I was with someone who wanted me around, the better.
"It is."
She accepted my response and just kept driving.
"It's a big place" Bali spoke up now "which shop?"
I had no idea. I'd have to wing it as I went. It couldn't be that hard.
"One of them?" I replied, chuckling "it'll be fine. It'll be fun!"
I'd get so lost. I could see it now.
It made me smile again. Adrian really would be there to save me from myself.
Maybe we could even try holding hands today?
I'd have to find a shop that sold the collectables he had so I could get him one. He'd love that.
We could check out food shops and get drinks. We would get new clothes together. I'd have someone to help maneuver my stumps around the shirts.
Then, we could take a relaxing drive back to his house on the hill and enjoy the view from the edge of that cliff again.
Maybe we'd try sleeping in the same bed again? Would I cut him after having more sexually charged dreams?
Everything was going to be perfect. I'd make it work so we could be closer.
My heart was already hammering from the possibilities. Just having his fingers twine in mine was leaving my own throat dry and palms sweaty. And if we actually shared a drink or fed each other food like an actual couple...
Jeez. I was getting giddy thinking about it.
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Pulling up to the shopping centre, I was blown away at just how massive it all was.
Grey concrete with gleaming black windows dominated the landscape of black and grey. I could see colourful cars twisting within the barriers circling the outside to try and hunt for a parking spot. Layer on layer of parking stretched into the blue afternoon sky peaking at the top where the centre was bejewelled with rows of cars, like a crown.
Dipping down the road, Lumi paused so the camera could scan her plates. After the yellow arm lifted out of our way, she started to ascend up the wide middle road that branched off in all directions.
Everything was darker and colder now we were within the centre. People walked the roads and fought over parking spots. Lines of cars blocked stretches to try and get optimal parking near the colour-coded entrances. Shopping trolleys flowing with a multitude of bags were being wheeled back to cars probably too small to hold such massive amounts of new items.
Lumi kept going past them to turn at the end. Tipping us back again, she took another ramp up to the next level.
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The sky and surrounding streets of local businesses bobbed into view from around the barrier. Bright signs pointing to the freshest produce or the flashiest clothing stood out. There was a towering board of a teddy bear bending over with a bandage on its rosy butt. Another sprouted neon clovers advertising a bar. Further down, kittens played with a ball of wool to entice tourist to a cat cafe.
Everything was around here. It was magical to see how much was available now that Paragon was a speck in the distance.
Water sparkles to the right. Jet skis sped along in wakes of white water. Boats bobbed in the disturbance. Others closer to shore paddled on boards they stood up on.
The excitement was mounting inside me. If all of that was out there, what other things laid inside?
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Lumi circled the new level for a spot, avoiding speeding cars and people trying to wedge out on her path from the sides.
If Lumi was having trouble getting around here, how would Adrian go?
She followed the main road to yet another ramp. Lurched back again, the seats pressed to our backs when more of the city below was revealed in its gradual ascent higher above.
It was making me nervous how quickly the signs were shrinking. We were getting so much further from the safety of the sidewalk. I knew the barriers would protect us from going off the sides, but the fact I couldn't escape with full wings from the danger had my gut gurgling in anxiety.
Why did they need so much parking so high up? Did normal humans want to feel like they were flying as well when they passed the glimpses of their man-made landscapes?
Maybe we shared more than I thought?
"Oh! Finally!" Lumi breathed as she veered to the left of the level and found a sensor above a spot that was lit up bright green to indicate the availability.
A car was appearing at the other end. Lumi sped for the spot and wedged her car in before the other could do the same. They honked and shouted as they passed, calling Lumi a slut and bitch for taking 'thier' spot.
"Yeah, fuck you too!" Lumi flipped a finger at the car turning down the end "arsehole!"
"Seriously, people are jackarses" Bali shook his head as he made sure his things were still on his pocket, straightening beside the car.
Sliding out with my bag, I realised Lumi scratching around two little bubbles snapped to the back of her wrists.
Frowning at them, I looked at the pink wall in the distance indicating we were on Level C.
The pole down from us was painted the same shade. On it, G5 was printed.
"Are there rules I need to follow here?" I asked her when she made sure they were secure "do I need those too?"
She turned to me and giggled, shaking her head as she leant over to close the door for me.
