the sound of a high pitch scream wakes up Stan and the others, they get up and grab their guns, running out only to see tiny birds eating one another, they make a turn to get inside again only to hear Jorogumo saying to them "we have no time rest, speak with Eremis to tell you what you must do and quick " they sprint pass right next to her and Stan notice black circles beneath her eyes.
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they go to Eremis and she shouts to all the gathered soldiers "from today we will divide the people from each planet into parts of our camp, you must not let anyone leave and most importantly make contact with the people from a different planet and whatever happens try to stay calm and not use violence only if is necessary, now I will announce each barrack where they have to be and who they must protect " as Eremis says each barrack and planet Stan notice her eyes also having black circles, she then shout "Barrack number six you will have the west area from the hill to the barracks, go and gather the neptunians" they leave and with Egine, Sia ,Hierme and some from his barrack they go shouting for the neptunians to come.
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Gradually more and more come but still not everyone comes, Egine tells Stan "let's go look for the others" and Stan nod his head, As they look around and knocking the doors, Egine takes a deep breath and says " Stan we are sorry that yesterday we had to make you leave" Stan continue walking normally saying with a friendly tone "it's alright I understand, I am new and haven't proved my trust and I'm from a different planet as you" Egine opens her mouth but a door opens from one of the houses and two neptunians show themselves, Stan says "we are sorry coming this early to you but we need you to come with us" the neptunian swiftly close the door with force and Stan makes a step back, Egine laughs as loud as the shut of the door and Stan cover his ears "so funny isn't it?" "i have to admit seeing you try is funny, but lets go back to our duty, go behind the house to see if there is another way to leave or enter and i will stay here" Stan nods with head affirmative and goes from behind, seeing if its one lf the few houses with at least a window as Egine knocks the door and shouts, he finds one open window in the back of the house and shouts "Egine come here"Egine rush and before Stan starts talking she sees the window and makes a sign for Stan to scout the thick floura and trees behind the houses, they search all the way back and find them talking with Kalevi, Stan goes infront of them and the neptunias, they look at him with their eyebrows pulled together, Egine grabs her gun tight and Stan says " please come with us, you have nothing to fear" abruptly a scream is heard in the distance, the neptunians look them again and Kalevi says "we will come with you" Stan and Egine accompany them and they return back to the others, now with all the neptunias gathered and almost half of them try to resist and the soldiers oppressing them with violence to stop.
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Kalevi tries to help they people and a soldier hit him with the back of the gun, bringing Kalevi to his one knee, the soldier raise the gun to hit him again and Stan goes between them, grabbing the gun before it hits Kalevi and saying "this is enough, he is no longer a threat" the soldier takes the gun and Stan give his hand to Kalevi and he takes it, as he rise up he whispers to Stan "leave these people, youve seen what theyve done" Stan says nothing until Kalevi steps forward "meet me at night at the woods on the left" Kalevi walks away and the soldiers accompany him, Egine calls Stan to overwatch the people, hearing Sia talking to them "we have gathered you today to keep the tensions, a neptunian scream " liars, you are taking us away so you can deceive us and let the earthlings and martians live more comfortable and steal from us while we stay here and be treated as inferior" the neptunians try to resist again but they've been put down, Sia then gathers some soldiers, telling them "split up the people" Egine says "shouldn't we get permission from Eremis first?" "dont you remember?, Eremis got me complete independence when we have to take decisions like this" the soldiers proceed to split them, Sia gives orders to where they should go and who should guard them.
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Stan, Hierme and some other soldiers takes a group of ten neptunians close to three houses, finding them empty, a neptunian tries again to escape and Hierme hits her harder than previous times, making her head bleed, the soldiers help them and Stan look at her and place his palm in front of Hiermes face "why would you hit her so hard?" "she deserved it and we have to punish them to learn what they do is feckless" Stan notice Hiermes fingers moving up and down, curling and opening, he take his eyes from her and look at Kalevi.
