The next semester of university had passed smoothly. Finally, after much endurance and distancing herself from her closest friends, Zhi Xun was ready to start her internship. She had been shortlisted by two publishing companies, Su Vogue and Yi's Dream, both of which published fashion design magazines.
She had not heard from the siblings for a long time, until the day before when she had went to the university to pick up some documents and have them certified by her faculty. She saw Tian Yin dressed provocatively, while laughing and flirting with the young man called Fang Qi, and she had been surprised. Seeing the girl, she felt Tian Yin's utmost change in character. The girl had been bashful and liked to shy away from people, seeming to be highly introverted. She also hated flashy dresses and preferred boyish attire. In just six months of not meeting, the girl was now a social butterfly, and dubbed the beauty of her new faculty, where she was now studying fashion design.
When she saw Zhi Xun, Tian Yin did not avoid her and instead told the boy to wait for her at the canteen while she had a word with her old friend, as she described her to be.
"Long time no see," Tian Yin said.
"When did you come back?" Zhi Xun asked. "Three months ago," she answered.
She fought her inclination to ask Tian Yin about her brother, but Tian Yin decided to tell her instead. Perhaps she felt that Zhi Xun needed to know.
"My brother didn't come back with me. He remained overseas to run my parents' businesses," she said abruptly. Zhi Xun seemed indifferent. "How are you doing now?" she asked. "Are you happy?"
Tian Yin nodded. She had felt carefree and loose, to be able to express her own personality without having to care about her brother. "My brother was overly protective of me since a young age," she explained. "To be free of him, I felt I can finally be myself."
So she hadn't changed, she had just reverted to her true self, Zhi Xun thought. But it was strange knowing Tian Yu, how he would never leave his sister behind, and yet he had now. Had it been because of a woman? She came closer to the unsuspecting Tian Yin and quickly held her in an embrace. Tian Yin quickly returned her hug, tears brimming in her eyes.
"You've suffered," Zhi Xun said. "I don't know how I know it, but I can feel it."
Tian Yin didn't deny Zhi Xun's feeling, and Zhi Xun assumed she had been right. "Promise me you will be happy," she said. "Remember, you have your sister Xun. Although your brother and I may not be together, you have me as a big sister."
Tian Yin nodded, and gave Zhi Xun her word. "I have to go to the administration office now," Zhi Xun said. "I hope the boy is treating you the way you should deserve."
"I'll call you," Tian Yin said.
After much thought and conducting her research, Zhi Xun made her decision to have her internship.
The Star Lord of Destiny logged in to his TianBook account to access the facilities of the system. The Sky Kingdom had a sophisticated system where each respective division of the Nine Heavens had a distinctive user login and password. The functions in the system would differ for each division. Donghua, as the past emperor of the Sky Kingdom had access to almost every function on the system, and the system also had a rollback function where they could revert any flawed decision made. In addition, the lord of Taichen Palace himself had brought in a defense system powered by a supercomputer which, according to his housekeeper Chong Lin, could handle even tens of thousands of Miao Luos.
He clicked on 'manage fate books', followed by Xiangli Aranya's name. His computer screen immediately showed the name of each lifetime of Aranya. On number seven, Zhi Xun's name flashed, indicating it was her active lifetime.
"So this system connects up with Lord Xie's underworld, and you can access particular records of mortals who are reborn?" a voice asked behind him. Fengjiu smiled brightly, appearing to be interested in the advanced technology of the Sky Kingdom.
"Aha, Your Highness. You're getting smarter with these gadgets."
She looked towards his computer screen. "I've always wondered why you wrote such a complicated fate for Aranya. Each of her previous lifetimes, it always involved some complex relationship between her and him. Although there were a few lifetimes that she missed her fate with him."
"Interference," Siming said. "Sometimes, the presence of an immortal nearby and the corresponding energy from the immortal can cause their fate to divert from the original fate I have written for them, so they have to be reborn again to fulfil the fate I have written for them."
"Did you write their fate book to be reborn seven times before they could finally be together?" Fengjiu asked.
"Maybe," Siming answered. "But this lifetime has the highest chance for them to be together."
He made a few gestures on the screen with his finger, and a radar chart appeared on the screen to visualise the data he had collected from her different lifetimes. "Look, the possibility for them being together is highest in this lifetime. Their fate, their compatibility, their timing, every factor seems to be in their favour. Rest assured, and trust me this time."
"I'm just curious, what love challenge have you written out for them?"
"They loved deeply, and still do, but due to a few trivial issues and a misunderstanding from her part, they separate temporarily. It's happening right now. But this is salvageable."
He paused momentarily, and then continued. "They're on the right route, actually. Time will test their love. But whether they will have a sweet ending or not, will depend on their own selves. Their decisions will determine the outcome of their fate. Although I have written their fate for them to be together as what you and Dijun have wanted for them, one wrong step and they can undo their own fate."
Fengjiu looked calm. "What about Su Moye's trial? Will it affect them?"
