Lavender wore that denim heart on her dress every day to school. And when the school made her remove it, she wore it on the inside of her dress where no-one else could see it.
She had even made another to put on her favourite pair of green shorts that she insisted I sew on as well. She was wearing them now as we stood outside the car, waiting to head to where my first school excursion would be.
Everyone I had only spoken to through screens was going to be here. And Mrs Francy would be the one to guide us all through the excursion.
She had only been allocated our group to see through from kindergarten to the end of year six. After the end of this year, we would leave her and primary school life behind.
Rather than drive three days just to meet her on the school grounds, Mrs Francy had dedicated today to be located roughly around the middle of everyone.
We still had to travel for six hours to get here, and were one of the furthest to travel there, but it was the first excursion for all us demons to gather together and meet for the first time.
Mrs Francy was smiling and waving when we approached her. All the other parents were here with their children and the surrounding demons who instantly grew curious of our arrival amongst them.
"Good afternoon" Mrs Francy smiled at Mum and Dad "I do hope your travel was safe and smooth. I do appreciate you making the time to bring Teddy out here."
"He slept most of the way with this one" Dad jabbed Lavender in the side then ruffled my hair.
Mrs Francy chuckled at us. She took the envelope from Mum to tuck inside the pocket of her purple dress that was decorated with colourful polka dots.
"This is Mrs A. Francy" Mrs Francy introduced with a laugh "it gets a little confusing for the children since I've taken her last name, so we call her Mrs Trixy instead."
Mrs Trixy shook Mum and Dad's hands. Her curling orange hair fell into her brown eyes that she pushed aside with a smile. Her brown skin looked rough and weathered, as if she had spent every day out in the sun. The dark blue dress with bright yellow sunflowers printed across it distracted from that though, her flat shoes also adorned with sunflowers.
"We are just asking that all the parents and their other children make their way to the cafe for refreshments when we start the tour" Mrs Trixy spoke "the whole excursion should take no longer than two hours at the most and will be a bit different than what they teach in a human school. We have a lot to cover today, and will keep little Teddy safe with the others."
I pouted at the teachers who realised their belittlement of me and corrected themselves. They made their way over to another family who were pulling up in the car park behind us.
Lavender's hand grabbed for mine when two parents approached us. A demon followed with them, holding onto the hand of the father. Another boy held onto the hand of the mother.
It was clear that River was the odd one out. All of the family had dusty blonde hair and pale skin. The mother and son had blue eyes while the father had dark grey. River's black ones didn't match the picture at all.
The other boy had gold face paint that looked like a clumsy attempt at River's markings. His soul was shining silver compared to his parents untainted gold that matched Mum and Dad's.
"You must be Teddy's parents" the father beamed and held out his hand to Mum and Dad.
"I'm River" the demon held his hand out too "it's good to finally see you for real!"
The golden splatters across his face were also sprayed on his hand that I shook. His golden horns were still uneven like the first time I had seen him, although slightly longer now.
"And that must be your human" he marvelled, looking her up and down "still not Bonded?"
Instantly, I was defensive about his remark. It was clear any demon here could take her soul for their own if they really wanted to risk what they already had with their own human.
As slim as it was, I wasn't going to take that chance with Lavender.
"She really is cute" he continued, straining against his father's grip to get closer to her.
Lavender shied back behind me and I placed my self between them to glare at River.
"Teddy" Mum touched my shoulder lightly "manners, please."
I didn't realise I had bared my teeth at River until I peered back up at Mum. River looked up at her too then decided to join the others instead, the son chasing after him.
I kept beside Lavender who was still gaining a crowd that hung back. I saw March and Marcy there who waved when they saw me staring at them. River pulled March away by the tail so they could chatter together.
"We should sit together and talk over coffee" River's mother gushed "compare our boy problems and what not."
Both women giggled and looked to the gathering children being called by Mrs Francy. She waved me over and I pulled myself from Lavender's grip.
"Be good" Mum warned when she pulled me into a hug "I love you."
