Summary: Set in S5 after Damon and Elena broke up. Human Kat comes to the boarding house injured. Will someone help her? What if Damon shows her that he still cares about her? What will happen?560Please respect copyright.PENANAH3BZ7Pd5QS
A/N: Based off from a fanfic I read.
It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, Virginia as Katherine Pierce, recently made human because of Elena shoving the cure down her throat, limped towards the front door of the boarding house, vision blurring and going gray and dim.
Damon Salvatore was upstairs in his room, drinking a bottle of alcohol, when he caught the scent of human Katherine and the familiar scent of blood.
He set the half empty bottle of alcohol on his end table, before blurring downstairs to find out what was going on, though all he could hear was her breathing and heart beating, as he got closer to the door.
When he opened the door, she didn't look too good.
"What happened?" he asked.
She looked at him, as she leaned heavily on the left side of the door frame, one arm around her lower torso, a bruise on the right side of her face, vision blurry.
"Hybrid," she replied, before her vision started to go black.
With vampire reflexes, he caught her from hitting the ground, as she collapsed. He then gently pulled her into his arms and blurred upstairs and into his room with her.
As soon as he arrived in his own room, he gently layed her down on his bed and assessed her condition. And once he saw what the worse wound was, he contemplated on what to do. He knew he couldn't giver he any vampire blood, because her body would reject it, since she was dying of old age quicker than a normal human, anyway. He could just let her die, but he didn't think he should. He knew if he did let her die, she would be out of their hair, but he also knew that her daughter would be peeved off it him and he didn't want to take any chances. He didn't know Nadia as well as he knew Katherine, so he didn't know what would happen to him if he let her die and Nadia found out about it. So, he knew he had to save her life. Plus, he knew that even though they all mostly hated her for what she's done, he still cared about her. No matter how much he wanted to hate her fully and not give a crap about her, it would never happen. He still loved Elena, even after he broke up with her recently, but he still cared about Katherine and she would always be in his heart no matter how much he tried to push her out of his heart and away from him forever. He just wasn't sure how he could truly save her life this time around, though. He knew he could only do what he could do.
He blurred into the bathroom for the first aid kit.
A moment later, he was seated on her bedside and started in on doing all that he could do for her for the time being.
As Katherine Pierce lay there, out cold, the past all came back to her that she didn't want to see or think about ever again. Though, some of her memories of her past were fond ones, most of them were not such good memories at all.
As she lay in bed at home in a room with her mama at her side, the maid by the foot of her bed, she asked the maid to give her her daughter that she had just given birth to, but just as she started to, her father whom stood not far from the maid, said, "What are you doing woman? Bring her to me." Then her father walked away with her baby girl and she tried to get her papa to reconsider, saying, "Papa! No!", with tears streaming down her face. He kept walking, though he looked back at her and said, "No! You have disgraced this family!" And then he disappeared and she never saw her daughter ever again. She never got to even see her or touch her or even name her.
Katerina Petrova ran towards the cabin where her family lived at, seeing the mess her village and villagers were in. She hoped she wouldn't find what she thought she'd find once she got inside. But then, a few minutes later, she found that Niklaus had slaughtered every single one of her family members. Her father was on the wall with a sword through his chest, but who she really grieved for was her mother. Her mama lay on the bed with her throat torn open, blood on and around her. Katerina, seeing her, got on the bed and knelt at her mama's side, tears streaming down her face, as she cried out in grief, "No, mama. Mama!" over and over until she couldn't cry any longer. Her world had shattered more so than ever because of Niklaus Mikaelson. No more did she think that he was a gentleman. Now she thought of him as a total monster that should not exist. She now wanted to avenge her family's death.
As she ran to the carriage to escape before being caught in the street in Mystic Falls, Virgina she wanted to run towards the Salvatore brothers that lay temporarily dead in the middle of the street. They were temporarily dead, considering they had had her blood in their systems before their father had shot them dead in the street for trying to rescue her, which in his eyes, was a betrayal on himself and the Salvatore family. She couldn't stay long or she would be caught and be burned in that church with the rest of the vampires. She loved both of the Salvatore brothers, so she ran towards them and knelt down between them, before resting a gentle hand on the side of their faces.
"I love you. Remember that. Don't ever forget that," she told them both.
She looked down at Damon.
"Take care. I will come back for you. I promise," she told him.
She looked down at Stefan.
"Take care of each other. Try not to get each other killed before I can come back."
She looked down at them both.
"No matter what you do, stick together. I'll always be around if you need me. I love you two so much. I have to go, though so I don't get killed. I promise that I will be back for you as soon as I can."
She got to her feet and raced to the carriage to get out of town with the help of George Lockwood, a werewolf. And as she looked out of the window of the carriage, she grimly looked at the Salvatore brothers without a word.
Damon Salvatore sat at her bedside and looked down at her, hand in hers, he waited for her to awaken. And as he waited for her to do so, he used his Power to go inside her head and have a look around sort of speak. And when he did, he learned of things he didn't know. He saw in her head that she had been born and raised and gave birth to a little girl in Bulgaria and was disowned by her family because of having an Illegitimate child. Then he saw that after she had escaped from Klaus in England when he tried to use her to break the Moon curse on him, she went back to Bulgaria to search for her daughter, but never found her. It upset her and she didn't let anyone get close to her after that and her family's deaths. She didn't want to lose anyone else. And then he saw what she felt for Stefan and himself when she met him. He even saw how she had wished to stay with them and help them through their transition and to stay at their side, but she couldn't or she would not survive. He heard her say to them that she would come back and that she loved them and would come back for Damon. Which meant that it broke her heart when she had to leave them and not come back for centuries. It made him realize that he had been so mean and cruel to her, when, in fact, she did not deserve it. He realized that she was like him in most ways. She acted out because she didn't want to get hurt again. She didn't want to get close to anyone, because she didn't want to lose anyone else. The deaths of everyone around her and always being one step ahead of the enemy, Klaus, was what made her who she had become to this day. He realized that that was why she had lied so many times and why she acted the way she did. She didn't know how to act anymore or how to not lie anymore, because she had been doing it far too long. She didn't even remember how to be who she had once been. But he and Stefan weren't the only ones that she was in love with. She truly loved Elijah and he had so much Faith in her that the girl he fell in love with in England was still inside somewhere, waiting to come out when she had a chance to. And this all gave Damon a complete understanding of her. It answered every question that he had had for the past one hundred and plus years.
He left her head and waited for her to come to again, looking down at her silently, wanting to be the first person that she saw whenever she woke up.
When she came to, she saw that she had been taken care of and was on Damon's bed with him beside her, looking down at her.
"Thank you," she immediately said, looking at him.
"You're welcome. You're lucky," he replied to her.
"What can I say? I have nine lives. I always survive. I'm a survivor, Damon."
She slowly sat up in bed.
He let go of her hand and just rested his on top of hers, as he looked at her.
"I know what happened to you. What you've been through," he informed her with sympathy.
"You were in my head?"
"I couldn't help it. No one should have to go through something like that. Not even you."
"Thank you," she said.
"And thank you. You originally came back for me, as I did for you."
"I did. I'm sorry I stayed away for so long, but I had to be sure that I wasn't going to be followed by any of my enemies and that you guys would be safe. I've lost enough. I don't want to lose you, too."
She reached up with one hand and rested it on the left side of his face and looked up at him with so much love. Love they had not shared since 1864 when he had come back to spend time with his younger brother, Stefan.
"I love you," she said.
"I love you, too," he replied back.
They smiled at one another, before leaning in and starting to slowly kiss.