It's the next morning and were all struggling to drag ourselves out of bed despite a bad night's sleep considering the circumstances were all under. With no choice, but to face the day, we pull on our provided clothes and hear the leaders of this place's, security banging on doors, ordering everyone out of their rooms.
I don't dare entertain the idea of what the punishment is for refusing as the security and leaders mean business.
"Valerie, you ready?
I hear Louis call my name and I push my thoughts aside to see him holding the door to our room open, Kelsey and Cloud already outside of it, looking in. Louis extends his hand to me and I take it, rushing out of the room, following him.
Security leads us and a few other groups out of the dormitory to a cafeteria of some kind. We choose a table somewhere in the fray and take a seat "Roll call is in beginning in 5 minutes and then breakfast will served!" We hear Ricky announce to the room. "You... okay?" I hear Kelsey ask me, cautiously.
I say nothing. "We've had a couple of rough days, Kelsey. Valerie's still recovering." Louis objects. "Maybe she just needs a really good feed and a drink of water and will feel like her old self in no time."Cloud suggests. adds on. He wants to come up with a solution and I thank him for it, but I really am not looking forward eating and drinking...
Names have started being called and160Please respect copyright.PENANAqMJzIuYsTk
all of a sudden, I feel a cold hand grasp my shoulder and pull me to my feet. My eyes meet a pair of cherry pink eyes with long white hair in a ponytail framing her face like it did yesterday who's just like us, but me, Louis & Kelsey are still too young or haven't really come into our powers and develop the unique eye colors and same goes for our hair.
I hear Ricky stop reading and everyone gasp. It's Rain and she trails a hand across the back of my neck causing me to shiver. Her skin feels like it's almost ice cold.
I see her smirk and she turns and walks away from me, her mission ti likely scare me, accomplished. I look to see her stand by Sebastian who is also accompanied by Owen and Harriet.
"You're not very attentive, Sprout. Keep that up and you'll soon learn what's reserved for slackers. We don't like slackers." I grit my teeth upon hearing Sebastian's remark. "Awww, don't be so tense, Sweetheart. There's no need." Rain says in a cutesy tone. This only makes me feel angrier.
"Wait!" A voice calls out and I see Cloud leap to his feet. "Uh, yes?" Sebastian responds.
"I recognize you guys! All four of you! You're from the world we came from. Why are you here and still look how you did before?"
"Not playing games, I see." Sebastian jokes. "Were far more experienced angel's than you guys. Every world is different, but every outcome also has other possible outcomes.
And were not like you guys too. Rain & I here remember every world we pass through and were not in the business of forgetting unlike other people. Also, if their is a timeline we particularly enjoyed in the past, we see no problem in replicating events to a certain extent."
"You mean people too." Cloud snaps, pointing a finger directly at Harriet. "You. You were one of June's Bendixen's maids and later took off. I never found out what became of you.
You were alive, but didn't want to talk to me. You were my girlfriend, Harriet." Cloud says with a tear streaming down his face. My ex died and so did my daughter. I was lucky I could find love again after the plague that swept through the city of where I came from."
"I don't know you..." Harriet whispers, looking distressed between Rain & Sebastian. "Even if there is a past, guys, re-living it may not be important. I and Harriet trust in Rain and Sebastian here. Were Human compared to them and they won't lie to us or hurt us.
Everyone here including us knows what they are and they're intentions aren't intended to be bad. They want the best for us at the end of the day." Owen speaks up.
"I don't believe that for a second! What bull-crap!" Cloud challenges. "You aged my students and are forcing us to stay here."
"Word of advice, Cloud..." Sebastian trails off. "Compare the evils. Were the lesser of the few."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Cloud growls.
Rain shrugs. "We don't interfere with them, they leave us alone. It's sort of an unspoken alliance and mutually beneficial for all of us."
"I don't have time for this." Cloud snaps. "I want proper answers and I know you and your wife have the ability to send us back from where we came!
And Harriet..."
Harriet looks at us blankly and then I see a sparkle in her eyes deep below. "Cloud?" She says, tilting her head and is about to step forward when Rain seizes her shoulders and Harriet's dark skin and dyed purple hair which she clearly did to mimic Rain & Sebastian's status turn blue, almost like ice.
A cloud of air comes from Harriet's lips. She's shivering and crying. "Rain!" Owen panics, but Sebastian puts an arm up, stopping here.
"What are you?" Rain hisses. "S-sorry..." Harriet murmurs. "I can't hear you, speak up." Rain huffs.
"I-I'm, s-sorry." Harriet tries again despite Rain literally freezing her to death. I see she wields Ice. I wield Ice. Well, did. Past tense.
"For?" Rain asks.
"For d-disobeying you, I-I'll be better, p-please Rain..." Harriet chokes out. "Good enough." Rain says, letting go of Harriet who wraps her arms around herself.
"Paige, be a sweetie and take Harriet up to the Hospital. Have London warm her up." Rain demands and we see Paige who helped escort us last night remove Harriet from the building.
"You people are okay with this?!" Cloud yells, looking at the other table and we see a young woman with dark brunette hair in pigtails stand.
