My whole world just shattered. I just realized that I have small anger issues that I can sometimes not control and accidentally taking it out on my friends without even realizing it. I wanna apologize to all the people I’ve hurt, please don’t accept my apology. I may end up doing it again, im sorry if it happens. But, what I won’t apologize for is for having a control freak mom who barely let you have a childhood, merely existing, having a dad who was barely around in my childhood, having a shitty cousin who tried to SA you multiple times, having hidden depression due to this family, for everything. I know what I did was wrong, i didn’t realize it then. I was having a rough time at the moment, i won’t tell you the reasons because i know you’ll just say that I’m manipulating you. Still, wanted to apologize anyways, might as well do it sooner or later because i might not wake up to see the light tomorrow, sorry. Not a goodbye letter, but a see you tomorrow if possible letter. I still love you, tell K that I like her, i know she won’t accept my feelings anymore because im such an asshole but I just wanted to tell her. I’ve liked her since January, she’s been precious to me, I don’t wanna lose anyone, im scared. I’m scared to live, im scared to die, im scared to lose everything and everyone, im scared to lose myself, im scared of everything. I don’t wanna live anymore, but I’m scared to die. I don’t wanna die, but I don’t wanna live. Maybe I should just end up like my uncle, it’s for the best. People like me don’t deserve the beautiful people of this world, I’ve become just like Diana, haven’t I? I hate myself….