No Plagiarism!G8dReHWVqhHJzna8rBlNposted on PENANA The scenery whizzed past the car window.8964 copyright protection297PENANAx3DqmaQG63 維尼
"Daddy?"8964 copyright protection297PENANABo38A9jxfH 維尼
"Hey, sweetheart."8964 copyright protection297PENANAjPunmdgK1s 維尼
"Why doesn't grandma like Mommy?"8964 copyright protection297PENANAkjmBNYBwpS 維尼
"What makes you think your grandmother doesn't like your mom?"8964 copyright protection297PENANApyJlFSF76F 維尼
"Grandma's eyes get really mean when I talk about Mommy. Like, her mouth is still smiling, but her eyes aren't."8964 copyright protection297PENANAb92aDraO8r 維尼
"I hadn't noticed."8964 copyright protection297PENANAGHCmZKatcW 維尼
"Yeah. Also, why doesn't Mommy come with us when we go to Grandma's house? I want Grandma to try Mommy's pizzas."8964 copyright protection297PENANAP0VwW4mUVv 維尼
"You know your mom gets busy."8964 copyright protection297PENANATE3H4SUhjr 維尼
"But she's always busy when we have to go visit grandma!"8964 copyright protection297PENANAcWodOoe1D9 維尼
"Sophia."8964 copyright protection297PENANAmmjxyIs4iv 維尼
"It's not fair!"8964 copyright protection297PENANArkOJJKBRG3 維尼