Everything seemed like a dream from then.
I didnt even feel in control of my own body when i rode behind Lavender to her school or continued to mine once she crossed into the grounds.
I wasn't even paying attention through most of my classes that didn't pry into it. I hadn't seen anyone else with muzzles yet, which only made the appearance of mine the talk amongst the students i was surrounded by in classes.
A loud slam snapped me from my stupor and bought my attention to the teacher standing in front of me.
A heavy textbook lay on my desk to cause the noise that everyone focused on.
"Glad to see you back in the land of the living, Mr Griffin" the young man jeered "we were talking about....?"
"I don't rememeber" I admitted to giggles.
His purple eyes studied mine, as if they were waiting for an answer to magically sprout to my mind.
"Ethics" he tapped me on the head with the book now "actually, you'd be a good example. Up you get."
I groaned and followed the teacher to the front of the class.
"Now, Mr Griffin, what did you do to deserve this Demon's Cradle?"
"Bit a human" I mumbed back "and maybe threatened to cut his throat."
The teacher wrote up the points on the chalkboard behind me. A rushed figure of a demon lay on one side of the board with my bullet points.
"And what did the human do?" he asked as he drew the human on the other side of the board.
"Slept with my girlfriend."
I heard gasps and murmers. Someone even shouted out in anger.
I smiled at the sound.
"And do you know what he was sentenced with?" the teacher pried.
"An apology" I huffed, my tail flicking now "i don't know what else."
"Let's say a slap on the wrist" the teacher wrote before standing back from the board "can everyone see the flaw in our system already?"
"Yes,Sir" they all chimed.
"Our main goal in soceity is to keep humans safe. Demons are born from the thier souls, they live amongst them, they fall in love, they die. Nowhere along this line is there violence against a human. How long is your sentence, Mr Griffin?"
"One year for the Cradle, two for the tracker."
"And let's say the human has no community service, since he has no sentence" the teacher continued, writiing it up "can we see how much it favours the human in this scenario?"
I peered back at the sides and agreed with the class.
"Now, if Mr Griffin were a human, what do you think would happen?"
"Nothing" I huffed.
"Wrong" the teacher pointed his chalk at me "human on human violence is treated as seriously as if a demon were doing it. Both would be given sentences, depending on how violent the crime, and maybe sent to jail or juvie, depending on thier age as well. Some community service may be thrown in as well, and check-ins to a local police station."
I could feel my anger rising again as i stared at the sides and how much difference a simple change of race made.
"The human in this scenario could re-offend as many times as he liked" the teacher continued, circling him "and if Mr Griffin were to intervene, as he would in this case, he would be the one to make this list grow larger and larger. The human simply gets a light sentence because we do not classify as beings from the land."
"That's bullshit!" someone called to a chorus of agreement and babbling that the teacher agreed with.
"Now, take notice of Mr Griffin's appearance too" the teacher spoke as he turned me around and ran a finger over the spikes down my spine "a mutation will affect how harsh a sentencing is too."
"Really?" I breathed.
He nodded and called on another demon to stand beside me.
"Mr Wells is untouched by mutation" the teacher compared as he turned him around "Mr Griffin has only mild ones of the arms, back, horns, and face."
The students all hung onto the teacher's words with interest.
"A mutation will not continue to develop if it is away from the threat. In Mr Griffin's case, it is this human here."
He stabbed the middle of the drawing with his chalk.
"As long as he sees that his own human is in danger, or feels threatened himself, his mutations will continue to develop and change his appearance to what is best suited to keep himself or his human safe. Ethically, this will give Mr Griffin harsher judgement based solely on his appearance."
There was more discussion while the teacher sent the other demon back to his seat. He then slapped the underside of my arms to get me to hold them outwards.
"Please note that circumstances change mutations in demons. Longer limbs such as these are the result of Mr Griffin needing to keep a threat further from himself. His body will sense what he needs and act accordingly; is that right?"
