Something was wrong.
With each flash of the phone lights and forced pose, I noticed more.
Elgress was actively avoiding Tawn and drinking with Vinnie who steadily supplied her, pissing off Tawn with each sip.
Nisha was unusually glued to Lumi's side. Flower, the painted African Dog who helped with the sound systems, unhooked a black box from her back to whisk it away between shots.
Alowyn fidgeted with his fingers up the back, frantically checking the time. He was severely overdue to feed his family and was unnerved by the wind I could hear blowing with every guest who left.
And I was just trying to grin through each eager guest sitting on the seat in front of us while trying not to focus on the pain of my arm or the twinging of the stitches stabbed along my back.
We had both escaped with no severe injuries. Despite encouraging me to follow my natural desires, I was told off by the doctor as he patched us up. He understood that our fight had been important to us, but I could see the strain it was putting on him to be called out so often for things that could be avoided.
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We posed again as another couple sat. Clarity flashed into my eyes struggling to remain open.
Viva poured drinks for customers, forcing smiles and taking money. She was distracted by what Vinnie had to say to Elgress when he poured her another glass.
Tawn barged from our group to reprimand Elgress. He drank from her glass, hissed something to Vinnie, and stormed back to wedge back in, huffing.
I saw Vinnie lift the glass and Elgress take it back, trying to hide it when she continued to drink.
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Another couple sat down and I grinned and posed again through another wave.
A snake slid up to the bar. I recognized him as the same one who had been talking with Elgress and Vinnie when I had just finished fighting Alowyn. From his posture and smirking, he was flirting a little with either Elgress or Vinnie. His friend was nowhere to be seen. For some reason, this didn't bother him like it normally did.
Elgress left with the familiar snake as we were dismissed.
She ignored Tawn who stared up at her, glaring when he saw her place a hand on her young companion to guide him.
They had something going on that was deeper than friendship.
I wasn't going to bring it up to Tawn. I'd just observe quietly with Adrian by my side.
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Tickets were handed over to the bar and the two false scotch bottles were reserved for us.
Filled with peach tea, Vinnie and the wild-haired woman who introduced herself as Viva did a good job of keeping us sober. With an estimated thirty drinks alongside Alowyn to get through, he was going to be here longer than he wanted.
I felt his anxiety through every forced talk and drink he gulped down. His leg jumped when he ploughed through his allocated times with the guests wanting to get closer to the new upcoming star.
My guests mainly wanted to know what I felt about it all. Some sympathized with my arm, others begged to be the first to sign it, more wanted to pry further into what made me fall on a trick I had done hundreds of times before.
I kept it vague. After discovering we were infiltrated tonight, I didn't want the wrong words getting out that could be skewed into something else. I kept it to the point and short, even with Adrian close by my side.
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My eyes weren't on my own life. They looked into others, trying to figure out the shift in mood.
Tawn got through three tickets before saying he had to leave. With fifteen more lined up, Vinnie and Viva shot daggers into his back when they refunded the annoyed customers and slid across a free drink to try and defuse the situation.
Loreen looked dejected over being left so abruptly again. With another blatant avoidance by her assigned star, she bitterly muttered something to Vinnie and walked off to pack her things and leave.
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Lumi muttered something into Nisha's ear, giggling. He looked to her in shock, then checked the area, finding me staring directly at him.
I didn't move my gaze. He saw my obvious prying and turned his back on me to chatter to Lumi more, even jerking a thumb to me.
He wasn't popular for drinks. He only had five tonight; an average. I think the most he ever got was nine, despite being the most animated and cheerful to chat with from us all.
Still, he was looking for an exit with his partner. He couldn't do it when I was locked on.
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After struggling through five drinks himself, Alowyn shuffled over to me to ask permission to leave. Looking to him, he showed me the multiple alarms he had silenced, expressing his growing fear for his family.
He still had people wanting to drink and chat. Seeing this, I looked to Vinnie who shook his head with a hard glare in warning.
It wasn't up to him. It was between us.
To calm my concerns, I quickly grabbed his phone number so I could call him back if i needed to. Afterwards, I dismissed him and watched him barge up the stairs to sprint off to wherever he kept his bag. Instantly, the anger rose from the crowds still gathered as they threw and slapped down their tickets to try and be pacified with more free drinks.
I could still get through mine. I even took some of Alowyn's that were offered the free transfer.
Turning my attention back to Nisha, I saw he was gone. He had used my lapse of judgement to disappear with Lumi.
