It was strange seeing Sprig so....happy at the prospect of moving again.
She must have come to terms with it quite quickly overnight, because when i showed up the next morning, a moving van was already there with two mutated demons and a human to help collect the heavy furniture from inside to offload.
I had come to help them, but my presence rattled the demons more than anything. Probably seeing first-hand how they could lose themselves so drastically if they slipped too far.
They probably didn't even know the true nature behind the gull markings i displayed. Since they were so calm, i convinced myself that they were still being kept in the dark about the demon tip and what their fates would be one day.
I stayed with Sprig as she cleaned out her room instead. I rested my head on the veranda and watched her through the back door she had thrown open to welcome in the warm breeze.
She was already sorting through the things she wanted to keep or throw away.
Her clothes were first, being dumped on the bed to be sorted through.
I hadn't seen most of the dresses she carefully folded to be pushed into the box she was keeping. She had a lot of clothes that were adorned with some sort of wildflower, fruit, and cheesy script.
It made me smile at her trying to decide what she had outgrown both physically and mentally. She was cute when she looked so determined; like the world was going to crumble if she threw out the wrong flowery dress.
What a simple worry. I wanted to have ones like that again.
When Lavender had made her choices, she moved onto her bedside table to clear it out and prepare another box. I saw her roll the tape over the bottom while one of the demons awkwardly interrupted to see if they could take the completed boxes away.
Their eyes flicked to mine when they grabbed the possessions and quickly left. Lavender noticed the tension and giggled at me.
"Do you scare them, my Teddy Bear?" she cooed to me with a huge smile that burst into laughter when i fluffed out my feathers and held my head up high proudly.
I wouldn't be a dead bird if i didn't scare a few people along the way.
I had never thought of myself as being intimidating at all. It was kind of flattering to see that i could keep Sprig safe from anything coming her way now.
"You know, we are going to have to do your room too" she spoke to me while sorting through her books "I'm not going to see anything gross in there, am I?"
"Salt everywhere" I smirked back "and mountains of crusty socks under the bed."
"I'm sure whatever you are saying is disgusting" Lavender waved her hand at me "so, i'll ignore it."
I let out a screech to make her laugh at me again when she rolled up the sheets on her bed to reveal a cardboard shoe box hidden underneath.
Immediately, her eyes darted to me and she roughly kicked it further under.
"What's in the box?" I leant over to try and get another look at it "Sprig..."
"Teddy, shh!" she hissed to me "I don't want everyone to know!"
"What's in the box then?" i pestered playfully as i forced my upper half over the verandah to make her try to suppress her nervous laughter at me "something naughty? What is it, Sprig?"
Lavender held up a finger to me then rushed over to the door to slam it shut. She darted back to the bed and heaved herself underneath so she could drag out the box she dusted off.
"Just, don't laugh, ok?" she mumbled when she sat on the floor there with it cradled in her lap "the girls found it on our sleepover ages ago and teased me for keeping it."
Keeping what? Now i was intrigued at what she was hiding away in the shadows of her bed.
The lid came off and i saw an old teddy bear poke upwards now that it was released. The fur on it had clumped and gone yellow in its old age, the eyes nothing but worn sockets where little ones had been sewn.
"Its special to me" Lavender pulled it out to hug it tightly "this is the bear i named you after. I couldn't throw it out."
I remembered it being so much bigger. It looked so tiny and fragile in Lavender's arms that squeezed it close as she snuggled into it again.
"He's a little dusty, but the shoe box is the best spot for him" she smiled at it then got to her feet to hold it up and stare at it longingly "one day i'll wash him and put him on the bed again. Maybe at the new house?"
"One day" i agreed with a smile when she came over to me to let me look at the toy that had united us both for the first time.
That little bear had been with her through everything. From the looks of his matted fur and missing eyes, he had dealt with all of her anger and sadness as she grew up and learned to cherish him. That bear most likely had been there for her when i wasn't.
I looked around her to the box that i noticed wasn't empty. It had clothes folded into it neatly, the top pink one still displaying its original tag that looked aged.
"Now, i now what you are going to say" Lavender looked back at the box she returned to "these were from years ago. I thought they would be nice... one day...."
Her hands curled around the clothes to lift it upwards where it unfolded and hung there.
"I know it was silly!" Lavender sighed back "but i didn't want to let it go then. I still love them."
The little pink romper was joined by a blue one that Lavender grimaced to me around. She was waiting for me to blow up and get angry over her unreachable dream that she didn't realise was now achievable.