"She isn't his love trial," Siming said. "This I can confirm."
"Good to know," Fengjiu said. "But who did you write to be his love trial?"
"I can't tell you," Siming said. "Ask Su Moye after he ascends to High God."
"Oh, well," Fengjiu responded, shrugging her shoulders. "Thanks goodness I am not going through all this. Being a high immortal is good enough. Hey, I almost got my bum fried during my trial!"
Siming almost let out a laugh. "Your sense of humour is as good as before. So what have you been busy with in the mortal realm?"
A tall figure materialised between them. For an apparent reason, the purple-robed emperor didn't look very happy. "What have you been talking with my wife about?" he demanded with a black face. Siming quickly scurried away like a frightened rat. "Lord, you have CCTVs installed! Couldn't you watch for yourself?"
"You're jealous again, aren't you?" Fengjiu teased, pulling on his braid. "Hey, it's just about Aranya's fate. I just wanted to know."
"Ah, my wifey is concerned about Aranya again," Donghua pronounced with a smile. Seriously, it took him just fifteen seconds to change from jealous lord mode to lovey-dovey husband mode this time. "Are you still reminiscing on what happened in Aranya's dream between us?"
Before Fengjiu could protest, he had lifted her into his arms, and teleported them into his study. "I suppose we could have some privacy here."
With a wave of his fingers, everything in the room disappeared, and transformed into the cave in their dreamscape when they had entered Aranya's dream. Fengjiu scowled. "What are we doing here?"
"Reminiscing of the past. Our first time," he laughed. "Better than the mortal realm, is it not?" They had been Aranya and Xize in the dreamworld. And what was there left for them to do in their own privacy? Another wave relieved them of their robes, which unfurled and rolled to the ground.
"I see you brought something from the mortal realm," Donghua pointed to the matching black laced lingerie and underwear she was wearing. Fengjiu pouted upon realising what was on his mind. "I am not in the mood."
"You will be, soon," he said with a little laugh. "I learnt a few tricks from the mortal realm. I am at your service, ma'am." Fengjiu looked strangely at her husband. "Are you for real?"
"You'll know for yourself later," he said before placing his lips on hers, igniting her mouth with the heat of his ethereal energy. Every touch of his fingers stimulated her passion, even without him having to lay a finger on her at all. His immortal aura had been so powerful that it lingered in the air. This had to be the aftermath of being married to the most powerful immortal in the Sky Kingdom. Compared to their long nights in Aranya's dream, there was no such thing called day time or night time in his palace and his chambers. Every intercourse between them would last for a number of days. And these days on the immortal realm would convert to years in the mortal realm. One day in the immortal realm was a year in the mortal realm. The next time she would be seen in the cafe would be a decade later, she realised.
Zhi Xun braced herself and stepped into the reception of Su Vogue. A lady of about thirty welcomed her immediately. "You must be Miss Huo Zhi Xun," she said. "Welcome to Su Vogue. I'm Min from HR."
"Please, call me Syn," Zhi Xun said modestly. She had taken some time this morning to curl her hair and pick out one of the outfits from the office wear that Tian Yu had bought for her during her birthday night.
"Your workspace will be here," Min said, pointing her towards a room. "I have a room of my own?"
"Yes, special arrangement by Mr. Su," Min replied. "He will see you soon. Why don't you just get yourself settled down, and I'll go call him?"
"Oh, okay," Zhi Xun said with a smile. Surely this HR lady was too kind to have to help her carry her bag and possessions and even open the door for her? She headed into the room, and Min closed the door after her. Min had seemed too nice for a HR lady. Another concern struck her. Didn't they conduct inductions to newcomers for safety reasons and to allow them to familarise themselves with their work surroundings? As her workplace didn't occur to her to be a small building, she felt something was amiss.
She flipped on the computer switch, and began surfing the portfolios of the publisher. The computer had seemed brand new, and it didn't seem normal for an intern to receive her own working space secluded in a room, when everyone else worked in cubicles and in an open concept work environment. Was she receiving special treatment?
She heard a knock on the door, and a familiar face emerged before her. She immediately recognised the charming appearance of Su Mo, a man who was so hot that young fangirls would instantly go crazy for his attention.
"Hi, welcome to Su Vogue," he greeted. "I'm here to take you for your induction."
"Ah, it's you," she recognised him. "I really have to treat you to dinner in thanks for rescuing me and accommodating me for two days."
"Why not tonight?" he asked with a little teasing look in his eyes. "I'm available tonight if you would date me." Realising she looked a little uncomfortable, he quickly said, "I mean, treat me."
"Very well, tonight's on," Zhi Xun said. "Do you work here as well? I'd be glad if you could let me learn from you."
Su Mo laughed. "Yes, I do work here." He was the founder of the publisher, and this girl must have not researched far enough to know this fact. He found this part of her hilarious. "Sure, I'll share with you a number of tips so that your time here is worthwhile. But now, we should have the induction first before anything else."