"Go make lots of friends" Dad added and hugged me too.
I turned to Lavender who looked down at her feet.
"I'll see you soon" she smiled up at me.
I saw Marcy waiting for me as the group listened to their instructions. Her red eyes and fiery patterns had Lavender captivated by their beauty.
"Stay away from the others" I warned her then quickly kissed her cheek and rushed away.
"You two are so cute together" Marcy gushed when I joined her to walk towards the teachers "I'm Marcy; as you know from all our classes together."
"Teddy" I smiled back.
"I wish mine named me something cute like Teddy" she grumbled and looked over to her waving parents she forced a smile for "I don't even know how they thought of Marcy of all names."
I giggled with her.
"You're the one who made cakes out of butterflies" I reminded myself.
"And you wear dresses" she jabbed back cheekily.
"Obviously not anymore" I huffed back at her laughing face.
"Obviously" she snorted as she took in my brown shorts and purple shirt.
The teachers led the way towards a huge rocky wall that had the mouth of a cave nestled in it. Beside it was a large sign about what to expect and what was forbidden.
"Let's grab a buddy!" Mrs Trixy called out at the entrance "it's going to be very very dark so you'll need to stay close! There will be no loud noises or you'll scare the glow worms!"
Mary smiled at me and linked her arm through mine.
"We'll be worm buddies" she snorted.
I laughed with her before the teachers shushed us.
"One group at a time" Mrs Trixy told us as Mrs Francy took the lead with a small torch "stay close and stay quiet."
We shuffled in after Olivia and Oxley to be immediately plunged into darkness. Mrs Trixy waited by the entrance and waved at us when we peered back at her.
The light Mrs Francy led with couldn't even be seen around everyone's heads. The only other colour amongst the void we were walking through was the faint green and blue lights speckling above us.
It looked like a galaxy hovering there. I reached my arm up to try and touch it but only found air.
It was a strange feeling to be walking without knowing where the ground was. It was like I was shuffling blindly through the darkness that surprised me with each step that tilted under my feet.
"Gather around" I heard Mrs Francy whisper ahead. Her voice was the only thing here that sounded like it rustled off the surfaces around us.
Marcy took the lead to sit us down on stones that formed a semicircle facing another one pressed to the cave walls. Mrs Francy kept her torch beamed on the stones until everyone had found their places.
She turned it off and called for quiet.
"Good afternoon, children" she whispered.
"Good afternoon, Mrs Francy" we sang back quietly. I touched my fingers like we always did online.
"How is everyone feeling today? Its been a long day already for most of you."
"Scared" I admitted.
I couldn't see a thing and I was surrounded by people I still didn't even know properly. Anything could happen in the darkness.
"This is a safe place" Mrs Francy soothed "there is nothing to be afraid of here. We are born from the dark so we have no reason to fear it. Look at how beautiful it all is."
We all stared at the glowing specks around us. I felt Marcy's tail twine around mine as we did.
"Children, things will change as you all get older. The start of high-school is coming up for all of you, and that means you can finally grow into young adults. You are all going to be feeling a lot of different things inside about yourselves and your humans. Sometimes, these big feelings can make you sad or very mad. But I want you all to remember that when you do feel overwhelmed by everything, you can go outside and look up at the night sky and tell the spirits about it all."
I felt calm when I stared up at the darkness. It was nice to be able to feel my emotions without anyone judging.
"People are fragile; like a cave of glow worms" Mrs Francy spoke "their souls shine brightest in the dark and are very wonderful to look at. But the moment you bring chaos in..."
Mrs Francy clapped her hands together to startle us. The lights around us immediately went out.
"...everything hides away. You must approach things delicately if you don't want to scare away the lights."
"Miss" Olivia whispered "is that why humans are scared of us?"
"I had a human call me names the other day" someone else piped up "really mean ones. I didn't even do anything to them."
I was confused. No human had ever been scared of me. Then again, the only others I had met were the other families today. Mum and Dad made sure to keep me from the public eye.
Perhaps that's why? It wasn't as nice out there as it was in their safe bubble?