"Are you a platypus now?"
I shook my head, feeling stupid.
"Then no. Although, you may get pulled up about the wings. They have a whole bunch of rules about flying in and outside the store. They'll want to make sure you won't do that."
Peering back at them with a raised brow, I just stared blankly to Lumi.
"I don't make the rules, I just follow them" she replied and turned to Bali "got your tail guard on?"
He huffed and grunted as he fixed something up, grumbling under his breath.
"It came a bit loose, but it's good now."
"I'm good too" Nisha added, pocketing his money and phone from his bag so he didn't need to carry around the whole thing.
"Good" Lumi grinned to us all "we are all ready to go have a great day out!"
She clapped her hands together once, holding them. She reminded me of a mother trying to contain her disgruntled children.
Bali led the way as he slid out from our car and walked down to the crossing that cut through the carpark. We all followed along, spread out a few meters from each other.
Nisha and Lumi walked together. I stayed behind the group as I clutched my bag of belongings.
Checking my phone, it was still empty of any new messages.
We made it. Heading inside now. Will let you know where we end up.
That should keep him satisfied when he pulled up.
I felt so left out of this group. Nisha and Lumi were obviously quite happy to continue along without worrying about me. I think Lumi only glanced once to make sure I was still following.
I didn't realize how close they had become. Now that he was on the outside too, I guess he was using this opportunity to build his relationship with his work partner.
Was this a new thing? They never took me as a couple before.
Maybe it was the same dynamic as Tawn and Loreen? One-sided and definitely needing a lot of work?
I just hope mine wasn't the same. There was always the worry I was letting myself be too emotionally invested in something I wasn't even sure would be reciprocated.
But, we had shared a moment in the shower.... That was hopeful...
Pulling my head up, I saw we were gathered around a massive sign at the entrance.
It was segmented into colours, with an arrow pointing to where we were.
Beside that was a digital information console with a map of the current floor and the shops it held.
"Did you get the meeting point if any of us gets lost?" Lumi scowled a little.
I grimaced; again ready to apologize.
"I was elsewhere" I cringed under her huff "sorry."
"Are you ever here?" Nisha questioned as Lumi dragged a finger along the path to where an information centre was outlined.
A horseshoe back down the level and into a corner to the right next to a supermarket. Looked to be about several kilometres away.
Just how big was this centre?
"We should get each other's numbers, just in case" Lumi pulled out her phone and gestured for the others to do the same "it'll be good if someone wanders off."
All their eyes fell onto me. Scowling back, they smirked and laughed.
"I'm not that bad!"
"You got lost from the car to here!" Bali cried out, snorting "you really are bird-brained!"
"Am not" I grumbled mostly to myself while numbers were exchanged around me.
I didn't even want to give them my number now. I didn't want to be around people who made me the butt of their jokes, let alone people I had worked with and honestly once thought were better than that.
"Avery" Lumi waved her hand at me "I'm giving you my number now. Are you ok?"
"Just tired" I shrugged.
"Drifting off already?" Nisha teased, grinning to Bali.
Lumi was the only one who looked concerned when I followed the numbers to hesitantly jab onto my phone.
I slotted in Nisha and Bali too; doubtful I'd ever use any of them anyway. I might even just delete them later to save the space.
I just wanted to get inside so I could get lost on purpose. I wasn't going to be here so they had someone to poke and prod at for their own amusement.
Nisha really was a horrible person. Lumi too. And Bali was just a downright arsehole. I don't think he took anything seriously.
Pulling up my phone as they began to walk inside, I paused on the escalator stairs with them.
"I think Adrian wants to meet up" I spoke up "I might just head right there."
Lumi turned, looming over me from the upper stairs gliding upwards.
"Oh! We should all go!" she grinned "we can meet up and have something to eat together! Where did he say he was?"
"Oh" I felt my words catch in my throat as I thought of a polite way to let her down "i kind of wanted it to be.... just us."
"Ohhh" Bali grinned slyly from above Lumi "are we talking about your partner?"
I nodded, turning my eyes from him and hugging my bag close.
"Adrian doesn't sound like a girly name" Bali snickered.
"Barley!" Lumi hissed to him, really pronouncing the 'r' I never knew was in the name "I think it's really cute. They're just friends."
