Summary: Set in S5. Based on the song “Awake and Alive” by Skillet.633Please respect copyright.PENANAG8mAZaexGn
*I Know What You Did Last Summer*
633Please respect copyright.PENANAamXfzkj84r
633Please respect copyright.PENANAXX7EP69zKx
I’m at war with the world and they633Please respect copyright.PENANAizPGBEIARw
Try to pull me into the dark633Please respect copyright.PENANAl5UDM8xoEJ
I struggle to find my faith633Please respect copyright.PENANAMSnvvvee5s
As I’m slippin’ from your arms633Please respect copyright.PENANAhMwwDigoVX
It’s getting harder to stay awake633Please respect copyright.PENANALNJCJcSqXM
And my strength is fading fast633Please respect copyright.PENANAapQGn5raCR
You breath into me at last633Please respect copyright.PENANAZmL0QdxuhJ
I’m awake and alive633Please respect copyright.PENANAsBFw1HVPsh
Now I know what I believe inside633Please respect copyright.PENANAhL1AYmONQ1
It’s my time633Please respect copyright.PENANAQ6OpAE7EJU
I’ll do what I want ‘cause this is my life633Please respect copyright.PENANA2FluNhx9C4
Here (right here), right now (right now)
633Please respect copyright.PENANAGAvIeqyIQO
633Please respect copyright.PENANAHzNMdLXBMa
It was a nebulous night, as Katherine sat in the driver’s seat of Damon’s car, human and injured, trying to stay awake, but she knew it was useless. Everything was going black and it all seemed so far away. She’d tried running, knowing Damon wanted to hand her over to Silas. She knew he had to have had a reason, but she would never know what that reason was. She’d never get the chance to say goodbye or to tell him the truth about her feelings for him, either.633Please respect copyright.PENANAXIaioIpivn
633Please respect copyright.PENANA5puRterNUQ
633Please respect copyright.PENANA0mWxpUqRjs
Half an hour later, after making up his mind to look for her, he spotted his wrecked car. He could see her still inside and he could smell blood. By the smell, he knew she was injured but hoped he could save her. This was all his fault. He’d broken his promise to protect her. She’d ran because of it.633Please respect copyright.PENANANWSfyRgGET
He blurred to her side of the car and forced the door open. He then assessed her condition, scanning for what her wounds were. He saw her lower stomach and thigh bleeding, along with blood on either side of her head. He could hear her barely breathing and her heart slowing. He knew it was from her wounds.633Please respect copyright.PENANA1ZwX9xxlY0
He gently pulled her out of the wreck, in his arms, and layed her down. He knew she needed the hospital, but also knew she probably wouldn’t make it in time. As he made that assessment, he heard everything stop altogether. He knew he had to bring her back, whether he hated her or not. She’d been right. A part of him didn’t want her to die.633Please respect copyright.PENANAGP1NvcyyE3
He kissed her, giving her air, and then began heart compressions, trying to revive her.633Please respect copyright.PENANAJ2IF7MFW5H
“Come on, Katherine. Breathe. Come back to me. You’re a survivor. You always survive. Please, Katherine. Now is not the time to give up or be stubborn.”633Please respect copyright.PENANAUZWzQpWqF2
633Please respect copyright.PENANAdIQtOeYDj1
633Please respect copyright.PENANATYbtA2o15r
Ten minutes later, she began to wake up, coughing.633Please respect copyright.PENANAmoLWpMTJ2l
“Damon,” she half-whispered with blurry and dim vision.633Please respect copyright.PENANAuiBJSUeJZu
“Hey. Welcome back,” he said, before gently pulling her into his arms and getting to his feet with her in his arms. As he did, she rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms weakly around his neck.633Please respect copyright.PENANA9Q7ZnWTHyg
“Stay with me,” he said, before blurring to the hospital.633Please respect copyright.PENANAJAMDFSI5FE
A few minutes later, he got her to the hospital and she was rushed down the hall with a breathing mask on.633Please respect copyright.PENANAgzu14LpyXi
