I feel terrible for making everyone pity me knowing that they go through stuff too and when I promise to my friends to never self-harm again I know that the promise I made will never last and I will eventually use it as a way of relieving steam again. I don’t want to let anybody down, I don’t want to disappoint anyone. I want to keep up their expectations but I can’t keep doing the same amazing things, I have to think of something better to do until one day better won’t exist anymore and my reputation will die. I have to keep my image up, even if it means suffering in silence. Ha, funny how when I was little I would cry so loud so my parents could hear me and come into my room but now I cry is silence as to not make my parents notice. I think my mental and physical health is declining, I don’t how much longer I’ll be able to put up with my life. These past few days have been more depressing for me now…