Nisha didn't believe this. He knew perfectly well how we were together. He saw everything in Paragon, heard it all too.
He saw how much I wanted it to be more. He understood my dance like the birds did. He probably was with them, laughing and talking shit alongside each one.
Squeezing the bag, I burned in embarrassment under his judgemental look to me.
"Tell him I said hi" he muttered.
Pouting, I agreed.
"Give him a kiss from me!" Barli jeered, noisily smooching the air.
My hands gripped tighter. My eyes burned at the humiliation.
Anyone could hear him. Anyone would make fun of my very valid feelings for Adrian. Maybe even Adrian would turn away if we were laughed about so publicly?
This guy was shitting on the one thing I loved in this world. It was a joke to him.
"I've got to go" I grumbled and pushed my way up the stairs "thank you for the lift."
Shoving Nisha, then Lumi, I ducked around Barli and powered up around the others turning to stare at me.
I tried not to look in their confused eyes. I kept to the side as much as I could as I became aware of my stumps almost smacking the strangers in the face.
They whispered. They judged as well. Some laughed at the things that pained and humiliated me most.
"Avery!" Lumi called after me "Av!"
I kept going. There was no way I was slinking back to that. I couldn't stand there and pretend I hadn't just had my feelings shredded apart.
"Look at what you've done now!" I heard her hiss to the lizard, slapping his chest "Avery, wait!"
I slid and apologized my way to the top. Seeing the wide area before me, I ran ahead.
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I didn't even care I was crying. Sobbing and wiping my blinded eyes, I power walked around the next set of escalator stairs going upwards and slid around to the back of them. Crouching down, I bought my knees up so I could shield my face.
"Avery!" I heard Lumi call again, dropping her voice to the others "where did he go?"
Lifting my head at the sound, I saw strangers glancing to me as they passed. They would give away my position if they kept staring.
Getting to my feet again, I wiped my eyes and tried to steady my trembling breath. Crowds surged like water on either side to get to their destinations. It was a fight just to get through them.
I saw a group with a loaded trolley and stepped out beside them. Moving forth, I was determined on getting lost amongst the masses.
"Avery!" Lumi called in recognition "there he is!"
"Sorry" I moved past the people ahead who scowled at me "excuse me."
"It was a joke!" Barli scoffed out.
I needed to lose them. I had some distance, but desperately lacked somewhere better to shake them off.
A large hall ran to my left. Seeing that it linked together both parts of the level between stores, I bolted down it and to the right.
If I could round back and loop on myself, I could shake them. Then, I'd meet Adrian and get out of here.
Running now, I didn't care about the stares I got. I saw another link and took it, squeezing past the groups to press myself to the wall at the end.
I couldn't see the others. Maybe I was safe here?
"Avery!" Lumi called again.
She was down at the other link. They must have been confused whether to branch left or right.
I'd have to forget about looping back then. I had no choice but to keep going forth and avoid crossing their path again.
Pulling out, I let myself be taken with the crowd. Merging into the masses, I spotted a clothing store and pulled off into it.
Instantly the loud music hit me. The bright lights and bold colours of the signage hanging from the roof dazzled me.
A female clerk was balanced on a ladder with a long pole that held the string of another sign they were trying to stick to the roof.
She looked human. Her wild hair was shaved on both sides to leave a light pink short fluffy strip in the middle. Both ears were lined with gleaming jewellery, and her nose even sported a matching stud.
She wore the same clothes from this store. A collared shirt saying something about having a lonely heart. It tucked into her shorts that were folded above her knees. Long striped and chained socks were clipped into thick wedged shoes tangled in more silver.
"Hey, how are you?" she greeted as I moved further into the store "just letting you know, we've got fourty percent off our last season shirts at the moment."
I smiled up at her.
"Where abouts are those?"
"Near the back" she pointed and started to climb down "I'll show you."
"It's all good" I insisted, checking the front for the others "I'll go have a look. No need to pull you from what your job."
She grinned at being able to complete her task.
"Just sing out of you need me!"
I grinned again, agreeing. Making a beeline for the racks of clothing, I pulled off a few to hold up and be gestured into the change rooms.
It was just a curtain on an industrial pipe, but it was all the cover I needed. Slipping inside, I allocated the clothing to the hooks to my left, and flopped onto the square seat in front of the mirror.
