Everyone continue in the grass fields with no threat of any bird or animal,Stan looks Kalevi from the other side, jorogumo and the soldiers suddenly tell everyone to stop and Jorogumo says "a rift is infront of us" she then continues infront for some steps and watch the depth of the rift that expands for kilometers,watching some aquatic life in it, big white shells throwing their tongue in other fishes and clear parasites.
She then look back to the soldiers and tilt her head,the soldiers tilt it too and bring a green armored vehicle infront of the rift, the man driving it comes out and the soldiers pushed it to fall and fill a gap for them to pass, Jorogumo then look at the people and lift her up as a sign for them to pass.
Out from the crowd a man from Venus comes and screams "have you gone mad? Using an armored vehicle that can hold supplies in this rift?" A short man with thin hairline comes out too saying "people like you from earth always make the worst decisions that can anyone imagine" more crowd are heard saying "hey say it louder, i cant hear you from this distance you short people of jupiter" tensions raise between them,Jorogumo steps between them saying "my good sir first of all im from Saturn, you should have understand it from our close relations and second I would not stand to hear people turning to one another because of some stupidly awkward jokes,now i insist all of you to start walking in the vehicle " the man from Venus says again "do you belive we will really step in this thing? It can fall anytime" Jorogumo look at him and with an expressionless face walks to the vehicle and jumps up and down, she then pass to the other side and says " it is safe, now you can pass it" she waits there overseeing with her soldiers the people to pass and when the last of them pass, they continue onward with Stan looking on the scenery of this world, green grass with rifts open far and wide ,small or big,mountains extending in the sky ,one even taller than earth's mountains that even human eyes can see the flat broad peaks, Stans mind became absent by the view, continuing walking without a sense of his surroundings, suddenly he feels his body fall,he almost fall to a pit screaming but a hand catches him and pulls him over, Jorogumo look at him with her eyebrows coming a bit together and says "the next time look infront of you" she continues onward and looks around him with some looking him and others like Kalevi passing him without notice,the Martian man comes to him saying "we better be together while we are in the open"
" Mason why do you say that?"
"Some of the Venus people told me they saw the birds watching on us for a while and then leaving,but also seeing a two meters or even taller figures looking at us in the distance"
"Maybe it's just our imagination"
"After what happened to Alina I think many of my imaginations can come true here"
Stan grit and open his hand sporadically, the Martian look at his hand and says "do you remember the party that we had two days before we went to Icarus?"
Stan showed a flitch of hapiness "yeah I remember,it was a great time,drinking,laughing, even the martians welcomed us" the conversation ended there and they both looked up, seeing a large forest with trees reaching unimaginable levels of height.
Jorogumo looked left and right, watchig the vast forest and then saying loud "we will enter inside the forest,for your safety you will all make a circle and the soldiers and the people who know how to Use guns will be outside of it protecting the others, everyone shows signs of disliking that decision but they agree and gather together to form a circle and the others acquire guns from the soldiers and enter inside. They walk with swift movements, the vehicles close to them passing with ease in the vast forest and with Jorogumo and the soldiers carefully holding the people to not leave the circle and simultaneously looking for any threat In the forest,with time and the suns setting sounds started to be heard in the forest,Jorogumo looks with her eyebrows tight and her gun lifted to her eyes, she says "waste as little ammunitions as possible "
the sounds start to be greater and clearer,a sound of the thick branches getting hit by something or shaking, the distance of sound shorten and everyone look up to the trees,soon the soldiers and Jorogumo start firing, nobody else notice the enemy but Stan notice a small frame figure with tall arms and no Lower body,water and huge branches start to fall crushing them, the people start running from all directions,the soldiers continue firing with Jorogumo running to gather them and lead them to leave,Stan and Mason
Run, seeing the end in the far distance,but before even making it halfway ,more branches fall,not killing them but dropping with a figure that is trying to kill them,the brown figure white eyes open wide like its mouth and reach its shoulders and a strench comes out of the small holes in the creatures mouth making them cough and slowly the smell became more intense, immense pain and burning sensations takes over their heads ,the limbs of their bodies start moving on their own,leaving them spectators in their own body.
They continue towards the creature that wait them with his body still,Stan and Mason almost reach it and the animal open its hands and it's mouth once more,but before doing anything bullets start hitting it's body and killing it, Kalevi comes with some men, and Stan and Mason moving away from the bodies and going to the right,walking some meters and falling down with spasms.
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