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The day continues the same until the suns reach their highest point, two soldiers from another barrack run and speak with Hierme, Stan notice them and goes close, hearing "we have no time, come with me now and i will explain it on the way" Hierme turn and with the first sign he sees Stan he says "Stan follow me" Stan follows her and hear the coversation of the soldiers and Hierme "two neptunians have been seen close here, they murdered two martians and one earthling and on top of that they flee somewhere here with a martian hostage" Hierme says "this is paranoid" "and all of this because of the unfair treatmebt neptunians had from the previous genaration" hierme reply "but they continue this treatment until today" the other soldier says "not everyone, most of them dont even know what is happening on neptune" Stan wanted to ask them what happened but he kept his mouth closed, Hierme spot the footsteps of them and they follow them, everyone's stomach twist a little finding an eaten body along its eyeballs eaten, laying on the leafs with its arms on its chest and a calm face, Stan goes close, seeing the bites that tear a large chunk of the body, Stan starts to search the area and the others do the same, finding human skin, Hierme slowly close her eyes and says "lets go back, there is nothing else here for us" they go back and the soldiers leave for their duty, Hierme says to Stan "i will talk to Sia to find the bitches who did that" "do as you please" they walk back to the camp and Stan waves at her and goes to the woods, finding Kalevi waiting at him "was it so easy for you to come?" "the soldiers are not organized enough, they are many holes in their formation, now tell me why did you bring me here?" "I want you to tell the neptunians to obey us" Kalevi moves closer to Stan, a breath away "so you want me to come just for that? to obey you as we did on our planet? to let the maritans and earthlings do what they want?" "they are in the same situation as you, we only want your help to survive" "we have already help you, when the vehicles stopped and broke we fixed them, we fix almost all the broken things together with the venurians while the martians did the bare minimum like the earthligs" "and everyone is grateful for your contribution but right now we are divided, we cannot survive like that" "we can if they show us that the martians and earthligs will live like how we lived from our youngest days" "thats impossible, it will only manifest more hate and anger" Kalevi look to the right, sighting massively "you know nothing about what us, we even tried to give them a chance as a new generation, but they were the same" Kalevi steps away shouting "we have nothing else to say" Stan shouts "Kalevi look at me" Kalevi look at Stan holding a piece of neptunian skin "where did you find it?" "we found it close to a body, right now we try to find the killers, if you want the things to not escalate further tell them to come to us and tell the truth" Kalevi comes back "so now you try to blackmail me?" "hear me first, if Jorogumo finds them first we do not know what she will done to them, if you speak with them and give themselves to her maybe she will try to loose teir punishment
"you are much more kind than them"217Please respect copyright.PENANAAJNtimfsaZ
"you just need to find the right people"
"fine I will see what I can do" Kalevi leaves and Stan sees a small opening in the suit along with a wound, Kalevi notice Stan and walks faster.
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Stan goes to the barrack hearing the soldiers saying that tomorrow they will learn the identity of the killers, Stan falls to his bed and close his eyes.
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the next day he wakes up along with half of the soldiers, now Stan and the others having to tkae care of the neptunians, from afar close to the mountains they see fires rising, they try to ignore the smoke and flames and do their duty, the day goes almost the same with Stan and Kalevi changing gazes everytine they see each other, Jorogumo and Eremis come having the skin in a small glass, Jorogumo walks faster like the time is running out, they all gather and she says "we took a sample from all the neptunians, the only one who left is you" the neptunians look at each other murmuring "if the people caused for the death come here and face their crimes i give my word that they will serve a fair punishment" Jorogumo waits and Stan look at Kalevi, Kalevi doesnt gaze him and speak to the man beside him, they shake their head and arms in the air and after a brief conversation Kalevi goes out and says "i was the one who killed him" the neptunians try to convince him to lie and Jorogumo approach him and grabs his shoulder "what is your name?" "Kalevi" Kalevi you are brave for that, i will try to ease you punishment but i meed you to do one last thing" "what do you want from me?" "i want you to speak to the humans and martians about the death of their own and your motivations behind it" Kalevi raise his voice, hitting Jorogumos arm and moving his arms left and right "i have to apologise for nothing, they killed our people everyday but they never faced judgement" "they are not the same people" " tell me that when they stealed our food" the neptunians raise their voice and the soldiers their fists and guns "we searched the stocks, they are all as they should be" Kalevi screams in the top of his lungs "lies, they just use you as everyone here" Jorogumo grabs his shoulder and with a gentle voice she says "we have to discuss it further somewhere alone" Kalevi slaps her shoulder and says "i have nothing to discuss with someone who throw the lives of people at monsters" Joroumo ignores him and says "for the sake of everyone come" Kalevi resist and the neptunians try to hit Jorogumo, the soldiers back down and Jorogumo hits them at the chest, temporary stopping their breath, she takes Kalevi from the suit and says "Stan cone with me" Stan and Eremis follow her and they go inside the barracks.
