So easily fooled. It was almost insulting how willingly Nisha came here with me, expecting sex.
Then he begged, clawing at my beautiful scales for me to release him.
I liked it when they begged. I was in control and the decider of their life. The struggle really had my heart racing at how thrilling it all was.
The more he struggled, the tighter I got. When he passed out from lack of oxygen, I released him.
I couldn't kill Nisha, he was a star after all. People would wonder where he had gone and connect the dots that I had been the last one performing with him.
I played the part of human well. I was usually covered in some sort of paint to camouflage the natural sheen of my scales. Others thought it was exotic body glitter. Only Tawn knew the difference. He was another snake after all.
Smiling down at Nisha's limp cock, I left him slumped amongst the flowers. Moving over to the far side of the cavern, I saw the circle of flowers I had ripped up and layered on each other was still untouched.
I still wasn't pregnant. Last month, Tawn hadn't finished. I was left to scrape measley dollars together from my shifts here and do favours in exchange for a quick buck. Nothing sexual; I needed to be clean to grow Tawn's babies.
They were what gave me a roof over my head. Gestation was a month. If I could keep up the flow of newborn hybrids to my dealer, I got paid enough to keep living in my little house and fill my stomach with something other than rats Tawn saved me.
I was desperate to birth a Naga. They were the most valuable, especially with unique colours or patterns. Tawn had the genes of both his parents being Naga. I didn't. Mine were too human-facing, creating me; a child who looked more human than snake.
Despite having the advantage, I kept birthing legged babies in my little nest of flowers. Some bore more resemblance to snakes with their hoods or rainbow scaled faces, but none of them were the quick cash injection I desperately needed.
Legged ones were nothing to the dealer. He wanted exotic specimens. I didn't care what he did with them, I just needed the money. Three of my legged babies barely covered my rent.
Unfortunately, I had been the one who had the clouded judgement when I realized I couldn't devour or fuck Nisha. I wasn't even venomous like Tawn. I had nothing to hold over him as leverage.
I had Tawn in a chokehold. He mated me once a month in exchange for me keeping quiet about his sexcapades with the manager for food.
I knew all about them. Once a fortnight, maybe more if he needed something else. The money we got from performing wasn't anything to make a living from, but for the stars, it was literally all they had. They had to make ends meet with that. Food wasn't covered.
I had to make arrangements with Tawn to fill this nest. Rent was already overdue and I was on my last legs scraping together what I could. I was down to my last slice of plain bread. I had even run out of butter to make it slide down easier.
Picking the flowers along the edge to arrange them neatly, I left the nest to crawl down the tunnel and into the cupboard. Boarding back up the entrance, I slipped down into the storage room and crept my way for the door I darted around.
No-one had seen me. Checking my clothing, I grumbled down at my arm that was flashing a patch of a lighter shade of skin now.
I'd have to play it off as some sort of skin condition. Another thing to add to my list of ailments designed to deter from the truth.
The tremor was the only real one. Flirting with a venomous snake really fucked up your body when they chose to bite you during the heat of the moment. It was a quick dose with barely anything left, but enough to leave me with shakes for the rest of my life.
Still, Tawn had good genes. He was a fierce protector despite his dangerous nature. He was good to me and I was better to him. People noticed. We made the perfect contortionist act before I had to drop out and be replaced with Loreen.
It was clear she had a thing for Tawn too. Who wouldn't? Good looks and a devoted nature; he had qualities humans obviously looked for in their own. Paired with the sheer black scales and fierce eyes, and he was the embodiment of tall, dark, and handsome.
She thought she had a chance and kept trying. Even when she cried at the bar while I served her drinks to shut her up, I stayed silent, knowing that Tawn and I had things far stronger than her silly crush.
He pushed her away and she kept coming back. It would have to take physical violence for her to understand, but he wasn't about to do that to the only other support of his act. Loreen, as annoying as she was, had a damn good voice and talent for the harmonica.
I powered along the back halls and past the stars rooms to head back for the stage.
I knew Tawn had been lingering in the upper VIP rows during my debut. He probably wasn't there, but checking was my first step before asking the others.
Marching up to the back of the stage, I peeked out the curtains to see my suspicions were true. Tawn wasn't up the top anymore. If fact, most of the dancers had moved on to gather on the stage itself to go over their new placements.
I sighed to myself, knowing it was Lumi's voice instantly.