There was more. Little gumnut dresses were laid out over wattle overalls. Each item had been folded away to be as inconspicuous as possible.
I tried to move closer so that i could comfort her dejected emotions seeing what she had been hiding all these years, but couldn't. My body wouldn't allow me to come any closer, no matter how badly i wanted it.
I heaved myself back over the verandah and looked on glumly from its edge that Lavender approached with a small pair of fuzzy yellow socks she crushed in her hand.
"We can try" I whispered to her, nudging her hand "I've seen it. You need to see it too."
I nudged at the socks that she kept close. I was persistent, scratching at her hand with my beak until she finally unfurled her fingers and saw me rest my head there.
I saw her eyes lower to my head, then over to where the rest of my body was curled on the grass.
"What are you trying to tell me?" she frowned.
"You and me, in a new place" i smiled at her "a boy and a girl; hell, maybe even a few by how many clothes you have there."
Her lips moved upwards when i laughed, but were still confused.
I needed her to see this. I wasn't going to get a chance with just the two of us like this once everyone's thoughts drifted to what their next new adventure would be.
I pushed her hands down to her middle that i nudged persistently. Lavender stepped back, looking down at it then to me.
I nodded, pulling the socks from her to hold in my beak.
It was clear. She had to get my message when it was being dangled right in front of her.
"Teddy" she hissed, grabbing the socks and checking that the veranda was still clear "you know we can't. It's not possible; Mum told me so herself."
She looked scared. I lifted my head from her in confusion. She should have been happy. This is what she wanted.
"We have money" I pressed as i moved down to my door and gestured to it "i made enough for both of us to have our own place; a nice one with lots of flowers and not too many stairs. We can have enough for you to set up a nursery too. You can put it all in your name; i don't mind. I've got it all sorted."
"Teddy, you can't just jump to things like this" she walked to my door to open it and step inside and let the stale air waft outwards "its not even possible with you the way you are."
"I'll be clean in no time" i urged, watching her roll up my sheets and pull out my clothes to lay them on my bed "then we can be parents. i want this, Sprig."
She glanced at my excitement and lowered her face, wiping her eyes.
No. She shouldn't be crying. Not over this.
Was it me? Did looking at me upset her so much?
"Sprig" i crooned, stretching over the verandah once more "what is it? Talk to me."
i reached out for her but found the track of the door. She was out of reach.
I strained, hearing the wood underneath me groaning for relief from the pressure i was pressing onto it.
Lavender turned, her eyes growing wide before her mouth fell open at my claws reaching across the wood towards her.
Only a bit further...
"TEDDY!" she squealed.
I felt the verandah edge buckle then collapse underneath me. I looked back at it, horrified at the gaping hole now busted through where i was still planted.
My claws wrapped around her arm, holding it gently and savouring her little fingers curling around them.
I heard the thundering feet and recoiled where i laid when i heard them stop suddenly.
"Teddy!" Dad gasped "are you ok?"
"Sorry" I grunted out to him, cringing when i heard Mum gasp out too. I heard one of the demon workers there too, giggling at the damage that had been caused.
"Good luck with that" i heard it chuckle "maybe put in some posts on each side and call it an outlook?"
"An outlook" Dad blew out with his breath "it'll have to make do."
The laughing rang out along the side of the house and to the front where i heard more rise up briefly.
Lavender watched the wall where the others would be and smirked at me.
"You are terrible" she whispered to me and kissed my forehead.
"And you are in big trouble!" Mum added sharply "Teddy! You know better!"
"Sorry" i repeated, cringing when i felt Mum whacking my side with what felt like a newspaper.
I dragged myself from the room while she swatted me, sitting there on the grass that was crushed with what used to be a glorious structure.
"Teddy" Mum tapped my beak with what i guessed correctly to be newspaper "you are going to have to help fix this, you know."
Her scolding was not harsh. I felt the amusement of it in her light taps and the little smile she tried to hide through her scowling face that turned back to the task she had been helping with down at the front of the house.
Lavender watched her go before looking at me and burst out laughing.
"I can hear you!" Mum called out, her feet pounding back up the side of the verandah
"Quick! Quick!" Sprig snorted then slid down the side of the new opening to the grass before me "go! go! before she catches us!"
Lavender clutched at my side when we snuck around the side of the house that Mum spotted us from and charged down.
