The limitless heavens, the sky full of stars
Your light is here and gone in a flash
I want to remember this eternal moment
Like the fall of a shooting star, the brightness took away the outline
After the moment passes, the world is only an hourglass of memories
Like the fall of a shooting star, brilliantly lighting up the sky
Like your story in my life leaving behind a scar that won't fade
Hourglass of Memories 回忆的沙漏 , G.E.M Tang.
Translated by Tianlu @
Gao Tian Yu had been watching Netflix while working on a proposal with the laptop on his lap, when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. "Come in," he said.
Pushing open the door that it was slightly ajar, Gao Tian Yin placed her pretty head in the noticeable gap. "Are you really... free to talk?" The tall man sighed. "Come on in, little sister. Unless, you really need me to invite you in with open arms?"
Tian Yin finally gave in and came in, joining her brother to sit cross-legged on his gigantic couch. "So..." she looked around the room, "..why were you at the library today," she asked inquisitively, changing her focus to her handsome brother's face. She scrutinised his face for any signs that he was secretly dating behind her back.
Tian Yu was tall, fair and muscular. To say he was good-looking had been an understatement. Tian Yin had lost count of all the girls back in university who had pursued a relationship with him, but to no avail. 26 years old this year, he was a remarkable alumni member that would often visit from time to time, the main reason being the fact that his beautiful, 20-year old sister was a second year student in the university.
He had been afraid that his beloved younger sister would be tainted and have her feelings tricked by some boy in the university, so would visit or have his male assistant Ying, who was a fourth year student, check on her. But now, after the event at the library earlier, he had another reason to come back to the university as an alumni.
He hadn't seen the girl before, but she looked familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere before. Maybe there would be an opportunity to know her better. He would come to the university again.
Tian Yin hated that her brother would often wear the same cold look on his face regardless if he was happy, sad, angry or upset. His mood and emotions had been so hard to guess from a mere look at his face. His classmates had called him Mr. Stone for that reason.
She finally got it. Tian Yu would probably never ever give her the answer why he was in her campus. She changed the topic, asking about the girl in the library instead. This, Tianyu answered directly, "Don't know her. She just fell at the library, fortunately I passed by and caught her."
Tian Yin replied with an 'oh', before quickly trying to grab the remote control to Tian Yu's Smart TV. "Hey, Eternal Love of Dream is on Netflix. And there's also Handsome Siblings. Which should I watch?"
"Can't you see that I'm trying to finish my proposal?" Tian Yu snapped. "You have your own smart TV, why do you insist watching Netflix here?" He was a bit irritated with Tian Yin trying to change the channel while he was using music to relax while he was working.
"So do you like her, Bro?" Tian Yin said, looking relaxed as she chewed on a Tasty biscuit stick.
"I'm not answering your question." Tian Yu looked away. "And your Tasty biscuits won't tempt an answer from your big brother."
"Are you sure you don't want to know?" Tian Yin asked suddenly. "She is my classmate Zhen Jie's older sister's boyfriend's brother's sister-in-law's cousin, studying in the Faculty of Social Sciences. Her name is-"
Tian Yu ushered her out the door. "My proposal is due tomorrow morning at ten" were the last words she heard from him as she heard the clicking sound of the doorknob being locked.
Instead of studying together at the library, somehow Herman had suggested studying at Zhi Xun's place. She lived in a shared apartment with three other girls, and for that reason the new couple had ended up in Zhi Xun's bed.
Zhi Xun looked at Herman awkwardly. It had been three months since they started going out as a couple, but they had went out of dates with mutual friends, and had never had a moment of privacy with only the two of them. She knew clearly that she liked Herman, but she didn't know if he was the one she was fated and destined to be with, especially in her seventh lifetime. That said, at her age, she had been excited to know what it was like to have her first kiss and her first sexual experience. She was just unsure if Herman was the one.
At the same time, she knew that when a couple ended up on the bed together, it meant something hot and steamy was about to happen. From her friends' advice, she knew that her first time had to hurt but it would be bound to occur someday. So when Herman reached over and quickly pulled the loose sweater she was wearing over her head, she had been so taken aback that she hadn't thought of stopping him. Fortunately, the black tube top that she had underneath wasn't very showy. Ever since the library incident, she had been thinking of the tall man who had prevented her fall. Even when Herman was lying with her on the bed, all she could think of was the tall man.
Herman's hand had still been outstretched towards her, like he was ready to remove her tube top as well. She thought quickly, and grabbed the blanket lying next to her, covering herself quickly. "Herman, I'm cold," she said. She didn't want to begin a sexual encounter with Herman when her mind was on another man.
"You'll feel warm soon enough," he said with a mischievous grin, as he moved closer towards her, his lips just inches from hers. His hand moved inside the blanket, landing on her hip.
Zhi Xun squirmed to put some distance between them. "Herman, I'm not ready. I'm scared."
"I know. I promise that I'll make you like it?" His hand was intruding her personal space further, and all of a sudden, with a single move, he yanked off her baggy harem pants from under the blanket. It was one of those super loose pants that could be easily pulled off, especially with her petite size. Zhi Xun felt even more nervous. The bed creaked at every movement she made.
"It's been three months," Herman said. "Are you going to make me suffer to wait even longer?"
Throwing aside the blanket, he forcefully grabbed her chin. She was so timid that she dared not shout as he tried to kiss her, but instead turned her face to one side so that his lips came in contact with her cheek instead. Annoyed by the creaking sound of the bed, Herman let go of her chin and used all the strength he could to lift her up and throw her over his shoulder. He then walked to the old couch in the side of the room and laid her flat on her back. She knew what he was about to do next. She tried to shout, but no words left her mouth. She was also feeling a bit dizzy as a result of him carrying her that way.
The next thing that she knew was that she was lying on the couch with her bare back to Herman with her mind in a daze. SHOUT, PLEASE! She told herself as he ran his fingers along her bare skin. She had felt at a loss, her chest was heavy, and that man who was holding her down from behind was strong. But he loved her, didn't he? Why couldn't he have waited? She had better shout for help before she got raped by her own boyfriend.
Suddenly, a deep male voice broke out, followed by the sound of a fire alarm. "FIRE!! GET READY TO EVACUATE THE BUILDING!" someone shouted.
That voice again.