"Hey, have you seen Nisha?"
I smiled at her, pulling away from the curtains, shaking my head.
"You haven't tried up top?"
"See, that's the first place I looked, but he's not there" she bit her lip on worry.
"Last I saw he was getting a drink and going to his room" I jerked a thumb "he looked pretty tired. I think he said he wanted to rest before tonight."
"Oh" she replied, disappointed "yeah."
She didn't really hang out with anyone but him. Without him, she was lost on what to do. All she had was her routine. A bit sad, really.
"Why don't you grab a drink? I heard there's some juicy gossip behind the bar."
Gossip wasn't her thing either. I just needed to get her out of my way so I could focus on what I needed to do.
"You haven't seen Loreen, by any chance?" I piped up.
"Oh, she turned up a little while ago and went to the dressers" Lumi pointed helpfully "but I don't know where she is now."
"Thanks" I grinned back, turning to face her "grab a drink on me, ok? Highly recommend the Snowy Yeti!"
"Uh, thanks!" she called back, still standing there at a loss.
I couldn't afford it. One of the others would pick it up, maybe slap it on a tab. Lumi would be out of the way with her free drink and I'd be long gone from any sort of dull conversation with her.
Now that I had directions, I could try to find Loreen. If Tawn wasn't with her, I'd have to search the managers office to see if he wasn't making another deal.
He could be outside too, basking in the sun. It was a really nice day for it, but I couldn't join him. The moment the sun hit my skin and radiated it, my cover would be blown out of the water. I was already skating on thin ice by being so close to the spotlights during practice.
Nisha was too cluey. He would be the death of me if anyone listened to him.
I needed to find Tawn. If I was found out and kicked out, at least I'd have my rent money already growing inside me well before then.
Rounding in on the dressers, I forced a smile and peered inside.
Instantly, a few of the girls greeted me cheerfully. Others smiled up from batting their faces and fixing their costumes.
Loreen wasn't amongst them.
"Ladies! Hi!" I chirped back, grinning "a little birdy told me Loreen was around here. Maybe with Mr Tall Dark?"
There were giggles at my little jab. Others glanced to each other, amused at my hunt for him. Everyone knew we worked together. It was no secret Tawn enjoyed having me around.
"He's outside, doing the snake thing" one pointed, smirking "I haven't seen Loreen."
"Me either."
"No. I don't think I saw her turn up."
There was a chorus and shaking of heads from the girls.
Weird. It wasn't like her to go missing. She was well-known around here and always turned up on time.
Still, I got what I came for. I didn't need to worry about some girl.
"Thanks, Ladies! Knock them dead!" I grinned as I left.
"You too!" they all chattered back, giggling more.
Ok. Tawn was outside. I should have checked there, knowing he'd be craving sunlight after a hearty meal.
My stomach clenched and gurgled. I'd need one too if I wanted my babies to be a decent size. I couldn't live on sliced bread forever.
Powering down to the bar, I gave quick waves and smiles to the others already prepping the glasses. Lumi had taken up my offer and was stirring a Snowy Yeti absentmindedly. She perked up when I passed, calling my name.
"Not now, Honey!" I waved back, still rushing through to the door ahead, right beside the photo couch "talk later, ok?"
I didn't wait for her to answer. I was on a mission.
Slamming through the door, I briskly walked through the dark hall to another door edged with light.
Shoving out, I was blinded instantly. Shielding my eyes, I squinted through it and looked around the outside of the building.
Posters were plastered behind glass. The area around the walls of the building were roped off for the patrons to line up for the show.
A stall has been setup opposite me, right next to the entrance from the col-de-sac. It was supposed to be a smaller bar to keep the patrons happy while they waited. It had been splattered with fake blood and decorated with neon lights stating it was a blood bank.
Gimmicky, but cute. The shutters were still securely shut on it.
It was also where the doctor liked to park his van when he visited. It was absent now, thank god.
We couldn't have it present when we were trying to run a successful show. It only made us look incompetent.
I followed the curve of the building around to the left. At the other side of the steel fencing we had a little garden, if you could call it that.
There was a large boulder surrounded by smaller ones, flowering bushes and spiked plants. An old picnic table had been thrown there too which had become popular for the smokers to hang at.
Sure enough, Tawn was there.
He wasn't holding any poses like he usually did. Laying right across the top of the table, he had his book over his face while he basked in nothing but bike shorts.