I couldn't think over the mind-numbing music, but I knew I needed to speak to someone.
Ringing Adrian, I pressed the phone right against my ear, blocking the other as if that would magically help me.
It rang for a while before the dial tone went dead. Hearing the change, I frowned.
"Hey, I'm parking up" Adrian's cheerful voice came back before changing "Jesus! Where are you?"
Ah, the music. There was nowhere to avoid it as I hid in here.
Looking for some sort of clue, I came back with nothing.
"I'm not sure. It's loud, I know that."
"You're telling me!" he blew out a breath and laughed "it's sending me deaf!"
I smirked and giggled, thankful for the chance to relax after what I had been through.
My phone beeped. Another incoming call, most likely from one of the other three. I ignored it.
"Can we meet up and leave?" I muttered down the phone "the others were making fun of me. I had to lose them."
I heard the handbrake crunch as it was pulled, and the flick of his seatbelt being retracted.
"What were they picking on you for?"
Embarrassed again, I didn't answer.
The music pumped down the phone. Adrian was silent as well. The beeping died off to be followed up with the hum of a message.
"Are you still there?"
"Yeah" I managed to speak up "it was.... about us."
He gave a little laugh. I didn't know if it was in amusement or confirming my horrible one-sided theory.
"What about us?"
It was a genuine question. He wasn't denying anything yet.
Relief hammered through my body with the best of the music.
"Well..... you know...."
"Avery" he spoke with laughter in his light tone "I really don't."
Grumbling down the phone, I twisted uncomfortably. I turned to the clothes I had blindly snatched up to pull my attention to them instead.
"That we....are....together."
More silence. I forced a smile, not sure how he was going to react.
Adrian gave a little giggle. That was hopeful.
"Did you tell them we aren't?"
"Well, no...."
"Then, what is the fuss about?" he asked.
Biting my lip and glaring to the roof, I took a deep breath and pressed the phone further.
"Becauseiwantustobe" I muffled together.
"You're going to have to say that again" Adrian spoke up "I can barely hear you."
Whining at having to repeat myself, I refused. My gut clenched and I felt like crying again.
This was terrifying. More than the possibility of being caught by Bruce only hours earlier.
My phone beeped again. I scowled at their persistence to drag me back when I was obviously busy.
"You know what?" Adrian snapped off the engine, to have the call go directly to his phone instead of the speaker system in the car "you can tell me when I get in there. Where are you?"
I still didn't know. Turning for the clothes again, I pulled up a tag to search it for branding that I found on the logo on the back.
"DJ's" I read, swelling with pride at figuring it out "I'm at DJ's."
"Oof, ok" he closed his door and locked the car that beeped in response "I'm on the other side. How about i meet you at the food court? It's between us both. Just head straight from there, past the florist. Ring me when you get here."
That sounded like a plan. I could be further from the others and closer to escape.
Past the florist. I could do that.
Maybe I could call in on the way through? Pick out a flower as well? Would that be too forward or embarrassing for him? Did boys get each other flowers?
"Ok" I swelled up at the thought of him graciously accepting the gift "I'll see you soon!"
"Ok, bye!" he grinned.
"Bye!" I breathed back excitedly, promptly swiping away the missed calls and messages.
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Turning my attention back to the clothing, I pulled them down with renewed purpose.
The clerk, to her horror, enthusiastically helped me into the shirts with my casted arm, but reluctantly cut holes into the shirt and jacket I bought so she could also help pull my stumps through. Upon doing that though, she insisted for a photograph since they sparked recognition within her.
She was bouncing with excitement when I confirmed my identity. She even squealed and gladly gave me a staff discount discretely to tempt me into buying a pair of jeans as well.
I had a whole new look.
A fresh grey shirt scribbled with black design. Over the top, some sort of mutated clamshell design with way too many eyes around the edges was plastered.
My jacket was dark blue in the middle, with a maroon pocket on the breast. One sleeve was dark purple, and the other a dark green. The back was adorned with a wild crashing wave that had a glass whale filled with bubbles peeking from the white water.
My jeans were black and acid washed. The grey patches looked like rippling water down to my shins. Even the edges were folded a little. I even had front and side pockets I could slide my phone snugly into.
