Summary: Set in 5x1 “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” Will he be able to save her in time after she injures herself badly, when she wrecks his car? Will she live?
I could drag you from the ocean
I could pull you from the fire
And when you’re standing in the shadows
I could open up the sky
And I could give you my devotion
Until the end of time
And you will never be forgotten
With me by your side
And I don’t need this life
I just need…
I’ve got nothing to live for
Got no reason yet to die
But when I’m standing in the gallows
I’ll be staring at the sky
Because no matter where they take me
Death I will survive
It was a nebulous night as a human and quite injured Katherine sat in the driver’s seat of the wrecked car. Damon had tried handing her over, so she’d tried running. That obviously didn’t work well. She’d crashed the car into a streetlight pole. Now she was injured with a heavily bleeding lower stomach, was losing a lot of blood, had a shard of glass protruding from her right thigh, could feel blood on either side of her head, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to stay awake long enough for someone to come help her. She knew she was going to die, but she was okay with it. After the life she’d led, death would be kind. Besides, she was tired of running now that she was human.
As everything went black for her, she didn’t fight the darkness.
And I will never be forgotten
With you by my side
‘Cause I don’t need this life
I just need…
Somebody to die for
Somebody to die for
When I’m lonely
When I’m standing in the fire
I will look him in the eye
And I will let the devil know that
I was brave enough to die
And there’re no hell he can show me
That’s deeper than my pride
‘Cause I will never be forgotten
Forever I’ll fight
And I don’t need this life
I just need…
Somebody to die for
Somebody to die for
When I’m lonely
And I don’t need this life
I just need…
Somebody to die for
Somebody to die for
When I’m lonely
Don’t go gentle into that good night
Rage on against the dying light
When Damon found her, she was in his wrecked car and he could smell the familiar scent of blood. A lot of it. He blurred to her side of the car and forced the jammed door open. He could see from her wounds and paleness that she’d lost quite a lot of blood. He had to get her to the hospital. If he wasn’t too late that was. He pulled the shard of glass out, tossing it to the floorboard, not realizing until afterward that it had opened up an artery. He then gently picked her up in his arms and layed her gently down. He had to know the extent of her condition.
He looked down at her and realized that he’d gotten to her just a little late. He gently took her jacket off and tied it around her waist to try and slow her lower stomach wound.
“No, no, no, no,” he said, and kissed her, giving her some air, trying to revive her. “Come on, Katherine. Breathe. Don’t do this to me. I know I screwed up and I’m sorry. Come back to me. Don’t leave me. Please. You were right. I don’t want you to die. Just come back to me,” he said, as he tried reviving her.
He rested a gentle hand on the side of her face, waiting for a result.
A moment later, he heard her heart and breathing, which strangely relieved him, and got to his feet with her in his arms. He then blurred to the hospital.
A few hours later, he was seated on her bedside, waiting for her to come to. For some reason, he was happy that she was alive and would be okay. Oddly enough, he was finding himself caring for her after all this time.