His dark scales gleamed in the heat. His lighter belly was soaking up the warmth searing right into it. His scales were peeling around his sides and hands. There were a few glued to the cover of his book and the table where he had slid up.
I tilted my head to read the cover in interest when I approached.
Wildie Nears.
An adventure novel? It was more of a teen read, nothing special. Far below the level I knew he was proficient in.
Picking up the corner of the book, I smiled at the face I peeked at.
Instantly, Tawn's hand snatched onto my arm, his nails digging into my wrist. I lifted the pages to see his eye, narrowed to just a slit in the sunlight, glaring at me.
He billowed a little, puffing up at whoever had disturbed him. When he saw it was me, he immediately let me go and grabbed the book to sit up, deflating.
"Did I disturb you?" I chuckled at his unamused face.
"I wasn't asleep" he grumbled back, squinting as his eyes readjusted "how are you? Nisha treat you well?"
"As well as he could to someone who already knows what to do" I gloated, seeing Tawn smile "he's up in the flowers at the moment."
Tawn's face changed instantly. Checking we weren't overheard, he dropped his voice.
"Did you...?"
"He's a star" I rolled my eyes back "I just teased him a little and left him there."
"With the nest?" Tawn grew serious.
He cared about me more than anything else. If that's what got me through then he was going to keep it safe, no matter what.
"There's nothing in it."
His face fell. His eyes searched mine while his hand grabbed me, running a nail over the top of my skin.
"I'm sorry."
"It's ok" I shrugged it off "there's nothing we could do to change that."
We had been disturbed before he could finish by Bruce demanding Tawn be out practicing. As desperate as I was to make it work, we couldn't find the time to try again. My tiny window was gone and I had to wait it out until now.
Every month had to be carefully planned. Spread out equally, it gave me twelve chances a year. I couldn't jump into trying again on a failed attempt and throw everything else out of balance. I just had to be patient.
Tawn's tongue flicked. He ran his hardened eyes over me.
"Do you have free time for me?" I smiled as I placed my hand on his knee.
"For you, always" he returned the admiration by picking up my hand to gently kiss it.
I felt his fangs lightly scrape the skin. My heart fluttered at the mixture of his cold blood and warmed skin. He sensed it and grinned.
I couldn't do what he did. Heat signatures and heartbeats were beyond me. Hell, I wasn't even venomous like he was. I was a lizard compared to his prowess.
Still, he helped me. He didn't have to; there were lesser juveniles slinking about in the darkness that would gladly get the job done, but he decided to so I would have the best chances. That and his ego refusing to have an inexperienced, lowly support member be my mate.
Tawn leant close, breathing down my neck when he hovered at my ear.
"I'm going to make sure you get exactly what you need, ok?" he looked into my eyes, returning "I won't fail you this time, my Elgress."
I nodded, swallowing. I loved it when he called me his Elgress. I was everything to him. He could own me any way he wanted and i'd let him. I was too reliant and blind to anything else.
I was desperate.
Leading the way, Tawn proudly marched ahead so he could open the door for me.
"After you."
"Why, thank you" I grinned.
Snapped into darkness, I felt Tawn pressing close to me. His tongue flicked near my ear, drinking me in.
"Aren't you a hot little thing?" he sniggered, hands dripping off my hips "I can see you as clear as day."
"And I can't see you at all."
"Isn't that how you like it?" his voice came to my right now, chuckling "pinned down, helpless?"
His body pressed mine to the wall. He lingered near my neck, breath sawing out in a ragged hiss as his fangs pricked there.
"Don't forget we have a show tonight" I warned him.
I couldn't be turning up with bite marks. He usually got carried away in the moment and reverted to feral instincts, one of which was to mark me in as many ways as possible.
He dragged my hips towards him and held my arse against his hard cock curving in his shorts, teasing me.
He boiled through my own shorts. He was already so eager to be buried within me, melding against my arched back perfectly.
"We still need to get to your room" I felt my breath catch when he pressed a hand over my middle to keep me secure against him as he grinded "please."
"Whatever you want, my Elgress" he smiled against me, promptly peeling from my back so I could straighten.
I heard him chuckle. He was having a great time toying with me while picking at my back with his nails.
I turned to the door ahead that would lead back into the gathering area. I could already hear muffled talk on the other side and the clinking of glasses being rearranged.
Tawn paused to fix himself, pushing through to hold the door open for me.