I stuck with my thongs since this store didn't sell shoes. It had many accessories, but nothing I could replace them with.
I also purchased a coin purse that I could squeeze at the sides to open the mouth of. It was shaped like a yellow and white puffer fish, as I was told by the clerk.
It was very gimmicky, but at least I had somewhere to put all of my floating notes and change now.
I couldn't help but to squeeze open the gaping mouth again and again. It was sweet and funny. It took my mind off everything else when I giggled down at it eating my money.
Bidding farewell, I rejoined the crowds, feeling and looking better than before. I still had my plastic bag, but my eyes were already wandering to the next shop that could turn it into something flashier.
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I found a nice brown canvas bag a few stores down. Grabbing a keychain for the bottom zipper, I smiled at the little yellow flowers pressed inside a resin circle. It reminded me of the ones near home. Leaving it, I stopped to pick the flowers along my way. It was the last time I had been so carefree.
Hanging the bag off one arm, I felt more comfortable now that I blended with the crowds.
I wasn't going to stick out with my worn out clothes and stumps. I could hide them better under jackets and bags.
Right now through, I didn't care. It had been years since I had last spent some time on myself. The retail therapy was quite exciting.
People loved to chat to me, whether to try and snag a sale or to babble about recognition. I didn't realize how popular I actually had been outside the Paragon walls. Being this far out, it didn't cross my mind that people came from all over to see the show. Foolishly, I thought it only went as far as the walls and surrounding city. I never really thought of anything else that laid beyond it.
But here I was. There was a whole world out here I had been missing. The sights of all these different shops and people. The smells of sweet pastries, perfumes, and sizzling food. The sounds of hundreds of conversations and plans swarming together all at once.
I could feel the floor change from polished concrete to soft carpets. The gridded escalator stairs and smooth rails ran alongside me. Reaching out, my fingers touched the plastic surrounding bouquets of flowers swamping the front of a florist.
The petals of the sunflowers were soft, almost like velvet. Or was it silk? It was so different to the hard brown middles bent upwards, surrounded by sticky green stems.
The bouquets were staggered upwards to cover the wall of the store and the floor below it. Colour-coded, they were literally a rainbow of brightness. The only thing that broke the illusion was the black buckets holding the flowers.
Which one did I get Adrian?
The prices were insanely different. Cheap daisies were near expensive roses. The bouquets themselves were almost a hundred dollars each. Boxes lined the shop windows. Sparkling domes peeked up between each second one. There were glass balls too holding flowers suspended inside. I didn't dare to guess how expensive they would be.
Was a rose too intimate? Too forward? Were daisies suggesting we just remain friends? Was he allergic to any of these flowers?
I never thought about that. But, he hadn't mentioned allergies all these years, so I hadn't delved.
Pondering, I turned from the flowers to try and sort out my swirling thoughts. Instead of settling on a bloom, my eyes slid over to the bright front of a red store with a massive statue by the open entrance people walked inside.
The statue was some sort of gigantic figurine. It had a disproportionate human body, but a massive gumball machine head that was see-through. Holding onto the head, the balls inside were frozen in motion.
Maybe that was it? I could get him another one of his figurines he had back home?
He'd like that. He had given me one after all. I could give him one right back.
Leaving the florist, I crossed to the brightness.
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Sliding around the statue and island of piled figurines, I was instantly lost on what to look for.
The middle at the entrance had some sort of gothic mixture of collections. Little cute people had birdcages for heads. Others had pianos for stomachs. There was one with a mouth for a face.
Moving around, animals of mythology cropped up. Staggered beside them were more animals, but ones with exaggerated eyes that sparkled from within garden items like watering cans and wheelbarrows.
It didn't look like the one I was after. I moved to the right to search the wall there.
I didn't realize how many different collections there were and how large they could be. Some had ten different variants, while others sported almost twenty-five and thirty.
They were all so pricey too for a single box. I don't think I saw a tag under twenty-five dollars.
Frowning at another collection of pop culture collectibles, I moved past the counter where two people bagged and served the customers juggling the boxes they wanted.
The store widened to the left. The walls and middle were crowded with more collectables and people. More statues sat up near the roof on a ledge, peering down through their abstract designs.