Lavender squealed out in laughter when Mum slid down the new opening and rushed towards us with a smile on her face.
"You still need to clean out your room, Missy!" she called out.
"Run faster, Teddy!" Lavender gasped when i paused to watch Mum run towards us "i don't want to pack boxes!"
Lavender squealed again when Mum gained ground on us, ignoring me to charge towards her daughter who stopped and used me as a buffer between them.
"Those boxes aren't going to pack themselves!" Mum peeked around me to her.
"Then you better start packing them!" Sprig threw back cheekily.
I heard Mum gasp then rushed around me, Sprig doing the same so that they were now on opposite sides.
"Guys, i'm not a wall" i looked down at them still trying to reach each other as they ignored me "guys."
Sprig ran for my tail that i fanned upwards to block her path when Mum made another move for her. Mum caught her easily in a hug when Sprig cried out up at me in surprise.
"Boxes, little miss" Mum laughed as she held onto Lavender and looked up at me "thanks for helping me out, Teddy!"
"Traitor" Lavender narrowed her eyes at me and blew out her cheeks comically "we were supposed to be a team."
"Well, we still are" i spoke back when Mum released her to do her shameful walk around to the front of the house where the others were still working hard "i still love you."
Lavender smiled back at me then climbed the stairs so she could shuffle around her confused father and head back to boxing up her life.
How did i get so lucky to have someone who could make me laugh like this in my life?
Everything in me was just filled with joy that made all of my worries disappear when i laid down in the grass to watch the house and all of its accumulated memories being emptied out.
The sun warmed my body, beckoning for me to enjoy it as i settled down.
It couldn't hurt. There was nothing i could do until Dad needed me to lift the shattered verandah out of the way for his new 'outlook'. Plus, it had been a while since i had just let myself relax in the open like this.
I still had mud baked onto me from when i had woken from my drugged sleep, and burning knots in my shoulders from sleeping in the dirt by the treeline last night.
Nothing about being away from home had been pleasant. The only exception would probably be that little demon child, Pretzel. She was entertaining. The only other kid i had interacted with was Flower, who was a timid and quiet little girl compared to the boisterous and loudmouthed Pretzel.
Maybe our kids would be like her? Seeing as how forward Lavender was when she was younger, i would not doubt it.
And what if they ended up like me? Would they look like demons the spirits had gifted, or humans with the features of demons, like horns and tails?
And what about when River and Darcy returned? Would Lavender want to mother their children too? Or would time have placed too much distance between them.
I could see River being such a protective father. Nothing would touch anything from him without his fierce figure shadowing them. He was the type of demon to lift his son or daughter over deep puddles so that his child didn't fall in.
And Darcy. Would he still be shy with that cheeky side i had seen during our bonding to each other? He liked the reactions he could get from River just through one action, or a few words.
He'd be a playful father who didn't take things too seriously. He would love to get a rise out of River, and laugh as he did. His kids would see world through joy, even if it wasn't so colourful. He'd be the type of father who splashed in those puddles with his child, while River tried to stop them.
I smiled at the visions jumping their way through my mind as i rested my head in the warm grass and let the laughter of everything i loved splash their way into my dreams.
The ache in my stomach turned violent when the first warm meal in days slid down my throat.
I became the disposal for all the canned foods that Mum and Dad didn't want to take with them as i sat outside their kitchen window with my mouth open.
I was so excited for the food that my wings fluttered and pumped like a little baby bird's would when begging for its next meal.
I didn't care how needy i looked; i was starving.
Each can was a tiny trickle down into the darkness growling and snapping for more. Now that it had some sort of food in it, it wasn't going to stop until it was sated.
I went through all the cans while still begging for more. When there was no more to give, i turned on the sunflowers growing along the pathway to snap down on the heads and chew them greedily.
They weren't as bad as they had been when i hadn't been so mutated. If anything, the tough heads were cleaved through easily to reach the seeds that rolled down my throat with the juices of the flower.
These were better than before. They were so delicious!
I destroyed the good work put into the flourishing garden on my hunt for all the sunflowers to decimate. It looked like a storm had torn through the area when i sat at the end of the archway to tear through the last sunflower happily.
No-one could stop me either. The amount of flowers here couldn't be transplanted to take with them; they were all here to be left to me.
"Teddy, you've cleaned me out!" Dad cried out when i went back to the window to open my mouth for him again "hungry, huh?"
I nodded, still wide open.
