Summary: Set in S5E "I Know What You Did Last Summer." Katherine doesn't get away when Silas tries to drown her in Damon's bathtub. Can Damon save her?
It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, Virginia as newly turned human Katherine Pierce took a bath in Damon's bathtub. She was alone in the house, since she figured Damon had probably left to drown his sorrows in Bourbon at the Mystic Grille. It felt good to get a bath after the hell she'd been through for the past month. She figured that it wasn't the end of hell for her, though. Silas was out there still, wanting her for her blood, after all. Silas was older than Klaus himself, so it wouldn't take long for him to take down the Salvatores to get to her. She wouldn't put it past him. Anything was possible when it came to him. He was worse than Klaus.
When Silas, looking like Stefan, walked in, she thought he was Stefan.
"Why are you in my brother's bathtub?" he asked her.
"Isn't it obvious?" she said, before she started to flirt with him and asked, "Care to join me?"
"Humanity suits you," he commented. "You're better this way."
At that comment, she knew he was Silas. Not Stefan. So, she went to grab the knife she had in the corner of the bathtub, but he was quicker. He pushed her down in the bath water and held her under, aiming to kill her.
Half an hour later, Damon Salvatore came home and sensed a familiar smell. Realizing Silas had recently been here and knowing he had promised Katherine that he'd protect her from him, he went in search of her to make sure she was safe.
When he didn't hear anything from her after calling her name a few times, he realized that something was very wrong. Then he saw that the light in his bathroom was on, so he went to look, only to see her in the bathtub.
He was instantly by the bathtub and gently but quickly pulled her out and into his arms, before gently laying her down on the rug in front of the bathtub. He didn't know exactly how long ago that someone, most likely Silas, had drowned her in his bathtub, but he couldn't hear her breathing. He had to try and help her, though.
After about fifteen minutes, she sputtered, spitting out bath water and coughing and gasping.
After she was done, she realized where she was and that Damon was beside her. That's when she realized that he had saved her after finding her drowned in his own bathtub.
"Who did this to you?" he had to ask her.
She slowly sat up and looked at him.
"Silas," she replied before saying, "Thank you," grateful that he had been able to save her.
"You're welcome."
He got to his feet and then helped her to hers.
"Get dressed and then rest. Let me know if you need anything."
He closed the door behind himself and she went to get dressed.
Once dressed, she headed for the room she was staying in, so she could rest.