"Humans are scared of what they don't understand and will act out. They are like these glow worms. Rather than get violent with them when they do hurt us, we can make a loud noise to make them go away. It doesn't physically hurt them, but it does make them think about their bad words and what they can do to someone."
"Are you going to teach us how to make them go away, Miss?" Marcy breathed in excitement beside me.
"Of course" Mrs Francy said with a smile on her voice "but first, we will enjoy the quiet together and think about all the new friendships we will make today."
The sun was blinding when we emerged from the calm of the glistening cave and gathered where Mrs Trixy was standing a few meters from it.
Some demons rubbed their eyes and yawned, obviously enjoying the darkness and quiet a little too much.
"Today, I will be part of our little demonstration" she smiled and held her arms out wide "I will be the big scary human!"
She growled and curved her fingers to represent claws. Laughter rang out when she stomped on the spot. Everyone took their places on the grass excitedly to peer up at the teachers.
"And I will teach you how to frighten a scary human, without violence" Mrs Francy replied with a laugh at her partner "it is very important not to use violence in public on a human. Humans do not like that and it can get you into a lot of trouble."
We all listened intently.
"You can scare someone off just with your looks" Mrs Francy held a finger up "let's demonstrate now."
Mrs Trixy walked over to Mrs Francy and pushed her shoulder harshly. She held her arms out and looked around.
"Watch where you are going! Are you blind?"
"Now, what should I do here?" Mrs Francy turned to us "which is more scary; ears up or down?"
"Down!" everyone chorused as she demonstrated each option.
"And tail straight or curved?"
"Curved!" I called with the rest to make her assume the position.
"Claws straight or curled?"
"And my body should be straight or bended?"
"Bendy!" I called out with a laugh that everyone shared.
She looked so odd just standing there. There was no way this was going to work.
Mrs Trixy passed her partner to repeat her walk. She knocked into her again and threw her insult.
Mrs Francy immediately assumed the position we had coached for her and let out a primal scream that curled around her snarling lips. She kept her glistening teeth bared as she locked her cold eyes on Mrs Trixy.
Oxley scooted himself back from the teachers in fright and hid behind March. Everyone was frozen in shock at the gentle teacher that was now a beast before us.
My heart was hammering wildly and I felt my body leaning back from the sight. My hands gripped the grass to keep myself rooted there.
"I'm sorry if I scared you, children" she straightened up and looked to the cafe in the distance where people were gathered "sorry for the noise everyone!"
"That was amazing, Miss!" Marcy jumped to her feet.
"Thank you" she blushed; gentle and timid once more.
"Let's try for ourselves!" Mrs Trixy announced and had everyone on their feet.
"Remember that subtle differences can make all the difference" Mrs Francy spoke as she patrolled our rows "legs bent, back arched."
"If you absolutely must resort to violence, your teeth are your most powerful weapon" she added when she stood before us "this is only for a life or death situation or if you need to protect your human. Violence is not an answer."
Her teeth grew jagged and sharp in an instant. She bared them at us to make us return the threat.
"Relax, Teddy" Mrs Trixy coaxed "focus on your target."
"You can do it! " Mrs Francy encouraged before she cheered out and clapped for me.
I ran my fingers over my teeth to find they had formed sharp points. Each one was rearing to pierce through the soft skin I daintily touched to the slimy surface.
"I did it!" I cheered with them excitedly "I actually did it!"
"Good job, Teddy!"
I turned to see Lavender standing at the car park border. Mum and Dad were still walking down from he cafe with the string of other parents.
I beamed back at her with a wide smile before realising that the new look might frighten her. I quickly covered my mouth but she only laughed.
"Now, before we finish for the day, i'll gather all of our Bonded demons" Mrs Trixy clapped "and those who have not can join their humans now. Oxley, dear, you can stand with Trixy."
Oxley mumbled something and wandered through the crowd to head towards the teacher. Everyone watched him go as they pooled around Mrs Francy. When he stood before Mrs Trixy, he peered back at us with nervousness.
