My love is like tides, pushes me toward you324Please respect copyright.PENANAVli4Tra3R3
Tightly follow324Please respect copyright.PENANAhmERTD50fF
Love is like tides that surround you and me324Please respect copyright.PENANA2baozguqT6
I don't want to see you purchase win and get yourself drunk late night again324Please respect copyright.PENANAB6117fo5WS
I don't want other men to experience your charming and loveliness324Please respect copyright.PENANAWsCnj06vd5
You should know that this will break my heart324Please respect copyright.PENANAoF2ZtNYtSm
Promise me that from this moment on, you won't linger late at night324Please respect copyright.PENANA5yiCSA4PyG
Don't rashly try the taste of indulgence324Please respect copyright.PENANAcZgCBzJJ2f
Do you know that this will break my heart
- Love is like tide, Jeff Chang
Tian Yu had been awaiting her call. He had been hiding in one of the bushes nearby for the perfect moment to strike. And when she called and screamed, he knew it was time for him to go and rescue her.
She had been inside for twenty minutes. He hoped she was safe and sound, and in one piece. Which of course, he trusted her to be.
He just didn't expect that she would be so gullible to fall into the trap set up by that jerk. Maybe he wasn't that stupid, after all. But regardless if he was stupid or not, his acts weren't to go unpunished.
As the eldest child of the retired Head of Police and Lieutenant Colonel of the Special Forces, he had received special intensive training as a young child. After his sister was born, he received even stricter training, for the purpose of protecting his sister. Tian Yin had been afraid that he would bash up every single one of her admirers. That had been the reason why she was questioning his motives of going to the university, which in fact was, to spy on her and find out if she had any admirers. Despite all this, they had stayed low profile and kept their parents' identities a secret.
Tian Yu wasn't alone when he hid and waited for her. He had backup, in case anything went wrong. His orders were that if he didn't come out victorious within five minutes, they were to come to his aid.
It only took him three minutes to subdue the demons and leave the place, with the silly girl in his arms. The police arrived shortly and swarmed the area, having to carry the four injured men in stretchers. As usual, nobody bothered to tell him he was handling them too roughly. They had deserved it.
It had all been part of Herman's plan all along. It was just his luck. He had only made one attempt to rape his girl, and the consequences would be that he would be staying behind bars for some time now. He enjoyed calling her his girl, even though she had not accepted him yet. What mattered was she was now accepting him as a part of her life. He was positive that things would change for the better, with time.
He had been puzzled why she had been pretending that she was drugged. It didn't take him very long to see through her deception. She clung onto him in her pretense. In actuality, there had been no drug in the glass of water that she had been force-fed with. It had just been a ploy by Herman to frighten her into submission, and the men were but hired goons. He bundled her into the passenger seat of his car and drove away.324Please respect copyright.PENANAvUhDDvp7iL
Tian Yu halted the car as they entered an unknown location. It was one of those beaches that had grown out of favour as the city had developed malls and other places of high public interest, so his retired parents had purchased it for their own recreation. When he had rescued her, Zhi Xun had requested for him to bring her to a private place without anyone else around. He found this place extremely suitable. His parents had even had a small log cabin erected on the beach itself.
For now, Zhi Xun had only one matter on her mind, which was to erase, erase, erase all her memory of that scumbag from her mind. She wanted to cleanse herself of his touch, his caresses, and all the pain and struggles he had given her. How could she been so blind to accept him as her boyfriend? To think he had been a wolf in the guise of an innocent lamb.
"Do you want to go for a walk, or do you want to stay in the car?" Tian Yu asked. Zhi Xun shook her head while swinging her body in her pretense, laughing and pointing towards the beach. They alighted from the car and walked towards the shore.
"I knew you were pretending," he said.
Zhi Xun looked a bit dismayed, before stopping the act she had put on during the whole journey. "If I was drugged, would you have taken advantage of me?"
"Are you trying to test me?" He moved his face closer to hers.
He studied her closely. She was in such a messy state right now, with her hair all dishevelled, her dress slightly torn, and having her makeup almost faded. she was still looking so seductive. Especially the two missing buttons on the top of her dress. It made him feel like pulling it off her petite body.
"What do you want from me?" she asked.
"Your love and your heart. I won't ever let another man into your life, never ever again. Be warned that you will only be mine."
She pushed him down on the sand and fell on top of him, kissing him furiously, and he was soon very occupied in just returning her kisses. She didn't let him stop. Their bodies were getting hotter with each passionate kiss, until she could no longer hold back anymore. She knew that this was the moment she was awaiting for all her life. She felt that he must have been the right person in the wrong time. When they met, she was already someone else's girlfriend, but she had already wanted him so much. Now that she no longer was back to being single, she wanted him even more. Forget all the principles, forget that she wasn't in a relationship with him. She wanted to remove all the painful memories from her heart and her body. She wanted to trust Saviour like no other. Even if it meant making the right mistake.
Her heart was beating wildly as she felt her desire for him intensifying. She reached for his belt, but then he removed her hand and took it in his. Gently freeing his lips from hers, he gently whispered into her ear, "There's nothing I want more than being with you. But we can't. Not yet."
She had replied without thinking, "I want you. I don't care. I don't want to think of all the things that just happened. Could you just let me lose myself to the moment?"
"If I were to take you now, I would just be taking advantage of you at your most vulnerable point. Let me take care of you, Xiao Xun. One day, I will touch your heart and you will accept my feelings for you. And I hope you will reciprocate my feelings."
She recalled the sweetness of his kisses and how passionate their first actual kiss together (not those smooches he had given her previously) had felt. But what had touched her the most had been his decision.
Tian Yu wanted to respect her, despite how much he had desired her and wanted to make her his. Regardless or not whether she had sexual relations with Herman in the past, it didn't matter. He would slowly make his way into her heart, and when he was there, he would never depart. He would never let her go.
She liked how he called her Xiao Xun. The way it had came from his mouth had sounded so different, like no other. She took a deep breath and bit her lower lip. He helped her to her feet, and with her hand still in his, guided her to the water.
They had been covered with sand, and having a little water and mud all over wouldn't make much of a difference. But tonight, Zhi Xun had wanted to have more than a bit of water on their clothes. Playing in the water had reminded her of how she used to play with her parents when her father had been alive and well, and her mother had been healthy. Her childhood memories had brought tears to her eyes.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"I just thought of my parents." He understood, and brought her close in his embrace. "I will make you happy," he said. "I promise."
She kissed him again, and pushed him into the water as the gentle tide messed with their hands and feet. When she was finally done having fun playing and getting both of them all wet and messy in the water, they were all wet to toe. Tian Yu was suddenly overcome by what he saw. The wet dress clung to her body, leaving nothing to the imagination. He pretended to have seen nothing and quickly looked away.
It started to get a bit chilly as night fell, and she was shivering from the wetness of her dress. But she didn't have extra clothes with her.
"I have a jacket in the car, but it's a long distance away for us to return to your apartment. Would you like to wait in the cabin? I'll turn on the heater, and you could take off your wet clothing while I look for a change of clothes for us. There might be some in the cabin."
As much Zhi Xun wanted him to stay with her at the moment, she nodded.