They had been near the door leaning through the dark tunnel. Nisha had done a runner.
I wasn't going to rat him out. I had done the same thing with Adrian and desperately wanted to again. Unfortunately, I was trapped here as long as there were people still interested in trying to squeeze information out of me.
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I was the only star left.
With only one to feed fake scotch to, Vinnie and Viva were able to keep up with their other orders they hadn't been able to earlier.
I sat directly at the bar with a seat opposite me. Adrian sat behind me, just to make sure nothing was going to go wrong and to keep an ear out for anyone else wanting to cause an uproar.
With the wave of disgruntled customers led out the door and held back by others assigned outside as makeshift security, the ones that remained were in a better mood, although understandably on edge about the other stars abandoning their duties.
I knew something was wrong but couldn't figure out what, and that frustrated me.
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With the last customer ushered out the doors, Adrian bid his farewells to me with a hug. I didn't drag it out like I wanted to since I knew I had eyes on me. He gave another little wave on his way out and I returned it before trudging to my room.
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Everything sounded so much louder when there was no-one else around.
My footsteps scraped the floor. Overhead, I heard something solid slapping the wood.
It must have been Silera or Balae. Balae usually was quite loud when she went off to find food.
Ignoring it, I opened my door to head inside and shut out the quietness.
It was too quiet here as well. As much as it was a relief for my ringing ears, an empty bed and even emptier room wasn't what I wanted to be in after washing in limelight and conversation for the last few hours.
I could talk to Adrian, but he'd still be driving home. Nisha was AWOL, and Tawn was sleeping off his attack.
Grabbing out a change of clothes, I hit the bathroom instead.
Leaning over the sink, I pulled out my tweezers and ran my nails along my hairline on the search for more stray feathers.
Plucking out a few, I set the tweezers down so I could undress and fold my clothes to place on top of the toilet.
Running a hand along my pubic bone, I grabbed the tweezers again to tease out a few more feathers I pinched to try and lessen the stinging pain.
Dropping those into the sink as well, I leant over to turn on the shower.
There was another thump from above. Staring up at the roof, I only frowned at it.
Balae was being quite noisy. Maybe Silera was doing all the slapping?
They couldn't mate, but they certainly could still show off for each other and try.
It's a wonder it even worked between them, being the same gender but different species.
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Smiling to myself, I climbed into the shower and hunched under the hot water, making sure to leave my cast hanging out.
The doctor scowled at me for getting it wet when I was with Adrian. Obviously, I didn't say why; I just said I didn't know.
He rewrapped and cast it again after checking it over tenderly. I couldn't tell the difference. It was still the same pink underneath and bumpy top.
He also warned me to put it in the little cloth sling he provided. Obviously, after the initial fitting and escape, I hadn't been. The fabric around my stumps and the way my arm nestled in it made me look pathetically weak. I didn't like having the cast on show as it was.
But, I had to listen to the doctor. The sooner I took care of it and healed up, the sooner I could be back up doing what I loved.
I'd fly again.
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The smile returned when I scrubbed myself clean from the makeup and glitter. The whole defiance had been thrilling, but other than a brief stint on stage, Bruce didn't stick around to witness the rest. It kind of felt wasted, but it did make Lumi's last night more memorable.
At least she looked like she was having a good time despite it all. Her and Nisha were quite close tonight.
And I had no-one. I'd sleep alone while everyone else had someone else to keep them company. I'd have the glow of a phone I cradled until i'd be too tired to reply.
I didn't want to leave the hot shower for a cold bed. I didn't want to be alone.
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Creeping outside my door, I glanced down at the other's firmly shut.
I knew Tawn was still here. He'd might like the company too after being attacked, blinded, and ignored.
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My feet slapped the ground once more when I moved for the door.
Passing Nisha's, I heard the wooden floorboards above groaning. Lifting my head, there was a short cry of pain before it was muffled.
I turned from the door, still listening.
"Balae?" I whispered out.
She wouldn't be able to hear me, but I didn't want to be shouting her name and waking up Tawn or Bruce.
Should I check on her? Make sure she was ok?
Taking a few more steps towards the ladder, I stopped myself.
Maybe she wasn't in pain? Maybe she was making use of her time with Silera now that everyone was gone?
I blushed at the thought of barging up to her in the middle of mating with her girlfriend. I didn't want to live with the shame of intruding.
Quickly walking back, I made a beeline for Tawn's door and knocked on it.
He usually kept it locked. In his state, I didn't know if that would have changed.