That's when I saw that the grey right eye he had was now only a gaping pit in his skull.
"What happened?" I whispered to Marcy who still remained beside me.
"Mrs Trixy and Francy adopted Oxley" Marcy whispered back "they paid his humans to get his eye removed and for them to have him. He finally got adopted two weeks ago."
I saw Mrs Francy coaxing the shy Oxley and giving him words of encouragement to make a smile up at her.
"He's really nice when you get to know him" Marcy continued "but you can't touch him or he freaks out."
"Marcy" Mrs Francy called out "you need to join us."
She flashed me a smile then rushed over to join the rest while i was rushed at by Lavender who hugged me tightly.
"Look at what i got for you!" she gushed and pressed a trinket into my hand she forced upwards "we have matching ones!"
I snorted at the enamel spray-bottle trinket marked with words across its enamel paper in the middle. Blue liquid bubbled inside it when i picked it up to study the crooked lettering. It hung from a key-chain that Lavender had her finger looped through.
"Monster spray?" I laughed and shook my head at the one she shook excitedly "you are an idiot."
"You love it" she teased and poked her tongue out at me "there was a crazy lady in the cafe who was going on about all the demons here when i was picking it out. She told me that she hoped i wasn't one of 'those people' down there."
"What did you tell her?" I smirked back.
She laughed and covered her mouth as she snorted.
"I..." she choked out as her eyes grew teary from laughter "I..."
"Tell me!" I begged.
"I t-told her i was possessed a-and..."
She convulsed on the spot with her arms out.
We both burst out laughing at her display. Our heads dipped inwards and I caught myself staring at her tearful blue eyes she wiped.
They sparkled like an ocean when they were so happy...
My fingers lifted to help her wipe them which made her freeze up in surprise. She turned her head in embarrassment and i tried to get it to face me again before i saw that River was watching us bitterly from the group.
Lavender lifted her head to look at him. He saw my glare as she did, and quickly turned his head back to the teacher who was calling everyone together and waving me over.
I didn't know what this feeling was. It was like i hated someone i didn't even know; but it didn't fill me with anger the same way hate did. It only made me want to keep Lavender from anything to do with him.
I left Lavender to stand amongst the crowd. River quickly shuffled over so he was further from me. I felt my tail curling as i glanced at him focusing wholly on Mrs Francy.
Why was i so worried about him? He hadn't done anything except make one stupid remark about Lavender's soul. He wasn't even doing anything now.
"Good job, children! I am so proud of you all!" Mrs Trixy marvelled "this has been a wonderful experience! Did you enjoy yourselves?"
"Yes!" I forced a grin with the rest.
"Homework for tonight!" Mrs Francy announced "I want all of you to remember our glow worm cave and sit under the stars to reflect on what you have learnt. It is meant to be a peaceful and quiet time so I want you to think of the spirits as being those glow worms."
Mrs Francy and Mrs Trixy placed their fingertips together. We all mimicked them and bowed to each other.
"May you all have bright futures" they uttered.
"And to you as well" we replied then broke apart to wish our new friendships well. While others hugged their new friends, River approached me with a scowl on his face.
"Quit staring at me" he growled under his breath.
"Quit staring at her" I snapped back and saw him immediately look to Lavender who watched from afar.
This only made the heat rise further inside me.
"This is hugging time, boys" Mrs Trixy warned as she placed a hand on each of our backs "we want to part ways with nice words."
River wrapped his arms around me and i did the same. It felt like a death-lock than an embrace.
Mrs Trixy watched us both closely.
"Have a nice time,Teddy" River grumbled out with flattened ears.
"You too, River" I grunted back as my tail flicked.
We finally let go of each other as our parents approached. River turned Darcy from me and led him away. I kept close to Lavender and nudged her to face forward when she stared back at River in wonder.
We had arrived as friends and left as enemies. I wasn't sure if time was going to simmer this odd feeling inside myself, but i was sure that the silent spirits would help guide through it when i turned to them tonight.