Summary: Set in S5. Katherine is human and a council member goes after Elena. Katherine puts herself between Elena and the council member, putting her own life on the line. Will Kat live? Will she die? Will Elena escape from the council member? Will Damon care enough to save his sire's life?
A/N: Based off of a dream I had.
It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Katherine Pierce, now human, walked into the Salvatore boarding house to see Elena looking into the fire in the fireplace.
"Elena," Katherine greeted.
Elena turned around to face her.
"What are you doing here, Katherine? You tried to kill me last night."
"I'm here to ask Damon and Stefan for protection. I'm sorry, Elena. I was just mad," she apologized.
Suddenly, someone with a crossbow walked in. He aimed at Elena, but her look-alike got in his way. Then both humans were fighting one on one, the guy trying to shoot Elena, her twin trying to save Elena.
Elena Gilbert stood there, shocked and amazed that Katherine was protecting her.
As the humans fought, Kat yelled to her descendant, "Run, Elena!," before an arrow shot Elena in the leg. A few others shot Kat, but she kept fighting, as Elena vanished. Then, Kat was finally able to kill the guy, before it became too much for her. She felt something hard and knew she had fallen. Then everything became distant and her vision went dim and gray.
Damon Salvatore, the eldest Salvatore brother, stopped not far from the boarding house, smelling human blood and hearing a heart beat. Then, at vamp speed, he raced for home, realizing that the source of it was there.
Once inside, he saw a dead guy on the floor at the entrance, a crossbow not far from the guy, and Katherine on her back on the floor with arrows in her chest and stomach, and the wounds on her bleeding.
He was instantly on his knees at her side, looking down at his dying sire.
"Katherine, it's me. Can you hear me?" he called to her gently.
"Da-mon," he barely heard her breathe.
"What happened?" he asked her.
"Council...member...I...saved...Elena," she breathed.
He pulled the arrows out of her, one by one, as quickly as he could.
When she felt pain, she tried to gasp in pain, but it came out as labored breath.
"You'll be okay," he promised her.
Her head started to roll to the left.
"No, Kat. You're not dying. Not tonight."
He pulled her gently into his arms, positioning her head gently back, and bit his wrist, putting it to her lips, making his blood go down her throat.
A few minutes later, he took his wrist away and it instantly healed. Her wounds began to heal too, as he got to his feet and at vamp speed, took her to his room.
After he had gently layed her down on his bed, he left to go find Elena Gilbert, the girl that he would always love.
A few minutes later, he was at Elena's side in the bathroom in a flash. She was breathing heavily, trying to find the will to pull the arrow out of her leg.
After Damon pulled the arrow out and smelled vervain, he left in a flash to get her a shot glass of bourbon to help her out.
"Thanks," she said.
She drank it and then handed it back to him.
"You're welcome."
He left to put the shot glass back, but returned to find that she needed his help.
He knelt at her side.
She groaned softly, head to the left, eyes closed.
He felt her forehead with one hand and knew what was wrong.
"Okay. Come here,"" he said, before he pulled her into his arms and took her to a room to lay her down in a bed. She needed a bed until the vervain wore off.
When Kat awoke, Elena was at her bedside and healthy.
"You're awake," Elena commented.
Kat sat slowly up in bed.
"Yeah. I am."
"Thanks, Katherine. You saved my life tonight."
"You're welcome."
They smiled.
Later, Damon dumped the body in the river, and Damon and Elena accepted Kat's offer to have them protect her.