Shuffling along, I scanned through the various boxes.
There were so many themes. It went from cute to gorey. The range was incredible, especially when complete opposites were stacked right next to each other.
Passing a range of cats wearing human clothing, I spotted what looked like a garden.
The shelf here was layered with a brown sticker to resemble speckled dirt. Around the collection was a thick cardboard printed picket fence that protected the boxes inside.
It was all so elaborate for one collection. Even the square boxes were orange and striped like a carrot. A green leafy sprout stood tall on the top of each one.
There was a picture of an orange owl on the front. It was missing a wedge to show the juicy fruit and seeds.
The label was in a curving language I didn't understand. It was also showing that it was a second series.
Turning the box, my gut clenched at the sight of familiarity. It was the same style as the one Adrian had given me, but with a different line of animals.
A pear cockatiel. A buk choy snake. A radish rat. A strawberry rhino. A peach turtle. A potato hippo. A lettuce emu. A mushroom rabbit. A blueberry sugar glider. The orange owl. A mystery figure.
The shadow of the mystery one looked like of like a distorted blob. It had ears, but also all sorts of leafy shapes sprouting from it.
Each one was also graded. They all had different numbers next to them. The mystery shadow was one out of sixty-three.
Was that good? Did it mean it was the first figure out of sixty-three others? Was it a score on how popular it was?
They were all different. The bird was one out of ten. The snake was one out of thirteen. They all ranged drastically. The lowest was the emu with one out of three.
Each box was thirty-two dollars. Blowing out my breath at how pricey one small thing was, I looked around to the others as I placed it back into the garden.
People were at their own collections, trying to find the one they wanted.
Some weighed the boxes in their hands. Others gently rattled the boxes to try and determine what could be inside. I saw a few trying to peek under the tight lids.
Picking the box back up, I decided to try and see if I could get the cockatiel for Adrian. The figurine was kind of small and skinny, so it should be easy to find.
Picking up a box and gently rattling it, I felt how heavy it was. There was crinkling inside too.
It wouldn't be that heavy. It could have been the hippo or rhino, or I could have been wrong about the whole thing and those ones could be even heavier. Putting that one aside, I moved to the next to try my luck.
Shaking my way through the lineup, I had five possibilities that it could be. With nothing to go off, I really was going blind.
Rotating through the selection again, I picked out two and decided to settle on them. Fixing up the display, I headed for the counter to pay for the boxes.
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I hadn't expected to spend sixty-four dollars on two figurines when I walked out with my tiny bag they had charged me an extra measly thirty cents for.
I had the money for it all, but knowing I had spent that much on these tiny figures had me feeling a mixture of buzzing happiness at the mystery and dull disappointment at how pricey it had been.
It was a whole nights worth and then some. But, it was for Adrian. I got myself a box so we could share the joy of opening them together.
I hope he was going to like them. I would feel kind of stupid getting these just for myself. I don't think I'd take up such an expensive hobby.
53Please respect copyright.PENANAImKb4zuI4V
Backtracking past the florist, I kept going straight. Peering up at the roof, I found a sign pointing to the food court.
Turning down the next alley and finding another sign, I let the crowd wash me into the open area that buzzed with excitement.
All sorts of food stores were lining the court in a circular formation. In the middle were rows of seats and tables packed with people and their meals. Some stores offered special seating inside little alcoves. Others were purely takeaway.
Sliding doors laid ahead that opened to a concrete area with a massive fountain in the middle. The sound of the rushing water pouring into the fountain and down over the edges was blocked out every time the doors closed for a few seconds before more people wanted to pass through.
I couldn't see Adrian in such a huge area. I could feel my anxiety clenching as I turned to my phone and quickly moved out of the walkway.
Pressing to the side of a store wall, I started to pull up my messages, trying to sort through the barrage of others from Nisha and Lumi. Even Barli had sent me a few.
Scowling at them, I found Adrian. Pulling up our history, I was about to type when a heavy hand slammed down on my shoulder.
Gasping and pulling from it, Adrian laughed back at me. Seeing my fright though, his laughter quickly died down into concern.
"Hey, I didn't mean to scare you" he smiled "I saw you looking a bit lost over here."
Relief washed over me. I nodded and tried not to let tears roll.