I sucked under his arm, feeling his tongue flick towards me again before the door was closed.
"Ah, you found him!" Vinnie exclaimed happily "Babycakes, she was worried about you!"
"Only because I could slither away" Tawn joked, ignoring Vinnie's over exaggeration "she's keeping me in check."
Vinnie grinned mischievously, hanging up the wine glasses lined up before him. Lumi was gone. It was only the empty bar now.
Vinnie was one to watch. He looked like just another performer with short, curled blonde hair and innocent brown eyes, but he had glossed lips that whispered all sorts of secrets he saw.
"I'm going to need a bottle of the good stuff" Tawn leant on the bar, flipping open his book to slide out a fifty "and two glasses."
"Not drinking with Loreen?" Vinnie dragged the note towards himself, checking it "you're a vodka man, right?"
"Vin, you know what I drink" Tawn smirked back at his empty question.
"Just checking, Darling" he turned to eye the shelves behind him "so....that's a no?"
Tawn sighed, shaking his head at me in amusement.
"That's a no."
"Tawny, you dog" Vinnie gasped elaborately as he placed down a nice watermelon flavored vodka, two stacked glasses, and the change "Loreen won't be happy with you, yet again."
"Loreen won't know I was here" Tawn emphasized his words as he slid across a ten.
"Haven't seen her anyway" Vinnie snatched up the money to tuck it down his vest "speaking of missing people, Lumi was looking for Nisha."
Vinnie's eyes slid to me as he grinned. She would have told him I was with him last. Of course she had to make things difficult.
My heart tensed. Vinnie seemed to know something behind the way he looked me up and down.
Did he know? Has they found my hideaway?
I could feel the tremors shuddering in my hands. They usually perked up when I got particularly stressed.
"Well, if she checked outside, she would have found him" Tawn picked up the bottle to inspect it "said he needed some air."
"Whatever for, Sweetheart?" Vinnie turned to Tawn now, eager for more.
The attention was off me. I dug my nails into my palms to try and keep myself from shaking too noticably.
"Well..." Tawn looked around and scooped up the glasses to hand to me "between us, he was a little...upset...about the whole Sasha thing, you know? With her fumbling up her routine and freaking out on the chandelier?"
The glasses rattled. I smiled apologetically to Vinnie when I pressed them to my front and clamped down on the top to control the noise.
"Shakes" I shrugged "you know how it gets."
"Oh, I know, Baby Doll" Vinnie replied, grinning ear to ear at the juicy gossip he was being fed "I am all knowing and all seeing."
"Obviously, he didn't want to upset her when she was already so shaken up" Tawn bought the attention back to him "so he took a walk to clear his head. He won't be gone long. His costume is still drying on the fence."
Vinnie giggled at the information, hanging more glasses to appear busy.
"It's between us" Tawn reminded him.
"Oh, Darling, of course" Vinnie smiled back.
We knew it wouldn't stay that way. He would wait until we were out of sight to start blabbing all he heard to whoever wanted to listen. It'd spread, but obviously Tawn knew that.
"We are going to have a few drinks before the show and stay out of the way" Tawn raised the bottle "I don't want dear Sasha thinking Elgress is getting preferential treatment over her when she's already so disappointed in herself. She was crying earlier. You should have seen it."
Was that true? I knew she looked withdrawn, but has she actually been reduced to tears while watching me do what she couldn't?
"Ohh, poor lamb" Vinnie faked sympathy while hanging more glasses "send her my way if you see her again, will you? I'll cheer her up."
And leech more information from her while she was vulnerable. Classic.
"We will be staying firmly out of the way, but I will if I see her" Tawn grinned, pressing a hand on my back to move me towards the stairs "we'll be in that sweet spot under the VIP area of anyone comes looking, ok?"
"Just drinking?" Vinnie teased now, chuckling.
"Vin" I gasped back, smirking "just drinking, you whore."
"Best in business!" he clicked his fingers back and laughed "I'm just joking. Enjoy your drinks."
He shooed us off and we gladly climbed the stairs to leave him to his tasks.
Telling him the wrong location should buy us more time. Under the dining area was accessible, but it was only through a tiny hatch on the side closest to the hall connecting to the rooms. You had to squeeze through it and dodge your way around all the supports to even make it to the back corner; that was through crawling and sliding over beams.
