All my friends are mad at me, even my cousin. I don’t know what to do anymore since I’m the one supposed to be mad at them, why are they mad at me? I’m under a lot of stress and people are expecting a handful from me, do they even understand that some of those expectations are things that aren’t possible for me? Am I the problem? Am I not perfect enough? Why doesn’t anyone understand me? Why did I have to be born? I didn’t ask for this, why is this happening..? Maybe I should just leave this world and join the sky. I wish it was all over, found out my friend is a fucking backstabber. Talking shit about me behind my back to my other friends, mom was right, the people we call “friends” aren’t true or pure. They’re just fucking liars and backstabbers. I’m so done with this crap, I’m not trusting anyone anymore..