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Jorogumo leaves Kalevi on the bed as he try to catch his breath, Jorogumo stays still looking from above "Kalevi I didn't want to take it this far but it is with good intentions" "good intentions and shit" "Kalevi the earthlings and martians want to pass judgment on the killers with death, if you come with your partner and tell the truth I will make it sure to ease your punishment and not let the earthlings and martians take your life" "how do you know I had a partner?" "we tested the skins if they matched" Kalevi look down and to Jorogumo again "fine" "good, now I want you to tell me, why did you kill him along with the others?" "others? we only killed one man throwing him in the animals" jorogumo place her hand on her face and rub her eyes "please continue" "we killed him because he beat almost to death one of our own" "would you do that again?" "yes" Jorogumo gives her hand and helps him get up "you can leave now, we will come in two hours and take you to them, but do not worry" Kalevi look with the edge of his eyes all of them and smash the door, Eremis says "lets go infront the soldiers before our time fleets" Jorogumo nod her head and as they leave she says "Stan i want to inform you that tommorow morning we will leave from here, i dont intend to frighten you or the others, however the fungi is expanding rapidly" she opens the door and before it close it says "inform the others when you go out" Stan inhales massively and lets it out , he sits on the edge of the bed and look around him, murmuring "when will all of these end?" he grit his arms but quickly opens them and goes outside saying what Jorogumo said to him word by word.
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The time pass and Jorogumo and Eremis come back, they take Kalevi along with an older neptunian with black hair, the neptunians try to resist but failed, Stan follows them and they arrive in an hill, the soldiers and martians and earthlings make a circle, surrounding Kalevi and his friend, voices start cursing him and desiring death, Jorogumo leaves them and they look around them, the circle opens and from it two soldier walk forward and one soldier holding a Jupitarian, they walk towards Kalevi and his friend with many hands trying to catch the jupitarian, the soldiers left him and go infront of the crowd still screaming for death, Jorogumo shoots at the air and everyone goes silent "we are not beasts, we will judge as humans" a martian says "they have to die for their crimes" "no" the crowd scream again and Stan does the same as he show with his hand the neptunians "killing more men will not solve anything, and on top of that it would not benefit you for them to die, possibly they will get eaten and give you time to run or use them as slaves, they are many possible things that benefit you if they dont die or at least if you let them leave until we return" the crowd silence and talk with themselves, Jorogumo shouts "if you agree to let these two live raise your hands" half and most of the crowd raise their hands and one shouts "we will let them live only if they accept our terms, first they will be always at the front and second they will work for us" Kalevi gets rady to talk but Stan hits him and says "they agree" the circle let them leave and Jorogumo says "Stan accompany Kalevi and his friend, i have to defend the jupitarian" Stan walk with the others, hearing from the circle "make him slave" Kalevi grabs Stans arm tight and says "you better kill me" Stan slaps him and says nothing, they reach back to the camp, the soldiers and the neptunians sitting silent, as they see Kalevi and his friend they run and surround him, one woman hugging him, Kalevi told them what happened and left speechless, the soldiers get informed and take Kalevi to work at the martian camp.
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Time passes and he soldiers rest as some of them watch over the neptunians, Stan sits beside Egine and Hierme, he looks at them Hierme sitting silent and Egine talking with her boyfriend, suddenly a scream is heard and a soldiers is dropdsdead, the neptunians gather every sharp thing they can find and kill everyone on their path, the soldiers shoot at the air or scream but they dont stop, Stan goes infront and says "they cannot come here, let them be slaves for a now and when we will leave this planet you will see them again" the crowd doesnt stop and they continue running at them ,one almost grabs Egine before Stans shoot him ,the soldiers raise their guns and pull the trigger, killing the rest along with Stan, as the last falls they all drop their guns, their arms start shaking and then their hole body, other soldiers come from the other camps and look at the bodies with horror, more gunshots are heard and Egine gets up, going close to the bodies and starting digging a hole with her hands, the soldiers bring shovels from the 3d drones and start digging.
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Jorogumo comes to them and watch the soldiers placing the bodies on the graves, she walks beside the graves and says "they tried to kill you didnt they?" Egine nods her head as she drops dirt on the grave, having her eyes lock on the man she killed, Jorogumo says "I couldn't imagine they would go this far" she leave and in the middle of the night she comes back with Kalevi and his friend, their eyes fill with tears and they run to the graves, the soldiers leave them and Stan asks Jorogumo "how did you convince them to let them come?" " i tried to but in the end i took them with force, almost killing one of our own" " that created even more tension among all of us" "yes but in a situation like this we have to let them mourn, in the end their paranoia became reality" Jorogumo leaves and Stan with his eyes half close goes beside Kalevi and sits, he watch Kalevis tears dropping on the dead and he says "before i left for the camp i argue with one of my friends, vera was her name, she tried to convince me that i should hide, but there was nowhere to hide, she shout to me that i am a slave, obeying here and on our planet with no dignity, and she was right" he place his head on the soil "i am a coward, if i didnt convince us to come here they wouldn't be dead, if i killed the man with my hands they wouldn't be dead, if i killed myself before becoming a slave they wouldn't be dead" Stan murmurs "it is not your fault, they were filled with hate, this was about to happen, you were just the final spark" he takes his eyes slowly and goes in the barrack, letting the suit clean himself and it and then dropping to the bed, shedding tears as he falls asleep.
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