"Yes, Sir" i nodded.
"Cuts around the mouth, which you all will have a hard time seeing, are purely an intimidation tactic. Its used to mimic the markings of a human skull, which has the symbolism of death to them. Some may even develop marks that look like a whole skull just for this purpose."
The teacher drew the skull and outlined the markings along the teeth. They matched up to mine.
"Back spikes are another intimidation techique" the teacher spoke when he turned me around and motioned for me to lift my shirt to expose them "they also offer protection to the demon. If he is hunched like so..." the teacher crouched down and bought his arms inwards "...nothing can attack his exposed points of weakness. The larger the spikes, the more distance is needed between the demon and the threat. Ones that branch indicate a very high stress situation or agressive attacker."
"Is it the same for the horns?"
"Horns are already seen as something evil or dark to humans" the teacher stood up to touch his before running a finger along mine "they naturally curve in different ways genetically. Horns with little spikes like these are emphasising that evilness humans portray in them. It can create fear in them if none fot he other tactics work."
Create fear. River said Lavender had been scared that night. Was it because she saw what darkness i had become to protect her?
The teacher sent me back to my seat where eyes followed and people glanced over at me with curiosity now.
"The elemental structure of an environment comes into play too during a mutation. We had a popular student called Angler here. You may have all met him a few times during your PE classes. He lived around waterways, so his mutations best developed to those with water. When his human almost drowned, he developed bioluminesence along his sides to help locate her in the dark. Ligths like those can also be used for a very flashy display of aggression. He was known to display them during one of his many public fights around the grounds. A demon in hotter climates, or those exposed to fire, may even develop crackling along thier skin or even have acidic saliva that resembles lava coming from thier mouths."
My thoughts immediently went to River and his ever growing mutations. They were much more advanced than mine, so his threat had to be a constant one in the household. Everything about him screamed for distance, but his fan tail had me confused. I reminded me of the fin on a fish but didnt look as deadly as the rest of him. Surely, something like a scythe or extra length would suit him better if he wanted more distance between him and the threat?
"I want you all to detail what kind of mutations would best help in the scenarios i have on these sheets" the teacher announced while he handed them out with a pencil "when you are all finished drawing them up, we will then talk about how the appearance of the demon you have drawn will stand up against a human in a court of law and how it will affect them ethically. We will use Mr Griffin's sentencing as our roleplay here for your demons."
"Thanks, Sir" I sighed back, supressed giggles accompanying me.
"And i dont want to see any torment toward him either!" the teacher warned as he pointed at the class "the poor boy has it hard enough as it is without any nastiness being aimed at him too!"
I kept my head low in gratitude while everyone turned from me and focused on the harsh reality facing them instead.
I became quite popular after the class on ethics.
Strangers i didn't even know were keen to talk to me about my Cradle and the harshness of my sentence. Most of them didnt agree to it at all and sided immediently with me. Others only expressied thier opinions briefly before falling quiet so they didnt cause trouble.
I had a small gathering as i unhooked my bike on the final bell and raced for Lavender's school.
The support i had recieved kept a smile on my face the whole ride there. Even with the muzzle on, i felt good knowing that there was a place where i could turn to for help or answers.
The smile quickly faded when i arrived at Lavender's school and waited for her to be dismissed. I scanned the already empty area for any signs of Braidon, despite how useless it was while everyone was still in class.
I heard giggles and looked upwards to the class looking over me. I couldnt see Lavender amongst the keen girls and curious boys milling around the window to get a look at me.
"Teddy Bear!" one called out and waved.
I waved back slowly before realising it was Hailee. She giggled to her friends who tried to get my attention as well.
A teacher came storming over to see what the fuss was about. Her short curled brunette hair and golden framed glasses only scowled down briefly until she recognised who i was.
"Teddy. You are disrupting my class, again."
I smiled warmly up at her. Out of the three rotating teachers that i knew taught in that classroom, this one was my favourite.
