Summary: Set in S5 sometime after Damon broke up with Elena. What if Kat got pregnant with Damon's child?580Please respect copyright.PENANA0E7YSeRoNy
It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, Virginia as Katherine Pierce, formerly Katerina Petrova, walked the route to the Salvatore boarding house. She was human now, which scared her, since she had more enemies than Damon Salvatore, her elder childe. She used to be a 500 year old vampire until the cure was shoved down her throat when Katherine tried to kill Elena Gilbert, her doppelganger. If she had just refrained from trying to kill Elena, then she wouldn't be in this situation. It had been a month now since that had happened. Life wasn't working out for her, since she didn't have a place to go and she was keeping from being seen in case her enemies were somewhere close by. She was a weak, fragile human and she needed someone to protect her. That's why she was going to the boarding house to ask Damon to protect her.
Once there, she knocked on the door and it opened to reveal Damon.
"Not the best time right now, Katherine. Now go away," he said, before starting to close the door on her.
She put her hand on the door.
"Just let me explain. Give me that, at least."
He opened the door.
"Explain what? That you tried to kill Elena? That you got the cure instead of Elena? You don't need to explain that."
"Just hear me out, Damon."
He stepped aside to let her in and she walked in.
He closed the door and followed her to the living room where she poured herself a shot glass of his Bourbon and sat down on his couch.
She took a sip.
"I left after I got the cure, but it didn't turn out well. I'm broke. I don't have a place to live and I can't get a job. I came back to ask if you would protect me. I have more enemies than I can count. I've peeved some people off and if word gets out that I'm human, they'll find me. I can't protect myself. I'm weak. Hell, I can't even take care of myself. I have blisters and heels hurt like hell," she explained to him.
He bit his wrist and walked towards her.
"Here," he said, holding it out to her.
"No. I might not wake up. The cure could have side effects and I don't want to die."
His wound healed, as he looked at her, and he knew that she was right for the first time in a very long time.
"I get your point. So you need me to protect you. Any terms you'd like to put on the table?"
"No. Just protect me from danger and my enemies. In return, I'll have their backs and yours if anything happens."
"Then I'll protect you. Just be civil and we won't have any problems."
"I know something's wrong. The minute you opened the door, I got the vibe that something's wrong. What happened?"
"We broke up. We decided that we don't work well, so I broke up with her."
"I'm sorry, Damon."
"It's not your fault. I made the call."
She finished the drink and set it on the table, before going to him and hugging him in comfort.
"I'm still sorry," she said.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked up at him.
He looked back at her.
A moment later, they were kissing.
The next morning, when they woke up, they were in his bed, clearly having had made love last night, what with their clothes all over the floor.
He sat up and looked over at his once upon a time sire and lover.
She got out of bed first and got dressed, before looking at him.
"I'll be getting ready if you need me. Then I'll be downstairs," she said, before leaving the room.
As she left, he watched her go, before getting himself ready for the day and then heading downstairs. He couldn't believe what he had done last night. Sure, he had been drinking when she had opened the door last night, but he hadn't meant for it to go from protecting her to having sex with her. He still loved Elena. How could he do that? He hadn't even moved on from Elena and he already was making love to his previous lover. What was wrong with him? He hated himself for doing that. Just because Katherine was human now, didn't mean he had to treat her so kindly.
When she came downstairs, she headed for the kitchen but didn't see any human food, so she went to the living room.
"You need to go shopping for human food. I'm human now. Unless you want me to die of starvation, you need to stock up on human food. For now, you need to take me out for breakfast until you get some human food. I'm starving," she said, looking at Damon who was finishing a shot glass of Bourbon.
He set it down.
"Fine. You stay here. I'll come back with food."
She watched, as he left the house to go get her some food. She then sat down on the couch to await his return.
The next morning, after having a bowl of cereal, she rushed upstairs to the bathroom and closed the door, before kneeling in front of the toilet and throwing up in it. She figured it was just a onetime thing, so she didn't say anything to Damon about it.
Two weeks later, she was sitting in a doctor's office to see if it was true. She suspected that she was pregnant with Damon's child. It was impossible though, since vampires couldn't have kids. How Damon could get her pregnant, she had no clue. If it was true, she would be happy because this would be her second chance at being able to be a mother to her child. She wouldn't have to be afraid of getting her child taken away from her.
After the appointment, it was confirmed that she was pregnant and she would have to come back a week later to make sure everything was okay with the child.
As she left the building, she called the father of her child.
"Katherine," he greeted. "Where are you?"
"I'm leaving the doctor's office. I didn't say anything, since I didn't think that it was possible, but it's been confirmed that I'm pregnant. Since you're the only person I've had sex with since I've been human, you're the father. Somehow, you got me pregnant. Thank you for that, by the way."
"We'll talk about it when you get home," he said, before they both hung up.
When she was walking down a sidewalk that night, heading back to the boarding house, she ran into someone. She figured she was a vampire, but she didn't recognize her.
"May help you? I'm kind of in a hurry. I've got things to do and people to see," she said to the stranger who stood in front of her on the sidewalk.
"Long time no see, Katherine. You don't know me now, but you used to."
"And you are?"
"Nadia Petrova. You're my mother."
"Well, Nadia, this is bad timing but I'm glad you've finally found me. I was wondering what happened to you when I couldn't find you. I'm heading home if you'd like to come with me."
With that, Nadia stepped out of her mother's way and walked at her side to the boarding house.
Kat walked inside and left the door open.
"Damon, I need you to invite someone in. This is your house, after all."
He came into view and went to stand by his former sire.
"And this is?" he questioned Kat.
"Nadia Petrova. She's my daughter. She just found me tonight and introduced herself."
"You have a daughter?"
"I did in Bulgaria when I was human the first time around. Please, Damon."
"Fine. Come in, Nadia."
Nadia walked inside.
They all went to the living room and both Petrovas sat on the couch, while he stood by it and looked at Kat.
"How is this possible? Are you sure, because we both know that vampires can't procreate," he said to her.
"I'm sure. I wouldn't lie about this. I even got a doctor to check it out and it's true. I'm carrying your child. I'm supposed to come back soon to make sure the child is okay. In a few months, I'll have to set up an alter sound to see if it's a girl or boy," she replied to him.
Nadia looked at her mother silently.
Kat looked at her daughter.
"I recently got pregnant. You're going to have a little sibling."
"I guess we better start making a nursery then," Damon said.
"Let's leave this as a surprise until I actually start showing. I don't want anything to go wrong and let's face it; most of these people here hate me for what I've done in the past."
"I couldn't agree more," he replied to her.
So, that's exactly what they did.
Six months later, they finally had the nursery set up with everyone's help, including Nadia. They had even found out that they would be having a baby girl, so they decided to name her Victoria Petrova Salvatore.
Soon, she had the child after the term was over with and she was a very healthy baby girl, in which everyone was glad about.