It wasn't them. I was safe now. Now I was with Adrian, I knew I didn't have to return to Paragon again.
I could feel it all sinking in. I could enjoy this life anytime I wanted now. I was with the one person who mattered.
"Was I that hard?" Adrian bent to try and look in my face "hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you that much."
Shaking my head, I tried to speak, but only let out a sob. Closing my mouth, I just wrapped my arms around him and held on tightly.
"Is it all a bit loud?" he worried now, looking around before leaning back "you've got to talk to me, Avery."
"I'm....glad" I bit out and pulled away as we were getting glances and frowns from the strangers passing "you're here. I got out."
"I see that" Adrian grinned and eyed the bag I still held "and went shopping I see."
"Oh! I got you something!"
Adrian was confused. Digging out one box, I handed it to him with a smile.
He groaned back and frowned at me.
Did..... he not like it?
"You didn't have to spend this much on me" he sighed "you shouldn't have."
"Oh" I almost whispered now in disappointment and looming embarrassment "I, uh, I can take it back?"
Reaching for the box, Adrian guarded it from me.
"That doesn't mean I don't like it" he chuckled at me to make a weak smile return "I just don't want you wasting all your money on me. I know how hard you work for it. I love this. Thank you."
Pulling me into a hug from the side, relief tangled with the uncertainty of it all when I felt his hand rub my arm reassuringly.
Was he being genuine? Or just saying that to save my feelings?
"I got one too" I pulled it out to show him "I wanted to try and get the cockatiel for you since you have two of them."
Adrian grinned and scruffed my hair. Pulling on my arm, he was squashed beside me on his hunt for a seat.
"I never took you as a collector" he spoke to me "more like a.... hoarder."
Blushing, I huffed to him.
"They are precious to me" I stated, making him chuckle again "I kept the first one you gave me."
He looked surprised and almost stopped walking for a moment.
"You bought it with you?"
"Along with my most important things" I nodded.
His eyes looked away and I saw Adrian's cheeks start to glow.
"I didn't know it meant that much to you" he mumbled back.
"Well, I can put this one with it" I smiled and shook my box "but I don't think i'll be getting the whole collection like you."
He snorted and located an empty seat, making a beeline for it with me.
"I only stopped collecting because it was too pricey" he grabbed onto a chair to claim the table "that's the only reason why I said you shouldn't have gotten one for me, let alone one each."
"It's only a night and a half of work" I smirked back to make him smile and shake his head at me.
Sitting down, we faced each other now. I placed the empty bag on the side of the table between us so I could still see him.
We hadn't sat down like this before. It felt more personal than sitting beside him like I usually did at work. I could see his face and every little movement it made.
He blinked back and smiled. I realized I was staring.
"Should we open these?" he offered to direct my gaze elsewhere.
I watched him pull up the lid by the stem poking out the top. Digging his nails under to rip up the other one, he wriggled free a silver bag.
So that's what I could hear when I was shaking them.
Tearing along the top, Adrian peered inside, laughing.
"What is it?" I tried to peek.
He looked at the range of figurines on the box before pulling out the lettuce emu.
It was sitting down with it's wide feet pointed outwards. With crinkled and fluffed layers of lettuce as the wings, and a leaf on top of its tilted head, it looked very cute.
"You now" Adrian flicked a finger to mine "you won't have a problem with nails like yours."
They were more like talons when next to his small ones. Still, I snapped them into the box like he had, tearing off the lid.
I liked the feeling of ripping it apart. It kind of felt like I was disemboweling something small to get to the squishy and crinkly insides.
Tearing the bag, I pulled out the figure to face his.
"No way!" he let out a laugh at it, reaching over to pick it up and show me "you got the hippo!"
The hippo was so round it was incredible it could stand up on its little forked hooves.
There was a cross cut into its back that had melted butter over it. In the gaping mouth, white potato was shaped into the soft gums surrounding the teeth. A sprout curled out the back to form it's tail.
Checking the box, the hippo was one in five; not much better odds than the emu.
And I had thought it was the heaviest. Taking it from Adrian to feel the weight, it was incredibly light.
It was kinda cute too. I could see the appeal of having more than one now.
"Thank you" Adrian grinned when he looked his new collectable over "I'm really happy we could do this together."
"Open collectables?" I giggled.