Surely, they had to have something in there. A slab of meat from the freezer, or one defrosting in the fridge?
Meat. My stomach clawed at me just from the thought.
I would have to get good at hunting. There was no way i was ever going to live a happy life with them feeling so painfully empty.
But, how did an animal hunt? Was it really just diving down and snagging up the first thing they saw? And the killing; i had never killed anything before.
Where would i go to find something that could fill me? I'd have to be a cow or horse to kill the pain stabbing my gut in angry protest.
A cow. It would be so juicy and tender. The steak would spill straight out of it and roll down my throat.
I was drooling just at the thought. We were out of town; someone on the properties leading into it had to keep some sort of cattle.
I wasn't going to waste a second more thinking about it.
I left the window to hover in the sky above home, thinking about which direction to take in the search for my cow, before aimlessly flitting to my right to follow the road.
Sunlight was quickly dwindling, and i was growing more desperate the darker it got. I didn't want to spend another cold night outside when i could dig out my own cave to protect myself from the elements. I'm sure Mum wouldn't mind me redecorating the yard, as long as it was out of sight.
Tracking down a cow was the easiest part of the hunt. I could see the black beasts spread across their paddocks the moment i ascended high enough to scope out the surrounding lands.
Properties were spotted with the dopey beasts just standing there. I avoided the ones with spiralling smoke and flooding lights coming from the nearby homes, and chose the ones shrouded in darkness.
The cows didn't even complain when i landed amongst them, looking at me blankly while chewing their cud.
There were little calves at this property too that were smarter about the threat now standing amongst them. They bolted away or hid behind the others who just observed me quietly.
There were no thoughts behind those eyes.
Now, how was i going to kill one?
I checked the quiet home before carefully creeping forwards, keeping myself low.
The cows panicked at the movement and bolted away, pausing at a safe distance to observe again. Some even started bellowing now to their comrades who had strayed from the cluster.
Well, looks like i had to do this the loud way.
I was much more agile in the air anyway. I studied the group spreading further outwards and marked my target as a large one choosing to bellow up at me rather than run like the others.
The noise was bound to attract the owners of the property. It grew more demanding when i swooped down to snap my claws into the back of the cow and try to lift it upwards with me.
It screamed and flailed when i toppled it. Its friends left it for dead immediately and bolted for the property line, their panic causing the house lights to wash over the grass around me.
My own panic froze me when i squinted through the brightness to see the silhouette of a human standing by the front door.
"HEY!" they cried out when realisation set in "HEY!"
They rushed down their front stairs towards me while i pierced my claws through the bony back of the cow to try and heave its kicking body upwards again.
I saw its eyes bulge and felt the hooves swinging to try and make some sort of contact to the ground that it left when i hauled it into the air, barely out of reach of the human still screaming after me.
The cow was relentless with its noise. It was like a siren in my ears; huffing and snorting before starting up again while i carried it over the treetops.
None of my family would be pleased with the carcus of a cow in their property so soon after i had caused destruction to it. Besides, once i had torn the meat from it, where was i supposed to dump the bones?
No. I would take the damn thing back to the cliff-side to enjoy. Maybe i could even throw the beast into the water to drown it?
Or would simply dropping it be more effective? It would be less dangerous than trying to brave violent waters to retrieve my kill. I had already felt how useless i became after a bit of rain, let alone a whole ocean's worth of salt water weighing me down.
The cow buckled when i dumped its struggling body on the ground in the forestry i dived down into. It couldn't even get up anymore, no matter how much it kicked and rolled about.
It was a pitiful thing to see just laying there, bellowing for the others that had abandoned it so easily.
But this was food. I needed to eat, but wasn't sure where to start.
I knew i had to kill it, but how?
I heard the pattering of feet and saw Pretzel come skidding into view. She stayed back at first, only approaching when the cow bellowed again for help.
"I thought i heard one" she breathed in awe, running a hand over its face that jerked away from the contact "we never get these."
"Well, this one is mine" i boasted proudly "caught it myself."
Pretzel stared at it, then tilted her head up to me.
"I've never got this far" i admitted in embarrassment "i, uh, don't know what to do."
I saw her smile when she shook her head at me, tutting.
"I'll grab Mama! She's always so good at the killing part. She doesn't hesitate either; its just bam!"
Pretzel clapped her hands together to make the noise stab through the moment of silence we had been gifted.
"I'll be right back!" she smiled "stay there!"
