I dont know what I did. My friend is mad at me for no reason, what did I do? What was my fault? Is it my existence? I don’t understand…if you could just explain, even for a moment! Please…what did I do wrong? I wish people liked me, I wish they noticed me. I wish I was enough for everyone, I know I’ll never belong, nobody has to remind me that! I already know I’ll never be good enough for anybody! Stop rubbing it in my face! The things I have done, things that can’t be erased. They haunt me day and night, I wanna end this already..I can’t cry, not now. Everyone will laugh at me, or comfort me. I don’t wanna be seen as a crybaby, a nuisance, an attention seeker. I don’t want any of that! Everything is on me, it’s my fault..I wish I wasn’t born. Everyone would live much happier without me being here. I hope the day comes soon…hoping tomorrow will be better.