When I entered the office, I found it to be empty, with a note on the desk explaining that he had to go get something, and to just wait here for him. As I paced around the room waiting for him, I noticed something on his shelf that got my attention. There was a small chip on one of the shelves which had a label with the name Aczostic on it. When I looked up, I saw that the chip was on a part of the shelf of titled philosophy. As I picked it up to closely examine it, AA walked in, and instinctively pocketed it.
“So, I’ve heard you had some trouble during your first assignment!” He said, sitting down at his desk. “It’s... nothing sir!” I replied. “I just got a little distracted.” I sat down, ignoring the chip that was now in my pocket. “A distraction, eh?” He sat back in his seat. “That’s not what NB told me. According to him, you were willingly participating in crimes against the regime!” I paused for a moment, trying to think of a good response. “You know how paranoid some people can be! It was just a small investigation, that’s all!" AA leaned forward again, getting in my face. “Is that so? So who should I trust? The respected military officer, or someone being accused of treason?" He said, slowly pulling back into his chair. “So why haven’t you told your story, since you claim it has nothing treasonous in it?” I couldn’t answer it truthfully, but if I didn’t answer, I would be even more suspicious. Before I could think of anything to tell him, he stood up. “Well I guess I have to turn you in, then.” He said. “What” ?!” I asked as I jumped to my feet.” I’ll send a message to my comrades in the department of re-education.” They’ll come to get you when they get it. Good luck.” He then ushered me out of my offfice.
When I rushed out of the building, I was stopped, and pulled into a nearby alleyway. I was starting to struggle, until I noticed who it was. It was ZN!” What are you doing here? It’s dangerous?” I asked her. “Just passing through. “Looking for allies.” She responded, releasing her grasp on me.” Well you’re not going to find any here. How did you survive anyway?” I said, starting to move towards her.” I managed to fight off my captor, and slip away while no one was looking. Not without consequences though.” She motioned to a scar now going down the side of her face. “Anyway, the reason I’ve come here, is that you’re the only other person whose shown any form of intrest in the project since the Underground was shut down.” She backed up as she said this.” Well, then you’re out of luck. I just booked myself a one way ticket to the department of re-education!” I responded. “Crap!” She said.” Well, is there anything I can do to help” I didn’t answer, and put my hand in my pocket, where I felt something. The chip! After all this time I had completely forgotten about it.
“Yeah, What is this?” I asked. She took the chip, and inspected it. She flipped it over, and looked at its serial number, then gasped. “This is an original copy of Aczostic’s first work! The Underground hasn’t been able to find this for years! Where did you get this?” She asked. “I found it in AA’s office.” I responded. She nodded. “Makes sense, AA is known for collecting strange artifacts from across the galaxy.” She raises the chip. “I guess this was pretty high on his list.” She put it in her pocket. “I should keep this, so the department doesn’t find it on you. Good lips I!” I nodded, and quietly walked off.
After this conversation, I waited in my apartment for another hour. Waiting for the department’s agents to come for me. When they finally did, I went without fighting, hoping that it would make them less rough. I was mistaken. I was dragged, and handcuffed just as roughly, as they pulled me into a simple white transport, with the regimes logo on it. Then, I was flown off to Ovnorak VI. There, I was dragged into a massive building complex, with the same completely white colour all over it. Inside, I was put into a small cell, wheremassive lights were boring down on me. There, I had to wait for the next few hours, until they came for me again.