Summary: Set in S5E19 "Old Dog New Tricks," when Enzo captured Elena after he turned his humanity off, when Damon told him that he was the one that killed Enzo's Maggie. What if he didn't just capture her? What if Kat was still a vampire and saved Elena's life?586Please respect copyright.PENANAwqgGglChoH
It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, Virginia as Elena Gilbert lunged at humanity less Enzo, trying to snap his neck to escape him. He was quicker though, and snapped hers, instead. He then picked her up in his arms and took her to an old abandoned-looking wooden shed. Then, just for the fun of it since he didn't have any humanity anymore, he chained her to a wall and cut her wrists, letting her bleed.
A few hours later, Katherine Pierce was walking around, looking for a vacant place to stay until she found somewhere to live, when she smelled the scents of Enzo, Elena, and blood. And as soon as she smelled those scents, she raced towards them to save Elena. Elena was all she truly had of family after what had recently happened to Nadia.
When she found the shed, she walked in and saw what Enzo had been doing to her for what looked to be a few hours or more.
She looked at him and realized that he was different.
"What hell are you doing?"
"Binding some time until Damon comes to the rescue. Long time no see, Katherine."
When he didn't show any emotion or anything, she realized why he was different. He had recently turned his humanity off.
At vamp speed, she pinned him to a wall.
"This is for Elena," she said, before snapping his neck.
She went over to an out cold Elena and snapped the chains off her wrists, before catching her and gently picking her up. She then went outside to lay her gently down on her back on the ground.
"Elena? Elena, it's Katherine. Can you hear me?" she gently called to her, as she knelt at her side and rested a gentle hand on the left side of her face. She knew she needed blood, but she wanted her awake first. She figured that Damon was probably on his way to rescue her and she knew what everyone felt about her.
When she started to wake up, Kat took her hand away from her, knowing how Elena might react to Katherine touching her after everything she had done to her in the past.
"Hey," Kat greeted her.
"Katherine?" Elena questioned softly, vision blurry.
"I saved you from Enzo, but you need blood. You've lost a lot."
"Thanks," Elena weakly replied.
"Come on. Let's get you out of here," Katherine said, before helping her to her feet and putting an arm around her to help her walk. They then made their way through the woods to get home. Maybe if they were lucky, they could meet Damon half way. That is, if Damon didn't kill Katherine first.
In the middle of the woods, they stopped walking, Elena too weak now to go any further.
As Elena lay there on her back, weak, vision blurry, Katherine knew she needed to do something. She couldn't leave Elena, though. She wouldn't do that to her.
A moment later, they heard Damon calling for her.
"Over here!" Katherine yelled.
"What happened? Where's Enzo?" he asked both of them.
Katherine was the one that answered.
"She's lost a lot of blood due to Enzo. Enzo's in the shed. I snapped his neck. He won't be happy at me when he wakes up."
"Damon," Elena breathed, blurrily seeing him.
He looked down at her.
"I'm right here, Elena. I'm not going anywhere."
Suddenly, there was a sound of wolves.
Damon and Katherine looked at each other.
"Get her out of here. Take care of her. I'll keep them at bay. Go," she told him, before getting to her feet.
A moment after he had disappeared at vamp speed with Elena in his arms, a few werewolves appeared, sensing the smell of vampire.
Kat looked at them.
"Come and get me, dogs," she teased them, before running off at vamp speed, in which they followed.
When Damon had taken care of Elena, he went back to see if Katherine was okay, some leftover of Klaus' blood with him just in case. He hadn't cared about Katherine for a few years now, but she had saved Elena's life from Enzo tonight and helped Damon save her life. He figured that he owed her one.
When he saw her on the ground on her back, eyes closed, he raced towards her.
He knelt at her side and looked down at her.
He rested a gentle hand on the right side of her face.
"Katherine, it's me. Can you hear me?" he gently called to her.
She groaned and saw that Damon was in her field of vision.
"Hey," he greeted her with a small smile.
"How's Elena?" she asked him.
"She'll be okay."
He got to his feet, as she slowly got to hers.
When she almost lost her balance he put a hand on her arm to keep her on her feet.
"Katherine, hey. Focus. Look at me," he said, looking at her.
She looked at him, but everything was growing dim and tunnel-like. She could barely see anything, much less Damon.
"Damon?" she said, before everything went black.
With vampire reflexes, he caught her from hitting the ground, before gently laying her down on the ground and pulling her into his arms.
"No, no, no. Stay with me, Katherine. Don't you dare die on me."
He took the cure out of his pocket.
"If you can hear me, I've got something for you. Just drink."
He took the top off the vial and put it to her lips, making the blood go down her throat to cure her from the wolf bites.
When the vial was empty, he set it on the ground and got to his feet with Katherine in his arms, before speeding back to his house to put her in bed upstairs in Stefan's room.
When Katherine woke up, she was in Stefan's room in his bed, Damon seated on her bedside with a hand on top of her left one.
"Thank you," she said.
"You're welcome. And thank you. You saved Elena."
"Why wouldn't I? After Nadia, she's the only blood related family I have left."
"Well, you have me, too."
They gave each other a smile.