It was a good little corner away from everyone. Being exceptionally flexible, we had found our way there a few times when we were younger.
Passing the little door, Tawn went back to bend over and yank on it to make it look like it hadn't been closed properly. Continuing, we tried not to look to eager to get to his room when we passed others walking the hall.
Tawn opened his door and let me quickly dart inside while the coast was clear. Snapping shut the door behind him, I heard the lock on the knob engage.
"I thought we'd never get back" I murmered as I moved over to put the glasses down on the side table beside the door that housed a little stack of books and a fake plant.
Tawn dumped his book onto the pile and shoved aside the plant for the dripping bottle. Eyeing me now, his expression was stern.
"We probably won't have much time. How do you want to do this?"
I looked around, surveying the surfaces.
The plain dresser pressed next to the bathroom door was always nice to lean on, but the knobs of the draws stabbed my stomach and the mirror reflected us when we fucked in front of it.
I didn't want to watch myself. It felt like some sort of rehearsal that way.
The bathroom itself was too small. We couldn't fool around in the shower or make use of the bench the sink sat on. The toilet was out of question. Besides, with Tawn's fresh delivery of rats, he always had to wash them first. Reeking of stale piss and shit, they almost made him regurgitate from the smell alone.
The box stayed in the bathroom when Tawn collected it. I didn't want to go anywhere near it either.
The bench on the wall opposite was always a favourite. Being bent over such a smooth surface made sex so easy. At the perfect height and able to support my weight, Tawn had fucked me on it quite a few times to completion.
But the bed looked most inviting. Pressed into the corner, it was still unmade and littered with clothes. The pillows were arranged into a hook where Tawn slept against the wall. The way the blankets were twisted into a mound reminded me of my nest still haunting me with it's emptiness.
I wanted to get off my feet and take in his scent. It always smelled similar to sun-kissed leather powdered in earthy musk and bitter salt. Having it pressed on my body from above and below as he raced to fill me made me already grow breathless and pulse in anticipation.
"On the bed" I decided.
Tawn was pleased with that choice. He flicked his finger to gesture for me to sink into it, sitting on the edge.
Tawn hooked his thumbs at the sides of his shorts, the smile sliding from his face when he saw I wasn't so eager.
"What's wrong?"
He knelt before me, abandoning everything to lay his head on my leg and stare up at me.
I felt my throat clamp and my lip quiver when I saw how sincere he was being. He was just there, fully focused on me and my stupid feelings.
"What if it doesn't work?"
"My Darling" Tawn smiled again, kissing my inner thigh before holding my hand in his "I'll make sure you get everything you need."
"It's just...." I looked away, grumbling to myself "I really need this."
"And I know you do" he kissed me again, moving to the other thigh "and I am here for you. Just let me do all the work. I'll be gentle."
"I feel like a failure" I sniffled, tugging on my shorts that he helped slide off me "I can't even have proper babies."
"Well, two human-facing snakes are going to come with complications" he pulled down his own shorts and laid them on mine "if I could wish you a belly full of beautiful legless things, then I would."
I snorted at how absurd it sounded and laid back.
Tawn crawled up and spread my legs further from the corner of the bed. Hooking his arms under my knees, he bent my legs and dragged me so I was pressed to the burning head of his glistening cock.
"Teeth" I reminded him, holding out my hand.
"You sound like my manager" Tawn snorted back, popping them out and slapping them into my palm.
He was already salivating venom at the sight of me, ready to do his part...
I laid them on the sheets, feeling how sharp they were. Just like his real ones had been...
Licking his hand, Tawn used the venom as lube to rub on his cock and press it against me. I could already feel the resistance from how tight I was.
We didn't have time for foreplay. I needed him to release in me as soon as possible.
Tawn pressed against me, forcing his way through the barrier. It burned in retaliation but then easily gave way for him to slide in, making me gasp at his length stretching through.
"Now that's what I like to hear" he smirked down at me.
I could feel him inching through. My body quivered and ached as he slid through my clamping, dripping pussy, prodding somewhere above my belly button and below it at the same time.
I couldn't even tell where he was. He was so thick and long that it felt like I was being meticulously skewered right down the middle. Everything sucked him in and refused to let go as his cock played havok with my confused senses.
"I wish we could do this more often" Tawn grinned as he thrust, swelling when I gripped the bedsheets and moaned out a little too loudly as I felt him prod my eager walls "we could be proper mates."