She always made my tail curl up and my ears stand to attention when she was there. And she had no bitterness for me like some of the others did. I knew she taught art to the students here too from the way she always seemed to have forgotten pencils pushed behind her ear, or a loaded paintbrush gripped between her teeth.
She was like a nurturing mother to her students and to me each time we crossed paths. I never liked a woman outside my family circle like Miss Joy. She bought out the best in me and made me feel welcomed and safe.
"Sorry I'm early, Miss Joy" I called out "I can wait around the corner if you like?"
The students groaned at her, which made me laugh.
She poked her head out the window and checked the others that had a few students trying to catch a peek at me. I watched her open it fully and gesture for me to come up.
"We are drawing if you want to join" she spoke as loud as she dared.
There was excited giggling and chatter that Miss Joy shushed quickly while i leant my bike against the front wall.
I had to be quick if i was going to do this.
Miss Joy was risking everythign allowing me to be a part of her little room of happiness. A demon on the school grounds was the worst thing possible that could happen to these humans.
I heard shrieking and laughter when i scaled the wall and lifted myself into the classroom. Everyone sat at thier desks forming a squared u shape around the eisel at the front ot the room Miss Joy stood beside.
"Now, Teddy" she placed her hands on her hips with a crooked smile "how come you have that terrible thing on your face?"
I looked at the students waiting for an explaination. No doubt, at least some of them would have known for themselves, but wanted me to say it.
"Fashion statement, Miss" I shrugged back to some supressed giggles.
She just rolled her eyes at me and everyone else muttering.
"Now, lets try and finish up our paintings before the end of class" Miss Joy peered up at the clock quickly. Instead of returning to the eisel though, she rummaged through one of the many drawers pressed to the back wall and pulled out a small art book and a tin of pencils.
"Join in if you want" she smiled as she handed them to me "unfortunately, we are all out of seats."
"I'll sit on the window" I spoke up to her concern "i need to get out of here anyway before the humans come outside."
"The humans" i heard Hailee giggle to her friends who shot smirks at me. One of them was Poppy, but i couldn't see Sophia anywhere here.
She couldn't keep her eyes off me. I didnt know how she could copy the painting at the front and look at me whenever she had the chance.
I dont know what i had done to cause this reaction in her. Others were curious as well, but nowhere near as focused as Hailee was.
Perhaps it was the muzzle? She had caught me at my best before seeing me now at my worst. Of course that was going to interest her.
The bell screamed through the class to immediently make everyone pack up thier belongings. Miss Joy came to me before i could climb out the window.
"You can keep those. I'd like to see some more of your art next time you come in. There's not a lot of pencils in that tin there but it should be enough to get you by until you can get some yourself."
"Thank you, Miss" I beemed at her before scrabbling back down the side of the building and rushing outside the school grounds to where my bike was still leaning.
I was already drawing Lavender when she came rushing out towards the gates with the flood of students.
I saw her smile at me and returned it, watching her tilt her head at my art book.
"I didn't know demons taught art" she commented as she tried to look.
"They don't" I only replied as I tried to hide my artwork from her.
Lavender yanked onto it and almost tore it in her attempt to pull my book towards her.
Instead of being amazed, Lavender' s face fell when she saw the beginnings of her own face reflected at her.
"Are we... still together?" she mumbled and turned the picture around to me.
"Of course not" I said quickly when I snatched the book back to focus on the unfinished outline while she unhooked her bike.
Immediently, I grew suspicious.
"Well, if we aren't dating, then why are you drawing me? Isn't that kind of what a stalker does?"
A stalker? I felt offended she wanted to compare me to someone who lurked in shadows and preyed on unknowing victims.
I tore out the page and shoved it to her when she came to my side.
"It was a nice gesture" I glared back before dumping everything in my tail basket and riding ahead before she could catch up.