"Tawn" I pressed my head to the door to listen for movement "it's me. Can I sleep with you tonight?"
I heard him rolling over in his bed. The sheets moved as he groaned, muttering.
There was snickering. Another whispered to him.
Wasn't he alone either?
Burning again, I froze up. Had he indulged tonight as well? Slept with Loreen before she had the chance to rush home?
"If you are busy, I can come back" I whispered to the movement.
"It's unlocked" Tawn grumbled "come in."
While someone else was in the bed with him? What was I about to walk into?
"Ok" I grabbed the handle and deliberately turned it slowly so he'd have time to cover himself.
Peeking through my squinting eyes, I couldn't see anything unusual about the bed opposite me.
He blended right in with the crumpled sheets piled over him.
I flicked on the light switch to see, instantly being hissed at.
Tawn was curled up with the two snakes who did his instrumentals. They all were under the sheets, two little heads poking through a little gap in the side while Tawn took the top.
"Turn it off, fuck you!" Tawn snapped as I instantly shut it off "I'm already blind!"
The first hissed and retreated. The second closed his eyes and cried out at the assault.
I recognized the second one. It was the one who got flustered at the bar with his phone after I attacked Alowyn.
"I didn't know you'd have company" I murmered, feeling out of place.
Maybe I'd just have to suck it up and sleep alone tonight?
"Come on" he huffed "get in."
I didn't know if I wanted to anymore. The bed was already crowded with three very venomous snakes that weren't happy about my mistake.
"Are you just going to stand there?" Tawn's head lifted in the dark to face me "you're letting all the cold air in."
Right, he was cold-blooded.
Closing the door behind me, I left it unlocked.
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"I'm sorry about waking you" I winced as I approached the bed that hissed back "I thought it'd just be you."
"We were blinded too" the first snapped when I stood at the edge, not sure about how to climb in.
I placed a hand on the bed, instantly feeling a body beneath the thick sheets. Recoiling, I tried again further down, grabbing a smothered foot.
"I...don't know how to do this" I admitted nervously.
"Grab my hand" the second offered.
I felt my way along the bed for the freezing hand reaching out. When his fingers closed around mine, he groaned out in joy.
"You're warm" his voice lifted "get in the middle, I'm freezing."
He yanked me down and I collapsed on the bed. The sheets were lifted, billowing out nothing but cold air that chilled me.
Instantly, I was shivering. Even though I had on some longs and my thickest sleeved shirt, i shuddered against the drastic temperature change.
Crawling under the sheets, the two bodies either side parted for me. About to nestle down between them, my arm was grabbed and I was dragged further in.
A thick arm pulled me up to lay alongside the body. From the height, it was Tawn.
I felt his tongue slip along my cheek. He rested his head on top of mine and laid an arm across my chest. My nose was barely above the covers so I could breathe.
"I don't know who they are" I whispered to Tawn.
"Seriously?" he lifted his head from me in surprise "Luke? Levi? They do majority of the music. Luke does drums, Levi does guitar."
He said it like I should know. If anything, he sounded offended I hadn't tried to know their names.
"Which one is which?" I grimaced in shame, hoping they wouldn't hear me.
"I'm Luke, idiot" the first snapped before shimmying over and laying his head on my chest, curling against my side. His voice was rough and his movements were just as rugged.
"Leave some for me!" The other, Levi, complained, shoving Luke's feet so he could wrap his arms around my legs and press his forehead into the side of one. His voice was lighter. He didn't sound like he was going to try and strangle me.
Instantly, I felt myself freezing through the burn of their cold bodies. I pulled the covers up and gripped into them to try and trap in some warmth.
I was smothered in snakes. I started to laugh at how absurd that all was.
"You should invest in a heat lamp" I smiled up to Tawn's head.
"And you should stop being afraid of the dark" he murmered back "that is why you are here, isn't it?"
"Well..." I dragged out as Luke wrapped his arms around mine to leech the heat "I didn't want to be alone."
I felt Tawn tense. He let out a breath and patted my chest.
"I get it" he mumbled.
"It's better when we can hang like this" Levi hugged my legs "like a sleepover."
"This is nothing like a sleepover" Luke grumbled "it's torture. Those bastards."
He was still seething about being blinded. Having his most important sense rattled must be terrifying him if he was this aggressive.
"I think you all did well, considering" I commented "you held it together and did your best."
Luke scoffed, grumbling. I felt his frustration planted on my chest. Down at my legs, Levi ran his fingers along the shivering skin.