"Fuck. In this place?" I gasped, quivering when he slid back, ready to explore again.
"If not mates, partners" he breathed down on me, leaning up to clamp a hand over my mouth when I arched and snatched again as he pushed "like we used to be."
I pulled his hand down, staring up at his eyes marvelling me.
"I-it was fun" I panted, biting into the side of his palm when he recoiled and stabbed again, sliding further into me.
Everything was in overdrive. Nothing else mattered but Tawn and how deep he could go.
I wanted more. I had to have him all. He had to fuck me.
"Ready?" his eyes glinted.
"Please" I gasped back.
Tawn grabbed my reaching arms to pull me up against him. My hard nipples rubbed against his slick chest, my legs guided to straddle either side of his arse.
"Bite my shoulder" his gentle hand pressed me into the crook of his neck "I can't have everyone thinking I'm murdering someone in here."
"You wish" I scoffed back.
Tawn lifted, hauling my weight up with him.
His hands easily kept my legs spread by digging into up near my arse. Standing and burying further into me, I felt my eyes flutter when my mouth opened to clamp near his soft neck.
I was drooling. I didn't care. There was no shame when I was with Tawn.
His hands slapped my arse to signal for me to keep my legs latched around him. Moving up and wrapping both arms around my ribcage, he squeezed me to keep me in place. Prodding, Tawn thrust again, stiffening his body when I snatched onto him.
He grew breathless when he thrust again and again, stabbing roughly and pulsing electricity through my limbs each time. Gradually, he increased momentum as I clung on, jackhammering his way through me.
I pierced my teeth right into his neck as I screamed against it in sheer ecstacy. Tawn kept his balance, gasping and grunting in his absolute fury to fuck me senseless. I couldn't even see anymore from how intense the electricity was from him thundering against my sweet spot so viciously.
His legs tensed and he stumbled for the bed. Dropping me onto it, my legs remained pinned around him as he kept up the momentum that sawed me through his sheets.
He constricted me like he was throttling prey. My ribs ached against his squeezing, but I loved the burn tearing through every drooling scream still muffled on his skin.
I wanted more. I wanted him to fucking break me under his arms and fill me with searing heat as he did it. I wanted to squeeze the life out of him and milk every last ounce in my bucking waves of sheer, mindless orgasm.
I heard Tawn snarl and latch onto me. In a frenzy, he snapped his mouth across my shoulder to try and grit through his climbing release. I could feel it squeezing his arse and clawing up his legs as he kept pounding.
"Fuck!" he cried out, biting again to muffle himself.
He crushed and fucked me into his crumpled sheets. I clawed my way across his back and arched my own that he pinned to his chest.
Then, it shot through him in painful, seething glory.
Tawn hissed as he stabbed slowly, unable to do anything else. Buried inside, I felt his burning cock pulsing my saturated pussy to demand it squeeze him for every last drop. Latched and unwilling to release, Tawn kept my body crushed beneath his powerful arms.
I wrapped mine around him, constricting in the same way. We laid there on the bed, throttling the air from each other as we panted desperately.
It was done.
"You shouldn't go swinging around after this" Tawn licked along my shoulder he had bitten across "you should take it easy, as my partner again."
His eyes glinted and hardened. I felt his burning waves starting to lose power.
"We know why we can't do that" I smiled back, resting my head on his chest "Bruce won't have it."
"And Nisha can?" Tawn hissed again, puffing up at the thought "it's dangerous for you. He can break his neck for all I care."
He was so handsome when he was protective. Smiling, I could see why the temptation of becoming proper mates had danced across his mind.
"I can handle a little swinging and acrobatics" I chuckled back "besides, they haven't even become anything yet."
Tawn had done his job. He was flaccid inside me, stopping his cum from leaking back out. There's nothing more he could do but wait until I needed him again.
"You could fall. You could get hurt."
He rested his head on me, rubbing his cheek across the top of my head; marking me as his in every way possible. His constriction was no longer tight, but a caress.
I loosened mine and kissed the underside of his neck when he pulled his chin back to sit just above my forehead.
"I'll be fine. I'll have a harness."
I could hear Tawn hissing with each breath he dragged in, tensing against me and refusing to let me go.
"They took Avery's away. If they take yours...."
"They won't" I soothed and snuggled under his chin "you'll make sure of that."
I had no doubt about that. Tawn would do anything to make sure I was safely in his sight at all times. He was too good to me.