I couldn't even get a word in before she sprinted back through the trees to the clearing. I just stood there, looking at the struggling beast dumbly.
What kind of wild demon was i supposed to be if i couldn't even catch my own food?
I had to chuckle to myself. At least i knew i wasn't completely lost yet. The day i slaughtered without hesitation would be the day the darkness would have won.
"Over here, Mama!"
"Damn, that was quick Pre...." I sniggered back at her voice, only to let out a shriek when the body of the other dead bird came thundering towards me ferociously.
I barely moved out of the way when i saw the giant beak snap around the neck of the cow and twist at it to roll the beast on its side. The giant back claws pinned down the flailing hooves, while the front ones began peeling the creature's skin from its bones as its voice turned to wet gargles.
I couldn't look away. I think i was too shocked on what to even do when i saw the white vail underneath the black fur be plunged into and mutilated.
The poor beast gave its last effort at escape before its eyes rolled back into its head that crashed to the dirt. The dead bird demon kept at her frenzy of tearing at tendons and ripping up lumpy insides that she greedily gobbled down.
I didn't want any of that anyway. I only wanted the sweet steak.
"Teddy" Pretzel urged as she rushed for the hole that was torn wider "are you eating or not?"
Her hands plunged into the side to grab something and crack it with a sigh of satisfaction. I hesitantly shuffled around to the other side of the cow that hadn't yet been spilled all over the ground.
The rest of it was just a mangled mess. There was a white membrane that encased maroon and purple organs swimming in blood. Around that was healthy bone joined with stringy ligament, twisting muscle, and bubbling pockets of yellow fat. But there was no red meat. Not even a hint of marbling that would indicate where it was.
"Where's the steak?" I grimaced over the entrails being yanked upwards "this is a cow."
"And animals aren't just meat bags on legs" Pretzel laughed around sucking her dripping fingers "they're all sort of tangled messes of insides and bones and poo!"
She dug her hand into the cow to fling a green wad at me that hit my chest and tumbled to the ground. The heat of it steamed into the air that was fouled with its stench.
Pretzel laughed at me as she wiped her hands down her jumper and dug in for more.
I couldn't keep the dissapointment away. I had gone to all this effort only to have it all snatched away from me. I would be going hungry because I still had some shred of decency about me.
Why did I think it was going to be that easy?
"Teddy!" Pretzel called when I turned from them "you're done already? You haven't touched it!"
"I'm not hungry" I muttered back "enjoy it."
I heard Pretzel's excited squeal at the gift of possibly what could be the most she had eaten for a long time.
I just kept walking further into the forestry until I found a suitable little area to start digging out a cave to sleep in.
At least I wouldn't be cold. Hungry, yes, but that could be sorted somehow.
And all I wanted was a nice slab of meat....
The hunger twisted deep within me as a reminder of my failure. It still gnawed inside, shooting painful warnings when I finally scooped out enoyg dirt to pile up around the entrance of my little cave.
It wasn't glamorous, but it was a start. The dirt wall acted excellently as a buffer for any cold wind trying to flit by, and the dry dirt floor trapped the warmth I pressed to it.
I had accomplished something. It felt good to be nestled down in something I had created myself. 131Please respect copyright.PENANAgSybKNCLTz
131Please respect copyright.PENANAlialrG4BPu
Next, I would have to line it with my old sheets to give it even more padding.
It would be heavenly to have something resembling a bed again.
My eyes found Pretzel peeking in from the side of the entrance. She reamianed there, waiting for me to respond.
"Can I sleep with you tonight?"
"After you threw shit at me?" I scoffed back playfully, only to see her face fall.
I chuckled and lifted my wing to invite her in.
"Your Mama won't mind?"
Pretzel crawled into the cave and huddled under my wing, snuggling against my body with a shake of her head.
It was a strange feeling washing over me at the contact of her depending on me like this.
Was it paternal? It felt bubbly and warm, but also like electricity. 131Please respect copyright.PENANAeNDFiwo0xL
131Please respect copyright.PENANAzXUPyo3f1S
I knew that I wanted to protect this kid without even knowing her. It was like it was my duty.
Is this what a parent felt when they had thier child so vulnerable around them? 131Please respect copyright.PENANAk94uHWDMmJ
131Please respect copyright.PENANACCjTdqUf5U
I wanted more of the feeling that shivered through me. It was wonderful.
"Thank you for the meal" Pretzel spoke softly and played with the feathers on my body "Papa never brings anything that big back because of his bad wings. Mama has plenty for the babies now."