"You're really smooth for a bird" he noted.
Tawn snorted as he tried to hold in a laugh. He spat it out, tightening his arm across me. Luke joined in to laugh at his friend trying not to retaliate out of embarrassment.
"Bruce likes it that way" I shrugged, smirking.
Tawn stopped laughing. Instantly, he was sour.
"Bruce likes a lot of things certain ways."
"Cunt" Luke spat in agreeance.
Levi moved his head along me in a nod.
"Is that why they sent people to help you out tonight?" I questioned "did he blind you too?"
"Something like that" Tawn spoke out through gritted teeth, trying to avoid the subject by snuggling down to try and sleep. 69Please respect copyright.PENANABYYHb9vDe6
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I wasn't going to drop it. It had to be something severe that needed to be addressed. From what my team was relaying, Tawn had been throwing up and crying. He didn't even want to drink the water he was offered until these two were by his side.
There was a rumour going around that Bruce poisoned unruly workers. Did he poison Tawn? That would explain the reaction he had.
"People have been saying it's poison" I spoke up now, feeling the warmth returning to my chest "Bruce makes you drink it."
"Poison?" he sighed and scoffed "and who's 'people'? You mean Nisha?"
"He's always talking shit" Levi added.
"Well, no" I defended him immediately "the teams have been saying it. I don't know who stared it, but they're convinced that Bruce spikes his drinks."
"And waste good alcohol?" Tawn muttered, rubbing his head on mine in a refusal "it's not poison."
So it wasn't poison and possibly not flashing lights. What else did Bruce have that would make Tawn so terrified?
Was he hurting him? Ripping off scales or beating him? Maybe he was.....
No. That was way too disgusting. Bruce was a man. He wasn't the kind of guy to do that.
But, he was verbally abusive. Was he also physically?
To Tawn? To these two as well?
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I laid there for a while, stewing while trying to find the courage. Hearing the sounds of slowing breathing around me, I had to question it before Tawn was unresponsive.
"Tawn...." I started, regretting my prying immediately.
He sounded like he was going to sleep now that he felt a lot warmer. He was comfortable and I was about to ruin it.
Or I could just turn it around and think of something else?
"Have you been hearing the noises upstairs tonight?"
I grimaced. I was stupid. I should have just asked the real question so I could help him.
I heard him inhale. His throat puffed against my head.
"What noises?"
There was a sharpness in his voice; a sternness that made me feel like I was in trouble.
Did he have something up there he was afraid of as well? Or something he wanted to stay up there? All I knew was Balae and her girlfriend lived up there, alongside someone called Ezra that Alowyn mentioned when we first met.
Was he...afraid....of Balae?
"I thought I heard someone in pain earlier" I explained "but I figured it was, well, you know...."
I didn't want to say it. I was burning from embarrassment just talking about someone else's escapades.
Lowering my voice, I mumbled down into the sheets.
Levi snorted. Luke giggled. Tawn didn't find it so amusing.
"Sorry" I cringed under his arm "it could be nothing."
His head lifted from mine for a moment. Grumbling, he rested it back down in defeat.
"I can't see a damn thing" he muttered "everything is bright and pounding like a thousand heartbeats."
"Tell me about it" Luke sympathized "it's like the walls have hearts all buried in them."
"And the floors too" Levi added "it's too much."
Looking up to Tawn, his throat clenched.
"Who are you looking for?"
Loreen? Or....
The way she was avoiding him. The way he was telling Vinnie off for supplying her. The way Tawn scowled at her when she left with Levi.
She bought Levi straight here, that was clear. Levi wasn't dumb enough to chase Tawn's partner. He also was in their bed with him, not broken or beaten for being someone who would have done that.
Elgress was up in the roof? Why?
"Is she with Balae?" I breathed.
"You really are a bird brain" Luke commented tiredly.
I felt his jaw popping when he yawned. Snapping it shut, he pressed the top of his head against the bottom of Tawn's arm still holding me.
Levi moved up so he could lay his head on my rising and falling stomach. He lifted his body over to curl under Luke's but still nestle against mine.
My legs were free but I was still comfortably trapped. My heat radiated through them and back to me. My shivering was only a mild spasm now.
"Is she with Silera?"
That didn't make sense. Balae was devoted to her monstrous love. She wouldn't let anything between them, not even another Star's partner.
"Why don't you stop guessing?" Tawn reached up to pat my head "you'll only hurt yourself."