"Sit together and just do nothing" he replied "no work, no rushing. Just us opening boxes and grabbing real food."
No work? Adrian still wasn't going to turn up for Alowyn? He technically was his partner now.
I should warn him.about what I had seen in the contracts. I could show him the one I saw made up for his signature before I destroyed it.
"Someone needs to tell the others" I worried now "it's not safe to go back."
Adrian cleaned up the mess of the boxes and dumped the rubbish into the bag beside us. I did the same, finding my gaze on him again now that there was nothing to distract me.
"You can tell me about it" he gave a little smile "then we can go from there, ok?"
Nodding, I saw him drop his hands under the table to fidget with them.
"I'm glad you made it out" he mumbled, grinning "I was worried how long i'd have to keep driving out to see you."
Snorting back at him, I saw how nervous he was about it all.
"Can we share a bed again?" I piped up, much to his shock "I...."
Did I want to say it? If I didn't, he'd question why I was bringing it up.
It was my turn to drop my eyes down and grow flustered.
"I get lonely when you aren't there."
Adrian's mouth made a little noise and he tried to smile. He struggled to find which emotion to convey now that he was so frazzled.
"I, uh... I fe..."
He paused, groaning.
"I can do that" he just replied.
Was he scared of telling me how he felt?
My heart quickened when he looked away again, pretending to scope out food for us. He was uncomfortable about being the one to take the first step.
"Do you like me?" I pressed.
He turned his head back around and shrugged, laughing.
"Of course! We are best friends, aren't we?"
I shook my head and swallowed down the lump forming in my dry throat.
"I mean like like."
The face returned. Flushed and blank. It was cute how easy he was to read when he was put on the spot.
He was really cute. Just like in my dreams when we were already a couple....
"Because I like you" I answered, making sure to keep my eyes firmly on him so he understood "like, like like."
We giggled at the choice of words. Still, he was so unsure.
A small smile lifted his lips. He looked away but then returned back to me.
"Really?" he almost whispered.
I nodded.
"You aren't just saying that? Because I..."
Sliding my hand across the cool table, I exposed my palm to him.
"I wouldn't want to run away with anyone" I burned back, holding my hand on the table.
He glanced at it and kept his hands to himself. Scrunching up his face a little, he squirmed.
"I don't know. It's all so..." he made a exasperated noise and lifted his hands to pick at his fingers "...it's good, don't get me wrong, it's just...."
Oh. He didn't feel the same way.
I was making a fool of myself. I was pushing something onto him he clearly didn't want.
We were just friends. We were never anything more, despite all signs pointing to it.
I misread them. I was too eager to make my dreams come true.
Sliding my hand back, he suddenly lunged and grabbed onto it as my lip quivered.
Feeling him squeeze me, we were locked onto each other.
Suddenly, the buzzing of the food court felt like it was in the distance. Everything was hushed when I stared back at Adrian frowning at me.
"I don't want you to be disappointed with me" he sighed, glancing.
Smiling and letting out my breath, I sniffled.
"I'd never be."
He did the same. Lifting his other hand, his thumb swiped his eyes.
"Must be all the steam from the woks" he chuckled and jerked a head to the nearby store "you know?"
Sniffling and running the back of my hand across my forming tears, I agreed with a shaky giggle.
"Do you want to grab some food?" he asked now, frowning again "maybe talk things over some noodles or sushi or whatever you like?"
Grinning, I felt my heart soaring. Nodding frantically, I didn't trust my words to not come out without tears of joy.
This was actually happening! Adrian wanted to get closer!
I could have died at how happy I was! I felt my heart hammering and my body kind of feel numb when I kept my clammy, hot hand in his.
Just like the dream. We were supposed to be locked like this. It was more than a handhold for me. The gesture itself was far too close to a mating fall from the skies.
I was getting myself too wound up. I had to let go before I did something stupid.
Gently pulling away, Adrian got the hint and let me. We got up from our seats and collected our things.
We exchanged glances and smiles. We walked a little closer, even though we had enough room around us. His arm brushed mine a few too many times. Our hands touched and remained separated. I still grinned, knowing it wasn't personal. We were still testing the waters. I was still shaking inside from how surreal it all felt.
We were more than friends now, and I couldn't be happier.