He could only watch, as they rushed her down the hall to save her life. He could only hope she would survive. She had to. He needed to apologize for almost handing her over to Silas. He’d made a mistake and wanted to make up for it, even if he couldn’t make it work. He had to try.633Please respect copyright.PENANAW6MccuiGdK
633Please respect copyright.PENANAHrWgg6zUto
633Please respect copyright.PENANAJRJCcgLJcN
I’ll stand my ground and never back down633Please respect copyright.PENANAQgzElJAYOB
I know what I believe inside633Please respect copyright.PENANAGTxk37sGio
I’m awake and alive633Please respect copyright.PENANAqeXii9vT0L
I’m at war with the world ‘cause I633Please respect copyright.PENANARGi9XvoquU
Ain’t never gonna sell my soul633Please respect copyright.PENANAneMg58I1Fd
I’ve already made up my mind633Please respect copyright.PENANAzU4TS5cVbz
No matter what I can’t be bought or sold633Please respect copyright.PENANA0V6vnieD1h
When my faith’s getting weak633Please respect copyright.PENANAnzs1WfUm1u
And I feel like giving in633Please respect copyright.PENANAocACTac5Ah
You breathe into me633Please respect copyright.PENANAUS1CLXYv2T
I’m awake I’m alive633Please respect copyright.PENANAKmbU70BJaf
Now I know what I believe inside633Please respect copyright.PENANAK1xBLyZIkk
633Please respect copyright.PENANAM9B9dDaW2Q
633Please respect copyright.PENANAP3r09zvLM0
633Please respect copyright.PENANAJvJN70etQa
Five hours later, after she was in a recovery room, Damon was silently seated on her bedside, waiting for her to come to. She was in bad shape and they’d had to revive her a couple of times, but they’d brought her back and she’d survived. Now she just had to heal. He was happy that she hadn’t given up, because the Katherine he knew fought like hell.633Please respect copyright.PENANAPb6NyLY4ca
633Please respect copyright.PENANADFpz157Vcl
633Please respect copyright.PENANAFOeDLaZidh
A few weeks later, she was fully healed and Damon took her home with him. He apologized to her and she forgave him. They even rekindled their relationship.
633Please respect copyright.PENANAIFpq0mOIoY
633Please respect copyright.PENANAsAKZWNEHtW
*Dead Man On Campus*
633Please respect copyright.PENANAKKZWC3lAdK
633Please respect copyright.PENANAJ0Inlve5az
Now it’s my time633Please respect copyright.PENANAtPdFM4qRJM
I’ll do what I want ‘cause this is my life633Please respect copyright.PENANAJjmebldRmY
l'll stand my ground and never back down633Please respect copyright.PENANAefYOiFk2lW
I know what I believe inside633Please respect copyright.PENANAak1PpNgokm
Here (right here), right now (right now)633Please respect copyright.PENANAMazk8L7HOj
I’m awake and I’m alive633Please respect copyright.PENANApCHiTp4QSv
Waking up, waking up633Please respect copyright.PENANAjMcQzWUR2z
Waking up, waking up633Please respect copyright.PENANAH5Bl6Q9s8f
Waking up, waking up633Please respect copyright.PENANAdrrmHbEYCj
Waking up, waking up633Please respect copyright.PENANAivwLvYKAbp
Waking up, waking up
633Please respect copyright.PENANAltydSiVGHN
633Please respect copyright.PENANA7WSRmyrHO4
It was a beautiful night, as she stood on the clock tower, overlooking the town square, ready to step off to end her suffering. She’d just found out that she was dying of old age at a rapid pace and had a few months to six months, give or take, to live. She didn’t want the pain of dying of old age.633Please respect copyright.PENANAfUh6rFszbg
Before she could turn around and jump off the ledge, she had a thought about Damon. If she died, what would happen to him? He finally loved her once more, as she did with him. She knew how deeply he felt things. Thinking this through, she realized that he’d be devastated and probably end up wreaking havoc everywhere. That’s what made her realize that she couldn’t do this to Damon. She couldn’t kill herself; especially, without a goodbye.