Frowning as he returned his arm to my chest, I laid there in thought.
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There was another one up there; Ezra. But, that was another female, wasn't it? Would they really have a male up there with Balae and Silera?
It was odd, but it wasn't impossible. Elgress was already proven to hang with dangerous snakes without being frazzled. She used to be like glue with Tawn, but tonight had proved something had changed.
Was it the water? The way Levi made an appearance? How close her and Vinnie were now?
Why would Tawn be so flustered and upset about her drinking?
My gut clenched and burst. I took a breath to try and steady my thoughts as I stared into the darkness at the ceiling while everyone else slept.
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When Elgress was ordered to start performing up in the chandeliers, Tawn told Bruce off.
When Elgress was accused of being a snake, Tawn attacked Nisha and made him drop it.
When I spoke to Nisha up on the chandelier about Elgress replacing him, he threatened to break my other arm and warned me about speaking about such dangerous things.
After that, Alowyn saved him from falling. Elgress wasn't anywhere to be seen. Only Tawn returned to watch the aftermath.
After I fought with Alowyn, Elgress was behind the bar with Vinnie, hanging glasses. She hadn't done that since being assigned to Nisha.
When I got back from Bruce's office, she was still there with Vinnie and Levi, who was currently sleeping on my stomach.
She got defensive when Bruce was mentioned. She smiled and laughed when Levi showed her his phone.
When I got stitched up, Tawn was attacked by Bruce. Now, I was here, piecing together the events of tonight that led up to me being in bed with them.
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"Is Elgress pregnant?"
There was silence. It felt like none of the snakes were breathing. They were just as stiff as boards around me.
"Is it yours, Tawn?"
He remained silent. Still, he didn't utter a word or move an inch.
He swallowed. I felt his neck bulge against my head before it shifted slightly.
"Is that why you don't want her at the bar or climbing up to the roof?" I questioned "it explains why there's always one of you around her. She's pregnant to a snake."
Luke shifted his head to look upwards. Levi did the same, not wanting to answer for Tawn.
"It's fine if she is" I started "I think it's kind of sweet."
Carrying a child from her performance partner. It was obvious they still cared very deeply for each other, despite tonight's cold shoulder. Tawn was perfect for her. She seemed to be the only one who could calm his savageness and destructiveness.
If I could, I would love to have the same commitment with Adrian. I knew it was impossible naturally, but having a little nest with our own child in it made my stomach bubble at the thought.
I'd be a father like Tawn. I'd have something else to commit myself to like Alowyn.
"I want that" I admitted.
"A kid?" Luke finally broke his silence.
I bubbled and blushed, refusing to answer.
"I think it would be nice" I mumbled.
Tawn let out another breath, loosening up.
"Yeah, well, it's not all it's cracked up to be."
I moved my head to look up at him. The other two tilted theirs down to try and sleep again.
"How come? You two are so good together" I pointed out "I think everyone has a thing for their partners, don't they?"
Nisha and Lumi. Me and Adrian. Tawn and Elgress.
Did Loreen fit anywhere in there? As long as Elgress was around, I guess not.
"You have the hots for Adrian?" Luke teased.
"It's kind of obvious" Levi replied for me "you see the way they are always hanging around each other; laughing and touching? He's down hard for his singer."
"And now Alowyn gets to have him" Luke sniggered.
"Onyx" Tawn smirked through his correction, making all of them giggle.
It was on my mind that Adrian would be spending more time with his new star than me. But, nothing would change. It was obvious we were growing quite close, especially after what happened with the shower.
I doubt he'd do that with Alowyn just because he had to sing for him.
"Is that why you attacked him?" Levi spoke up in curiosity.
I snorted, shaking my head.
"No. That was different."
"Making sure the balance didn't shift?"
Tawn moved so his cheek was resting on my head now.
He knew about that? Did they have the same hierarchy system between the snakes? So, he understood the importance of reverting to such savage ways to settle our differences?
"To make sure we could figure things out" I just stated.
He nodded, shifting back.
Was now the right time to ask? Do it while they were opening up to me?
"Hey, Tawn?"
"Yes, Avery?" he sighed back.
He grumbled, moving so he could get comfortable again.
Did I want to do it? Should I wait until later?
Would I get a time like this again?
Taking a deep breath, I held it a little before swallowing it.
"Is.... is he....?"
Spit it out. Get it over with. Find out so you can help him.
I closed my eyes, recoiling as I waited for the retaliation to hit me from all sides.
"Is....Bruce abusing you?"