"No, but they're the leaders and mean well sometimes. And for the record? We don't like magic. They told us about you guys last night and said they stripped you guys of yours. The young adults with you look inexperienced and would do so much worse than Rain and Sebastian we think. And you? Aren't even magic at all.
I can see your young friends still have small features to show what they used to be unlike you who is clearly human. Now, here on out, do this community a favour and don't drag us down with you."
Then she sits down. Everyone in the room says something along the lines of agreeing with her or showing it by clapping.
Cloud looks scared and quickly lowers himself to resume his seat.
"Now, with intrusions and defiance out of the way..." Sebastian says. "Any of you who don't have work to go off too, please remain here after breakfast and work will be assigned to you.
The ones who do, you know what to do."
And then breakfast commences. Sebastian with Rain followed by Owen who is standing back, walks up to us.
"How are you guys holding up with the winter weather?" Sebastian chuckles. I look at my friends and I see now Louis is holding Kelsey in his arms. The look of fear in both their eyes are scary. Cloud shrugs. "It doesn't bother me, I've encountered worse."
"Oh, have you now?" Sebastian laughs.
"Cheer up, sweethearts. This is your home now. Live by our rules and I think we'll get along just fine." Rain adds on in a cutesy voice again. She walks up to me and I feel her give the side of my face a slight tap with her hand. Her hand is really cold from powers, but maybe suffers from a medical condition on the side too?
She's pale as can be which is odd as Angel's should have glowing skin...
"Maybe you all need a lesson to be taught your places anyway just so we know were all on the same page for the future, hmm?" Sebastian smirks and we hear a voice interrupt.
"No! Uh- you- you don't have to do that!"
Looking, we see the young woman who just threatened us is now coming to our defense. "Samantha." Rain speaks, eyes narrowing.
"I beg of you, just leave them alone, please. We were all new at one time or another and you always show us mercy till we learn our place." Samantha adds on.
"True, but what if we don't feel like it this time?" Sebastian smirks.
"Be the bigger person, please." Samantha tries again.
Sebastian and Rain start whispering between each-other, then turn to face us all again. "We have an idea, you lot. Learning to work a job is difficult when you're starting out and you and your kiddo's, Cloud may not be ready for it, but till that day, why don't we see if we can get you on he road to succession.
You earn your keep here like any person who runs a community would expect, but why don't we have some fun? We plan events, parties per say from time to time to boost morale so let's have something along the lines of our own... Fun-run per-say. It'll help you train up anyway to carry out working long hours on our farm or something.
Yes, I like the sound of this for the mean time." Sebastian says, smiling wider and wider.
"W-what..." Kelsey stammers.
"Enjoy, guys, this is all for you. Use it as a stepping done to greater things. Our security will be in touch with our further instructions so please do await them." Sebastian adds on, then him and Rain turn to leave, but Sebastian looks over his shoulder.
"Welcome to Destiny."
Then he starts to laugh. "Destiny?" Kelsey asks confused. "I'm not sure weather us fulfilling the games they're playing is what they mean by 'Destiny' or it's this community's literal name..." Louis speaks up, reaching for Kelsey's hand.
"Samantha?" Cloud whispers and we see her shove him right to the ground, his knee becoming grazed because the fabric of his pants tore open. Samantha's fists are clenched and her teeth gritted. "Cute. Just cute, all of you. Particularly you, Cloud. Did I not just warn you?" She snaps.
"Warn us? This is your fault-" But she doesn't let Cloud finish and promptly punches him in the stomach. He winces. "Watch it, I'm becoming your elder."
"Someone's your ally and then your friend a moment later but next thing you know, they're also your rival and are the one holding a knife through your back." Samantha says, kicking Cloud in the ribs. "Learn your places, the leaders here aren't truly forgiving.
They only want you to think that, entice you into liking them and when they have you wrapped around their finger as their servant if you stop being their toy, you're disposed of.
Believe me, we've seen it."
And then she's gone as she came. We panic and all rush to help Cloud up who tries to tell us his okay, but it's clear his not okay.
"Samantha, you're rations will be cut for today!" We hear a security call out, going after Samantha. "Oof." Louis comments. "Double oof, I think." Kelsey adds on and while Security is distracted, we see a girl with dusty hair, held in place by a black, frilly headband sneak around them, poking her head up at the back of table, snags a stick of jerky and a bottle of water and is gone, heading the same way Samantha went.
"Either alot of people here are hungry which is a common punishment or she's stealing that for Samantha. Her and two guys were hanging back when Samantha was bullying us, yet challenging authority. I think they're her friends.
"Jobs are commencing in 20 minutes and new group, we'll be debriefing with you in 20 minutes also!" We hear Ricky from Security call out. "Ah, let's just eat..." Cloud winces, hobbling over toward an obvious line of people who are awaiting food, rejecting Kelsey and Louis's attempts to support him and I trudge slowly behind them, feeling weak. I'm hungry and there's food there and I need some energy so I don't faint on my friends, but everything inside of me is telling me to find a way to hide my condition no matter what.
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