633Please respect copyright.PENANAP7iPBHbgaC
633Please respect copyright.PENANApKdhPyencx
*500 Years of Solitude*
633Please respect copyright.PENANAOCOShkf5tv
633Please respect copyright.PENANAYk75W4wJUg
In the dark633Please respect copyright.PENANAkdGrG09kXu
I can feel you in my sleep633Please respect copyright.PENANA7iBDrxwpNx
In your arms I feel you breathe into me
633Please respect copyright.PENANAOslNh95VpG
633Please respect copyright.PENANAiBH77paj4S
It was a beautiful day at the boarding house, as Katherine lay in bed after having a heart attack the night before, Damon seated on her bedside. He wanted to give her peace in her last moments, so he gave her old memories that only they shared. Their most fondest memory of all, he gave to her last.
633Please respect copyright.PENANApz5IugxWto
633Please respect copyright.PENANAxDbgVyW7Kg
*Flashback-As I Lay Dying*
633Please respect copyright.PENANAQMTPto0w0t
633Please respect copyright.PENANAL792kog5Hs
Forever hold this heart that I will give to you633Please respect copyright.PENANAUBofCOEF9x
Forever I will live for you633Please respect copyright.PENANAUOPWfbB6y9
I’m awake I’m alive633Please respect copyright.PENANA7Kqlix07Wy
Now I know what I believe inside633Please respect copyright.PENANAqkpnkRD9tw
Now it’s my time633Please respect copyright.PENANA18LiMmzC99
I’ll do what I want ‘cause this is my life633Please respect copyright.PENANACagQLbo1cy
Here (right here), right now (right now)633Please respect copyright.PENANA3fdTLBf7Wu
I’ll stand my ground and never back down633Please respect copyright.PENANA5eykDZhEY6
I know what I believe inside633Please respect copyright.PENANAoVNHVCZzk1
I’m awake and I’m alive633Please respect copyright.PENANAgFoTvlI7WI
Waking up, waking up633Please respect copyright.PENANAV6jmnZzhq2
Waking up, waking up633Please respect copyright.PENANAwlZT91bywS
Waking up, waking up633Please respect copyright.PENANA0ZyadrBYY4
Waking up, waking up
633Please respect copyright.PENANAFdMkVqkRhD
633Please respect copyright.PENANAnXms60XjID
It was a nebulous night in the woods in 1864, as he chased after her. He was still human and loved her unconditionally.633Please respect copyright.PENANAzZ9ODs1uem
He caught up to her and now they stood against a tree, her back against the bark, him just inches in front of her.633Please respect copyright.PENANAxmkMWBiX8M
“Why must you run from me?” he asked her.633Please respect copyright.PENANAgtMiYTigWd
She smiled.633Please respect copyright.PENANA8oCMeUWKPw
“Because I know that you will chase.”633Please respect copyright.PENANA9oGrlHd1u5
“Then let me chase you forever,” he replied.633Please respect copyright.PENANAsm9P9jbz23
“I’m not going to feed you, Damon. If you want it, take it. Choose,” she instructed.633Please respect copyright.PENANA1d52Ou0jcB
She cut her collarbone with a fingernail.633Please respect copyright.PENANAZqqZjAvnx7
“I choose you, Katherine,” he said, before drinking from the wound, learning to take what he wanted without consequences.
633Please respect copyright.PENANAUZyIY5C1yQ
633Please respect copyright.PENANANlwoHEr6Wk
633Please respect copyright.PENANAsMSJFCRkgm
633Please respect copyright.PENANAgkPge3Omoi
633Please respect copyright.PENANAQxDMAMuIKh
633Please respect copyright.PENANAsygLvmmgPa
Damon left her head and kissed her goodbye when she became no more. He was silent, as he looked at her. He was grief-stricken. They’d found love with each other, only for her to die, this time for real and permanently. He refused to become a monster because of his emotions though. He was better than that now.