The frame became my new sanctuary as I drew the landscape surrounding it.
Lavender tried to coax me down, but I ignored her futile attempts bitterly.
She didn't appreciate a thing I did for her. Why should I let myself be hurt more when I could just hang out of her reach.
River made his appearance when it started to get dark outside. He was also hesitant in approaching me, but climbed up anyway to sit beside me and gaze at my drawing.
"Didn't know trees were blue" he pointed with a small smile.
"It's all I've got to work with" I spoke to the paper "red, blue, purple, and yellow. Trees are blue now."
He continued to watch me in silence. It only added to my frustration that had been simmering from Lavender's comment.
"Is there a reason you are here?"
"Oh, I came to applogise" he spoke up "for... that kiss. It was uncalled for."
I nodded to let him know I agreed. Other than that, I didn't make eye contact with River who was still uneasy with my lack of engagement with him.
What did he even see me as? I know it was more than friends; but why?
I hadn't done anything to deserve his affection. A male demon with mutations like his was superior, according to my PE teacher. Only females should be swooning for his persistence.
Did he see me as a vulnerable female? Did he think he could make these moves on me because I was not as fierce or dangerous as he was? Did I not look the part?
What was it?
"Teddy" Lavender called up to me with a frustrated sigh "will you please just talk to me?"
"You know what?" I groaned out at the disturbance and turned my irritation on her "when you can climb up here yourself, then you can talk to me about whatever you want."
"But that's... impossible."
"Start practicing then" I bit back and heard River chuckle.
Lavender scowled at him and jumped up to grab the frame. She immediently slid down to pierce her hands with splinters along the way.
She bit back her cries of pain and tried again with a frustrated grunt.
"Stop it!" I snapped at her now "you'll hurt yourself!"
"I'll get up there, Teddy Griffin, and you will listen to me!"
"Don't be such an idiot!" I slapped her reaching hands down "look at your damn fingers! How does that seem logical to you?"
She glared at me and jumped again to uselessly fall back into the ground. Her hands were bleeding now and left streaks on the wood that River peered at now.
"Look what you've done!" I shook my head before jumping down so I could stand over her "why would you keep trying?"
"BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO LOVE ME BACK!" she screamed at me, throwing a clump of grass at my face she tore up.
I only glared at her scrunched, tearful face, and yanked her to her feet roughly.
River leapt down with my art supplies. He stood beside me to glance between Lavender and I.
Lavender shoved him to make him stagger back. He clutched the book tightly so he could distract his curling claws.
"You don't get to come over here and turn him against me!" Lavender pointed a finger at him "you should keep out of it!"
"Pretty ripe coming from a cheater" he snarled back to her, his ears flattening.
"Stop it!" I snapped to Lavender and snatched up her arm to stop her shoving him again "what the hell has gotten into you?"
I saw Mum and Dad witnessing her outburst from inside. Dad spoke something to Mum to keep her from intervening.
"Friends don't kiss each other!" she glared at me "I saw what he did, ok! He wants to replace Darcy with you!"
"If anyone has a reason to be upset, it's me!" I snapped at her as I turned on her "you cheated on me with Braidon! You turned me down so you could fuck him instead! You led me on and then threw it all away like that! What did he tell you, huh?"
Lavender backed up as I advanced. She tried to keep her face hard, but I could see it faltering.
"Am I scaring you?" I jeered" is it because I look evil? Is it my horns? Or is it my face? Why don't you hit me if you are so angry? I'll be the only one who pays for it anyway!"
"That's bullshit and you know it!" Lavender planted her feet down "I love you, no matter what you look like or where you come from! You could look like fucking River and I'd still love you!"
River growled back at her, which made a smirk crawl over my scowl.
"Braidon told me I could have what I wanted if I slept with him" Lavender explained quickly "he said all of these amazing things, and I fell for it. Braidon didn't want me, he only wanted to sleep with me to have his bragging rights. He wasn't going to do any of those things."
