the people continue until they reach a plain with hills covering the north part and trees covering almost all the terrain, Jorogumo says "it's not ideal but we have to settle here" they let the drones build the houses and recycle everything they can, the soldiers start moving the ill and Stan goes close with Aphrodite "can we help our friend?"
the soldier looks at Jorogumo and they change words with their hands, the soldier then says "yes, just put on the suits and you can" a drone comes bringing two full body suits, Stan and Aphrodite wear them and the suits clean themselves, the soldier point his finger at the drones "find your friend and bring him here, the drones will soon build a house for them" Stan and Aphrodite look at the people, finding Mason in the back of one of the vehicles, he's eyes red, struggling to breathe, Stan and Aphrodite take him and they go to the half builded house, he leaves him gently him on the wall and says "Mason how do you feel?" mason try to form words but nothing comes out of his mouth, Stan hits the ground with force and
Aphrodite look at mason with worry, she grabs Stan's shoulder and he pushes her away, Aphrodite still looking at them, Mason's fingers start to shake and slowly he move his hand to Stan's shoulder, smiling at him, Stan hit his hand again, leavin a small stain of blood.
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the building is almost done and Jorogumo comes to them with Eremis on her side "Stan you better leave for now, we must take care of the ill" "can't I do something to save him?" "wait until our drones find how we can cure them"
Stan gets up and leaves with Aphrodite, they rest together with the people in the woods, covering their bodies with blankets and going to the ill and coming back.
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A soldier comes and asks "does anyone from here know how to treat the ill or is a doctor?" some juputarians and neptunians raise their hands "great, come with me"
Stan curl and Aphrodite lay her body on him "don't be like that, he is going to be alright" Stan whispers "you don't know that" drones pass above their head building more structures, Aphrodite continues "I don't know, but that doesn't mean we can lose all hope" Stan continues to stay silent "please leave me for a while" "no, I will stay with you" Stan says nothing.
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An uranian look at Aphrodite and says "in one hour we will know if the sick can be saved" a venurian asks "how do you know that?" "I asked Jorogumo, she said the drones will
know in an hour" many cries are heard from the people.
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The hour pass and Jorogumo comes alone "our drones have conducted the research, they cannot be saved" an uranian says "there must be something, anything that we can do"
"it is feckless to save them" the peoples faces bathe in despair, Jorogumo says "we can do only one thing, kill them and free them from the pain" the people along with Stan look at her, a neptunian says "we cannot do that" "they are already tortured living in this conditions for another one or two weeks" an uranian says witha broken voice "Jorogumo is right, we are even worse if we let them live" the people say nothing and Jorogumo walks beside Stan, saying if anyone wish to take the life of its love ones i will gladly let him do" she leaves and the people walk or run to the ill, the soldiers try to hold them back, Jorogumo says to them "let them come, it doesnt matter now" the people go inside, holding their people dear to them on their hug, Stan look around holding Aphrodites hand, trying to pass through the people as they try to make their way and Stan almost left Aphrodites hand but he holds it tight, Aphrodite says "Stan you dont need to hold it so hard" Stan ignores her and he finds Mason on the corner of the building, he push the people and rush at Maosn, falling to his knees to be at the same height as Mason on his bed, with a loud noise he says "Mason talk to me" Mason move his lips forming no words and the only sound Stan hears is Masons heavy breaths "come on Mason, tell me something"
Mason try to extend his arm and Stan comes closer, letting Mason grab his shoulder.
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He try again to form words and only whispers are heard along with the mourning and cries of the people, Mason coughs intensely his eyes opening wide and almost coming out, Aphrodite grabs a soldier from his armor and asks "can you help our friend? he is coughing like crazy" "I'm sorry we cannot do something, wait until he comes back to normal" Stan watch with care at Mason, as his breath goes back to normal, Jorogumo comes to them and says "Stan can I speak with you?" "it's not the right time" "when it is come and see me" Jorogumo leaves and talk with others, Aphrodite says "Stan we cannot do anything else for him" Stan says silently " we can be with him in his final moments, he would have done the same" Aphroditestay to his side and the night passes with the people going and coming.
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Stan finds himself sleeping beside Mason's bed, he feels Aphrodite's head on his back, he try to not move and let himself sleep a little more, he wakes up finding Aphrodite giving mason water and nutrients through a syringe, Stan stays a while to look at her and gets up, taking the syringe and saying "I'm going to give them back" Aphrodite nod her head and Stan continue, bringing the syringe and taking new ones.
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With the edge of his eye he sees Jorogumo talking with the uranians, Stan leaves the syringe at the hands of Aphrodite and says "I will come back in a while" Stan leaves and meets gaze with Jorogumo, she comes closer and says "Stan, can I ask you something real quick?" "yes" they move to tthe corner of the room and Jorogumo says "I want to ask you if you are willing to take the life of your friend with your own hands" Stan's heart skips a beat "why do you ask me to do it?" "I believe it is only right for the people close to the ill to have the right to take their lives" Stan look at Mason, coughing and trying to speak, blood coming out from his lips and teeth "I will do it" she nod her head and says "now I have to go, I advise you to prepare yourself"
Stan walks back to Mason and Aphrodite asks "what did Jorogumo told you?" without looking at her and his eyes locking on Mason he says "I will tell you another time" Stan extend his hand and give Mason another syringe with water.
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further behind Jorogumo shouts "all of you have to leave now, we will transport the ill outside" the people go out, many resist and the soldiers use force, Stan and Aphrodite leave as they look at Mason, they all go outside and the soldiers move the ill one by one, the crowd stare as the soldiers place the ill to the ground, trying to make them stand but they fall and lay to the ground, from the crowd
a plutonian drops his gun and says "Jorogumo, let us die with them,we cannot live watching our kin die so horribly like that" Jorogumo nod her head and the plutonians sit beside their ill kin, Jorogumo goes beside Stan and gives him a gun, she look at him at the eyes and his hand start shaking, Aphrodite look with her mouth open, the soldiers raise their guns but Jorogumo says "put them down, i will kill them myself" the soldiers place them down with their hands shaking, Jorogumo steps back and Stan and some others point their guns on their loves ones, oStans arms shake, his heart beat faster than ever, he slowly pull the trigger and close his eyes, shooting above Mason, he open his eyes and sees the gun pointing upwards, he point at him again and before pulling the trigger he hears one from the many word words that are coming from Mason "live" Stan shoot him on his head and falls down, Jorogumo points her gun on the plutonians first, killing them instantly and then the sick, screams are heard from the crowd and the soldiers look away.
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Jorogumo says "we will bury them here" the soldiers come and Stan feel his legs could no longer hold him, he falls and throws the gun with force, Aphrodite comes beside him and says "let's bury Mason, its the least we can do"
They get up and ask a soldier for a shovel, she gives them two and they start digging, placing him with caution, more people come to bury their own and the uranians are buried by the soldiers, some leave and some sit to mourn and the soldiers finish and left, Jorogumo goes above Stan and says "you did the right choice" Stan ignores her and she leave, Aphrodite grabs Stans hand tight and he respond the same as the night starts expanding and consume the light.