"I miss you" he whispered, pulling his head back to look into my eyes "more than anything."
I smiled back, feeling his words stabbing my chest. I missed him too and what we used to be up on that stage together. A moment of thoughtless passion had torn us apart. I wasn't fit to perform and I was far too prideful to give up this other chance. If i proved myself on the chandelier, maybe I could stand beside Tawn again on stage?
"He'll see how good I am and let me come back, I'm sure of it."
Tawn pulsed, smiling when I noticed. He kissed my neck, working his way down.
He was getting hard inside me. I could feel something pushing it's way around my flooded pussy as it swelled to life.
"I've got to make sure" he stopped just above my shirt.
Shaking my head at him, I wasn't about to say no to proving that theory.
"Get up" he ordered now, abandoning his hunt for my nipple so he could finally pull out "over at the bench."
My heart raced. He loved that bench. There was something about it that had him go absolutely feral at the thought of fucking on it.
I slid off the bed and walked over obediently. Precious life dribbled down my legs when I did, worrying me when Tawn was instantly behind me, running a quick finger through it.
It worried him too. I couldn't be wasting this opportunity. There would be no more chances.
I arched my back, leaning to be met with a kiss that bit its way across my hungry lips. Tawn devoured the eagerness, using the distraction to thread his lubed cock back into my dribbling pussy.
I gasped and grabbed the bench when I felt him inside, digging through his last gift to make sure this one wasn't wasted either.
"Face the wall" he growled, breathing down the back of my neck and licking up the heat pulsing forth across my entire body.
Tawn slid a hand around to spread across my middle. It acted as a buffer to the edge of the bench as well as being his way of claiming ownership over me.
It had me dripping when he pressed down to make sure I knew. I was his in this and all moments. His dominance showed he had good genes for me to birth strong babies.
Tawn covered my mouth with his other hand and thrust. I used both my hands to steady myself while he pushed into me from behind.
"I love you, my Elgress" he breathed into my ear "I love how strong you are and how you chose me to give you happiness."
He pounded, growing demanding in his act of love. His hand squeezed my middle, keeping me exactly where he needed me.
"I love how you take all of me" he rasped, digging deeper then muffling me "and every chance we have together like this."
Thumping, the bench groaned against me using it to hold myself up.
"Fuck, I love you" Tawn pounded while bending me back towards him "only you."
I couldn't talk. His hand was clamped so tightly over my mouth that I could only moan and gasp against it. His fingers spread around my nose to allow me to just enough room to breathe.
"You're mine, Elgress. I'm yours, all yours."
He grunted, throwing more force into the thrusts he fought. His hand never left me, keeping me safe from the edge.
He bit his breath, hissing again. Already filled, his new load of heat spilled out onto the ground under us. Saturated and smothered, Tawn pulsed through me before tearing out.
He couldn't fill me any more. Any new wave would only be wasted, and I couldn't afford that.
"You need to get cleaned up" he tilted my head back towards him, sticking to my arse "and I need to make sure no-one has been looking for you while you've been busy drinking under the VIP's with me."
I chuckled with Tawn. He released me, going over to scoop up our shorts with a smile, pausing when he faced the door.
I turned too from my walk to the bathroom, seeing it was still locked.
"What is it?"
Tawn could sense things I couldn't. Something was lingering, listening.
I had been muffled, but we hadn't been completely silent. Tawn's grunting and my warbled moaning didn't leave much to the imagination of someone dumb enough to try and listen in on an aware snake.
He threw me my shorts and promptly pulled on his own. I hurried into them, brushing myself off blindly while he shoved in his fangs.
Storming over, Tawn snapped open the lock and threw the door open, hood fully billowed out to display the rings of cream I knew were inside. They resembled two large, staring eyes that were bred into him to be intimidating to anyone who saw them. It would shake even nerves of steel to suddenly be met with gigantic eyes hovering on either side of a snake like him.
With quivering fangs fully extended and dripping, Tawn had acted before the intruder could run.
Standing there in shock, as their wide eyes darted from him to me, was none other than Loreen, all dressed up and ready to practice.
Without a word, she turned from Tawn and began to power away. It wasn't a run or a walk; somewhere in between.
Tawn turned to look me over, noticing I was still speckled in his loose scales, and rushed after her silently.
She wasn't going to ruin this for us.
Tawn would kill her before she did.