"A family?"
She nodded and I stopped moving towards her.
"When we were old" she sobbed again and tried to wipe her eyes with her bleeding hands "but he told me that he only said what I wanted to hear."
Anger flicked my tail upwards and vibrated a growl through me.
"He told you that today?"
She nodded.
"I asked him at school" Lavender almost whispered "I wanted to make sure he was going to keep his word. He teased me about it in front of everyone and said I was stupid for believing him. It was really embarrasing."
"We should cut his tongue off" River smiled coldly. He made his way over and stood beside us.
Lavender smiled briefly at the suggestion but looked at me.
"I made a stupid mistake for something that I should have known wouldn't come true" Lavender sniffled and grabbed my hands in hers "I should never have betrayed you or believed that something like that would make things better. I want you to be happy with me again, like we used to be. And if you want to leave me for River, then so be it. I cannot stop either of you."
"We all know that isn't going to happen" River sighed at her before turning to me "Lavender was right. I did want you for myself but only because I wanted what was right for Darcy. It's no surprise his parents beat the living shit out of him. It only started when they suspected him of being gay, and only got worse when they caught me kissing him. I thought that if he got a human boyfriend then that would settle them down, but it's only got worse. And when Lavender did what she did..." River paused, hesitating"... I thought that was the time to tell you how I felt just in case Darcy left me and Lavender left you."
I blew out my breath. This was a lot to take in at once from the both of them who peered at me, waiting.
"I'm not going to let you hurt Teddy" River spoke as he grabbed my hand "and I won't let you hurt Lavender" he added as he took her hand "I just want you both to be happy. I'm not going to give up until you are. Me and Darcy; well, that's going to take some time until we find our own space away from the noise."
We held hands in our circle and regained control over our emotions. River looked like the was getting emotional just being there with us in this peaceful moment.
"I'll fix up your hands" I smiled at Lavender who nodded "then, if you want to, I would like to watch a movie with you."
"I'll help with your hands" River spoke up "Teddy can have one and I'll have the other. We can get it done twice as quick."
"Id like that" Lavender agreed as we all dropped hands to head inside.
Mum and Dad kept a watchful eye from afar when Lavender sat at the kitchen table with one of us on either side of her. I worked on her right hand with a pair of tweezers while River worked on the left with the tips of his sharp claws.
We were efficient as a team. Lavender winced as the wood slivers were pulled from under her skin, but was otherwise OK. She distracted herself by staring at the drawing of the landscape I had left unfinished in the artbook before her.
River being here didn't annoy me as much as i thought it would have. I could see how careful he was being with Lavender and could tell how much he was enjoying our company. He looked as happy as he did when he was with Darcy.
"Maybe this landscape needs more mountains?" River spoke up as he noticed Lavender's distraction and pulled another sliver.
"Mountains?" I frowned at it "but there are none barely any outside."
"You can always add in something to make it better" he suggested "just draw a triangle and build it up from there."
It was an odd request that I stared at in confusion.
"Maybe some birds too?" Lavender added eagerly.
"Birds" River clicked his fingers that he pointed to me "the little v shaped one's."
What was River's sudden fascination in my artwork? His requests seemed quite oddly specific but vague enough to not give away the true intention he wanted to keep hidden behind darting eyes and sly smirks.
Maybe he just really enjoyed the outdoors?
He still hadn't given me any answers when he finally left us to head back to his own home.
Lavender chose the movie and I dragged over a blanket left on the couch that we ended up sharing.
We weren't as close as we once would have been, but having our feet touching underneath was as much contact as either of us was willing to give without speaking.
The vagueness of River was still muddling my mind until it finally clicked halfway through the movie.
The triangles, the v's; they weren't suggestions at improving my art at all. Each shape had its link between them that River was desperately trying to hunt at without being too forward.
He not only wanted me, but also Lavender.
He wanted a polyamorous relationship.