"How is it even possible?" I smiled out at the dark trees rustling in the breeze "I thought it wasn't possible. But then I saw those little babies, and now I have hope again. I can be a father now."
I felt Pretzel's head lift up against me.
"You have a demon mate too?" her voice lifted "like you?"
Her curiosity was adorable. I curled myself around her and rested my head on the dirt so it could see every amused emotion.
"One of them is a demon like me, but the other two are humans. I had a human and he had a human, and then we had each other."
"All of them?" Pretzel tilted her head, counting in her fingers "I've never heard of that."
"It's not everyday you hear of four people in love with each other" I agreed "but it worked. I think you would have liked River too. He's a moody demon who is cheeky, like you."
Pretzel giggled, laying her head back against me.
"But how are you going to have babies if he's a boy?"
I felt a jolt inside me and frowned at Pretzel.
"You know" she waved a hand to try and prompt me onto her train of thought "two fully mutated demons can have babies because they are feral; like Mama and Papa. They are completely wild beasts, and wild beasts can create more. You can't have babies with a normal demon or a human, silly. Everyone knows that."
I couldn't speak. Suddenly, everything around me felt cold. 131Please respect copyright.PENANAnLv9D3onGQ
131Please respect copyright.PENANA6todwormWO
I had got her hopes up again. I had made her believe in something that should have stayed dead.
I.... couldn't?
"Surely... " I tried to laugh to lighten the pain "... surely, there is some way a human can have a demon's child? A... A special herb? A miracle prophecy perhaps?"
Pretzel shook her head, grabbing onto my side to try and distract my thoughts away from the dread now ratlling through me of what I had done.
I had destroyed us. Lavender couldn't be crushed like that after being given hope. Why would I do something like that to her?
Tears snaked through my feathers that I tried to blink back and wipe away. 131Please respect copyright.PENANAhqp1nxlB7d
131Please respect copyright.PENANA5wLHRFJFnR
I was clutching at straws trying to make some sort of justification out of it. Any sort of excuse would do to make Lavender keep her faith in me.
Once I broke the news...
I already knew the agony it had caused the first time she had been told. I was too scared to go back to that.
"There has to be a way" I whined "just one. She deserves it so much."
"I wanted to be a dad" I whimpered out "I just realised how much I wanted it with her, and now I'm back to the beginning where I'm breaking her heart all over again."
"If you need space..." Pretzel began, lifting my wing up until I wrapped it back over her.
"Please don't go" I pleeded "I need someone."
Her face looked down on mine with understanding and she leant over to kiss the top of my beak. Her body laid beside my neck so she could run her hands over my beak softly.
"You know, you could scream it at the spirits again" she offered to make me snort "they have lined you up for such a cruel life."
"As long as you scream with me" I smiled back, sniffling "I'm sure you have something to blame them for?"
There was silence between us for a moment. I knew I had touched on a sensitive topic and instantly felt guilty.
"Being eight" she said as her stroking changed "for eleven years now."
Our eyes met in a moment of clarity. Pretzel looked down at the dirt briefly but fixed them back on me.
"I got my spots" she almost whispered when she rolled up he jacket sleeves to show the white flecks running up each arm "each year when the spirits fall from the sky, I turn eight; again and again. I don't age, I don't look or sound any different; I'm just the same unbound demon who stays the same. I've yelled at the spirits a lot of times about it; they don't listen."
It was my turn to nudge her body with my head to make her smile. She wiped her watering eyes and hugged my head resting across her legs.
"My humans gave up on me a long time ago" she sniffled with a little laugh "turning eight for that long runs thin after a while. Humans don't like it when things get stale."
"I won't give up on you" I whispered up to her "you didn't leave me, now did you? I'm stuck with you, Pretzel, and you are stuck with me. Even if I'm not here, I'll still be looking out for you."
She chuckled and laid her head on mine to steady her shaking breaths that choked in her throat.
"Thank you, Teddy."
"Thank you, Pretzel" I murmered back before lifting myself upwards so I could reposition myself around her to keep her warm "now, dry those eyes and keep warm; I'm not going anywhere until I see you happy again."
I saw her smile up at me and snuggle into my feathers happily that covered her like a blanket. Her hand held my head until she slowly slipped into sleep against me; my own body slipping under now that I knew she was safe in my grasp.
I couldn't be a father, but I could be something more to the little demon whose spots glowed like the spirits themselves.